Ann: The Married Years Ch. 46


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The importance of the numbering was significant since there were eight couples, and one of them was hosting for the night. The cards started with two for a reason, and that was because the hostess would always be the first woman reaching into the basket of keys.

The men would remain silent, keeping the suspense. The women would be waiting to be told what number in line they were. The lower the number, the more possibilities of who their sexual partner would be for the night; but it was always the hostess that had the most available to her. It was her reward for being part of the hosting couple.

The hostess would reach into the basket her husband was holding and pull out a set of keys. Whoever was the owner of the car those keys belonged to would be the man she would be going home with that night... to his house.

At that point, the host would ask which man was holding number two, and that man would present the card to his wife standing next to him, motioning for her to make her key selection. It was a rather involved process; one Betsy likened to some kind of ritual, as if the men were blessing their wife to select the key. But it added to the thrill she got, feeling like she was a possession to be traded away for the night to be used and returned later, like hedge clippers or a power tool.

The husband that held the final number... eight, would be offering his wife to the host, as there would be no key left for her to select. If there were any disappointment in not being left a choice, it was stemmed by two benefits in the rules they'd devised. One, she and her husband would get to host the next party, and she would have the most options available to her as far as sexual partners the next month. And two, being last meant she would be able to start with the host as soon as all the couples left, like her husband would the next month at their home.

There were a couple of other major rules that applied. One was that a woman couldn't select the same man two months in a row. That was put in to keep anyone from becoming too familiar. They wanted to have fun, but they didn't want to run the risk of an affair. Becoming too familiar with an outside partner could lead to issues, especially since these were going to be intimate encounters versus an orgy. Another rule was about the orgies themselves. Betsy, Diane and Gina insisted that they had no issues compromising, but it needed to be a true compromise. So in the interest in being fair to everyone involved and the things that they might find personally exciting, the group agreed that twice a year they'd have an orgy. Once in the summer and once in the winter, choosing July and January as the months they would happen.

Ann was curious, and actually a little turned on by the story, which surprised her. The orgies had been talked about. She was more interested in the key party premise. No, she'd never consider doing something like that. The story wasn't one that had her re-thinking her commitment to Neil. Their 'no-fucking other men' rule was firmly established, and she saw no reason to change it just because it was something his mother and father had done. Still, she wanted more details.

"So the women went to the men's house?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. I just figured it would be the other way around. I would think the women would be more comfortable doing something like that in their own home."

"You're absolutely right. And that was the reason I lobbied so heavily against it. Most of the women wanted it that way. But I didn't."

"Why not?"

"Well, there were several reasons. For one, it wasn't supposed to be about comfort. The whole reason for doing it was the sex. My gut told me that the more comfortable the situation was for the women, the more tempting it would be to stray when it wasn't part of what we were doing. I likened it to a home court advantage. I know if I were doing it at my house, I'd be able to make use of the things I had there at my disposal."


"Toys, lingerie, daring outfits, food, the house itself... you name it. Let's be honest, the men were interested in one thing. New pussy."

Ann laughed out loud, and had to catch herself, worried she might have woken Owen. "God, Mom... you are so hilarious."

"I'm only saying what you would have said. And it's the truth. Their focus was always on just fucking someone different. It needed to be the same for the woman. My argument was if a woman could make the atmosphere more suited to her liking, emotions start to get involved. And let's face facts. Men want sex. Five minutes after, they want food, or television, or a nap. But women, generally speaking, want a connection. They want that intimacy. With most of them pushing for a more private setting, that was a concern I had. We needed to keep it as much about the sex as possible."

"Were you concerned about Dad straying?"

"No. I've never worried about Darren. I was concerned one of my friends might get stupid and try to chase him and ruin her marriage. It's one thing to say you can swing, but it's another one all together to do it when the time comes."

"Okay, that part makes a lot of sense. What were the other reasons?"

"Well, another would be when the actual sex would start. As you could probably tell by what you saw earlier tonight, I love giving blowjobs. If I have to drive the car home, I can't do that until we get there. I wanted to be able to start as soon as we left the bridge game, just like if I was the last one picked and I got to stay with the man hosting."

"Well I like that rule."

"But not every woman did, because some of them didn't like sucking cock. Although almost all of them learned to love it after we were doing the key party thing for a while."

"It's hard to believe they didn't like it. Hell, sucking cock in the car is hot!"

"That's my girl," she winked.

"So what else... anything?"

"There were a couple more reasons. One of the biggest was secrecy. It was a much more chauvinistic world back then, Anna. Men always drove... women always sat next to them. To be honest, it's still that way most of the time for us. Darren still does most of the driving when we're together."

"Well yeah... he's probably thinking he's going to get a blowjob," Ann shrugged.

"Ha. True. But back then, it was always the case for the couples we knew. And, most of the houses in that area didn't have garages at the time. We didn't. We had a carport. So, if the man were to drive to the woman's house, there would be a strange car in the driveway. That wasn't something you could get away with, even back then, no matter how little gossip there was in that town."

"I'm not sure I would have thought of that."

"Yeah. They didn't either. I was the one that pointed it out."

"Seems like you put more thought into it than anyone else."

"That's because I'm a slut, and I really wanted it to work. That's why the last reason was also along the lines of keeping things from getting too serious. All it would take was one affair to shut the whole thing down, and I wanted to do everything I could to guard against that. So, I wanted to limit the playground, so to speak."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, the rule we established was that you could NOT fuck in the bed of the real couple. I was adamant about that. It made it seem more like an affair than just a night of hot, meaningless sex."

"Well seriously, how could you really stop it, though?"

"Because most men I know... at least of my generation, couldn't make a bed right if their life depended on it, Darren included. He learned in the army, but he certainly can't do it the way I do; same for the other wives. So, the women were to make sure their bed was perfect when they left their house. If it was disturbed... well, you'd know."

"Holy shit! You thought of everything, Mom."

"I tried. To be honest, I would never enter their bedroom. I felt that was off limits, and I tried to push for that. I know Darren wouldn't let any of the women into ours. And to me that was the fun of it. I'd almost always ask whoever I was with where in the house they hadn't fucked yet. You'd be surprised how creative it got."

"Oh, I can't wait for this... where were some of the strangest places you did it?"

"Well first, from what I could tell, most of the woman would only do it in a bed with their husbands, for that intimacy thing, so they'd use a guest room or one of their kid's beds, but I hated that idea. I wasn't going to do it in one of their kid's rooms... and certainly not in their beds. Because of that I shied away from ALL bedrooms. It may have been more comfortable to be on a mattress, but I was in it for the turn-on."

"Okay... so where then?"

"Well as you can imagine, because of that I usually had tons of options. Face it, when women have kids, most of them feel like they are pretty much confined to the bedroom when it comes to sex. Hell, most of them feel that way without kids. For them, having sex in a different bed in a different house with a different man seemed adventurous enough."

"I'm taking it that you weren't one of them."

"Neither were Diane or Gina. For me, I wanted it to feel wild and crazy. I liked the idea of fucking whoever I was with like it was the last time I'd get to do it. I wanted to make it memorable, for me and the guy I was with."

"Well aren't you a slut," she laughed.

"Like my daughter-in-law... fucking her fiancé in a parking garage," she teased.

"We weren't engaged yet. He proposed to me later that night."

"Well no wonder."

"Okay, so you know one of mine. Tell me some of the slutty places you had sex with these guys. I'm always looking for ideas for Neil."

"Well, let's see," she laughed, reacting to Ann's enthusiasm for the subject. "Some of them were a little cliché, but fun. Like Lonnie Montgomery. He was always trying to get his wife Amanda to have sex on his pool table. I was more than game for that."

"I've done that before," Ann laughed. "It's a little overrated, to be honest."

"True. I'd done it on ours before. The table is hard, and frankly the felt surface leaves rug burns. Not that I cared... I always seemed to go home with a lot of marks on me. But for me, that was part of the fun. Another one that was cliché was at Brett Walker's house. He could never get Tracy to fuck him in the kitchen. That turned out a little kinky though."

"How so?"

"He asked me to put on one of her dresses. It was a navy blue one that buttoned all the way down the front and it came to just above mid-thigh. He didn't let me wear anything underneath it, and he ended up making me wear it the entire night. He unbuttoned it, but I was lying on it every time he fucked me."

"Okay, I guess that's a little odd. But I wouldn't call it kinky."

"It is when you realize he had me take it to her the next morning. She had to wear it to church."

"Whoa... didn't see that twist coming. Where did you meet when it was over?"

"Oh, I'll get to that in a minute. Let me think of some more places. I'm pretty sure I had sex on every dinner table in every house at one point or another. For some reason it must have been every guy's fantasy to eat there later and think about what we did."

"Kind of like you and Dad earlier today."

"You caught that did you," she smirked. "I loved the look on his face when we were eating tonight. But I'm guessing the men of the Breakfast Club didn't tell their wives we did that either. Kind of an inside secret... like when I was with Keith one time, we fucked in Diane's quilting room in the basement, on a quilt she just finished making for her mother for Christmas."

"Alright, now THAT is kinky."

"A little," she laughed. "Uh... let me think. Mike and Colleen White had kids about Neil's age. Mike had built his son a tree fort in woods just off his back yard. That was a lot of fun. Liz Hartmann had just installed a hanging swing on their carport, just like one that we had. I asked Greg to do me there. I'd done it at our house, so I knew it would be a great time. He was a bit shocked, but with the car blocking us and the way their house faced with their trees, we were out of view of any of their neighbors, so we might as well have been in the house."

"Did you ever do it outside where you could be seen?"

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't fuck out in the open, but Rob and Sheri Dasher lived on a big lake outside of town. After we'd spent some time together in the house, I asked him to take me for a ride in their boat. I walked naked out to their pier, got in the boat, and let him take me out on the lake. That was incredible. Plus, he had a huge cock, so it was extra fun," she giggled.

"Wasn't it dangerous boating at night?"

"There was a full moon. I took a bigger chance walking out like that, but frankly I didn't care at the time. Really didn't regret it afterward either. Nothing ever came of it."

"You mean no one saw you."

"I have no idea. Someone certainly could have, but no one ever said anything to the Dashers' about it. The hardest place to be original was at the Carns. Everywhere else I went, like I said, there were plenty of places we could have fun that were new to the guy because they were generally only having sex in their bedroom. But the orgy transformed Gina. The night she spoke up, her life changed, and so did John's."

"Hey, yeah, real quick... which one of the guys did she sleep with that night she made the scene and threw the cards?"

"Oh, she fucked several of them. I thought I said it, but that turned into our second orgy. Keith was the first one to go to her in the bedroom. Since it was at their house he jumped up and announced that as the host, it was his responsibility to make sure his guests were happy."

"Oh my god! That's funny."

"It was funnier when Diane said as the hostess, she would take care of John so he could get his jollies."

Ann snickered. "Because that's what Gina said, right?"

"Uh huh. Anyway, after that night, I guess Gina and John had a heart to heart on the way home, and he realized he had a closet nympho on his hands. When I finally drew his key, there weren't many places in their house they hadn't had sex. At least that he could think of. Of course, they didn't have kids; which was odd, since she was apparently an incredible teacher."

"So where did you choose to be with John?"

"Well by that time my reputation was pretty well established within the group. Gina and I were by far the most active in the orgies, along with Diane. It wasn't hard to see we were pretty much up for anything. And word got around that I liked to keep away from the bedrooms. So truthfully, he chose."


"He had been working on installing some planking in their attic to create storage space. We got undressed, and the next thing I knew he was pulling down the ladder from the ceiling access in their hallway. Turns out he'd put an old mattress up there to use as a cushion so he could kneel to install the planking. I've never been so hot in my life. I was sweating buckets... I bet I lost five pounds that night. But I loved it. I loved all of it. I've always loved that kind of thing. You know... dirty and nasty. It made me feel special to be the woman that would do what the other wives wouldn't. Those key party nights were such a rush for us."

"Sounds like it. How did they end... the key parties I mean? You said you'd get back to that."

"Oh yeah. We can't forget that. As you know, we started calling ourselves the Breakfast Club, which was funny when the movie came out. I really thought it would be porn flick... boy was I mistaken," she chuckled. "Anyway, like I said, the parties were always on Saturday nights. Sunday morning, we'd have to leave the house to arrive at the meeting place at a designated time. Having the guys drive us home wasn't an option for obvious reasons and having everybody show back up at the host home in the daylight seemed worse."

"That makes sense."

"At first, we thought about meeting in a park in town, but we realized it was going to be a little awkward because we would have had to stay in the cars until everyone arrived if the weather was bad. We thought that would look too suspicious. I came up with the idea of meeting at a local hotel."

"What? How is that any less suspicious?"

"You have to consider how I was thinking at the time. I really wanted this to work. And it dawned on me that no one really looks at cars at a hotel. You'd expect the lot to be full of cars in the morning. And the hotel I suggested had a great restaurant that served a big breakfast and brunch buffet every Sunday. They started it at eight in the morning as just breakfast, and then it would switch over to brunch at eleven.

"We agreed that everyone had to be at the restaurant at 8:30. There was a side entrance to the hotel off a back street. There was a big hill, so it was hidden from view, and there were no room windows that face it. The men would drive into the parking lot there, and drop off the women."

"So no one saw you being dropped off."

"Right. It was perfect. It was one of those hotels where you enter the rooms from outside, and we were let out on the end. The guys would drive away, and we would walk through an alcove between the two hotel buildings. We'd take a sidewalk past a bunch of rooms, past the pool, and into the back entrance of the restaurant, which wasn't unusual. Anyone that stayed there would enter through those doors. Sometimes locals would, if the lot were full at the restaurant, like it always was on Sunday mornings. Anyway, just inside that entrance were the restrooms, so we'd go in the ladies' room, which had an outside room that was like a lounge away from the stalls; it even had a couple of couches. We'd wait in there for all the women to arrive. The men would wait out front until they all showed up. Then we'd all head into the restaurant at the same time. The key was that everyone had to be done with eating by 10:00 so we'd all leave at the same time.

"Then what did you do?"

"Once everyone was done eating, we'd leave with our husbands and go about our day. Most of the time Darren and I would head to church, and then we'd go out to the farm to get Neil."

"So you wore the same outfit to the party and then go to church the next day?"

"Not always. I sometimes had a change of clothes with me, depending on how slutty I dressed the night before. But sluts go to church too, Anna. Besides, if you're going to willingly sin, you need to atone for it. Sometimes the sooner the better," she shrugged.

"I'm not judging you, Mom. I know you know that I'm no saint either. I think it's great you and Dad were able to be adventurous like that. Being religious shouldn't mean you can't misbehave a bit. Besides, you were doing it together. I've never understood those who think we're going to burn in hell because of sex. That just doesn't make any sense to me."

"We're not dear. Look, I don't think right now is the time to talk about my beliefs. You've known us long enough to know who we are and what we think in that regard. And we know Jean and Marlin raised you right. All I'm going to say is that part of a happy life is to know we're not perfect, and accepting it. And any religion that makes you feel guilty and tell you you're going to hell because you made a choice that some might deem questionable isn't one I would want to be a part of. The key question for me has always been, if my husband is okay with what we're doing and it doesn't hurt anyone, why should it be a problem to anyone else, including a supreme being?"

"Well, there's something else we agree on," she smiled. "But I still don't understand the ending of the parties. How would meeting at the restaurant be inconspicuous just because the women are coming in one way and the men are coming in from another? That seems bizarre."