Ann: The Married Years Ch. 46


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"Uh... yes. Several of them. Then again that was one of the things that made me the center of attention. There wasn't much I wouldn't do back then."

"Or now, I take it. But hey, I'm the pretty much the same way. Since we're sharing, it's my turn to talk about me. Just like you, please know I won't be discussing any of this with Neil. I trust...."

Betsy nodded. "You have my word, sweetie, this is between a mother and a daughter."

Ann smiled that Betsy dropped the reference of the only being related by her marriage. In that moment she actually felt like a true daughter to her. "Good. From all you've said, I know that we're very similar. I'd say the biggest difference between you and me is that I don't fuck other men. That's a line I won't cross."

"And why is that?"

"Because unlike your husband, mine had his heart broken by a different kind of slut... and the slut he's married to now won't put him through that again... or his parents."

"Anna, that means the world to me," she sighed. Then she got a puzzled expression on her face. "But didn't you just say he's with another woman right now."

"I'm okay with him fucking other women. It actually turns me on. Even right now, knowing they're together, it really... well, you know. I trust him... and I trust the select women I allow him to be with. I just can't go that far myself. But like I also said, I sucked Garrett today so it's not like I don't have fun with other men at all. I just limit it. We both do."

"So just how does your relationship work, then? What are the rules?"

"How much time do you have?" she laughed.

Betsy looked at her watch, which made Ann laugh, because she knew she was a night owl. "Well, it's only ten. I'm sure Darren is asleep, at least until I wake him up for another hair frosting appointment. So, I have plenty of time. You're the one with the little one."

"He's so exhausted he'll sleep in again in the morning."

"Well then, it looks like we both have time. So, how does it work?"

"Okay, with me, it's not really so much about rules. My not fucking other men is the big one, and we both know it. Our thing is more about these different personalities I take on. So, who do you want to hear about first? My life as Anna? Or as Anna Renee? Or I could tell you about me being a Super Bowl slut... that's pretty close to your key parties in a lot of ways."

"Whatever you'd like to share, Anna... I don't want to pressure you."

"It's not pressure, Mom. I feel just like you did. I'm having a great time and I love sharing with you. But now it's my turn."

"Why don't you start with whichever one is closest to your heart right now?"

"If that's the case, I hope you're really as open-minded as you say you are," she giggled.

"Of course I am, sweetie. Why would you say that?"

"Because, I'm about to tell you about me when I'm Annabelle."


Ann's legs were held stiff, her thighs spread wide. Her toes were perfectly pointing towards the corners of the queen-sized bed. She was lying in the middle of it, her arms stretched above her head in a similar fashion; a full spread eagle.

Her ass was pulsing from being stretched wide by her largest butt plug. She had two vibrators going. Her small egg shaped one was buried deep inside her cunt. To keep it from accidentally coming out she'd pressed the large bulbous head of her powerful wand up against her labia and clit, tying it in place against her left thigh with the sash of her silky kimono robe.

Her nipples were aching, the result of a clip type pants hanger she'd found in the closet, the sliding adjustable rubber grips moved to the far outside of the bar, which made them align perfectly to her now swollen buds. The crudeness of the device attached to her breasts added to the illusion she was trying to create, pretending that Neil was in control of her body. Much like she had in the chair of Tina's shop, Ann was imagining herself to be tied up. Her hands were gripping the fitted sheet she was lying on as she fought the urge to move.

She could hear them across the hall, over the buzzing of the vibrators; the privacy of their bedroom unable to contain the sounds of passion they were emitting. It was more than passion, really. It was an assault of sorts, the two going at each other like animals. And that had Ann close to exploding.

She'd already been so worked up from the stories she and Betsy had been sharing; first of Betsy and the bold sexual life she and Darren had forged together over the years; then of her relationship with Neil, and how it had developed and changed during their relatively short marriage. Although it didn't seem that short when she recounted the various erotic personalities and some of the highlights each of them had been a part of.

She'd started by telling her all about Annabelle for two reasons. One, it was indeed that particular personality that had been on her heart when they'd started the impromptu confessional to each other. Neil had likely done something along those lines to Heather before going to work, not to mention how she'd pretended to be Annabelle while getting her hair cut. It was there on her mind. The other reason was because it was the most difficult of her personas to comprehend for most outsiders, which had Ann looking to get it out of the way.

She wasn't two minutes into describing who exactly Annabelle was that Betsy began nodding approvingly, a wicked smile on her face. It was the response of a woman who had been placed in those exact kinds of positions herself. Ann could still hear Betsy's soft moan when she gave a quick recount of that first appearance of Annabelle in Colorado.

Ann was totally forthcoming. She didn't share every single time or detail, but she certainly didn't hedge. She shared a lot of the highlights.

"You have a dungeon? An actual dungeon!" Betsy said at one point.

"What can I say? My Master loves me."

From there she detailed the differences that separated Anna Renee from her more submissive alter ego. And then she balanced those two by describing Anna, and how she seemed to constantly stir the sexual pot of the Thomas home in West Virginia. She gave a quick yet vivid retelling of her lesbian day, as well as her day portraying Cleopatra, and how challenging that was to keep so many of her friends entertained.

She spent the most time, however, explaining to her mother-in-law the evolution of the Super Bowl parties, and how she came to be one of the original sluts. It was the most similar experience she had to compare to Betsy's orgies, which had been the biggest part of what she had shared. For her part Betsy listened intently, hanging on every word.

By the time Ann got to the most recent party, and how she'd been the center of attention of all the men at the end, Betsy was nervously fidgeting on the couch, her legs crossed tightly underneath the beach towel that was covering her body.

"That is so...."

"Yeah, it was pretty hot. And then your damn son went and took it a step further."

"Further? What else could he make you do?"

"Remember the young guy I told you I flashed in my dress when we stopped for gas?"


"Well Neil thought I shouldn't have just left him like I did... which was hard, obviously. So I had to go back there on the way home and take care of him, just like I was at the end of the party."

"You mean naked?"

"And covered in cum like your hair, only there were a lot more guys and they didn't just cum on my hair. They shot all over me. I had cum dripping off me at the end of the night, Mom. Neil made me walk into the convenient mart like that and suck that guy off."

Betsy's reaction surprised her, standing quickly and dropping the towel. "Well, I've heard enough," she said, her voice raspy and breathless as she walked naked past her.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I'm not upset, sweetie. I'm fucking horny again. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"What the hell?" Ann wondered, a bewildered look on her face.

Betsy returned a couple of minutes later, still naked. Her hard body impressed Ann, and she couldn't help but compare. In a lot of ways, it wasn't difficult to imagine the two of them being blood related instead of in-laws. She was one sexy woman, and she was full of surprises.

Ann noticed the lighter flame up in the darkness of the hallway, followed by the distinct orange glow. Betsy was taking a deep breath, then held it as she sexily strolled by toward her spot on the couch. Crossing her legs underneath her, she exposed her flowering pussy. It was a bold, confident move, but it actually wasn't sexual. It was natural, just like Ann processed she wanted to be able to be around her son. It seemed right.

Betsy exhaled, then took another long hit off the fat joint she was holding. She offered it to Ann, who promptly stood. She thought she'd offended her, thinking she was about to leave, but Ann noticed her expression, offering a smile and a wink.

Reaching behind her back, she untied her bikini top, removing it casually. Then she moved her hands, palms up as she mimicked a scale.

"Everything in my life is about balance, Mom. About things bring equal. Especially with regard to my friends and family, and even more so in areas that tinge on sex. Funny story... when I first got with Neil, I had this thing about being even when it came to orgasms. It all had to do with the selfish men I'd fucked in California."

She reached out, taking the joint from Betsy, sucking it into her lungs like she'd been doing it for years. Exhaling, she continued, "I'd never had a multiple orgasm until your son came along. He teased me about how I'd count them. I scoffed at that, thinking it was absurd."

Taking a second long hit, she handed the blunt back to Betsy, who took another drag herself.

"And?" Betsy smiled.

"I kid you not... I could suck Neil off three times a day for the next year, and we still wouldn't be even. I almost always cum twice with him, and most of the time it's three."

Ann peeled down her bottoms, and went to sit on the couch just like Betsy. But not before her mother-in-law got a good long look at Ann's pubic mound.

"That explains it!" Betsy giggled, the effects of the marijuana starting to take effect.

"What?" Ann wondered, her nose crinkling as she reached for the joint again. Her legs were crossed like Betsy's, exposing her bare pussy underneath her newly coiffed cunt.

It was an inspiration of Tina's, saying a new style up top required an equally daring change below. She even cited Ann's overwhelming need for balance as one of the reasons. It was still in the process of growing in. After all, she had sported a landing strip for over a decade, other than those rare times she was forced to shave it off as Annabelle.

Tina had created what looked like the tip of a flame; it was wide and curved at the bottom toward her slit, before meeting at a point up halfway to her navel. It was much bigger than anything she's kept since she began trimming her mound, but it seemed right.

Instead of blonde, it was actually a bronze/copper color, making it stand out. The center, which had been the landing strip, was much thicker. The outsides had just started growing in, but they were easily visible, and it was fucking sexy.

"When Darren was fucking me in the pool outside, he kept murmuring about a hot pussy. He must have seen the outline of your bush when you got out of the pool."

"You sure he wasn't talking about yours," she asked, staring blatantly at Betsy's closely cropped pubic hair.

"He was fucking me, Anna, but he was drooling over you. Again, I don't mind. I'm drooling over you too."

"Because you're bisexual," she teased.

"Like daughter, like mother," she quipped back. "Looks like I need to set up another appointment with Tina for a different styling."

"I think you'd look even sexier with yours styled in the shape of a heart, with some deep red coloring. I bet dad would love it."

"You know, there's a porn star Darren likes that had a heart over her pussy in one of her movies. What is her name? Chambers?"


"Yeah. It wasn't very big, and it wasn't colored, but it was striking. You know, in another one, she actually had a...."

Betsy's eyes darted to Ann's pussy, her mouth dropping open. "Holy fuck!"

"What?" Ann wondered, looking down between her legs self-consciously.

"She had one of those!"

"Oh... a labia piercing?" she giggled, taking yet another hit on the joint. "You know, Tina is doing these at her store now too."

Betsy motioned for it back, grabbing it and pulling in a huge lungful. Handing it back to Ann, she stood up hurriedly.

"Where are you going?" Ann asked

"To wake up Darren. We'll talk about the ring in your pussy tomorrow, sweetie. I'll try to control myself for Owen's sake, but after all this I'm not making any promises."

"He's out, mom. He's been overstimulated for days from all the attention. He's not waking up."

"Good, because it is about to get loud. And I expect you to join us."

"Ex... cuse me!?" Ann stammered.

"Not in the same room, sweetie. But I'll be disappointed in you if you're not getting yourself off while we are. I want to know what you think when you cum while you're high. Sleep tight, eventually," she giggled as she scampered down the hallway.

"She's right... like either one of us are going to be able to sleep after all of that we just talked about," Ann chuckled to herself.

It was going to be hard to calm down after being in a state of arousal for almost four hours while they talked. But Betsy had a quicker way to get relief. Truthfully, Ann could have chosen an easier way out too, but she knew better than to do that. The way she was feeling reminded her that above all else, she needed to be patient. That was the point of being Annabelle; the lesson so ingrained now it was second nature. If she could be patient, the reward would be that much sweeter.

It was amazing how she'd quickly snapped back into a submissive mindset the second she was behind closed doors. She found her toys, as if she'd been subconsciously pulling them out all while having her incredible chat with Betsy. She put on one of the two collars she'd brought with her on the trip, cursing the oversight that she'd thought to bring more than one of those, but not a set of nipple clamps. That she saw the hanger in the closet was a stroke of genius, and it made her giddy. It was something Neil would have come up, ever the resourceful Master. She needed to remember to tell him about it, because in her mind it was him that attached it to her breasts, the spiking pain in her nipples running straight to her clit, making it pulse with excitement.

She lay silently in her room, unblinking as she stared at the ceiling, listening intently. Actually, it was Neil's old room, across the hall from Betsy and Darren's. Somehow she felt closer to him thinking of how he'd pleasured himself so many times over the years in that very room, sometimes even with her in mind. Soon she heard the first wail calling into the night, Betsy overcome by a powerful orgasm. Then she heard the bedsprings squeaking loudly, along with the unmistakable thumping of a headboard against a wall, Darren's pace picking up in the midst of Betsy's climax, making her shriek louder.

None of that seemed odd to Ann, her own arousal quickly coming to a peak. After all, they'd spent the entire evening practically teasing each other with verbal, and toward the end visual foreplay. It somehow seemed right that two women that were so similar were going to find the happy ending their night deserved.

Straining to hold still, the imaginary ropes keeping her in place, the buzzing against her clit finally became too much. In a flash, Ann ignited her own orgasm, yanking the hanger from her nipples, and then quickly putting her hand back in place above her head. She started cumming, causing her to scream out in agony, followed quickly by several guttural cries of pleasure.

She was loud, her voice reverberating through the room, if not the house. She wasn't worried about waking her son in the room next to hers, knowing he'd been so active during their vacation that he wouldn't wake up until mid-morning like he had been the previous few days. Plus, he was a sound sleeper, rarely rousing once he fell asleep. As for Darren and Betsy... there was a certain thrill in announcing that she too was having a good time.

"Fuck... I needed that," she sighed in a slow exhale, feeling as if she'd been holding her breath for an hour. The buzz in her head from the pot made the climax much more powerful, and it seemed to linger afterwards.

Her left hand loosened its grip on the sheet; and her toes relaxed, the tension in her legs easing. Her heartbeat had finally slowed to the point she could hear again, the pounding in her chest now more of a light thumping.

Finally coming to her senses, she reached down to turn off the big vibrator, feeling the sheet underneath her clinging to her damp skin. She'd perspired heavily, the burden of forcing her mind to keep her body rigid more work than she realized. Darren and Betsy were still thumping away, the steady cadence of his pounding seeming like a second hand ticking on a nearby clock. She could hear Betsy's faint whimpers, begging him to go harder and deeper. "She's such a slut," Ann smiled.

Sitting up, she started to remove the wand vibrator from her thigh, untying the sash holding it there. She left the small egg buzzing inside her pussy, feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm pulse through her lower body, enjoying the little tremors as the came unexpectedly.

Finally pulling it out, she rolled onto her side, to a dryer spot on the sheet closer to the wall; closer to the sounds of the heated fucking serenading her. She stared straight ahead, her eyes catching three framed pictures taken the magical week that fate brought her and Neil together again. In fact, they were taken the night Ann met his parents, at the infamous picnic where she was also introduced to Paula and Carrie, and their respective husbands.

One was of her and Darren in the garage, the two of them casually chatting while they shared a beer while he grilled, never bothering to take the Weber to the patio that night. Another was of her and Neil, the two of them embracing in front of the fireplace, the unmistakable look of love in their eyes. The third was of her and Betsy, the two of them bonding in the kitchen. That last photo called out to Ann. It was incredible how much they looked alike in that photo... more like real mother and daughter. They both seemed free and at ease, and sexy.

Ann smiled, hearing Betsy scream out again, another orgasm hitting her hard, just like the bed frame pounding against the wall. She quickly glanced back at the picture of Darren, knowing what he was doing at that moment. Then she looked again at the photo of her and Neil, the image bringing such happiness to her at that moment. She sighed as she removed the hanger from her breasts. The pain that shot through her body made her clit tingle between her closed thighs. Rubbing them, she shuddered from the experience.

"That was incredible, Master," she said as she closed her eyes to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Perhaps the best chapter of the series, so far.

Desquared2290Desquared2290over 2 years ago

Well that was an interesting and entertaining bit of sharing between Ann and Betsy. I wonder what that's going to inspire Ann to do when she comes back from vacation and is with Neil again. Thanks for keeping this story going for the last twelve and a half years. I always look forward to the next chapters and the sexy adventures Neil and Ann get into

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