Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Pt. 05


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He ignores my taunting, still watching me with his 'you wound me deeply' look and damn him, refusing to snap. Ican'tlet him pretend that he's the better person. He's a fuckingdemon! Furious tears well up in my eyes. If ademoncan best me in the morals department, then what thefuckdoes that say aboutme?

"Say something! Say something, you fucking coward!" I scream and shove him as hard as I can. He isn't fazed in the slightest, it's as if I'm hitting a brick wall; my arms ache in defeat against his unshakable frame. Asmodeus's silence is crushing and it tortures me, turning my intention to do good into something hideous. This is breaking me, making me doubt myself and my own actions.

"I'll try again," I whisper the lie, in a last-ditch attempt to bring his majesty down to my level.

A spark finally ignites in his eyes.

"That's right you son-of-a-bitch,I'vegot the power; it'smybody-"

I stop abruptly, when he grabs my arm firmly and shakes me.

"You will do no such thing," the words are ground out into a feral snarl and his eyes blaze with a passionate wrath.

Ah... Finally, the King falls.

I smile as he drags me across the room, to the exit and I'm sure, a punishment which will prove that he is just as cruel as I am.

* * * * *

Tied down, arms stretched above my head, aching in their relentless restraint. I'm in a large cave, the walls made of black volcanic rock. Rivulets of lava seep down through numerous cracks, cooling and hardening, adding to the texture of the cave.

The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My tongue is a desert, every swallow painful. The air is acrid, stinking of sulphur and smoke. Every breath is torture in my lungs, making them burn with an evil intensity. The platform I'm lying on is made of the same rock as the walls, hard and lumpy, digging into my back.

Rusted iron shackles encircle my wrists and ankles, pinned into the rock with nails as thick as my forearm. This time, I don't panic as I take in my surroundings. I don't bother trying to break free; I know I just got lucky the first time. I know I haven't been brought here to be sacrificed by some ancient deluded tribe or lazy serial killer. I would laugh, if my throat wasn't so raw.

When I look upon my captor, I don't cringe or hide. I smile too widely up at his stony face, feeling my lip split again and relishing his displeasure. If this is how he wants to play then bring it on.

"Aw, how romantic baby, you wanna recreate our first date?" My voice drips amused sarcasm. "You know they say that after couple has been together long enough, romance just flies out the window. But just look at us! We sure proved them wro-"

"Silence! I have had enough of your impudence woman! Do not test me; my patience concerning you is beginning to wear thin." His voice rumbles like thunder.

He lifts a clawed hand toward me and the tablet I'm pinned to builds up further. As it grows, the top tilts forward while the sinks further into the ground. Eventually, the stone table becomes a free-standing wall. My arms are still stretched above my head, placing even more strain on them as gravity drags them toward the ground but at least now I'm able to stand up on my own.

"Alright, so now that you have me tied up again, what do you intend to do with me?"

I gyrate my hips toward him mockingly, showing off my naked flesh and delighting in the reaction this causes. It seems that no matter how pissed off he is at me, the Demon of Lust isalwaysready to go. He doesn't give in though, choosing instead to show me exactly how he intends to punish me. Using his power again he conjures up a large dining table, similar to the one in the other room. On it appears food; a large selection of fruit, meat and cheeses. Needless to say, I am less than pleased.

"What now? You gonna feed me to death?" I jest, trying to hide the tremor in my voice.

"You require sustenance," is his only reply.

"No, I don't," I argue tersely, "I'm not hungry."

"Tell me my love, why is it that I sense in you anaversionto nourishment?"

"I am notaverseto eating, Asmodeus, I'm just not hungry." I reply, all amusement vaporizing as agitation replaces it.

"I do not believe you. A human cannot go three nights without appetite. Youwilleat, of your own accord. I would be loath to force-feed you."

The idea chills me to the bone. Of course I'm hungry, starving it seems but I would rather rot than eat anythinghere. I will not be Persephone, shackled to the underworld for eating a single pomegranate seed.

"You cantry," I hiss, outraged that he would think it.

And try he does, sighing as if the whole world is conspiring against him. He chooses cut fruit from the table, carrying with him a small bowl full until he stands before me again. I clamp my mouth shut and watch him with a furious glare as he brings a fragrant segment of persimmon to my lips. It smells so ripe and delicious that I hold my breath to stop myself from biting into it as my stomach growls. It's no pomegranate but I'm sure the effect is the same.

Frustrated at my defiance, the demon mashes the cool fruit against my lips with his fingers and I taste a little sweet juice on my tongue as the pulp slides off my chin and trickles between my breasts. Terrified, I spit frantically, trying to get every trace of it out of my mouth. I wince when I realise that I've done so directly onto his chest.

Wiping the juice off himself – and licking it off me – Asmodeus walks back to the table. I fear what he might try next; maybe bring back some awful metal tool to keep my mouth open. Instead, he sets the bowl down and returns with a clay cup, similar to the one Ida used to give me water. I let out a tense breath. I can deal with water.

"Perhaps I have been too harsh with you my dear. This should compel you to be more complacent."

Compel me?I don't like the sound of that.

He dips his fingers into the cup of something that is clearly not water. When he brings them out they're coated in a thick colourless gel. Before I even have time to process this, his fingers come down and he smears the gel over my sex.


The protest is stopped short on my lips as a delicious tingling sensation begins in my nether regions. I can feel the path he traces on my folds as the gel warms up, sending terrific pulses of heat flashing through me. His fingers slip over my clit and I moan as an inferno builds within me, a burning which swells through my heart and spreads. My eyes squeeze shut against a never-ending bonfire which has every nerve under my skinscreamingfor release. My throat closes as a lump of coal from this eternal inner flame lodges itself there. I am a fire Goddess, trapped in an immortal moment of pure bliss.

Bliss soon turns to desperation though as the pleasure crescendos then freezes so that I am locked in the single instant before liberation. I simplycan'tclimax, but the pressure is maintained as if by some cruel magic. I thrash against my bonds, driven mad with lust and an insatiable hunger for its pinnacle. My hips buck wildly against thin air, looking for something,anything, that will gift me my gratification.

Suddenly my torturous pleasure increases tenfold as I feel my nipples harden almost excruciatingly. My muddled brain takes forever to process why. The fuckingbeasthas rubbed the gel into my breasts as well.

It is I who sounds like a beast though, my calls primal and deep. I clench my thighs together, hoping to create even a miniscule amount of friction to no avail. All I need is a single touch and I know my torment will finally end. I consider begging for it, just one little touch, but the idea revolts me and I stand my ground... so to speak.

My knees have weakened to the point where they no longer support my body but shake uselessly as my arms hold my weight. The pain in my arms must be agonizing, although I can't feel it under my sweet suffering.

I slump as far down as my chained arms will allow, breathing haggard and body still convulsing against my undyingalmostclimax. It seems like forever before the pressure subsides a little.

That isn't to say, however, that my torture has ended – far from it, my entire frame still quakes against its power. It has been muted somewhat, the bonfire reduced to smouldering red-hot embers. Finally I open my eyes again.

I lift myself up into standing, fighting hard to support my body on wobbly knees. My breathing hitches with every movement, but none are strong enough to free me from this exquisite torture. My gaze reaches for that of my tormenter; ironically also the only one who can liberate me.

But I didn't beg at my weakest, so Iwill notbeg now.

"Mmmnn, you... ugh...assho-" I groan, struggling to form a coherent thought, let alone a proper sentence.

"Yes, my proud Selena?" His voice is smug and enraging.

My vision slips in and out of focus and along with my lolling head, make it difficult to get a lock on him. My whole body trembles against the power of the demon's magic serum and my brain shuts out everything but the sensations it creates. It is only his cruel and hypnotic voice which tethers me to the realm of sanity; a single silver thread in the void which intimidates my fragile mind. Without his voice, I would succumb to the madness; choosing to hide deep within myself rather than face this remorseless pleasuring.

His dark and beautiful voice... it beckons me.

With my eyes half closed, I finally find his face. I close my parched mouth and notice a defeated moaning only when it stops.Was that me?My body shivers of its own accord and I haven't the strength to control it. I pull in a shaky breath and try to focus on what he is saying to me.

"Why do you insist on challenging me? Do you not realise the simplicity of your choice? All you need do is obey me and I shall grant your every desire." His words sound so appealing.

Yes, Asmodeus my love, I will do anything.

I am about to tell him so when the defiant Selena in me rebels.

No! You can't let him win!She screams in my mind. The weak-willed part of me battles against her and loses. So I shut my mouth and endure.

Asmodeus senses my resolution and his anger boils over.

"Stop fighting me!" he slams a hand into the wall by my head but I'm too out of it to flinch. "Do you not realise that with every second you spend defying me, our child starves ever further,dyingfor your wretched pride?!"

Before I have a chance to respond, the truth of his words ring through me as my baby's growing pains begin once more. The pain is masked by the pleasurable effects of the gel and strangely, instead of debilitating me, it allows me a moment of clarity as the opposing forces clash and neutralise each other. Reason hits me like a truck.

I'm killing my baby.

By choosing not to eat, I am going against my word to keep him safe from harm. In my desperation to be free, I chose my life over his, no matter how unintentionally. I didn't think about the consequences of my starvation. Once again, I have forgotten about the life my body protects and how precious it is.

Precious, the word feels ill-used. It would probably benefit the human race, if I let my baby die. But I know I can't.

Submissive Selena and Defiant Selena both make way for the New Mother Selena as the reality finally sets in. No more selfishness, from now on I need to think about my baby first.

I look up at Asmodeus and command that he release me. I refuse to be held like a criminal and fed like a child now that I have decided to cooperate. He looks reluctant to oblige.

"Come on! Look, I said I'll eat and I mean it, now unchain me."

Now that I have remembered what is at stake I am agitated and eager to eat something as quickly as possible. The way see it; at the rate my baby is growing, it will take a large amount of food to keep him healthy. And that also probably means that too little food could be a serious threat to his life. Already, as it stands, it has been two nights since his conception – three if I count tonight – and I haven't eaten a single thing. I would like to get some food down before either the pain stops and the pleasure shackles me again; or the serum wears off and the pain cripples me.

"You're wasting time!" I fight against my bonds desperately, hoping he will see that I am earnest.

He deliberates one agonising moment longer before waving a hand and causing all my cuffs to click open simultaneously. My weakened body crumples the moment it is no longer supported but Asmodeus catches me and carries me over to the banquet. Summoning a throne-like seat at the head of the table, he sits upon it gracefully, still cradling me against his chest. The cave cools considerably and the stink of sulphur disperses. Is this a reward from the demon for obeying him? The pleasure and pain still war within me, focused on each other, still allowing me my moment of peace.

I manoeuvre myself into a sitting position, on the demon's wide lap. I feel his hot breath in my hair and against my neck as he leans over, watching me intently. Nervous, I eye out the spread apprehensively, still reluctant to be Persephone.

It's a little too late, don't you think?The voice of Mother Selena is brutally honest.

I reach out into the selection of food, feeling the demon's eyes watch my every move. Choosing a pomegranate (oh the irony), I rip into the leathery carmine coloured flesh and bring a piece up for closer inspection. Blood red seeds spill out and I catch them with my other hand. Loosing even more seeds with my thumb I gather a small cache of them in my palm as if they were precious rubies.

My stomach churns at the thought of eating but I have already decided to be selfless for my baby. I toss the seeds into my mouth as if they were an overdose of medicine. Certainly it feels as if I am using them to throw my life away. With only a moments lingering panic, I bite down, crunching through the seeds and enjoying the burst of delicious juice that accompanies it.

So that's it, I'm trapped here forever.

Strangely, this thought doesn't fill me with panic. Have I finally accepted my fate?

I eat the rest of the pomegranate as well as a slab of roasted lamb on rye bread, washing it down with more water. Before I have had my fill however, the pain ends and the pleasure returns. I lose myself to it again.

I start to shiver against Asmodeus' solid frame, raking at his bare thighs beneath mine until I realise – frustratingly late – that my hands are free to end my anguish. They shoot toward my weeping sex as well as the promise of a long-awaited release, only to be stopped by the dark clutches of my lover. He grabs both my wrists in his huge hands and easily pulls them back up to my sides, pinning them there. My moan of aggravation is drawn out and noisy.

"I did what you asked!" I scream, panting and groaning; fighting against his hold.

"Of course, my love and you shall be rewarded for it."

His pointed tail slithers up between my thighs, brushing oh-so-close to my centre. I shudder exquisitely, my hands curling into tight fists, knuckles whitening. I crane my neck back, unable to deal with the agonising wait and Asmodeus brings his lips down to my neck. His masculinity assaults my senses; his luscious scent alone heightening my desire ever still. His teeth graze the soft skin beneath the hard line of my jaw, while his wicked slippery tail ventures ever further toward my opening. It brushes gently across my folds and I bite my lip to keep from crying out. The arrowed tip of his extra limb probes the area around my smouldering clit and finally,finallyrubs against it.

The climax is earth-shattering, launching my wound up body into a seizure of orgasmic spasms. A nova blast of heat lights up my entire being, spreading like ripples through a pond from my sex to every crevice of my anatomy. My very blood sings with the pure and dazzling strength of it. Once again, the cave bears the brunt of my untamed power as my control slips and it is unleashed like a relentless animal; a creature which only knows destruction. The din is deafening. Asmodeus seems ready though, and must be protecting us. I'm still too lost in my own universal bliss to know for sure, but I haven't felt anything fall near me.

When the pleasure finally begins to wane, I notice that the demon's tail is still rubbing against my sensitive flesh. The sensations are wonderful, burning currents of delight laced with cold cuts of hurt. My clit is already over-stimulated.

I move my hand and he lets go of my wrists, allowing me to pull his appendage away. I caress it with my other hand and he curls it lovingly around my wrist. It no longer feels wrong to desire him the way I do, now that I've made my choice and sealed my fate. Why fight it anymore?

"I want your body, not your tail," I whisper mischievously and release a surprised scream when he suddenly lifts me up, turns me around and props me back down on this lap, so that now we are facing each other.

I grab his face in my hands and pull him in for a passionate kiss, linking my arms behind his neck as his hands slide down my waist and come to rest at my hips. He elevates the lower half of my figure and impales me swiftly with his pulsating member.

I break away from his lips as my breathing hitches, sitting up straighter and holding onto his broad shoulders for support. His is gentle with me, his body moving leisurely beneath mine. I mirror his speed, rolling my hips against his; groaning his name under the steady rise of another climax. When I come this time it isn't an intense burst of pleasure like before but rather a sweet lingering, I quiet moment between my lover and I. We revel in the bliss we create for one another.

I pull in closer to him, in desperate need to be held but something gets in our way.

My belly has grown quite considerably in such a short space of time and is now a noticeable little protrusion. It pales in comparison to my breasts however, which seem to have magically almost doubled in size. Asmodeus chuckles and tenderly dips his head down to press his lips lingeringly against my belly.

I grip his hair tightly as tears form in my eyes. Eventually he comes up to stare at me with those gorgeously intense eyes and holds my face in his giant hand.

"I didn't mean it when I called our baby a bastard," I whimper, needing to get out the words and hoping he will catch the hidden meaning in them.

I don't apologise for trying to hurt the baby; how can I ever atone for that? I don't tell him that I lied when I said I would try to hurt the baby again. I don't say that in my selfishness, I forgot about the safety of our child.

I don't say these things because I am ashamed. I hope that he hears the pain in my voice and that he understands.

"I know, love." Is his only reply and he carries me away from the cavern, back to his throne room.

We lie in each other's arms for an age, wrapped comfortably in a mutual silence; my head rested on his chest and his hands on my womb and in my hair. Have we finally come to an understanding? Have we finally found something worth agreeing on?

I break the silence reluctantly.

"Asmodeus?" I inquire softly.

"Hmm?" his voice is a deep, sexy rumble.

"I'm still hungry."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What a biggity bitch!

She ate some food and folded like an accordion! This chapter made me mad as hell! I'm not going to rate it because I'd give it 1 star because she's weak as hell! Great story but her inner strength and defiance is what made it so great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I hate Selena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's a slut and a bully.

Kaffeine1Kaffeine1over 10 years ago

Not only is this story fabulous, original and sexy, but you're the first author on this site to correctly spell "fazed"! Everyone else seems to think that "phased" is the thing. It isn't. Keep the awesomeness coming. :)

LustDominaLustDominaover 10 years ago

can't stop reading!!!!!!

So powerful emotions run through this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not bad

This isn't my fave demon series but it's ok. I am having a hard time with the wild mood swings that border on multiple personalities. I'm also wondering about all the missing back story.

steelkat29steelkat29over 10 years agoAuthor
Sneak peek

So, to prove to you all that I'm not completely full of shit, I've decided that you guys deserve a preview of part 6. Anyone who is interested in reading the first 1,000 words just needs to flick me an email at Hopefully that will keep you all going until the full chapter is posted.

Cheers, Steelkat

steelkat29steelkat29over 10 years agoAuthor
Soon, my friends...

Hello my loyal readers! If you've gotten to this point in the story and crave more then I would like to thank you for your perseverance and patience. I know it's been a while since I updated the story, but as I've mentioned before, I unfortunately cannot write full time. I have managed to write about 2/3 of part six though and I know you guys were probably hoping that I would be done by now so I'm sorry that it's taking me so long. I have, however had a bit of a burst of inspiration and hope to have part six completed within a few days; after which I will send it to my recently acquired beta and post it as soon as she gets back to me. Also, unfortunately Literotica takes about ten days to approve a story once it has been posted so if you cannot bear to wait that long, send me a private message to and I'll link you to chapter 6 as soon as it is done. In the mean time, check out my poetry and happy reading!

Cheers, Steelkat

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


timebomber427timebomber427over 10 years ago
I snorted...

I'm just laughing and laughing at the end. Perfect fit for a pregnant woman, even the Queen of the Underworld: "I'm still hungry." I can just imagine now, Azzy being run ragged by the cravings a pregnancy shortened down to a week would cause! Ah, funny stuff, you. Funny, funny, funny.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
hot hot hot

I-LOVE-THIS-STORY! you paint amazing pictures with words! pleeeeeeeeeeeaaase write more soon!

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