Barry's Sluts Ch. 02: Emily


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Emily nodded. "Sounds decent so far. Anything else?"

"I want to take a look at the machines you have in the basement, and as soon as this deal is sealed you and Rick have to immediately get started building more. That is imperative to our agreement."

"The basement's almost totally cleaned out, Aria," Emily said sadly. "The lawsuit and the legal BS made us get rid of most of my stuff. And we're not allowed to sell any more without going through all kinds of red tape and—"

"I'll take care of that part. You just get back to doing what you do best."

Now Ariadne knew she had Emily's attention. Emily's curiosity was piqued, and Ariadne had her eating from the palm of her hand.

It was a strange, positive feeling. As Ariadne sat here giving her outline, she was feeling really confident and self-assured. Usually, she was always meek and unsure, but when it came to helping Emily and her shop, it was like she suddenly knew exactly what she wanted. Maybe it was because she could tell that Emily and Rick really didn't have much formal business experience. Emily may have inherited the shop from her Dad, but it was like owning a first car. The young woman didn't have a clue how to maintain it or care for it properly or to help it appreciate rather than depreciate in value.

Finally, Emily spoke again, her eyes looking away. "I'm . . . um . . . I'm . . . going to need a new guinea pig for my machines."

Ariadne knew what she was getting at. She only smiled wickedly. "I think something can be arranged."

Emily nodded. "Write me out the check. Provided I see enough zeroes, we've got a deal."

Ariadne's smile grew brighter. "Very good."

Responding with a smile of her own, Emily said, "I'll get those financial records for you ASAP, along with some new machine plans, Boss."


That was the first time anyone had ever called Ariadne by a title of authority before.

It felt good.

Before she realized what she was doing, Ariadne had already stood from the table and marched right to Emily, throwing her lips upon the young woman's. Within an instant, Emily's hands were around her lover's neck, pulling her closer, slipping their tongues into one-another's mouths.


Barry and Suzanna pulled in front of the Garrett house, finally happy to be in the same place at the same time after many, many weeks. Between Suzanna's increased shooting schedule and Barry's constant travel, the two hardly had any time for one-another. As such, the two star-crossed lovers were already throwing off their clothes before even putting the key in the front door.

Once inside, Barry scooped his wife into his arms and carried her into the master bedroom. He tossed her effortlessly onto the mattress, just before burying his face into her fleshy mound.

"Oh, yes, honey! I need you . . .! I need you so badly!" Suzanna squealed.

Barry flicked his tongue across her soft, moist clit. "I've missed your body so much."

"I need you in my pussy, my love," Suzanna said as she pulled him up and laid him on his back. "I can't wait anymore."

"Oh yeah, baby. Get me inside you. I need to feel your warm cunt arou—"


Both Barry and Suzanna's moods sank at the same time. They looked one-another in the eyes and knew that they both wanted to just ignore it, but the ringing persisted. Quickly, it became clear that whoever was at their door knew that they were home and didn't intend to leave until they'd gotten the Garretts' attention.

An angry Barry left his displeased wife on their bed and went to answer the door. As always, he knew that anyone who came this far into their property should have known their policy for nudism, so he didn't bother covering himself as he answered.

"What the hell is it?!" he demanded as the door swung open.

"Um . . . Mr. Garrett?" said a single middle-aged woman, seemingly slightly older than his own mother. "Darleen Holton, senior writer for the Daily Journey. I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time?"

The press. Oh, how Barry had grown to hate the press over the last few years. This wasn't the first time they'd darkened his doorstep, and today, he was especially in no mood for their bullshit. So he tried his best to don a polite grin and shoo her away from his property as quickly and painlessly as he could muster.

"No, Ms. Holton, you may not. My family and I are extremely private individuals and I have no desire to speak to the press. Now please leave."

"Mr. Garrett," she said insistently. Her disregard for his request quickly extinguished what little patience he already had. "I was hoping to get your side of the story before we run with the piece we have for tomorrow's edition."

Those words stopped Barry from slamming the door in her face. "What piece?"

"It seems that someone affiliated with your . . . pornographic enterprise . . . has made a sizable contribution to a local sex and fetish shop within the area. Said shop has been cited numerous times for breaking city, county and state law regarding the illegal solicitation of dangerous devices, often resulting in the injury of their customers. City officials had been hoping to close said shop for some time, but it seems that you have taken it upon yourself to save it. We want to know why."

Was this the shop that his mother had been talking about? The one run by her friend? If so, then Ariadne had grossly understated just how much trouble that place was in.

"Also, on a related note, we would like to understand your reasons why your household sees fit to strain the order of public decency by continuously exposing yourselves to nearby—."

"First of all, we don't 'expose ourselves' to anybody. We've posted signs and warnings letting anyone who enters our property know that they're traipsing a 'clothes-optional' zone. We have no interest in exposing anyone to something they don't wish to see, but if they waltz in here despite that, then it's out of our hands."

"Yes, but you are aware that your property is still subject to city and county jurisdiction, and that it is often necessary for workers to come through this area in order to perform maintenance on roads and other public services?"

"Which most often does NOT require them to peer into our windows or come onto our doorstep. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have urgent business to attend to. Please leave my property immediately before I call the police."

"Mr. Garrett, you still didn't answer my earlier question! What interest does Stallion Productions have in aiding the illicit sale of—"

Barry slammed the door as hard as he could before turning around and heading back toward the bedroom. In the meantime, his wife stood in the archway, apparently having overheard the entire conversation.

"You shouldn't have told them anything," she said to him. "They're only going to twist what you did say and use it against you."

"I know," he replied, "but she pissed me off so bad. I couldn't help myself."

Suzanna frowned sympathetically and walked up to him, gently caressing the side of his face with her right hand. "I know, baby."

"I just want to protect you. You, Ariadne, the kids . . . all of you."

"I know that, darling," Suzanna said, looking deep in his eyes as both of her hands softly held his face. "But you don't have to put it on your own shoulders. You are the master of this house . . . when I feel like it . . . but that doesn't mean everything falls on you alone."

Barry smiled at her. "I love you, Suzanna."

That made her purr. "Well, then, Pet. Get back in that bed and finish what you started. NOW."

Barry could feel his cock already stiffening. "Yes, Teacher."


For the first time ever, Ariadne's pregnancy came with a truly significant downside: her belly made it too difficult and dangerous to comfortably use any of Emily's machines. Instead, after Ariadne and Emily ate each other out and tongued one-another's bodies, Ariadne had Emily teach her how each of her new gadgets worked, one by one and then made Emily test out her own device while Ariadne observed.

At that time, something dawned on her: Emily had never really enjoyed any of her own machines. Not really. She had always made them for her customers, but she never really used any of them herself.

She asked Emily why that was, and Emily was at a loss to explain. It was sort of like a writer who created stories for children—they enjoyed seeing the delight they gave their audience, but really never found a use for what they created for themselves.

"That needs to be rectified," Ariadne told Emily, watching her lover as she was strapped down to a machine which vibrated at her clit while another moving section gently massaged her asshole. "How can you really appreciate your products if you don't enjoy them yourself?"

Emily was too busy cumming to really converse, but she somehow made out what Ariadne was saying. Stripped completely nude and strapped spread-eagle to an X-shaped rack, every muscle on Emily's pale body tensed and twitched while a hydraulic pump slowly and methodically pistoned back and forth, constantly filling her exposed pussy with a firm, plastic-covered shaft. The young woman's eyes rolled back in her head as the machine slowly fucked her, pausing every few minutes to hover just outside of her slit and vibrate intensely.

"Oooooooh, I . . . I just love to build ma . . . machines," Emily stammered, her voice shivering from the vibration on her pussy. "I don't . . . aw shit . . . really c-care who uses them, as long as . . . ungh . . . as long as they enjoy them."

"Then here's what we're going to do," Ariadne told her. "Tonight, I'm going to get the ball rolling and take care of the red tape which prevents you from selling these things legally. Then, we're going to send your designs to the Patent Office and trademark a name. After that, I'm going to ask my master to use his contacts to build us a clientele. Considering our business, it won't be too hard to find people who are machine fetishists."

Emily opened one eye and looked at Ariadne. "Wh . . . what do you mean? What is your business?"

Ariadne paused a moment before answering. "My family owns Stallion Productions, an adult media company."

"No shit?! R-Really?! That's . . . that's . . . Ah, damn! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

For the third time since locking herself into her own machine, Emily squirted all over the place, dousing the floor of her shop's basement with her juices.

Afterwards, Ariadne decided that was enough and turned the machine off. She and Emily needed to talk seriously, without her mind constantly being dulled by the ecstasy of arousal.

"Oh shit," Emily breathed as Ariadne unlocked her wrists from the cuffs holding her. "I sure do know how build good stuff."


"You see? That's why I couldn't let you and your shop degenerate under the nonsense that's been going on around here. Believe me when I say this Emily, I've learned a thing or two over the past three years about appreciating carnal delights, and your sex machines are pure genius. Once we get these babies on the proper market, you're going to make a ton of money."

Again, Emily eyed Ariadne curiously. "What happened to you all these years?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you were always slutty, but not bold. You always seemed half-ashamed of what you did and it was like you were always in constant conflict whenever you decided to do something raunchy. But now, you're like a totally different person."

Ariadne frowned. "I've changed that much to you? You don't like it?"

"No, I didn't mean that. Geez, what do I mean . . .?" She rubbed her head for a moment. "It's like . . . you're the same person, but moreso."

Ariadne smiled. "It's just that . . . being with my master opened my eyes."

Emily looked at the latex gear Ariadne had worn under her clothing. "He really makes you go out in public like that?"

"He doesn't really 'make me' do anything, Em. I'm willingly his slave, his slut, and property. I would do anything he asked me to, because I trust him completely. I know he would never make me do anything I wouldn't like or that I would regret. And just to prove my point, it was his idea that I come back and make things up to you. At first, I fought his decision, but now I'm so glad that he told me to try. The more time I've spent with my master, the more I've come to appreciate how he treats me."

Emily shook her head. "But still . . . You call yourself a 'slave'. I don't . . . I don't think I could ever live like that, Aria."

Ariadne cocked her head. "How could you know if you don't try?"

Again, Emily's head shook. "Fuck, no way! I mean, I'm into some wild shit, but . . . oh come on, that's just too funky!"

But Ariadne pressed on. "I thought so too a few years ago, but my master showed me differently. It really isn't that hard to adjust, especially if you go slow. He and I kind of dove right in headfirst, because his personality is just very dominant to begin with, and I'm . . . well, I'm just a slut. But when his madame trained him, they only lived like this for a few hours at a time. And the two of them had a mutual understanding of the time when they would begin 'teaching'.

"Really, it's up to you to set your own pace and no qualified master or mistress would ever push you into something you didn't want. Maybe this sort of thing isn't for everybody, but I really think you shouldn't knock it before you've tried it."

Emily considered what Ariadne had to say, still laying nude on the reclining bench. Ariadne could see the curiosity and fear in her eyes, and it reminded her so much of herself, only a few years ago. But Emily was much younger than she'd been then, and she had her entire life to explore and discover the thrills of sexual gratification. Ariadne had no desire to force Emily into anything she didn't wish for, but she really wanted her friend to understand what she was missing.

"Okay, let's say that I wanted to try it. What next?"

"Well, I suppose the first thing we'd have to do is train you," Ariadne told her.

"And what does that mean?"

"We'd basically be setting some ground rules and helping you settle in and learn what would be expected from you. As we go along, we draw up a list of hard and soft limits for you."


"Soft limits are things you don't like, but can deal with under a good master. Hard limits are things that you won't tolerate, no matter what."

"What sort of things do you do with . . . with your 'master', Aria? What are your limits"

"Really, none. Like I said, I trust my master completely, and we don't really have need for 'limits' anymore. He just tells me to do something, and I, his slut, do it. I've never thought of anything we've done as very extraordinary." Aside from the whole incest thing itself, she thought. "He just fucks me whenever he wants to and I let him. Other than that, I always have to be mindful of my place as his property and know that my body belongs to him. Anything he tells me to do with my body, I do, and I take care of it the way an employee would take care of his company's equipment."

Seeing that Emily was starting to wither at that idea, she added, "But that's just us. My master and his wife often—"

Emily was in disbelief. "He's married!?"

"Shh, don't interrupt," Ariadne responded. "He and his wife go back and forth with their control, and both of them like different things. She likes physical sensation and he likes mind games. Some of his other, temporary submissives have fantasized about being treated as babies or acting like wild animals or even pretending to be prostitutes."

Ariadne saw Emily eyes flutter at that last suggestion. Something about that part seemed to do something to her, because Ariadne could tell that she'd once again captured her interest. Ariadne had spent too much time as a sub, and seen too many others like her, to not notice when a kink tickled a their fancy.

"So it's about trust, huh?" Emily asked, and Ariadne nodded. "Well, if I do it, then . . . it would have to be you, Aria. I mean, I was wet almost the instant you came in here and told me that you wanted to come back in my life. I had put you out of my mind for three years, and when you came back, my pussy was tingling like you'd never left just from the first sight of you. In the three years you've been gone, I haven't even seen another woman who enticed me like you do. I've fucked some since you were gone, but they were all men, and even then, it was just fucking. You were the first person who really sparked something in me, and I've never understood why.

"When you kissed me a while ago, I just lost myself to you. I've tried so hard to put up a hard face, but you just walked over and stripped me naked and I was powerless to stop you. I just don't know what it is about you that makes me . . . I dunno . . . that makes me drop my defenses. Maybe it's your sweet, polite exterior, I dunno . . . but in any case, you're the only person I really trust like that."

Ariadne was humbled that Emily thought of her like that. Ariadne had always felt that she had been a terrible friend for how she ran out on Emily before, and she'd never really thought that Emily saw their friendship with benefits as anything more than that. But now, Ariadne could see that somewhere inside, Emily had genuine feelings for her, and Ariadne felt like a fool for not being able to see them before.

"If you'll have me, I'd be honored to be your mistress, Emily," Ariadne told her. "But, keep in mind that I've got my own master, too, so in a way, that might have some say over what we do."

Emily nodded. "I understand. But I could always stop, right?"

"Of course you could."

Emily swallowed her fear. "Fuck it. You've already pretty much bought my store, so it would kind of make sense to say that you bought me, too, Aria."

And just like that, Ariadne had her own slave.

. . . . And now she was suddenly at a loss as to what to do next.

"Um, ah . . . Oh! Then my first order is that you call me 'Mistress'," Ariadne told her. "I like that. And I'm really bad at coming up with imaginative nicknames, so just 'Pet' will do for you."

"Okay, Mistress," Emily obeyed. "What do you want me to do first?"

Aridane thought. She realized that even though she'd been trained herself, she really had no idea about the psychology or the details that went into training a submissive of her own.

But, she DID have two people with vastly more experience with it . . . right in her own family. "We're going to your apartment and picking up some of your things. You're going to move in with me and my master and his wife so that they can help me train you."

"Er . . . okay, Mistress."

"And also, we're going out to eat tonight, and I want you to gorge yourself on whatever I buy for you. You've lost far too much weight since we were last together, and I want some more meat on your ass and tits."

"Um, y-yes Mistress," Emily gulped nervously.

"And lastly, I want you to come upstairs with me and pick out a collar for yourself. We'll have to replace it with something less cheap later, but for now, that'll do."


When Ariadne, Emily and the kids got home, Barry and Suzanna were already sitting in the living room in the nude, having some tea while having a discussion. Both of them were a bit surprised to see Ariadne arrive with her guest, and even moreso when they saw the luggage she carried.

"Welcome back, My Slut," Barry told her. "And you must be Emily."

Emily wasn't too surprised. After all, Ariadne had told Barry all about her. "Um, yeah. Nice to meet you, um . . . sir."

Suzanna and Barry glanced at each other, piecing together what must have happened based on Emily's behavior. Their eyes went to the collar on Emily's neck. "So you want to be part of our . . . family, then?" Suzanna surmised.
