Becoming A Slut Husband: George

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He couldn't get it at home so he went elsewhere.
3.9k words

Part 5 of the 17 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 11/09/2005
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My story starts in college when I met Amy and fell head over heels in love. Amy was five foot seven, weighed one hundred-twenty pounds and was built like a brick shit house. Amy seemed to like me, but her feelings for me, at the time, were nowhere near as strong as my feelings for her. I chased Amy for over a year before I began to get anywhere with her. Gradually I gained ground and we began going steady. One month into our senior year I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

Like any red blooded American boy I wanted to spread pollen, but Amy was adamant - no sex until married - and so I had to settle for Mrs. Rosy Palm and her five daughters. Necking with Amy was passionate and her kisses kept my car windows steamed up and we sat on the couch for hours and swapped tongues. All of that told me that Amy was going to be one hell of a wild woman when the time came.

Six months after graduation Amy and I were married. My wedding night was a disappointment to me. Instead of the glorious sex that Amy's luscious body promised I got one piece of ass and a talk that I should have gotten from her before we got married. I was "allowed" the first act of intercourse because it was expected of Amy to consummate the marriage. As I attempted to go for the second time Amy pushed me away and said:

"The marriage has been consummated George, put that thing away."

"But I'm ready to go again baby. Hell, I'm ready to go all night."

"What the hell is wrong with you George? I'm not some 12th Street whore. We had to have sex tonight to consummate he marriage, but other than that the only reason for engaging in sex is having children. I won't be fertile for another two weeks so try and control yourself."

If I were smart I would have fled that hotel room, found a lawyer and got an annulment. But I wasn't smart, I was in love. The two weeks between our wedding night and the next time she would 'allow' me to make love to her were a living hell for me. Now that we were married I got to see Amy's magnificent body in the nude everyday and almost everyday I had to sneak off and relieve myself by hand. I kept trying to get her to make love, but she was firm:

"Damn it George, I said no! There is only one legitimate reason for what you want to do and that is a make baby. There is only one time period during the month when that can happen and that is the only time we will do it."

When her time came she 'allowed' me to make love to her as much as I wanted for three days: the day before her most fertile time, the day itself and the day after. The good news is that I got to make love to her for three days. The bad news is that during those three days I knocked her up. Now that she was pregnant there was no reason to have sex anymore until she was ready to have a second child.

Amy had a difficult time during her delivery and when it was over we had a beautiful baby daughter and Amy could not have any more children. I was condemned to a sexless marriage. I couldn't leave. I loved Amy and I loved little Marci. Amy was a loving and devoted wife. She kissed, she cuddled, she snuggled and she spoiled me rotten. She was a great cook, kept a clean and tidy house and was a fantastic mother to Marci. The only thing missing was any semblance of a sex life. I talked, I argued, I begged and pleaded. I even suggested we seek counseling, but all that got me was:

"There is nothing wrong with me George. You are the one with the problem. If you would suppress your animal urges there would be no problem."

After two years I gave up. If I couldn't get it at home I'd get it some place else.


The first dozen or so times it was with call girls. The sexual release was there, but after the first half dozen I realized that something was missing. There was no emotional involvement. The girls at least pretended they like it and two of them were good at faking an orgasm, but you knew in your mind that they were just lying there waiting for you to get off so they could leave and move on to their next customer. I needed more than that. I wasn't looking for love or long term fulfillment, but I did need some - for lack of a better term - emotional energy, and I found it quite by accident.

My job requires that I travel and when I travel it is usually as part of a team of three. One team member, usually Janice, is our computer system analyst, Tom is our nuts and bolts guy and checks out the production end and I'm the guy who goes over the books. When we pay a call on one of our production facilities we are usually there for three to five days.

After a day at the facility the three of us usually have dinner together and then we go our separate ways. Tom and I don't pal around because a year ago he came out of the closet. Tom's idea of a good time is to find the local gay bar and even as hard up for sex as I am I just can't go that route. Janice is a happily married woman and she usually heads for her room to settle in with a book or two that she brought along. Left to my own devices I usually caught a movie.

Even though I used call girls at home I wouldn't use them on the road. The ones at home came from a highly recommended escort service and they were required to have regular medical check ups and they always made the client use a condom. You had no idea what you would get if you got a girl on a trip so I behaved myself.

Janice, Tom and I were on the first day of a three-day trip to our facility in Kansas City and we had just finished dinner. Tom took off to do his thing and Janice left to go up to her room. I moved from the dinning room over to the lounge to have a drink or two and to listen to the live band. I was on my third drink when Janice slid onto the seat across from me.

"May I join you? I was going crazy sitting up in that room."

"Forget to bring a book?"

"I brought three of them, but not one of them can hold my interest."

I asked her what she would like to drink and then I waved the waitress over and ordered for both of us. Then we drank and talked shop for half an hour. Janice was just finishing her third drink when she said:

"Can I ask you something?"

Expecting it to be something about work I said, "Sure, go ahead."

"Am I attractive?"

I don't know what I read on her face, but I did know what I had to say, even if it wasn't true. "Of course you are." In truth, she wasn't. She wasn't ugly or homely, just kind of plain in the face and with not much of a body. She did have a nice ass, or at least it looked nice when she wore slacks, but attractive? No. But a gentleman isn't going to say that. Curiosity compelled me to ask:

"Why would you be asking that question?"

I should have kept my mouth shut because that question opened the floodgates. Her husband wasn't attentive and she'd been told that he had been seen with other women. She was told that he had been heard to say that she was ugly. Guys made passes at all the other girls in the office, but no one ever made a pass at her. I said that her husband must have found her attractive because he had married her hadn't he?

Then I found out that he had only married her because he had gotten her pregnant one night at a party where the both of them had had too much to drink to think straight. His parents had made him marry Janice. She had lost the baby, but he couldn't divorce her because his family were staunch Catholics and his father had told him if he divorced Janice he would be cut out of the will.

While she was telling me all that she was blubbering and all I could do was sit there, listen and keep a fresh drink in front of the both of us. Finally, just to shut her up I said:

"Will you stop that? You are attractive, very much so, so stop beating yourself up and lets dance."

I pulled her out of the booth and drug her out onto the dance floor. Human nature being what it is I unintentionally reinforced my telling her that she was attractive. The smell of her hair, her perfume, my lack of sex and my hands holding her body - her female body - all conspired to give me and erection. Twice she came in contact with it and I saw the expression on her face when it happened - she was pleased.

We stayed in the lounge for another half-hour, danced two more times and then I said I needed to get to bed. She said she was going to stay for one more drink and that she would see me in the morning. I hadn't been in my room five minutes when there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Janice standing there. She had a plaintive look on her face as she looked into my eyes and said, "Please?"


It was enough to make a grown man cry. Here I was, married to a woman whose face and body screamed out, "Here I am, desire me, worship me and I'll fuck you to death while all the time being a totally sexless woman. And then there was Janice; a plain looking woman who would barely get a second glance from a man and she was an insatiable sex maniac. I didn't know if her husband was cheating on her or if it was just her insecurities and imagination that made her think he was, but if he was he was a fool. When I had stepped aside and let her in my room she had walked straight to the bed and without looking at me she had undressed and gotten on the bed. Lying on the bed she had spread her legs, looked at me and again said, "Please?"

I got on the bed with her and reached out a hand to caress her right breast and she said:

"No. Just fuck me. Don't go slow, don't tease, just ram it into me."

I did as she asked and pushed my cock straight in as hard as I could. "Aarghh" she cried out and I thought I'd hurt her and I began to pull back. Her hands gripped my ass and she moaned, "No, stay there, fuck me, fuck me hard, please God fuck me hard."

I did what she wanted, but it had been a while since I'd had sex so I only lasted a minute and a half or two before I came. Janice hadn't even come close to hitting her stride so she was crying, "No, no, no, please, not yet, please," but when the cock dies, it dies. Janice scrambled to change position and her mouth swallowed my cock and she went to work on it. Oh yes indeed her husband was a fool.

While Janice was sucking my cock she kept moving around and suddenly I found myself looking up at her dripping pussy. It was obvious what she wanted, but I had never eaten a pussy before, let alone a pussy with cum seeping out of it. Once Janice was in position she pushed her cunt down toward my face and it was decision time. I could scramble out from under her or stay. If I stayed I was going to end up with a gooey pussy shoved onto my face, but I would be getting a world class blow job. If I got out from under Janice I could avoid the messy cunt, but the odds were pretty good that my blow job would stop.

The blow job won.

Janice's pussy pressed into my face and not knowing how else I should do it I began licking her slit. She pressed down harder and my tongue found the hard little nub that was her clit. I licked it and she moaned. I started sucking on it and she squealed. As I licked and sucked away she was squealing, moaning and her body was twisting around which was smearing her pussy all over my face. At the same time her head was bobbing up and down on the cock she had gotten hard. She took her mouth off my cock and I was right on the verge of screaming:

"Don't stop damn it, don't stop" when she lifted her pussy off my face, changed positions and then slammed - and I do mean slammed - herself down on my cock.

"Oh God" she cried, "So good, so fucking good" and she started to ride me. Her hands pushed down on my shoulders as she raised herself and then drove her pussy back down at me. Her moans were interspersed with groans as she fucked me. That's right, she fucked me. I pretty much lay there as she did all the work. Having already cum once and hardly doing any of the work I was lasting a long time and I probably would have lasted a lot longer if I could have just lain there, but I had reached the point where I needed to cum.

I put my arms around Janice and rolled over putting her on the bottom and then I started driving into her. She screamed and her hands clawed at my back as she pushed up at me. I pounded her harder and faster and she hollered out, "Oh fuck yes!" as she had an orgasm and seconds later I had mine. I fell to the bed next to her and she rolled over onto her side and snuggled in next to me.

"That was awesome lover. In the morning you can do my ass" and she tucked her head into my shoulder and in less than a minute she was asleep. I was still contemplating on what had happened when I nodded off.


I woke up in the morning with a hard on and Janice already had it in her hands. As my eyes opened she said:

"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head. We need to start the day out right" and she bent her head down to swallow the head of my cock. I was in Heaven. That was the way a man should be awakened; the way I longed for Amy to wake me.

Janice sucked on me for about a minute and then she took her mouth off me and asked, "Will you do me in my ass?"

I'd never had anal sex so naturally I was curious so I said yes.

"Good. A lot of men won't because they say it is too disgusting, but I love it. Here" she said as she handed me a tube of KY Jelly, "Work some of this into my asshole while you eat my pussy" and she moved into a sixty-nine and went back to sucking my cock.

It was as her pussy was just touching my face that I realized that I had been had. Little Janice had played me like a fish. A tube of KY? Where had it come from? I knew that I hadn't brought any with me so that meant Janice had been carrying it in her purse. How did she know that a lot of men thought that anal sex was disgusting unless she had been there, done that. And if she had been there a lot what did that say about the "poor me, nobody finds me attractive" bullshit from the previous night? Yes indeed, I had been played.

Was I going to complain? Hell no I thought as I licked Janice's pussy and greased up her asshole. I'd play as dumb as I had to because we were going to be there two more nights and I would do my best to prove to Janice that she wasn't unattractive on both of them.

"Take my ass baby. I love it in my ass."

I moved up behind her and put the head of my cock against her puckered little hole and she said. "Go for it, slow baby, slow and easy."

I pushed my cock at her hole and I felt the resistance of the sphincter muscle and then I popped past it. She moaned and I couldn't tell whether it was from pain or pleasure and I eased off.

"No lover, no, don't stop, just go slow and easy, push slow and easy."

I pushed a little farther in and she hissed, "Oh yessss, oh fuck yesss."

I pressed a little harder and another two inches slid into her and I got another moan from her and I asked her if I was hurting her.

"No baby, no, just fuck me, slow and easy, but fuck me."

I began to slowly fuck Janice's tight ass, groaning as I felt her sphincter clutching at my cock like a hand. I pushed deeper and deeper into Janice's ass and she reached under her and played with my balls. "Harder now baby, harder and a little faster. Fuck me lover, fuck me."

I fucked her ass a little harder and faster and after about two minutes I felt myself getting ready and I slammed my cock into her hard and exploded. I held myself in her until my cock was limp and then I pulled out and lay down next to her. She jumped out of bed and came back a minute later with a wash rag and cleaned off my cock. She stroked it a couple of times and then said:

"If I can get you up will you do me one more time before we go into work?"

I said I would and I did.


The final proof that Janice had played me, as if I needed any, came as we were having lunch.

"I can't give up my room since I wouldn't be able to explain it when I turn in my expense report, but it seems silly for me to stay in it, don't you agree? I mean it will be so much easier for us if I just move my things into your room, don't you think?"

She got no argument from me other than for me to warn her never to answer the phone. For the rest of the trip as soon as dinner was over and Tom had gone out to play Janice and I headed for my room where Janice wore me out.

Little Janice had a kinky side to her as I found out on the second night. I was sitting on the edge of the bed making my nightly call home to say goodnight to Marci. After talking for a few minutes and then telling her goodnight Amy came on the line with some question on how I wanted her to handle a few things. Then we discussed what we would be doing on the coming weekend.

As I was talking to Amy Janice came over and knelt between my legs and started sucking my cock. Talk about mixed emotions. I loved the way Janice sucked my cock, but I didn't think it was right to let her do it while I was talking to my wife. Anyone on the outside looking in would probably have laughed at the scene. Me using one hand to hold the phone while using the other to try and push Janice away all the while trying to sound natural on the phone. I guess I didn't pull it off because Amy asked:

"Are you all right? You sound troubled."

"No dear, I'm all right, just had a hard day."

Janice whispered, "Very hard and the day isn't over yet."

"What was that?" Amy asked.

"What was what?"

"I thought I heard something."

"Just me sniffling. I think I'm coming down with a cold."

When the call was over I asked Janice what in the hell had gotten into her.

"I just thought it would be fun."

"Well it wasn't. It was very uncomfortable for me and my wife noticed."

"I suppose that means you won't do me when I call my husband?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"He won't have anything to do with me so it is a way I can rub his nose in it."

"I wouldn't feel right."

"You don't mind screwing his wife, just not while he's on the phone with her, is that it?"

"Yeah, I guess that's it."

"Pooh. You're no fun."

"Oh yeah? Let's just see about that" and I grabbed her and threw her down on the bed. "Where do you want it?"

She laughed and rolled over and got up on her knees. "In my ass lover, do me hard in my ass."


We sat together on the plane ride home and it was a pretty silent trip for the most part. I didn't know what to say for one thing. I had enjoyed the hell out of my three nights with Janice, but I had no idea what kind of game she was playing. Did she expect it to continue when we got home?" Was it something only to be done away from home, or was it a one time thing never to be repeated? Did I want to repeat? Stupid question George. Hell yes I wanted to repeat it. Except for once a month with a call girl I had gone without sex for years. No way I wouldn't want to continue what I had started with Janice, but I didn't know how to approach the subject. If I said the wrong thing or even if I acted the wrong way it could kill any chance I might have.

I spent most of the two hour flight thinking about it. Just before the "Please put your seat backs and tray tables in the full upright and locked position" announcement Janice said:

"Jason bowls on Monday and Thursday nights."


"Just thought you might like to know."

There was a minute of silence and then, "Do you do anything on those nights?"

I smiled and said, "I didn't until now" and I saw her smile.

There was another minute of silence and then she said, "Jason bought one of those conversion vans for when he goes fishing on weekends. Ever see the inside of one?"

"No, I haven't."

"It's got a bed and everything."


"Yeah, and sometimes I drive it to work and take my lunch break in it."

I smiled at her again and she smiled back.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good start!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great. Got the perect wife(minus any sex) atnd a hot honeys side for that part. Myabe he;ll live a ahappy life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Probably finds out Amy's infertile.

redboat7redboat7about 1 year ago

Great story! love it!!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Cute story with a fancy ending. Thanks for your writing.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Should have had the marriage annulled.He would be apart from her earlier,because the way he is behaving ,he will end up divorced.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
In this

In this case, I can't blame him for hunting some strange. Why the hell would you stay married, and find a damn single woman. Don't help another bitch cheat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Why stay married?

Not even a Saint makes it two years with that little sex. A smart man simply gets the marriage annulled. Done and done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That Doesn't Happen In Louisiana

Did you know that a husband can divorce his wife in Louisiana if she refuses him sex for a continuous 60-day period? Also, in the case where minor children are concerned, courts will try to rule what is in the best interest of the children. Under these circumstances, custodial rights would actually favor the husband. Louisiana is one of those states that is not a NO FAULT DIVORCE state.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You had it right in the first place.

Pack and head out on the honeymoon. Get an attorney and get an annulment. Who wants to live with a wife that doesn't like sex? End of marriage. End of story.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
why it's different

He refuses sex, she divorces him; she gets custody.

She refuses sex, he divorces her; she gets custody.

Even though she is the one that broke the marriage.

bruce22bruce22almost 9 years ago
This is a tough one for the black and white folk

I really believe that this comes under the heading of Job Story and shows while you have to delve deeply before marrying.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

and the star light shone brightly. TK U MLJ LV NV

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
another side

In family law what his wife did is called "constructive abandonment/desertion"

Having sex with your spouse is a reasonable expectation when you are married.

The spouse refusing is considered to have left the marriage in spirit.

(refusing for at least a year)

It could also be argued to be a form of cruelty.

The only sticky point is child custody.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

but one may use whats available. TK U MLJ LV NV

toesmantoesmanalmost 18 years ago
Great read

JPB, really liked this one; even tho he's a "slut husband", he deserves it, when he wife is some sort of religious nut. This is a good twist, & a good satisfying ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Some guys have all the luck!

Another good one, Bob.

I'll give you full credit for a great imagination.

Regards, DJ

Jorel1455Jorel1455almost 18 years ago

Really enjoyed this story - nice twist to the usual. Keep the stories coming Bob.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
Now This was Good!

I hate to say this but I liked this submission. A splendid job of turning the tables. I can't say I like a slut husband any more than I do a slut wife but this was a really good job of role reversal. It forces us to examine our prejudices. Will we accept in George behaviors we deplore in Georgina? Good question!

Best Regards,


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