Beetlesmith's Ch. 25


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"Yes, it's been much too long a time," Nefertiti said with a deep sigh.

She smiled at me again, and walked toward Pris, saying, "But business before pleasure. I suppose this one is the main reason you've blessed my realm with your presence." She slapped Pris' ass hard. The sound of her open-handed blow almost drowned out Pris' scream of pain. "And such a tease you are. Giving us this exquisite gift that we tied up so neat and tidy on your behalf, only to have you deny us her pleasures."

She wiped a good deal of arousal from Pris' thighs, and deeply inhaled its aroma before moistening her lips with it.

The verbal parrying between us had begun.

I walked toward her as I answered, "Well, if I denied you her pleasure it was only done to prolong her punishment. Did you hear what she did?"

"Only rumors. The slaves who brought her weren't specific." Then making her voice go nasally and slightly deep as a male teenager's, she mocked, "They just said, 'Tiberius wants this one in the stocks and she isn't to be touched.'"

I smiled at her jesting while tracing a finger along Pris' spine. Her sweaty skin immediately erupted into gooseflesh. "The details aren't important, but she insulted me by starting a brawl in my pleasure grotto. She even violated the most basic tenet of Wilderness."

"Ouch, such a naughty, stupid cunt," Nefertiti stated, mirthfully, and punctuated 'cunt' by slapping Pris on the ass as hard as she could.

Pris screamed bloody murder, and then for the first time tried to speak. In between deep sobbing fits and guttural coughs, she attempted to plead for release, "L-Let m-me g-g-go y-you f-f-fuckers! P-Please, th-this i-isn't f-funny or r-right. W-When I g-get out of h-h-here, I-I'm g-going t-t-to s-sick the c-cops and D-DA on your e-evil a-asses. I-I k-know p-people at c-city h-h-hall!"

Nefertiti slapped her ass again, and said mockingly, "I know people at city hall. So do we, stupid. Almost all those pricks and cunts are members. Isn't that right, Tiberius?"

"I understand the mayor and her husband will be here tomorrow," I answered with a wink.

Seeing that her pleas and threats fell on deaf ears, she tried to shift blame to the twins after Nefertiti spanked her again, "G-God-d-damn-it, i-it w-wasn't m-m-me. I-It-t w-was t-t-those t-t-twin b-b-bi..."

"Silence!" I roared.

Nefertiti snapped her fingers, and ordered, "Kiya! Raisa! Gag the bitch!"

The two 'pets' wasted no time securing a ball gag around Pris' head.

"Never speak ill of my courtesans. Any of them!" I commanded. Then bending closer, I said softly in her ear, "Eventually the gag will come off for obvious reasons." I paused as many of the Sisterhood laughed maniacally, understanding my implication. "So when the gag does comes off, you had better keep a subservient tongue in your head. Otherwise, not even your worst nightmares could conger up the new torments we will rain down on you."

Turning back to Nefertiti, I smiled, and said, unemotionally, "Vipsania dispatched the two who were fighting, giving one of them to the Brotherhood. He's being gang raped as we speak. But I've been debating in my mind what to do with this one ever since I banished her here."

It was a subtle request for her opinion—what to do?—disguised as a tale of events, and Nefertiti more than understood my subtleties.

She could be brutal to those members, and especially the males, who didn't pay her the proper homage, or disrespected her domain. And I always deferred to her judgement in situations that concerned disrespecting female members like Pris. That's how much respect she commanded, even from me. However, she was always cautious and calculating in our moments together, not wanting to insult me in turn with too rash or arrogant of a demand. As such, she soberly remained quiet and emotionless, waiting for me to tip my hand.

We smiled at each other knowingly. The pregnant silence between us stretch on, growing uncomfortably large to those looking on.

Taking a finger, I languidly traced it down her ass crack, moistening it with Pris' sweat. Centering the tip on her anus, I tested the puckered opening with a slow swirl and gentle prod. Pris reacted violently, vainly shifting and shaking her body against the stocks—mainly out of anger.

"Hmm, virgin territory," I mused. "Normally Nefertiti, I would fuck the insolent cunts in the ass. Maybe play a little ass to mouth..."

Gloria, silent this whole time, suddenly interrupted me, and said harshly, "I refuse this!" As I turned to fully face her, Gloria spit full derision at me, "I told you before your cock is too good for her! It doesn't touch any part of her! You're not to soil it with this cunts juices! I won't allow it!"

Nefertiti burst out laughing, and then commented, "Oh my precious Domina, how I have missed you all these long months. I don't think I could ever imagine sweetness personified to be this irate, let alone witness it"

The fire still burned in her eyes as she answered with slow malice, "It rubs me raw when some people thoughtlessly throw away what I can never have." Then to me she pleaded in a more respectful tone, "Please Tiberius, this skank isn't worth your cock. Fist the bitch, instead! Fist the bitch hard!"

Now I looked at her with surprise and little bit of wonder. She saw my look, and reiterated, "I mean it! Fist her, and keep fisting her until she can never feel the rapture of any cock in any hole again!"

It was a brutal curse, and one I would never subject to anyone. However... "Well I did say you should name the punishment. As you wish, my love." Turning to the dungeon master and protector of women, I asked, "Nefertiti? Any objections?"

"A crime is a crime and must be punished, especially one as extreme as hers. Besides, who am I to deny my lovely Domina what she most desires."

With that, I cupped Pris' drenched pussy with a hand. I could feel her burgeoning orgasm, and many others, just boiling below the surface like a hot cauldron waiting for any kind of stimulation to trigger their release. But release will never come for poor Pris. The pussy-throbbing, mind-fogging, body-convulsing sensations of extreme, unabated arousal will continue unhindered, and for the rest of her life, and no amount of stimulation will ever bring them to fruition—ever.

Pris must have felt what I had just done to her, because she screamed with abject terror through the ball gag when I touched her, and fought mightily against the stocks to somehow extract an escape.

I said to her almost as a whisper, "Something doesn't feel quite right. If you behave yourself for the rest of the evening, and I get a good report about you from Nefertiti, I'll fix you. Otherwise..."

She nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Gloria asked, as I put an arm around her waist, "What did you do to the bitch, Tiberius?"

"I'm providing her a glimpse of Hell before she actually arrives there. Hopefully a lesson will be learned. Nefertiti, I charge you with meting out the punishment. I think you know what to do. Just make sure it is long and painful."

"As you command, great Tiberius." Then clapping her hands, she said loudly, "Gather round my pets and bring plenty of lube and rubber gloves. It's fisting time. I eventually want to see two arms in each stinking hole."

All the Sisterhood screamed and trilled exuberantly as they encircled Pris, just like so many Arab marauders descending on an unprotected caravan.

As the Sisters began to work Pris over in earnest, a male slave cleared his throat from behind me, and said, "Forgive me Tiberius, but Domina Jackie requests your attendance."

"Where is she?"

"In the Nero Grotto, Dominus."

The Nero Grotto was the name for our makeshift soundstage.

"Ah, it must be time for my special production with Lydia," I asked Gloria, "Care to watch?"

"I wouldn't miss it. I'm curious to see how you two get along."


The Nero Grotto was one of the larger back rooms of the club. One side of the room was spacious, and depending on Jackie's intensions, could be done up into any number of scenes with the right props. This time she made it into a simple bedroom scene, complete with a few dressers, lamps, carpeting and a large, California king-size bed in the middle of the area. The bed was positioned away from the walls to give cameramen with a shoulder mount three hundred and sixty-degree access. An extensive array of halogens lined both sides of the central area, and were already flooding the bed with brilliant, warm light. A large sound boom hung down over the bed from the ceiling, providing high-quality sound for Jackie's amateur porn films.

On the entrance side of the room were fifty or so chairs and small settees for an audience. Jackie's special productions were always a favorite of the club members, and well attended by those thoughtful enough to arrive early.

By the time Gloria and I arrived, it was already standing room only. The dim murmur of excited small talk filled the room, as everyone waited for the 'play' to begin with pent-up anticipation. Most of the spectators were naked, of course, except for Karen. Always wanting to set herself apart from the other women, she continued wearing her purple stola, underscoring the fact that she was Empress; however, it remained opened in front, exposing her luscious body for everyone's titillation. She sat with Denise in the front row.

Noticing Gloria and me standing at the entrance, she called over, "Gloria, I saved you a seat. Come sit by me."

I spotted Lydia kneeling on the bed talking with Jackie. It looked like Jackie was giving her some last minute directions as Lydia would occasionally nod her head to whatever Jackie was saying. There was only one cameraperson this time, and she was setting up a tripod and camera in front of where the two women talked.

I noticed that Lydia had changed her hair color. Previously a blonde, now she was a ravishing brunette.

Although not a BBW aficionado myself, I often overheard the members who were comment that Lydia looked remarkably like a lighter-haired version of the voluptuous porn star, Maria Moore. I did a quick Internet search one day, and sure enough, Lydia did look like a blonde version of the actress.

It would appear Lydia found out about the aficionados' opinions, and dyed her hair accordingly. She was always doing small things like that to please the men and her gaggle of loyal devotees.

I smiled, and always loved her for her accommodating nature. Above all else, I think it's what drives her being the perfect sucker of cock, though Denise can give her a run for her money.

Looking at her now, I thought the old Lydia was cuter than her doppelgänger, having a more naive, girl next door appeal with her blonde locks and big blue, pining eyes. I couldn't complain, however. The darker hair style was working for her, especially coupled with those full, sensuous, pouty lips—perfect for sucking cock—and exceptionally large, heavy, and luscious breasts—just perfect for fucking. It all gave her the look of a worldly seductress.

"Hello Sunshine, I see you changed your color," I said, as I walk up to her. Sunshine was the name I gave her during the incandescent days when we first met.

"Tiberius! You came!" Lydia said, excitedly, as a large smile unfolded across her pretty, round face.

"Several times, but I expect I will again after you pleasure me."

Lydia blushed, and then said, "Oh Tiberius, thank you for this. It means a lot that you'd do this for me."

"Thank you, Sunshine. I wouldn't miss this chance. When Jackie told me you requested a special production with me, it was all I could do to contain my excitement." I asked Jackie, "Just one camera?"

Kissing me on the cheek, she answered, "I figure one will be enough, so we can stay focused on Lydia's pretty face as she tries to swallow that fucking schlong of yours. So whatever you two do, don't move around a lot. We won't be able to keep you in the frame."

"Wow, listen to Cecil B. O'Bannon..."

Jackie cut me off, slightly irritated, "Really Wi... Tiberius, it will fuck everything up if you guys shift around a lot."

"Okay. Okay. What would you like me to do?"

"I was thinking of having Lydia playing an out-of-work divorcee with kids who has to suck your dick for money..."

I only asked as a courtesy. I knew she wanted to make a big production out of this, complete with staged scenes, plot and dialogue, but there was no way I was going to bother with all that. Playing Tiberius was enough. I didn't need to play Tiberius seducing a broke divorcee with kids. As such, I feigned interest so as not to hurt Jackie's feelings, but tuned her out anyway.

I looked down at Lydia. She was staring nervously at my cock, and probably wondering if she could complete her mission. She must have felt me looking at her, because she quickly lifted her head and gave me a nervous glance.

I smiled down at her, and she smiled back while letting out a long sigh.

Jackie was still droning on and on about the dos and don'ts for the scene, when I heard Lydia say, "I don't... I've never seen it this crowded before."

She remained kneeling on the bed as I sat next to her, and taking her hand in mine. "It's a special event, and you're a special person, and everybody wants to watch you preform. Is that why you're nervous?"

"No. Well, maybe a little, though a lot of my friends are here." She smiled and waved at a couple who just entered the grotto, and then confessed, "I...I heard about what...what you expect, and I don't know... I don't want to disappoint you, and it makes me freak a little."

I said, softly, as I nuzzled her nose, "Let's not worry about that Sunshine." Then kissing her gently, I said, "You could never disappoint me."

She smiled sweetly, nuzzled my nose and me kissed me gently in return. Every so often she'd push a shy tongue against my lips, and let it stay there until I touched it with my own.

By now Jackie figured out Lydia and I were ignoring her, and then let out a harsh whisper to her technician, "God damn it! Nadine. Camera. Sound. Quickly!"

Cupping one of Lydia's heavy breasts, I felt the nipple immediately harden against my soft palm. Along with her nipples, her kissing intensified in hardness, becoming deeper and more forceful, as she opened her mouth fully to accept my wandering tongue.

When I felt her hand touching my thigh as if getting the courage to touch my still flaccid cock, I pushed my mouth over each breast in turn, sucking and licking them gently, while flicking a quick tongue across those hardened nipples.

Her breathing came as soft, quickened pants. She sighed a melodious, "Tiberius," as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and pushing them obscenely forward for my devious mouth. She accentuated the lust she felt by arching her back, which pushed those lush tits even further into my face.

Getting better control over her voice, she asked with a hint of disappointment, "If I could never disappoint you, then why didn't you ever seek me out or call to me like you do all the others? I was here almost every night, but you never wanted anything from me. And then I thought it was because was because I'm a big girl. You have a problem with..." She paused for a moment, and then finished as she waved a pointing finger at her torso, "With this."

I smiled and stared into her eyes while tracing a finger down along her nose and across her pursed lips. "You're still insecure of yourself after all this time. I've played with some of the larger ladies at the club. Certainly you've seen me with them."

"They're not as large as me," she countered, in a forlorn manner.

Taking long, wet kisses from her mouth to punctuate each sentence, I slowly said, "I don't fuck women for their bodies or their beauty, Lydia. I love fucking women for who you are. Are you humble, kind, funny, interesting...inquisitive? Are you forthright, unpretentious, or shy? Are you some of these things...all of these things? What do you love? What do you hate? Are you filled with unrequited beauty and grace? The list is inexhaustible. These are the things that captivate me and capture my attentions. It is what's in here, your internal essence that makes me long for a woman. I guess you could say I fuck women so that I can touch the goodness of their souls."

"And you don't see any of those things in me? Not one? Is that why you never made love to me after that first time?"

"I see all that and more in you, and I always have."

"But why others and not me?" she asked, with just a touch of hurt and frustration.

I kissed her sweetly again, and then said, "Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows."

She stared at me, quizzically.

I continued kissing her as I answered, "It's from the Roman poet Sextus Propertius. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder,' is the modern rendition. I didn't visit you or call to you or make love to you all this time because I wanted to keep you special. I didn't want to tarnish our feelings for each other with just casual sex, no matter how pleasurable it would have been. There would have been diminishment in the intensity of our feelings for each other if I had treated you like all the others, and I didn't want that. Do you understand, now?"

A single tear slipped from her eye as she ask, "Y-You love me?"

"Deeply, and from the moment I first saw you."

By now, some of the spectators were underwhelmed by our 'passion play,' and some made their disappointments heard. One commenter really struck a wrong chord with Karen, as the insolent moron said all too loudly, "What the fuck. I came here to see big fat fucks sucking big fat cocks. What's with all this PG shit?"

Karen didn't dignify the asshole by turning around to face him. She just hissed like a cobra that was preparing to strike, "Shut the fuck up and leave the fucking club, or die!"

A dreadful pall descended across the room for the next few minutes. All we could hear was the whirling mechanisms of the camera as it continued recording Lydia and I, and the quick shuffle of a single pair of footsteps out the door.

Karen knew what I was doing.

It was time.

It was time Lydia renounced everything of her former life, and relinquish herself to me.

Playing with her breasts, I kissed her again, dwelling lovingly on the taste of her lips and tongue until she moaned softly into my mouth. "You have many friends here. And as you just heard, Vipsania is one of your most devoted. As am I."

Returning my kisses, she gently clasped my cock between her hands and gently stroked it. "I love you and Vipsania. You've given me a home that I never thought possible. You've given me so much and have taken so little."

Leaving one hand massaging a breast, I cupped her vulva with the other. Copious, warm moisture permeated her folds, wetting my palm and fingers. She responded immediately and intensely to my touch by throwing her hips forward in an attempt to draw my fingers into her pussy.

Slipping three fingers in, I said, "Such a pretty plump pussy you have. So wet and warm, and so inviting. I can't remember, are you always this way with a man, or are you just happy to see me?"

She laughed a reply, "A little of both. And speaking of 'happy to see me,' what's gotten into Mr. Big and Hard? I think it got bigger and harder since the last time I played with him."

I laughed. "I shouldn't think so, but for a while now there have been some weird scenes inside the goldmine. So who knows, maybe it has grown since we last touched."

I teasingly touched her button with a thumb, making her shiver and pant. "Do you remember the first time with us at your apartment?"

Pushing her tongue deep into my mouth, she picked off a drop of pre-cum with her finger. Then swirling her now lubricated finger all about my cockhead, she brought my cock to full hardness. "First and only time," she chided. "Of course I remember. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about it."