Beetlesmith's Ch. 25


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"But that's the thing I think you're forgetting. Everyone here, except for a few who have been dispatched all so long ago, have treated you with kindness and with much love. There are even a few members who worship you. And how do you repay our kindness? With lies and secrecy."

Without removing my cock from her mouth, she shook her head as vigorously as she could.

"Please don't lie now, of all times. It pains me deeply in my soul when you lie to me. All of us have missed you on those Sundays. The club was open but you weren't here. Never. You were here every other day, but not Sunday. Did you really think we wouldn't know what you were doing on those Sundays? You were maintaining those old relationships. The ones I asked you to part ways with.

"And I have to ask, what did those old relations give you? Not love that's for sure. Barely friendship...maybe? Mostly, those of your past only gave you scorn and ridicule, treating you like a leaper, and demanding you to suffer in silence, all those insults, all those slings and arrows you endured as a social pariah, and all for just the promise...just a promise...of bliss after everything has ended. What unmitigated crap. How dare they do that to you, and shame on you for letting it happen! Don't you see how you were complicit in your own degradation?

"Yet, we willingly gave you bliss overflowing, as well as love and friendship, and all we ask is for you to join us as a family. Not as a servant waiting for scrapes of a promise, but as member of a loving family. And as thanks for the inexhaustible kindness that we gave you, you continually said no to all of us."

Taking a great sucking bite from Lydia's pussy, I said, "A little faster now, Slut."

Before she complied, she took a moment to put more lube on her arm. I don't know why, Lydia's natural juices were well lubricating her cunt, and were flowing to overflowing as small drops of excess arousal beaded up and then dripped from her hardened clit onto my waiting lips.

Licking the droplets off, I took lingering, glorious moments gorging myself on her cunt with long licks and sucking kisses, making her moan and groan profusely. She sweetly returned the favor to my cock.

Getting my fill, I asked rhetorically, "Now, where was I? Oh yes. A decision needs to be made, and it must be your choice alone. I will tell you that if your choice goes against me, I won't punish you or kick you out of the club. I won't berate you or think any less of you, and I certainly won't befriend you. I love you, Sunshine, and always will. But our relationship will return to what it has been this past year; no contact, just chaste longing from afar. That said, I need you to make the choice now. And since you made me wait for an answer over this long year, and tied your decision so obviously to your oral skills, I'm going to make you work a little to give it to me. If I feel your nose touching my balls, I'll know you've stopped playing these silly games, and that you'll renounced your past life and will join us as one. If you cannot, then I'll know you want to stay on the old path, and our intimacy will come to an end."

Momentarily, her body went rigid with determination, as if she were garnering all the courage she could muster before venturing into the unknown, and then pushed forward. She was going to prove me wrong, or die choking on my cock.

The gagging fits occurred. Terrible, gut retching, coughing fits that made her blow profuse amounts of phlegm and saliva all across my groin, yet she never backed away. Pausing only to get control of the reflex, she continued forward only to stop abruptly to vomit. The involuntary retch caused her to accidently scrape her teeth against my cock, but it was only once and not too bad. More importantly, it was mostly a dry heave, as only a little bit of spit was forced out around my cock.

Still she continued forward, followed by more coughing, and more retching, and more, open-mouthed dry heaving. Tears streamed down her cheeks—mostly, tears of irritating pain caused by the constant gagging feeling that made her eyes well up, but they were also mingled with tears of frustration.

I knew, then, that her answer would be, "Yes." No one would endure this pain and all this suffering for no reason, but I made her go through the motions, not to prove to me that she wants to stay, to be one of us, but to prove it to herself. Moreover, I wouldn't give her an out after having me endure a year of her non-committal. She would have to finish the task I set and on her own.

There was such slow progress accompanied by so much pain that she almost gave up a time or two. I could feel the idea welling up inside of her, telling her like a bad conscious, 'Quit. The torment is too much.' Yet, she somehow tapped into some inner reserve of tenacity, and ignored those defeatist murmurs. Lydia continued to persevere, continued trying, continued pushing, continued gaging, but she never backed away. Looking up at the monitor, I saw her mascara mingled with tears running down her cheeks as one long and wide charcoal smear that coated her cheeks.

After some minuets of this, even I thought she should give up and stop her metaphorical self-flagellation, when I felt her lower lip brush my pubis. It sent a chill up my spine, and made my heart sing with joy. She had done it.

I felt her back off a bit, gaining her composure, and then she rushed forward again.

Oh dear god, what a feeling!

A great roar of acclaim and joy erupted from the on-lookers as Lydia's lips now pressed firmly into my pubis and the top of my scrotum.

Lydia pulled my cock all the way out and took a great gulp of air, before plunging me in. She coughed and gagged again when she crossed the retching point, but it was nowhere near as bad as before.

Once she touched my pubis with her lips, she again pulled me all the way out, grabbed a great draft of air, and then slid me all the way back in. She continued doing this until she could easily slide my cock in and out without the least hint of gagging.

Now that she was fully comfortable with my size, she pressed her lips into my groin, very hard, and then cupped and lifted my balls in both of her hands so that she could nuzzle them lewdly with her nose.

It was done as a gesture of defiance. A poke in my eye that said: take your command to touch my nose to your balls, Sir, and stick it up your sweet ass!

I laughed mirthfully at her brazenness.

As she came back off me to take in some more air, I grabbed the hair on either side of her head, and held her steady. With ample amounts of droll dripping off my cock, I flexed it while shifting my hips slightly, and rimmed her moist lips with my cockhead.

She laughed at my playfulness as she nibbled on my cockhead with her lips and licked all about the tip with her tongue.

As Lydia occupied herself with playing, I commanded, "It's time to really fuck that plump pussy, Slut, and ramp up your fisting. I want her screaming with lust like a good cock whore in short order!"

As Slut attacked Lydia's pussy in earnest, I pushed Lydia's head all the way down and pumped my cock in and out slowly, fucking her mouth as I've done to so many club members' cunts and asses.

When I felt enough drool flowing out of her slutty mouth and pooling around my groin, I pulled her off me again. As she gasped for breath, I said, "I knew you wouldn't let me down. Welcome to the family, my sweet. What would you like as a reward?"

Before she could answer, I thrusted my hips up and push her head down. She gagged just a bit at my unexpected maneuver, but quickly regained control. Then seating her mouth low on my cock, I fucked her mouth with abandon.

When I pulled her off me again, I asked again, "What do you desire?"

"Fuck my mouth, Master! Keep fucking my slutty mouth, balls deep!" she blurted.

"You read my mind." Then, shoving my cock all the down her throat, I added, "Now Sunshine, let's set this fucking club on fire."

As I continued fucking her face, Lydia, slowly but surely, joined me in my lustful play by recklessly throwing her head down in coordination with my own thrusting hips.

As she took over more control, she released my cock form her mouth. Then hooking her arms in front of my knees, she pulled my lower torso up and toward her. Once positioned, she began licking and sucking my balls. Latching on one with her lips, she'd pull it away from my shaft while tonguing and sucking on it with fervor, and then attack the other one in like manner.

"Oh my God, they are so heavy with cum," I heard her say, breathlessly.

Between entertaining my balls, Lydia spread my buttocks so that she could rudely and so deliciously lap at my perineum, and then extend her tongue even lower and into dark territory. It was very rare for Lydia to venture down and dirty, and so low on a man. I felt a sense of pride and delight that she'd do me the honor of debasing herself so thoroughly, now that she completely had become a part of us.

Slut was pumping her fist even harder and faster, now, and sending Lydia's climax screaming toward the pinnacle.

Driven mad with lust, she belted out, "Lord, I need to taste all of you!" as she pushed her face fully into my groin, and taking great sucking kisses and prolonged licks at everything in her reach, balls, ass, and cock. Before long my whole groin was saturated with her sumptuous drool.

I heard moans and groans from the audience, and felt what seemed like raindrops and strands of stickiness hitting my legs and feet. Lydia and I were caught in the crossfire as the onlookers, one after the other, male and female alike, ejaculated in all directions.

"Incoming Lydia," I said, laughing.

She mumbled something inaudible as a reply while pulling my whole scrotum into her mouth, jerking my cock with one hand while slipping a probing finger of her other hand deep into my anus—such a talented cock whore.

Lust truly ignited a fire within her—a fire within everyone. Lydia just wasn't one for tea-bagging nor doing anything with anal, either giving or receiving. Now, however, she can think of nothing else. I guess once she finally shunned her past, the brakes totally came off whatever restraint it held her to, sexually. She had become a true whore of the Wilderness.

I felt someone get on the bed with us. Looking up I saw one of the members stoking himself close to Slut's face. Within seconds he shot three thick ropes of semen into her waiting mouth. I was a little miffed at his audacity, intruding into my show, but since Slut was hungry, I let it go this time. Unfortunately, where there's one there's usually another...and another. It wasn't long before two more males hopped onto the bed and then jerked their heavy loads into her mouth and across her face.

A women I've never seen at the club before knelt alongside Lydia. Looking down, she smiled and winked at me before bringing an already well-lubricated vibrator into view. It was one of those specifically designed for intense ass play—long, but not too thick. Parting Lydia's cleft with a hand, the woman slowly inserted the vibrator all the way into Lydia's rear.

Lydia, feeling the intense anal intrusion, dropped my balls out of her mouth, and blurted, "Oh my god! Yes! Fuck my big, fat ass! Fuck it hard! Oh my God, fuck all my dirty holes!"

The woman turned the devise on and left it seated deep in Lydia's quivering ass. A smile bloomed across Slut's face as she must have felt the tingles of the vibrator against her arm. Slut called for more lube, and after someone applied it, she drove her arm deep into Lydia's cunt and continued to fist her using short, quick, and hard strokes.

The second she felt Slut drive into her deep, Lydia produced a slut scream loud and long enough to crack plaster.

Lydia's lustful fire instantly became an inferno, as she swallowed my cock down to the nuts, and continued to throw her head into my groin with complete recklessness.

She rocked her whole body forward and back, forcing all the phallic objects—cock, arm, vibe—in and out of their respected orifices. To top that off, she still had her arms locked in front of my knees, and was also rocking my lower torso back and forth in coordination with her own swaying, and driving both my cock and her fingers as deep as it could go. Each time she forced me deep, my balls came up and rudely and lewdly slapped her nose, and making her giggle.

It was all too much for me. I felt my climax screaming higher, and I had no way of stopping it. Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I pulled my head off the bed and latched my mouth around Lydia's clit, and sucked on that slickened pebble while flicking a rough tongue across it.

Lydia screamed around my cock, and kept screaming as she continued rocking.

It was now a race as to who would come first, and it was close—so very close—but I hate to lose. Taking control of the vibrator from the woman, I tipped the stop end up, which forced the part of the devise inside her rectum, down. Pressed against the walls of Lydia's rectum and into the walls of her cunt, I jammed the vibe all the way in so that Slut's fist raked passed it.

At the first taste of her ejaculate, I dropped my head back onto the bed. It just trickled out of her cunt at first, but within moments the trickle turned into a stream, and then finally it gushed like an open fire plug drenching my face and hair.

I couldn't hold back any longer, as I lifted my hips off the bed for release.

Jackie being as attuned as Karen, Denise, and Gloria to my sexual idiosyncrasies, blurted, "Lydia! Here comes the money shot!"

I was surprised Lydia heard her, let along had the faculties to act, but she did. As Lydia's own orgasm reached flood levels bathing me in warm, succulent fluid, she pulled me out just in time to show the cameras what lustful results she had shaped, and continued to stroking me all across her face and into her still hungry mouth.

I didn't see anything from my vantage, but as Lydia and I baptized each other with our ejaculate. It was enough that I heard the raucous reactions of the audience, and they were nothing short of shocked astonishment.

After it all was over, Lydia and I relaxed into each other, our strength spent. I kissed her inner thigh, sweetly, and said, sleepily, "Thank you, Sunshine."

She kissed my now flaccid cock, and replied, "No, thank you, Master."

With that, the last glowing ember within her that had occupied my mind for over a year, finally winked out.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why was this story left... it should be in the top 10 if not the top 3. I really wish the author would pick this up and give it a justifiable ending.

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