Belinda Ch. 04


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"Oh damn, now I'm sizing up EVERY woman!" Belinda found herself saying in a whisper to herself.

Luckily she always got to work after Carl had left for the day. The morning desk crew always came in about 6:00 a.m. and Belinda didn't get there until 7. It seemed like she and Carl were avoiding each other. Was that the case? She decided maybe tomorrow she'd show up early and ask him what was happening with them. She'd decide that later, tonight, in the morning. Whatever.

The last room she had was a stay over. She had seen the couple, older, in their fifties, but overall, not a bad looking couple. She wondered if she'd ever get into their room to clean it. It was almost the end of her shift and there was no way in hell she would stick around, even if given permission by Margaret for overtime. She stood pacing in the hall. Then she went down the Housekeeping office and explained the situation to Margaret who simply said, "Give them until 2:30. If you don't see them or hear from them, they forfeit a cleaning. I'm sick of this shit." And that's exactly what Belinda did. She went back up and waited.

At 2:20, the man came out of the room and approached Belinda. He said, "Uh, this is a rather strange request, but, well..."

"I'm listening, but I really do have to get into that room, or not. That's your call. But I'm DONE at 3:30 and still have things to do before I leave."

The man looked at the floor, cleared his throat and then, after a deep breath said, "There is this really cool German movie I saw where this guy is banging this woman and the maid walks in and he unblindfolds the woman and the maid watches and it turns the woman on and..."

Belinda cut him off. "Are you saying you want me to come into your room while you're screwing your wife, or whoever she is? Are you really asking me to do that? Won't that freak her out?"

"Honestly, I think It'll be a real turn on. She's showering right now so I have to get back. Would you be interested? I'll pay you AND you don't have to do the room. Really, this would be so very cool."

Belinda thought about it for two seconds and as she began to answer, he cut her off and said, "Look, $50, plus I'll tip you when we check out. It would make my DAY!"

"Sure. Not just for the fifty bucks, which I WILL take, but it sounds like it could be fun."

The guy thanked her and scampered off saying to give him 10 minutes and imploring her NOT to announce herself. Belinda agreed. She put her cart away, straightened things out a bit and then promptly went back to the room. She didn't knock just as the guy had asked, simply used her master key and opened the door, walked in and saw him plowing the woman from behind. She was blindfolded.

"I gotta see this movie," thought Belinda.

The guy hit her in the caboose a couple more times and then removed the blindfold revealing that they were being watched. The woman looked up, saw Belinda standing there, just a few feet from the bed and smiled. She then jammed her ass back into the guy.

Belinda stood and watched, just as the guy had asked. The look on the woman's face was inspiring. She was pretty, not stunningly so, but so very pretty in a classic way. Her long brown hair was just wavy enough that it looked natural, not styled. Her tits swung back and forth, brushing the sheets and blanket as she rocked back and forth into her lover.

The guy was lean, almost sickly. When he had come into the all, it was obvious he was thin, but the robe covered a lot. He was very thin. It was almost grotesque like someone liberated from Devil's Island, and yet his face was so tender and handsome and he obviously had a lot more stamina than a Devil's Island inmate. He kept pounding her and she began to moan. The woman looked up again at Belinda and stared at her, smiling. Belinda could feel herself getting moist and instinctually began to gently rub herself. This was the most surreal experience she had ever had since taking this job.

Rachel had been the most INCREDIBLE experience, but that was, well, grounded in reality, this was just OUT THERE and Belinda was loving it. She stared into the woman's eyes and could see pure joy, nothing more.

The guy's pelvis slapped into the woman a few more times and then he pulled out, creaming her butt like he was buttering toast. He spread his cum all over her ass and she began to rub herself like there was no tomorrow. Belinda watched closely, wanting to reach out and join her, but holding back since joining in was never mentioned and she might ruin the chance of getting fifty free dollars. Would it be worth it? Maybe, but why chance it. She just watched as the woman got herself off so strongly, she could almost see Hiroshima being destroyed again.

Belinda, mentally slapped herself for such a inhuman reference, then chuckled and said, "Screw that."

"Screw what?" asked the woman.

"No, no, nothing. Thinking aloud about....I have no idea. I just...holy shit, you two are hot. I cannot believe I walked in on this. When I get home, I'm going to fuck my husband so hard he'll wonder what the hell is going on." She paused. Did she just SAY that? "I'm sure I meant that your husband got to 'screw that' magnificent body. You two are very sexy."

The guy got up, still hard and dripping cum. His drips hit the floor sticking to the carpet. Belinda automatically went back into "MAID MODE" and thought, "Shit, I've got to clean THAT tomorrow."

"I thank you for that. It was very special. We did that once before in Singapore but this was so, so, REAL."

The woman chimed in adding, "Honestly, I didn't know you were coming in. If I had, it wouldn't have been so hot. You're gorgeous and I do love to be watched. When I'm watched by a beautiful woman, it's especially exciting."

Belinda was starting to think these two were phonies, but hey, she had fun and she was going to get fifty bucks, or else. She said, "I'm not gorgeous. I'm fat. Ok, I'm pretty, but I'm still fat. But I thank you for the compliment."

The woman suddenly seemed actually angry. She got up from the bed, still nude and grabbed Belinda by the shoulders, "You listen to me, the word fat is applied to far too many woman. Fuck it, even FAT women can be attractive, it's mostly how you carry yourself. You carry yourself so well that, ok, you're not svelt, who gives a shit, you're gorgeous."

With that she leaned in and kissed Belinda so deeply, Belinda could almost feel the woman's tongue tickle her stomach. Belinda responded by trying to tickle HER stomach, but she had a stubby tongue so she only got as far as the tonsils.

The man, having never really lost his erection, began to masturbate.

Belinda immediately realized that Margaret would be looking for her. She said to the woman, "I thank you for your confidence in me and I sincerely think you're a beautiful woman and watching you two get it on was spectacular, but I really have to get going."

"Did we scare you? Wouldn't you like to join us for round two?" asked the guy, stroking his rather large and hard member.

"Wanting to and able to, are two entirely different animals. My boss will be wondering what happened to me and I can't afford to lose this job and, shit, you're awesome but... This was fun. Uh, fifty dollars?

The guy had this surprised look on his face and said, "Oh shit, yeah, I knew there was something I forgot." He went to his wallet, took out a $100 bill and said, "Do you have change?"

Belinda's look of "are you kidding me?" was followed by her saying, "Are you kidding me?" and the guy said to just keep it all. It was more than worth it, but not to expect a very big tip the next day. That was fine with Belinda.

Belinda exited the room and flew back to Housekeeping. Margaret was there, the HEAD Housekeeper having left 20 minutes earlier.

Margaret said, "So, what happened? Did you get the room done?"

Belinda looked Margaret right in the eye and said, "They turned down service at the last minute. I'm free!"

At 3:45, fifteen minutes after the end of her shift, Belinda left for the day, floating along half in reality, half in what had just transpired. The only thoughts she had were, "That woman was lovely and so sexy. The guy was so disgustingly thin, but sexy also." And "I wonder what Rachel is up to right now, and will she just love THIS story." And lastly, "I'm actually glad I took this job." Then she thought, "What the fuck, two days in a row I get cursed out for admitting I'm fat. What gives? Whatever. Everyone always wants to be nice to the fat girl."

As she drove, it also occurred to her, she never found out the name of that German movie. It sounded very cool, very sexy. She never visited on-line porn sites since they were often a little crude, but she had discovered some very interesting stuff on YouTube. They actually had some really great dirty movies that had stories and everything. She wondered if that movie might be available, but not having a clue as to what the name was, she was lost.

She got home and called Eddie. She hadn't talked to him since the party and had been just a bit worried about him. He didn't seem to be taking all the information he had been given, very well. It was funny, and yet, being his sister, she still worried.

Eddie answered on the third ring. "What?"

Caller ID had its good sides and its bad.

"What's up with you? I haven't seen you since the party nor heard from you. How're you doing? Have you visited Dad?"

"Of course I've visited Dad. I'm a damn good son. I'm good for the whole family. I'm..." Eddie just kind of faded.

"I'm worried about you, hun. What's going on? Was all that information too much for you?"

"Belly, I'm in such a state right now, I have no idea what's up, what's down, what's up and what's down. But I'll be fine. How're you?" Eddie replied.

"I'm good. Been busy at work, lots going on."

"You going to stay being a maid for the rest of your life?" Eddie asked, almost like he was trying to deflect any more potential questions about himself.

"You know something Eddie," Belinda began, "this is really not a bad job. There are bad things about it, but that's true of EVERY job. It's steady and there are busy days and quiet days and the money can be there, though not as much as I HAD been making..."

Eddie just went, "Mmmm, uh huh."

Belinda kept talking, "and the girls I work with are wonderful. You know something, I never expected to LIKE this job, but it's had some phenomenal fringe benefits. I won't even mention Rachal."

"Too late," Eddie interjected.

"Oh, yeah. But anyway, it's got a number of plusses just like it's got a number of minuses. I will be honest, I really want to get back to my old position, place in the food chain; location on the totem pole, and someday I will, but for now, this is working out fine. I have fun." Belinda WAS being very truthful.

"That's great, "replied Eddie.

"Eddie," began Belinda, "Can we just talk, openly and honestly. I really think we need to sit down, face to face and discuss some things. I love you, you're the best brother a girl could ever hope for, but I'm starting to get worried about you. I know that all the information that was dumped on your doorstep in the past few weeks has been unreal, but, life is life, truth is truth and reality is reality. You have to deal and I really want to sit with you and discuss it before...."

The silence was deafening. Eddie let it sit for several seconds and then asked, "Before what? I lose my mind entirely? I do something that'll either embarrass the family or cause great harm? Belly, you're my sister, my world. I love you beyond all belief but I've had so much unbelievable shit thrown in my face, I have no idea how to handle it."

Belinda understood; she really did. She replied, "That's why we need to sit down over coffee or drinks, though at the moment, drinks is not appealing, and have a really good talk. Can we agree to do that?" She asked, hoping Eddie would also think it a good idea.

"Yeah, you're right. You usually are," came the measured response from Eddie. He may have lacked enthusiasm, but he was a well of sincerity.

Belinda and Eddie made a tentative date for the following Saturday and left it at that. They said good-bye and hung up.

"NOW what to do?" Belinda thought as she sat staring at the kitchen. "Dinner? What do I have for dinner?"

She got up and went into the kitchen, looked through the cabinets and the fridge and couldn't find anything that appealed to her. She decided to hit the grocery store. There were a few other things she needed anyway. Then she thought about Carl. It had been a few days since the party and the last time she had seen him, blown him off really. She made a decision and gave him a call. To invite him over for dinner was a good idea. She didn't want to end her relationship with him, not at all, that she was aware of anyway.

Carl answered on the fourth ring. "Hi, what's up, Big Guy?" asked Belinda, feeling a bit awkward.

"Not much, what's up with you? I was starting to wonder what was up with you. I haven't heard from you and you didn't reply to the texts I had sent or the voicemail I left," said Carl.

"Well, you know how it is...." She couldn't think of a decent response and just segued into..."So I was about to run to the supermarket and pick up some groceries and thought we should have dinner. I was thinking making some Chinese, I'm a pretty decent international cook, as you know and wondered if you might want to share. Or, I could go in a different direction and make a boiled dinner. Of course my specialty is German food, so...."

Carl cut her off. "Yeah, sure, German would be great. Sig Heil and all. What time would you like me over?"

"Would seven be too late?" she asked.

"No, sure; seven it is."

Belinda got a strange vibe from the whole conversation. However, she felt it best to see him. To be with him and see how she felt with him would be a good thing. Her life was suddenly turned upside down and the things she had considered 'normal' were suddenly odd and a little uncomfortable. Or maybe it was just that way with Carl.

She went to the supermarket and picked up a number of things, but most importantly, all that she would need for making a good German meal. She decided to make potato soup, Sauerbraten, Spätzle, and Black Forest cake for desert. Why not go crazy. She also decided to pick up a good Riesling (two bottles) and a six pack of Beck's. Why not offer a variety. Some Schnapps for after dinner would be perfect.

Then she just hoped that the evening went well, and not disastrously.

She got home from the grocery store about 5 and began making the dinner. Her grandmother had taught her how to cook and her mother had reinforced all her grandmother had taught. She was a whiz at cooking German food. Well, she had been complimented on all of her cooking but as a few people had said, "ANYONE with a microbe of talent can cook Italian food, but to cook good GERMAN food takes a legitimate talent." She smiled to herself as she prepared the meal.

At 6:45 her phone rang, it was Rachel.

"Hi, what's up?" she asked, overjoyed to speak to Rachel, yet nervous since Carl would be there soon.

"Not a lot. I just missed your voice and wondered if you had spoken to the life saving duo lately."

"No, and to be honest, Carl is coming over soon. I really can't talk. I have to get the meal ready before he gets here in about 15 minutes," said Belinda.

Rachel could pick up on the tense tone in Belinda. A small part of her took offense and was even hurt, but she mustered her grasp of reality and knew the feeling of how it was to have someone coming over soon and being interrupted. She said, "Belinda, my dearest, I understand. Look, give me a call tomorrow if you get the chance, say around eight, and we'll talk more. Love you, gotta go myself."

Belinda sighed a mixture of relief and disappointment that she couldn't spend an hour or so on the phone with her best girl. But, HER reality set in and she promised she'd call and they both gave each other a little phone-line kiss and hung up.

That very moment, her doorbell rang.

Belinda went over to the door and there stood Carl with a bottle of Schnapps and wearing a cap with a feather in it. He said, "I couldn't find lederhosen. I tried, LORD KNOWS I tried, but no luck."

Belinda laughed and hugged him. The ushered him in and told him to sit while she finished up preparing their meal.

"Did you know I was part Czech?" asked Carl. That German food might move in but then take over my whole stomach."

Belinda laughed and when what he was saying actually sunk in, she burst out with a huge GAFAW!.

As she laughed her mind said, "It's not THAT funny." But her body was already in that mode and she just went with it. She offered him a glass of wine, which he gladly accepted, and then began to set the food on the table.

Once seated the conversation was light and airy. "How's work been for you overnight?" Belinda asked.

"Not so bad. You know how many nights the place isn't filling up so auditing the books hasn't been as tough. I just wish that horrible assistant manager Betty would stop comp-ing rooms to her friends. It's killing me finding all these surprises."

"She really sucks," added Belinda. "I never really have to deal with her, but the few times I have, ugh, she makes my skin crawl. All that 'honey' this and 'honey' that. She's a damn phony. Hell, I've known plenty of women and men who will call you 'honey' but you think nothing of it, but when SHE says it, oh, I feel like I need a shower."

"That's our Betty."

They ate with Belinda telling about a few interesting things that had happened up on the floors, like finding the $100 in Australian money or the guy who checked out leaving all his belongings only to call later that day asking it all be shipped to him. She also spoke of finding a pile of human waste on one of the beds and and old man who insisted on watching her clean his tub. Screwy things."

Once dinner was finished and Carl had devoured a large portion, they sat in the living room and started on the second bottle of wine.

"So, Belinda, I don't see much of you lately. What's going on with us?" began Carl. Both knew this discussion was coming.

"Well, Carl, I get caught up in things, y'know?" Belinda could feel herself blushing a little. "I'm not ignoring you, I swear, but I've been so busy lately."

"Yeah, I know. You and this Rachel have really become close," said Carl. "Hey, it's not like I don't have friends too, so I'm not criticizing. I've just been curious. It just feels like things were going very hot and heavy but have cooled a bit."

"Yeah, I guess," said Belinda looking at her glass and figuring it should be refilled, as soon as she emptied it, which she did. One shot took down half of the glass.

"I have to confess something and if you're angry about it, I understand." Carl was actually the one confessing something. Belinda just listened.

"After the party, that night," he was stammering a bit, "Well, you were busy and it seemed like I was the last thing on your mind and, well I had a few drinks and...."

Belinda listened closely.

"Well, your cousin Lucy and I were just having a really nice time and she needed a ride home and since I was sober," he immediately interjected, "OH, YEAH, I did have a few drinks, but not enough to get drunk. I was being cautious. Lucy had a bit more than I did and I got concerned for her and...."

Belinda was beginning to guess where this was going and was trying to figure out how she felt about it before he even confessed.

"Well, I got her home and said good night and she invited me up to her apartment."

"And you went," Belinda declared in a rather hushed tone.

Carl was now the one blushing and sweating. He looked up at Belinda and she could see his lower lip was quivering as he added, "Yeah. I did. I spent most of the night and....."