Bermuda Surprise

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A guy considers swinging at age fifty-five.
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My name is Phil Williams and I got lucky selecting a wife. Then I got lucky selecting a place to drill for oil in Texas. Then I got lucky selecting a broker to invest my money. So by age fifty I retired and started to have fun with my wife and my money. Then my luck ran out. After one year of fun my wife of thirty years died of cancer.

Day after day I sat and looked out over lovely white sand at a beautiful emerald ocean thinking about how much fun my wife and I had had when we were poor and looked out over ugly brown sand at an ugly Texas desert. I missed her. Oh my God how I missed her!

I felt that life was not worth living. But I had friends who helped me try to live my life again and I think it was golf that helped the most. I was alone on the course thinking about each shot and listening to my wife's voice in my head telling me to keep my head down and keep that transition slow. I met even more friends at the golf club and my wife's voice in my head told me it was okay to have fun without her. It's what she would have heard me say to her if our circumstances were reversed.

Three years after my wife died I met Trish. Blond and beautiful and twenty-eight. Too young for me everyone thought except, of course, me and her. My friends hinted that I didn't need a trophy wife. My closest friends said it straight out. Trish was a widow. Her husband had been killed in the crash of an experimental plane. He had been a test pilot. She had enough money. I didn't think she wanted mine.

We started dating and when the time came for sex we tried it. It seemed to work. And we talked about it. Talked about it the way you would expect a twenty-eight year old woman and a fifty-four year old man to talk about screwing if they both were open and honest. I learned that she and her husband had been in a swinging crowd and she was accustomed to that experience and enjoyed it. I had never done it but I figured I might try if she wanted me to.

One night I got the courage to ask her if I would be enough to satisfy her. She laughed and said something about swinging. I didn't understand what she said exactly and I was too embarrassed about my performance to ask her to repeat it. I should have.

We got married and got a new set of friends, although some of my old and faithful friends stayed with us. Our sex was good but I was always afraid I was never quite enough for her. And I was afraid to ask. She gave me no indication that I was not satisfying her needs.

Life was good and getting better. Maybe not quite as good as I remembered with my first wife whose voice was sometimes in my head and was never critical of my new wife. We vacationed all over the world and had fun. We were in love. A comfortable, happy, growing love. In our second year of marriage we took a trip to Bermuda.

My first wife had been a golfer and I thought Trish might enjoy it. So I called the golf shop and scheduled a lesson for her with the pro. I went with her to watch. That golf pro had curly red hair and looking at him in a golf shirt his chest was almost as hairy as his head. He had a delightful English accent and he was thirty years old. Just like Trish was.

The lesson went well and afterwards, walking back to the hotel, Trish said casually, "Now there's a very sexy man. I could spread my legs for HIM."

She laughed as she said it as if it were a joke and said nothing more on the subject. How the hell was I supposed to respond to that? Was she joking? Was it a casual comment a swinger might make? A kind of swinger's compliment? Or was it a request to me to do something? Shit! What? I had no idea what she meant or what I should do. I said nothing and did nothing.

That night after dinner in the bar, Trish and I were sitting in a back booth quietly enjoying some single malt. I saw the golf pro walk up to the bar and order a drink. Trish waved at him and smiled.

"Rich," she yelled. "Over here! Come over and join us."

What the hell did that mean I asked myself. Innocent or not so innocent?

He joined us, smiling, and sat down next to Trish who was sitting across from me in the booth.

"To your first golf lesson," he said lifting his glass.

Trish giggled. She rarely giggled. I felt lost somehow and unsure of what to say. Unsure of what was happening. Both Trish and Rich seemed very comfortable. I was not. I was remembering him standing behind her with his arms around her showing her how to grip and swing the club. Their bodies had been almost touching − his crotch to her butt. I remembered what she had said about spreading her legs for him. What was happening?

The back booths were not well lit like the rest of the bar and we were the only people in the back. Rich was sitting very close to Trish. Their thighs were touching. They were looking at each other in a way that seemed to me more than just friendly and she kept giggling a lot.

We were on our third single malt and Trish seemed a bit tipsy, when Rich asked if we'd like a hit off a joint. Shit! I had done that years ago and I knew Trish and her swinging crown had been regular users. Maybe I should have said something right then but I paused and Trish giggled and nodded her head.

"But let's get seated properly before we do it," Trish said.

She got up from the booth and pushed Rich into her place against the wall. Then she took my hand and pulled me over to her side and she sat in the middle with me on her left and Rich on her right. It was crowded and our bodies were touching but she seemed to like it that way.

"This way I'm close to both my men," she said giggling again.

What the hell did that mean?

I felt her hand on my thigh and I realized she was grabbing Rich's thigh as well. Her fingers caressed me very seductively and I saw she was doing the same thing to Rich. Her fingers on my thigh were turning me on. What the hell was she doing? She was arousing us both.

Rich covertly lit a joint and we passed it and each of us took two hits before he put it out. I felt it slightly but this was all it took to send Trish to happy city. She laughed and giggled at everything either Rich or I said and her hand became much more friendly on my thigh, creeping over to my cock from time to time. Shit! Was she doing the same thing to Rich? I looked but couldn't tell. But she was sure as hell getting to me.

As the booze and pot kicked in she became less boisterous and we all quieted down a bit. But then the atmosphere became very erotic. She began to fondle my cock again through my pants and I got an erection. I looked over at Rich and this time I saw it. She was doing the same thing to him. He had a bulging erection and she was fondling it. Shit! Where was this thing going? I heard her voice in my head saying, "I could spread my legs for HIM."

We sat there close for several minutes and then she said it again, this time very softly, "This is much better. I'm close to both my men."

After a couple more minutes I heard a soft, sexy giggle and when I looked down I saw his hand on Trish's right thigh just above her knee. He had pulled her miniskirt up and was stroking her inner thigh, his hand slowly creeping higher. She made no effort to stop him. She liked it! Jesus! She's playing with his dick and his hand's almost up to her pussy. I kept remembering what she had said about him this afternoon.

Trish turned to me and placing her left hand behind my head she pulled me close and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. Then she reached down and squeezed my erection. She had me aroused. Then she turned and pulled Rich close and I realized she was doing the same thing to him. She reached down and squeezed his erection! She had us BOTH aroused.

Then I did something stupid. Even as I did it my brain yelled at me to stop but I did it anyway. I couldn't seem to help myself. My tension was just too high. My cock was throbbing.

"I've got to go to the men's room," I whispered to them and got up and left.

I have no earthly idea why I did it, although the next day Trish told me that giving them a chance to get started was the right thing to do if I had wanted to have a threesome. It was like a signal between swingers that I had given them my permission to become intimate. That was certainly not my intention.

When I entered the men's room I went into a booth and pulled out the throbbing erection that Trish had given me. It was the work of only a couple of minutes to masturbate into the commode, where my semen floated uselessly in the water with thick strands sinking down deeper. It seemed to ease my tension and I felt a little better. As I walked past the bar I looked back at our booth and I could see almost nothing in the darkness.

I returned to the booth not five minutes after I had left it and although I felt better, everything else had changed. Rich had used those minutes to work my wife into a sexual frenzy. Her panties were on the table. Her skirt was up to her waist revealing her belly and hairy beaver. Half naked and barefoot, I thought. Damn! She looks good!

Her naked legs were spread wide with her left foot on the floor and her right leg up over his lap with her foot pressing firmly against the wall. He had three fingers in that hairy pussy, his thumb on her clit, and he was finger fucking her as he kissed her. She was grunting and humping his fingers and she was getting leverage from one foot on the floor and the other against the wall to lift up her ass and hump harder. And she was really pumping her ass. I could tell she was working to cum.

When I sat down beside her she broke off her kiss with Rich and pulled me close and started kissing me, continuing to pump her ass. She reached down and massaged my cock and I got another hard on. I had never before been French kissed by a half-naked woman who was getting finger fucked by another man.

Then she lay back in my arms with her head on my hard cock. I embraced and caressed the clothed half of my wife tenderly while Rich was enjoying her naked half. His thumb still pressed firmly on her clit, he now had four fingers stretching out that wet pussy and she was humping his hand like it was a dick. I kissed her and looked down at her naked belly, watching that hairy beaver pump up and down as she grunted.

She was sweating heavily and every time she humped, she pushed back against me and then pushed off from my body to slam that pussy harder and drive his fingers deeper as they slipped in and out of her dripping vagina. His thumb continued to rub her clitoris. Her pussy was making those wet squishy sounds a horny pussy makes when it's getting what it needs. And she was grunting each time she humped her hips toward his hand.

Her eyes were clinched tight. She fucked his hand steadily for several minutes until she took a deep breath and held it. Her grunts stopped and then turned to groans and I felt her body tremble in an orgasm that was surprisingly soft and quiet compared to the frenzy of working for it. I held my wife and kissed her as she trembled in that moment of ecstasy given to her by another man. Then she rested for a couple of minutes, panting heavily.

She opened her eyes and looked around noting Rich's fingers in her pussy, her widely spread legs, and her nakedness as if surprised at awaking from a deep sleep.

"Oh my," she said. "Trish has been a naughty girl. A very naughty girl indeed!"

Then she giggled and began to untangled herself from our three-way embrace. She sat up out of my lap, pulled Rich's fingers out of her pussy and moved her legs back together, putting her feet on the floor. She pulled her skirt down so that her belly and beaver were no longer visible. She was covered but with those long beautiful legs she still looked half naked to me.

"Thank you kind sir," she said primly, leaning over and giving Rich a quick kiss on the cheek. "Just what the lady needed. Needed very badly."

Then she looked down at his erection, bulging in his pants. She patted it tenderly and spoke to it, "Just be patient. You may be next."

Turning to me and giving me a similar kiss she said, "Welcome back my darling husband. Thank you for holding me close and helping me enjoy that very pleasurable experience."

She patted my erection and spoke to it as she had done to Rich's, "I'll get to you when it's your turn."

Then she picked up her single malt, and held it up in a toast.

"Here's to the three of us," she said giggling. "I hope you're both having fun. You saw me have some just now and I'm looking forward to having a lot more fun tonight, with your gentlemanly assistance, of course."

"Why don't we go up to your suite Trish?" Rich asked. "You and I can have some real fun up there."

Trish chuckled, "Yeah Rich. It is your turn I think. Guests go first."

Then turning to me she said, "You wanna do that honey. It might be a fun threesome. It's your choice, of course."

Oh my God I thought. I tried to respond but my throat was too tight to speak. She wants to take him upstairs and fuck him! She's had her orgasm and says it's his turn now and then mine. She's gonna fuck us both! Him and me and then him and me and ... Oh shit!

This was so completely new, beyond anything I had ever thought about. I did remember asking her in one of our talks about sex if I was gonna be enough for her and she'd said something about swinging. But I had never given it the thought it deserved.

I should have thought it through in advance like I did questions in business so I'd know what I wanted to do if it ever actually happened. And now it WAS happening. My half naked wife was asking me if I wanted to try swinging with a guy she had told me this afternoon she wanted to spread her legs for! I should have talked to her about swinging long before this. What the hell do I do? I remained speechless.

"Yeah," Rich said. "I think you'd like to watch us do it Phil."

"Phil's ready to do a lot more than just watch," Trish said, with a sexy chuckle.

"I been checking out both you guys and he's as big and hard as you are," she said, reaching over and squeezing my cock and then doing the same to Rich. "And I'm gonna need both you horny guys to satisfy me in bed tonight."

"Yeah," Rich chuckled lewdly. "We can feed him some creampie."

"That's not what I meant!" Trish said angrily. "Don't even joke that way about my husband. He won't eat creampie."

"Come on baby," Rich said. "That's what wimps do."

"My husband is not a wimp," Trish said firmly. "He will be a part of any threesome that I am in. Taking his turn."

She seemed to be sobering up as she spoke and now she looked angry. She took my arm and squeezed it lovingly almost like she was reassuring me.

"Of course he's a wimp," Rich said. "He just sat there watching me finger fuck his wife and did nothing about it."

Thinking back later, I realized it was at this very moment that Trish figured out that Rich was not a swinger. And further, that he knew absolutely nothing about swinging. He had completely misinterpreted everything that she had done and this made her mad. Maybe mad at herself as well as at Rich − but mad as hell. She had wanted to swing and Rich had wanted to cuckold me.

Trish looked me in the eye, then turned and looked at Rich. Then, suddenly she pushed me out of the booth and followed me out pulling down her miniskirt as she stood up. She grabbed her panties from the table and threw them into Rich's face.

"Add these to your trophy case you bastard. But you're not gonna add me OR my husband! Come of Phil let's get to bed. I'm sorry honey it was all my fault. A nice, little, friendly, swinging threesome is one thing, but nobody makes a wimpy cuckold out of MY husband."

I saw a look of dismay on Rich's face as he realized that I was gonna enjoy the quality pussy that he had just thrown away by being an asshole.

Then I led my wife out of the bar thinking that one of these days a nice, little, friendly, swinging threesome might be a very good idea. Maybe that's what Trish needs − maybe that's what we BOTH need. I'm willing to try.

But how the hell do I do it? Well, I'm married to an expert. I'll just ask her. And after THIS night I'll damn well be able to talk to her about it. And as she had said, it's MY choice.

Now I need to get her in bed and fuck her to get her mind off that bastard. I got lucky tonight.

Suddenly I thought about my new wife. Maybe I got lucky again finding a wife. I think she loves me.

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northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoover 1 year ago

Having a threesome is not swinging,

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

Well, the wife might be a swinger and a lot of people will hate her for this. But here she recognised an asshole and defended her her husband who was clueless about swinging.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

That's a loving wife?

lowkeyonelowkeyoneover 8 years ago

That was an excellent story and well told again. THANK YOU.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Very good

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 11 years ago

Talking first, then acting is always best, but doesn't make for good stories, which this was.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The conveyor belt is actually headed for the reject pile.

josephstevensjosephstevensover 11 years ago
Usual Quality...

You, lady, are a conveyor belt of good stories...this is unusual and interesting...thank you!

desperate1desperate1over 11 years ago
Good 'un

but not really my sort of story the ending would have followed the pattern of the husband finding out the wife had never been really satisfied and needed the other guy. Its a shame he never had the cream pie as its a marvellous taste and experience. But, saying all that a very good story and got me throbbing and all the stories cant end the same way as it would be boring 8/10

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
something different

I liked your story.


JonATaylorJonATaylorover 11 years ago
Finding Your Wife A Lover

Is not swinging. It's what a willing cuckold does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I would never trust the slut again. Awoman who jacks off another man without first asking her husband if she can is not but a skank. If the guy had not been an asshole she would have fucked him taken his sperm into her belly and got knocked up.He should divorce the cow before she really does make him a cucky

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 11 years ago
Ok. First four paras are great but

the next three seriously confuse me. Then you get to you think Trish might enjoy golf. She's twenty-eight. Well ok - she might...but really? The talk of a fousome, I agree, could have sparked some interest..

""Rich," she yelled. "Over here! Come over and join us."

What the hell did that mean I asked myself. Innocent or not so innocent?

Perhaps fucking stupid?

"Trish giggled. She rarely giggled." (I'm not fucking surprised, if, with all your money, you imagine golf is going to be your thing..)

But wait a moment - here comes the dope (no, not Richard, so it must be hubby)

"I've got to go to the men's room," I whispered..Why whisper? I mean it's about as dumb a fucking thing to do you could ever think of..but then, for fucks sake, you jerk off?? Your wife is being fondled out there and you're torn between maybe swinging with the guy or killing him and you FUCKING JERK OFF INTO THE COMMODE!!

Ok witless - calm down..

jeez Lynn baby - you really get me going. But this was poor. 3*

DunaDunaover 11 years ago

@ Dear Anon In 2000 30% of the children were born without marriage and in 2010 40% of the children are born withot marriage in Hunary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The figures are similar in the Scandinavian countries!!!!!!!!!!! The scientific bacground is the DNA test is almost 100% sure for paternity...............

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
What a different

Dear Anon

1. You wrote 2 pairs or more pairs, but the sexual activity on your conventions may be treesomes but these are occasional but not constant 3 MFM groups. I WROTE ABOUT THE CONSTANT MFM CONNECTIONS, WHICH IS CUCKOLDRY, WHEN THE WIFE HAS SEX WITH OTHERS AND THE HUSBAND HAS NOT ANY SEX OR HE HAS RARLY SEX WITH OTHERS.

2. I hope you also do not want to be obligatory life style the swinging or the constant MFM or FMF connections for everybody. Everybody has free right to choice among the sexual lifestyle in which he wants to live. I think this is the part of the freedom together with the DIVORCE POSSIBILTY.

3. My opinion only the certificated marriage is not the alone pair connection to bring up children mainly in the Scandinavian countries and in HUNGARY. I repeat in these countries 40% of the children are born without certificated mariages. You do swinging groups WITH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE AND bring up children with marriage certificate. I wrote (repeate) in some European countries people keep bringing up children in pair connection without marriage certificate!!!!!!!!!!!

stinger82stinger82over 11 years ago
Good one so far.....

Will there be a chapter 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Dear Duna

Dear asshole; You have obviously NEVER been a member of a swinging group and know nothing about it. I have been a member of two and let me tell you how they work. (I’m talking about CLUBS and not small residential groups.) There are dues. There are guys who rent the facility on the appointed nights and stand at the door to insure only members (or prospective members) get in. There is an admission charge that usually covers two drinks (swingers rarely drink more than that for obvious reasons.) Some single men are admitted, if they are known to the guys on the door.

The most common group to leave is four people (two couples). The next most common in terms of the number of people is a group of five to ten people almost always with more men than women. There are always several threesomes (two men and one woman) and the least common group is a threesome of one man and two women.

The major problem is finding a place to go because many of the couples have small children at home with baby sitters.

Let me tell you your problem. You are a repressed voyeur cuckold and you are exquisitely sensitive to threesomes of two men and one woman because they raise the urge in your subconscious to watch some guy fuck your woman. When this happens you get very angry and write the kind of shit you sent here.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Threesome is not swinging!

1. Threesome connection is not swinging..........Swinging connection is 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 equal women and men. Threesom marriage (MFM) is simple CUCKOLDRY. The couse the male brain. 2 males live near side by side the one becomes alfa the second becomes beta (there is 1-5% exceptions only) and it is ready the cuckoldry lifestyle......................with humulations (plurals)............

2. I met a poster on a website who put on fotos about his swining lifestyle His writing to his fotos were the next: step sons step daughters second, third wives, second, third husbands and etc..........Interesting...........

3. The liberty means to choice your life among family types, so I think a obligatory swinging lifestyle is same thing as the obligatory classical marriage is DICTATURA.


5. The classical marriage has other alternative except for swinging, wife/husband swapping, cuckoldry, open marriage, mainly in Scandinavia and in Hungary to live together to bring up children without marriage certificate. In Scandinavia and Hungary 40% of the children are born without marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
how old

are you because you don't know what your talking about when you reach the age of the man in this story i think you will regret you wrote it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This is _far_ from sophistry


"But women start to lose their attractiveness internally faster than they do externally and in desperation some are weak enough to turn to a lifestyle that helps pay my bills. "

1Thinkingman sounds like he's a therapist or something similar. Swinging _can_ be traumatic for some folks. I would suggest considering it with substantial care. On the other hand: divorce is traumatic also.

If you actually check out the literature, there are serious claims that swingers have happier more stable marriages than the general population. If we are talking women over 45 or so, catering to swingers or some fetishes is one of the most reliable ways to improve their odds of actually having a long term relationship. I've seen women that were seasoned swingers in their 40's and 60's have _multiple_ marriage proposals to choose from that were decent, quality men.

I'm familiar with stuff like the polling literature. I have yet to see ANY peer reviewed paper supporting the claims that 1Thinkingman is making. are there people that have problems with swinging ? yes. Are there people that don't approach swinging with appropriate care? yes. The thing is: there are problems with ANY marital approach.

If you want to identify just who the people are that have positive swinging experiences and those that don't-and get it published in a peer reviewed publication, I'd be VERY interested.

A huge chunk of those that _think_ they are monogamous, simply are NOT.

1Thinkingman reports himself as single. I'm not sure if he's really divorce or just afraid of commitment.

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