Best Neighbors

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Neighbors get to know each other!
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Jim and Lana Mitchell lived next to Joe and Ellen Bonner for over 5 years. Several neighbors had come and gone but the Mitchells and the Bonners were still there. They had become very good friends and often played cards and generally neighbored back and forth.

Jim is a handsome man that had acquired quite a good deal of money from his job. His job in the local factory as chief engineer offered him a good salary. His broad shoulders and muscular frame attracts women like flies. He enjoys people and parties. He was brought up in a small town atmosphere where everyone known everyone and everything about them. He was the town's athletic hero, in that he played every sport and excelled in them all. His original plan was to be a pro basketball player but that ended when he blew out a knee in the last game of the season in college. He walks with a slight limp but that, also seems to attract the ladies for some unknown reason.

Lana, his wife, also has a very good job. Her sales as an industrial real estate agent nets her a tidy sum also. She was an immediate success. Her jutting ass globes punctuate her hourglass figure and 38D tits, and had the same effect on men that Jim has on women. Her soft voice and caring attitude keeps men mesmerized, making them desirous to be around her. She also was from a small town, and she was selected Queen of Hearts at the local high school. Oh yes, her wicked smile proved to be a great asset when dealing with the men clients. She loved to flirt and used it to her advantage when she dealt with her men clients. More than a few of her clients propositioned her, not only with a sale but outright cash. She has managed to sidetrack the offers but was well aware of their intentions and actions. She enjoyed the attention.

Joe Bonner is a tall, lanky man of 26 years. He works out regularly and his upper body is quite muscular. His boyish face, quick wit and large feet makes him an attraction to women, especially when they get to know him. The suggestion that men with large feet have the same size elsewhere causes women to nod in appreciation. I don't know if this is always true but in his case it is. He wears a 10-1/2, extra wide shoe. He is always the life of the party. He knows how to make people laugh and enjoy life. Joe is an electronic buff and enjoys fiddling with new electronic gadgets. He is quite successful and enjoys neighboring around the complex.

Ellen is gorgeous and very demure. She has posed for Playboy, but that is a secret that she and Joe do not divulge easily. She blushes easily when given any compliment on her looks. Her astounding beauty does not go unnoticed. She quietly enjoys the attention she gets from other men. She often confided with Lana how she wonders how it might be if she had took some the offers of the "good looking" men that approached her. Joe has been her one and only love and sex partner. She even blushed when she confided in Lana.

That pretty well describes the characters in the story except they all are sexually active, but only with their own mate, until this story unfolds.

Jim had asked Joe if he would install a projector and power screen in the game room. They had made arrangements for Joe to buy and install the equipment after work on Friday.

Joe was looking forward to the job because he enjoyed working with electronic things and even more so, valued Lana and Jim's friendship.

"I enjoy spending other people's money," he quipped when Jim made him the proposition. Lana agreed to fix dinner for him and Ellen as payment for his labor. Lana took a half-day off from her work. She decided to take a shower and freshen up before she started the meal.

She was just stepping out of the shower when she heard the doorbell ring.

She quickly pulled a cotton housedress over her naked body and hurried to the door.

To her surprise, Joe was standing at the door with several boxes in his arms.

"I decided to get an early start," he said. "It was too hot to work outside anyway," he continued.

Lana grinned. "Come on in. I was just getting out of the shower," she said nonchalantly.

She grinned again when she noticed he was wearing a muscle tee shirt and shorts that showed off his muscular upper body.

She led him into the game room and watched as he unboxed the electronic stuff. "All that for a projector?" she asked.

He laughed. "I made a great deal on this stuff," he said. "I bought a projector, camera, and recorder for the price of a projector alone," he said, smiling widely. "I even managed to get the power operated screen pretty cheap."

"Wow!" Lana voiced with little enthusiasm. "Where is the camera?"

Joe grinned. He pulled, what looked like a pen, from his pocket. "This is the camera. It is a new wireless camera that just came out."

Lana laughed. "You are a nut but I still like you," she quipped."

Let me show you how this works," he said as he hooked the recorder to the TV.

Almost instantly the picture of the room came on the TV. He pointed the little pen like camera around and Lana laughed when he had her on the screen.

She even did a little jig. They laughed as they watched her on the TV.

You will look fascinating on the big screen when I get it put up," he quipped. "I will need to get the ladder from the truck," he said as he hurried out the door.

Joe proceeded to mount the screen while Lana watched. "Maybe later we can make a funny recording," he said grinning.

"If I can help, give me a whistle," Lana said as held the ladder for him.

Joe let out a low wolf whistle.

Lana giggled. "You are sooo bad!" she said, her face turning red.

Joe moved the ladder to the other side of the room. "I will have to push the wire across the ceiling," he explained. "If you will keep the wire from tangling it would be helpful," he said.

Lana watched as Joe began to push the wire over the ceiling. Her eyes caught a glimpse up the leg of his shorts as he worked on the ladders top rung. She gasped when she noticed the size of his cock dangling in the leg of his shorts. She tried to look away but was unable to take her eyes off of the purple head of his cock.

Joe glanced down and caught her looking.

She was licking her lips and smiling.

He noticed the front of her housedress had gapped open. Her luscious tits were in clear view.

He began to shake at the sight. He realized that she was enchanted by his manhood.

He quickly descended the ladder and took her in his arms. "God, you are beautiful!" he blurted.

Lana blushed at his words. "You are quite a man," she said without thinking.

The kiss was hot and heavy. Their tongue battled each other as they stumbled toward the overstuffed couch.

"We should not be doing this," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Joe kissed her again, this time his hands found the buttons on the front of her housedress.

Lana gasped. Her hands were fumbling with the zipper of his shorts. "This is wrong," she said unenthusiastically all the while pressing his zipper down and unfastening the top button of his shorts.

"So you want me to stop?" he asked huskily.

She shrugged her shoulders and the dress fell to the floor. A very determined "NO!" greeted his ears.

They stumbled to the overstuffed couch. Both were naked. Joe's cock stood prominently from his groin.

Lana's eyes grew wild with anticipation.

Joe gently lowered her to the couch. His stiff cock was rubbing against her hot slit. "Yes, fuck me with that beautiful cock," Lana breathed softly.

Joe did not need a second invitation. He quickly pressed his purple monster against her now very wet pussy lips.

Lana groaned in delight as his cock head slipped into her pulsing cunt. She felt his cock slide into her hot cavern.

"OH GOD! YESSS!" she hissed as it slipped deep inside her hot pussy, bringing her to an instant orgasm.

Lana was surprised how quickly she came. She felt him thrusting back and forth inside her velvet cunt. Her mind raced with desire. His cock filled her completely. She reveled in the feeling of sincere bliss. She was completely ecstatic, and was thrilled at being so incredibly full of his wonderful cock. She shrieked her second release. The resonance of their fucking seemed to permeate the room like a flash of light and rolling thunder.

He began to fuck her with slow, deliberate motions, driving her to a mountain top and down again. Her body was out of control. She moved with his enormous strokes, wanting to feel the hard member inside of her clutching cunt. She tried to fight off another spectacular orgasm. Time after time she spewed her earth quaking orgasms, the sticky fluid drenching them.

Joe began to quake. His own orgasm shot into the velvet hole with rapid explosions, filling her with his seed. He was delighted she was meeting his strokes with equal vigor. His cock grew longer and thicker when he felt her pussy throbbing around his rock hard member. He shot another load deep inside of her just as she had an earth shaking orgasm. He continued to drive his lengthening member into her hot cavern. He felt her juices spray from around his engulfed cock, wetting his stomach and chest. She squirted time and time again as they fucked furiously.

They lost track of time. They fucked in every position they could think of and a few they didn't think about.

Lana gasped when she noticed the time. They had fucked away the afternoon. It was nearly time for their spouses to arrive home. She reluctantly arose from the floor where they had fallen in sublime ecstasy. A large wet spot appeared from their many orgasms.

"I had better get my clothes on and start the meal," she said wistfully. "We will have to continue this some other time!" she added passionately.

Joe nodded his agreement.

Just then they heard the garage door open.

Lana grabbed her housedress and sprinted toward the bedroom, the moment of great delight passing quickly.

Jim quickly pulled on his clothes and was busy tugging at the wire when Jim entered.

"I just saw Ellen drive in next door," Jim explained. "She yelled that she would be over after she changed into something more comfortable."

Joe finished pulling the wires in and sat down on the couch where he had just fucked Lana. He smiled at the thought but frowned when he noticed the wet spot on the carpet.

Jim went to the door just as Ellen arrived. "Joe just finished," he said.

Joe grinned. "If they only knew!" he thought.

Lana came in from the bedroom. "We will have to order in," she said. "I ran out of time!"

Joe chuckled softly. "I need to change clothes," he said. "It has been hot in here!"

Lana giggled softly.

Ellen and Jim looked at each other wonderingly.

"It seems OK in here to me," Jim said as Joe headed toward the door and hurried across the lawn to his house.

"He has been hard at it, so he probably is hot!" Lana explained, smiling at her double meaning.

When Joe returned, Ellen and Jim were sitting on the couch.

Lana was busy setting the table.

"How does this thing work?" Jim asked, pointing at the projector.

"Just push the button on the controller," Joe instructed, handing Jim the remote control.

Jim pushed a button and the projector lit up the screen.

"Wait!" Joe shouted as the recorder started.

It was too late. The camera, which he had carelessly laid on the fireplace mantle, had caught the whole episode and the recorder had recorded it all.

As the recorder played, Jim and Ellen looked at each other in shock. "That is Joe and Lana!" Jim managed to say.

Ellen groaned. "They are having sex," she said between clenched teeth.

Lana and Joe began to stutter. "We er uh that is----'

Jim started to growl at Lana. Suddenly he stopped. He turned to Ellen. His anger turned to a thoughtful smile. "Wow!" he said emphatically. "That sure puts a new light on our relationship," he said after a moments hesitation.

He looked at Ellen and grinned. "I believe we should get even," he said resolutely.

Ellen looked puzzled.

Jim took Ellen in his arms and kissed her passionately.

Ellen smiled when he released her. She recalled her many conversations with Lana. Her eyes grew wide. "I have always wondered about other men" she thought, "and now I have the best opportunity I could think of".

"YES!" she said. "Let's go over to my house," she added as she urged Jim toward the door.

Joe and Lana looked at each other in amazement.

"What is good for the goose is good for the gander," Jim shouted as he closed the door behind him.

Ellen was giggling all the way to the house. She was breathless when they opened the door and Jim swept her into his arms.

"This has turned out to be an interesting evening," Jim said when they broke the passionate kiss.

Ellen nodded her head in agreement. "I have often thought about this but never had the nerve to suggest it," she added as she quickly removed her clothing.

Jim stood mesmerized by her actions. He gasped in adoration when her bra fell from her firm, perfectly shaped tits.

His hands found the globes and massaged them gently.

Ellen groaned. She gasped audibly when he sucked each tit in turn, rasping his tongue over the sensitive nipples.

"Please!" was all she could say.

Jim caught her under the arms when she sagged down in utter delight.

Her shorts followed the bra to the floor.

Her naked body was even better than Jim expected. Her clean-shaven pussy seemed to pulse open and closed. Her body trembled in anticipation. She was already perspiring.

Jim fumbled with his clothes. His fingers seemed to be stiff and not working as well as he wanted them too. He finally managed to get his shirt off and was fumbling with his pants when Ellen pushed his hands away.

"Let me!" she said enthusiastically.

She dropped to her knees and unfastened his pants, pulling them down eagerly.

Jim's cock sprung out.

Ellen caught her breath. Her hands found his stiff member and pulled it to her mouth. Her sucking lips and flashing tongue made Jim groan. "If you keep that up, I am going to cum," he said with a gasp.

Ellen released his cock long enough to say, "Cum on!"

Jim tried in vain to keep from Cumming but to no avail.

His orgasm shook him as he spewed his seed into Ellen's mouth.

"Now fuck me,' she said violently.

Jim pushed her back onto the floor. His cock slipped from her mouth. She caught it and aimed it for her hot cunt. He began to fuck her with slow even strokes. Faster and faster he drove his hard member into the soft folds of her inner body.

Ellen felt his hot spunk shoot into her. She gasped at the sensation. She trembled when her own orgasm overtook her.

They lay together for quite some time, their bodies coupled together.

"What a terrific time we have been missing," Ellen said softly.

"Yes!" Jim said in agreement. "It has been a great day. Even Joe and Lana's impropriety seemed quite shocking at first, but it brought us all out into the open."

"It has been quite a wonderful experience," Lana and Joe echoed from the doorway.

They had watched quietly from the door for quite a while. They both were astonished at the sight. They decided that their sex lives had made a turn for the better. "Let's not get uptight with anyone. We have found a great release for the busy life we live," Lana suggested aloud.

Jim echoed her suggestion. "After all, we are good friends and a little sex between friends should not hurt," he added.

Joe laughed at the suggestion. "We sure wasted a lot of time by not starting this before," he replied.

Ellen chuckled aloud. "We sure have, but I intend on making up for the lost time as fast as I can. Jim has just given me the best fuck I have had in a long time." She looked at her husband. "The very fact that you are quite a good fuck also, but I think that the variety is going to make our sex lives even better. I am tempted to check out the new neighbors down the street."

They all laughed at her statement. She winked at Lana. "Have you seen that hunk next door in his shorts? He must be hung like a horse. His wife is forever hugging and kissing him."

Lana nodded her agreement.

Jim and Joe grinned. "She isn't bad to look at either," Joe said with a hearty laugh.

"I am not thinking about just looking," Jim said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Lana hit him gently on the shoulder. "You will have all you can take care of with just us," she said bluntly accenting the "us".

Joe laughed loudly. "We had better get started right away then," he said as he removed his shirt and dropped his pants.

Lana laughed. "I guess I should not be the only one with clothing on," she exclaimed as she quickly began removing her clothing.

They all laughed as they struggled to the bedroom and lay down on the bed, their inhibitions gone.

"Who said that fucking is not a spectator sport," Ellen quipped. "Watching Joe fuck Lana is quite a turn on," she insisted, as her husband drove his cock into Lana with long, driving strokes.

Their laughter echoed in the room.

Lana agreed, as she watched Jim pummel into Ellen. The bed groaned it's resistance as the four fucked furiously, only to stop to change partners again and again and again.

Thus began a long and happy relationship. The exchange of partners was frequent and they all became closer than ever before.

Nine months later Lana had a bouncing baby boy. They were never sure who the father actually was. They all realized how good it was to not have any reservations or misgivings.

They agreed that anytime any one needed a good fuck, a good neighbor was there to help. The arrangement was definitely for the better, after all, variety is the spice of life, and as for the other neighbors---Who knows how that will work out!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
caught with pants down

Joe and lana need to watch where they have sex if they dont want to have sex

Pat Murray

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Good reading!

I am a "pregnancy nut" and I loved this story. What better way to bring a new baby into this world, by having unrestricted sex and lust involved in making it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

It takes talent to write an erotic story and it takes even more talent to write a believable one. This one unfortunately was NOT.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Don't stop now

There is definately a sequal to this one with more neibors being brought in. Invite them over for a party and accidentally start the video that opened the door. They would get the idea pretty quick.

don-donna2don-donna2about 18 years ago
The pregnacy nuts will be happy to read about the


Personally I could have done without that and the oversized dickey but other than that good plot well done

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