Bill and Melanie Find Each Other


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Melanie spoke. "I need to clear up some things. First, I'm very well aware that I am fifteen years younger than you are. I sense that it bothers you. It does not bother me in the slightest—it just doesn't fucking matter. I'm not close to my parents and don't care what anyone else thinks--and as long as I've known you, I don't think you care either. You're worried about how I would feel, ah, being, ah, seen with a man almost but not quite old enough to be her father—at least not in this state. I know how I feel about you--I'll get to that. I'm not sure where you are, but ultimately I need to know. It's your turn. I'm losing my nerve, and I need to eat."

He was going to be practical, real world and mature--say all the right things. Instead he said the three magic little words. He hung his heart out as far as was humanly possible.

"I love you." He said, softly. "I've always loved you since back when you were a little girl. Today I'm in love with you--in love with the wonderful woman you have become. I told you I loved you last night but you didn't hear me."

Melanie dropped her fork with a clang and began to cry softly. She came over to his side of the table and climbed on his lap.

"You get right to the point, don't you old man?" She softly said. She gently kissed every inch of his face she could find, tears streaming from her beautiful blue eyes.

She recovered a modicum of composure, enough to continue. "Three little words. Three words I so desperately needed to hear--and say. I love you, Bill Davis. I wanted to say them first--I wanted to say them so many times last night. I wanted to say them just a minute ago. I was so terribly frightened that I would scare you away if I said them."

It was Bill's turn. He no longer was afraid to let it all out. "I don't want to beat a dead horse dear heart, but you need to know how much I love you--if I can even find the words to express it. I'm talking about real love, not puppy love. I'm talking about forever love--die in your arms love. I'm talking about a white dress and a walk down the aisle kind of love--babies and family kind of love. I'm hanging it way out here, but I sure as hell hope that what I have in mind is what you have in mind."

"Chapter two." She responded as he looked at her quizzically. "I've had a dream for a very long time. I dismissed it as childish infatuation but it was always still there when I was no longer a child. Chapter one was making love with you--we got through the first part of that chapter last night--but it's a very long chapter." She quipped, grinding her fine little butt into his cock.

She continued. "Chapter two was the most fantastic and impossible part of the dream. I almost got into chapter one five years ago on the Catamaran--closer than you ever knew. Chapter two starts when you tell me you love me, proceeds to when you ask me to be your wife and ends when we say I do." She paused. "There's a lot of fucking in chapter three--some of which involves making babies--at least one or two." She paused again. Did I miss something, or did you just ask me to marry you?"

"I did, but not very well. I suggest you give me another chance--but the first one is certainly legally binding. We have all day. Let's go buy a ring. Let me put it on your hand and propose properly."

"I like the way you think, old man. First I need to finish breakfast. Then we need to fuck again, unless you're too tired?" Melanie said.

"Eat fast young lady." He told her.

They fucked twice that morning; once very tenderly, once extremely wantonly. Both were exquisite for both Bill and Melanie.

They stopped by her condo so she could change. "Where do you buy a ring, Mr. Davis?"

"I'm thinking Tiffany, they're the best." Bill replied.

"Aren't they pretty expensive?" She asked.

"I sure hope so." He replied.

They immediately agreed on the style, a simple platinum setting with a single six prong mounting. Ever mindful of her own financial realities she would have chosen a smaller one than he did. Tiffany has the class not to put the price on the ring.

They picked out matching wedding bands while they were there. She knew little about diamonds. She glanced at the receipt as he handed the salesman his cash card--he's putting this on a debit card? That's scary. She couldn't catch the exact figure but saw enough to know that the three rings had cost close to $15,000. Unfortunately, they all had to be sized. They would not be ready until the following day. The formal proposal would have to wait one more day.

As they were getting ready to leave, he stopped, turned and said, "Oh, shit!"

He explained the, oh shit. "I forgot, I have to go to a charity wine auction tonight for the principle charity I support. I can't bale, I'm supposed to introduced someone and give a short speech. It's black tie. We need to get you a dress--shoes--a purse--pearls!"

He hauled her back into Tiffany. They quickly found a double choker that fit her perfectly and on her garnered the attention of every other man and woman in the room. Another quick $2,500 on the debit card. He had an after thought. A delicate and simple diamond bracelet with matching, understated earrings. She's stopped worrying about his debit card.

Next to an outrageous women's clothing store in which she had browsed but never shopped. They didn't have the shoes or purse but they did have an astounding little black dress that made this already beautiful young woman stunning beyond imagination. She's stopped worrying about price--but she knew it had to be $1,000. They just didn't sell stuff much under that price point.

Nordstrom's for shoes and a purse--and silk undies. She thought about pantyhose. He told her that she was one of the only women he'd ever met that absolutely didn't need them. He was, of course, correct. She did have flawless gams.

They hurried home and made love; then they fucked. Then they napped.

As they were both dressing for the evening, she couldn't help noticing how handsome her husband to be was in his evening clothes. She seldom wore makeup; she'd thought about a little liner and blush. He said she didn't need it. He'd allow for a light blush of lip stick. They made a very attractive couple.

The dress they had purchased hugged her young curves provocatively; it was all class and no trash. As he placed the pearl choker around her neck, kissing her tender neck for good measure, they looked at each other in the mirror. She was breath taking; the effect was only more pronounced with the unmistakable look that says, I'm in love. The same look was every bit as hard to miss on his face. They both realized in that instant that this was a picture, the two of them side by side, that was meant to be.

It was a gala affair with all the local notables. He had warned her that some of these people were jerks--particularly some of the women. Feel free to fuck with them, he told her. None of them were important. Few of them contributed what he did to this charity. None of them had anything to do with his business--they needed him more than they needed him.

Bill was correct. She was a confident young woman, not one to hang on a man's arm in desperation. As he got busy with some details of the event she chatted with some of the other guests. She dearly loved being next to him and missed him when he wasn't at her side but she was quite able to take care of herself.

One younger man actually tried to make a pass at her. She was pleasant and not unkind. He left to pursue other interests, telling her, as he graciously shook her hand in parting that he knew he wasn't in her league. He got points for honesty. Several older gentlemen flirted with her, but it was harmless. Even their wives didn't get jealous, knowing full well that their own old farts didn't stand a chance with this stunning young woman in the designer dress with the exquisite pearl choker, and, although she didn't realize it, but suspected, several thousand dollars worth of classic diamond accessories.

Most of the women were pleasant. She was a very bright, well read and well educated girl. She carried herself with poise; her carriage was elegant without being haughty. They also knew she had a man--a very handsome man--and showed no indication of wanting to change partners. Those who knew Bill also knew that it would be unlikely that she could trade up for a better one; he was in a special class. Some were certainly envious, not only of her date but her youth and beauty.

One nosy, but still pleasant older woman asked her how long she had known Bill. When she said ten years, the woman was confused in view of her youth. She asked if they had dated for very long. Melanie said no, technically this was their first date but that they had loved each other for a very long time and planned to spend the rest of their lives together. Melanie told the older woman about his morning proposal, the shopping trip for rings and the planned formal proposal the following day. The matron was delighted.

The older woman gave her a motherly hug and hearty congratulations. She was really a very sweet soul. She had known Bill for many years and loved him as she loved her own children. She'd noticed the spring in his step and the glow on his face and now knew the reason why. She was happy for both of them and told Melanie to be sure to invite her to the wedding.

There were obviously several women who had coveted Bill Davis for some time. It was very hard to miss Mel--she was head and shoulders above the other women in the room. Most were over made up, over jeweled and over dressed. None had her youthful beauty, the glow of love or her staggering presence. They could see she was attractive; as Bill worked his way back to her every chance he got they knew who she was with. As word spread many knew that she would soon become Mrs. Bill Davis.

One particularly obnoxious and disappointed woman worked her surgically enhanced face and body over to where Melanie was standing.

"You seem much younger than Bill is." She started in

"How right you are." Melanie replied with a smile. "I've known Bill since I first baby sat for his children when I was fourteen--ten years ago."

"This all seems very sudden, I didn't even know he was dating anyone" The woman stated.

"It is very sudden and no he wasn't dating anyone else--or me, for that matter." Melanie replied sweetly, then iced the cake.

"I've been in love with Bill since I was fourteen--I've wanted to fuck him for almost that long. This is our first actual date. We fucked all of last night--I can't remember how many times. I think I almost blacked out I came so much. Did you know he's hung like a horse? That damned thing never goes down. He fucked me in the ass early this morning--I'd never done that before but plan to do it a lot more in the future--then proposed at breakfast."

Mel sipped her champagne and took it to a close. "I said yes, of course. I just hope they get this show on the road—I want to blow him on the drive home. Do you suck cock? God, I love the way his cum tastes. Do you swallow? I sure do. Ever taken the high hard one up your poop chute? I'm really a lucky girl. I love him madly. He loves me to death. He wants to have babies. He's loaded--and he fucks all of my holes like a wild stallion--what more could you ask?"

The obnoxious woman drifted away in shock--speechless and fully realizing that there was no way anyone else in the room would believe her if she told them what Mel had said. She doubted that she'd even have the nerve.

The charity auction was on various lots of premium wine. Bill bid on a number of them and won several. A buffet dinner had been included so neither of left the gala hungry for anything but each other. Melanie realized she knew little about Bill's family—parents, siblings or whatever. She did not blow him on the drive home. The buckets seats made it almost impossible. She did take his hard cock in her mouth as soon as they got home. Fortunately both of the kids were spending the night with friends.

They made love all night in every way and in every location they could think of. She particular relished the slow ass fuck from behind in the hot tub. As they talked over breakfast Bill agreed that the hot tub was the best one--not that there had been any bad ones. The kids would be home around lunch time. They agreed that they needed to know.

Before either of them could begin to explain how much they were in love with each other, his son Ben asked if they were going to get married—if Melanie would be his new step mom. As he said yes, Caitlin wanted to know when. Soon, but they hadn't chosen a date. Where was the ring? Caitlin wanted to know. The ring--rings. They were at Tiffany. Let's go get the rings, exclaimed both children. They all piled into the car and headed for the mall about twenty minutes away. Both kids were a little confused about how there dad could have proposed without a ring. When they got home, Mel excused them for a moment to talk to Bill. He had wanted to make the formal proposal in a romantic setting. She suggested that there were no two people more important to both of them than Ben and Caitlin.

They went back into the living room and informed the children. Ben wanted to take pictures; that seemed like a good idea. A few minutes later, down on one knee, Bill proposed to the woman that he would spend the rest of his life with. It was a tender and special proposal. There wasn't a dry eye in the house after he slipped the ring on her hand and Melanie said yes—she wanted to be Mrs. Bill Davis for the rest of her life.

The four of them hugged together, each very happy at the magic event that had just occurred. For Ben at age twelve, it would be like having a mom again, one he had known and loved since had been two. For Caitlin it would include a sense of having a big sister--but also a mom, just a young one. Caitlin wanted to know if they would have babies--she hoped so. She was thrilled when they said yes--as was Ben.

Melanie called her father. She found out that he and her step mother had finally split. Mel was neither surprised nor upset. Early that evening she and Bill went to see him. He was surprised to say the least. He knew Bill was a good man and in spite of the age difference realized that his daughter was very much in love. Melanie asked her dad to give her away at the alter. He cried softly and thanked her for asking him to do what he so wanted to do but wasn't sure he was going to be allowed to do. He offered to pay for part of the wedding. It was decided that he would take the rehearsal dinner since Jim and Melanie would fund their own nuptials. It would be small; it would be local. It would be within a month.

They were married in a quaint old church just up the street exactly one month later. Melanie had asked Caitlin to be her maid of honor. Ben was the ring bearer. Melanie's step mother did not attend in spite of being invited. Bill's mother attended; his father had died several years earlier. They decided to have the reception at Bill's--now Bill and Melanie's--house. It was where they had first made love. It was where he had proposed. It was the place the two children that they both loved so much called home.

As odd as it might sound they not only took Ben and Caitlin on their honeymoon, but the widow down the street who would look after the two kids when Ben and Melanie were otherwise occupied.

They found time to spend with the kids on the honeymoon. The kids were growing up and quite well knew that a new man and wife need private time together. They gave them every possible moment. It lasted two weeks; it was the first time Melanie, Caitlin and Ben had been to Europe. They thoroughly enjoyed it.

By the time they returned home, Melanie was pregnant. Bill had not wanted to wait to have more children--he wasn't getting any younger. First came a little blonde girl named Kimberly. A year and a half later, a blond boy named Bill Jr.

Bill and Melanie screwed all of the time. They fucked the morning Kimberly was born. When she went into labor with Bill Jr., it turned out to be false labor. The doctor hinted that there was one activity that could help bring on real labor, exiting the labor room and locking the door behind him. They fucked like bunnies in the narrow bed; he had to take her from behind due to the prominent belly she had acquired.

When they were not supposed to fuck immediately following each delivery, she gave him her ass. She had gotten to enjoy his cock there very much. Sadly, but happily, Caitlin and Ben grew up and went away to college--not too far--they saw them often. Bill and Melanie had new young ones to tend to. Having young children in the house made Bill feel younger than his years. Loving his beautiful young wife every day assured it.

They had made a pact. Unless one or the other was deathly ill, they would screw or go down on each other every night before drifting off to sleep. Their mutual oral expertise generally resulted in a follow up penetration of one of Melanie's delightful orifices. They also had agreed that every morning should begin the same way. They seldom missed on their agreement. They often awoke in the night for another round, filling whichever hole had not been filled the night before.

Chapter three was the birth of their two children. There were many more happy chapters in their life together.

Bill lived well into his late nineties, still, to the amazement of his doctors able to get it up with only occasional pharmaceutical assistance. He died in his sleep at ninety eight--not from anything in particular--just old age. He died in the arms of his young bride of eighty-three. They had enjoyed a quiet fuck that very morning. That night he had fallen asleep before they could complete their nightly ritual.

He was survived by four children, twelve grand children and three great grand children--and his loving bride of fifty eight years.

Edited by littleredjammies.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Cheesy and cliche…screw every night before sleep…yeah right.

mfbridgesmfbridges5 months ago

Sounds like MC lived a long and fulfilling life. I'm happy for him and her.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very nice. I thought describing their live make to strangers at the party was a little over the top. Also, it would have been interesting to get his ex-wife's reaction.

WittonWittonover 2 years ago

Entirely predictable - that's OK - but everything was so cutesy and perfect - and the sex not even erotic in the least

Barst0hBoyBarst0hBoyover 2 years ago

I'm stunned. All I could think of while reading was my own life experience. Thanks for your gentle (and proficient) writing. I was living your story as I read. Judging from other comments, I too, am sorrowful that you are not still contributing to this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Author tried a little too hard to ne coy with their attraction and desire for one another but hey, this was a really sweet story. Overall, I really liked it.

cors41214guycors41214guyabout 3 years ago

Beautiful story, both loving and sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story. It is nice once in a while to get one in this category that focuses on the good things possible in a marriage.

Well done!

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Another wonderful love story from Dinsmore. Each story I read from this author just gets better and better. Sure wish this author was still publishing new stories on Literotica as I will miss his stories when I reach story #111. Well done Dinsmore, 5+ stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It happens

I am 14 years senior to my lovely wife.FYI- it’s fan- frigging- tastic!!

jackh1962jackh1962almost 6 years ago
Too old?

Anon 12/24/17,well you're entitled to your opinion for what it's worth,but I think that you're so wrong.People can and do fall in love with even greater age spans than what was written in this story.How do I know?My wife was 18 years younger than me and the only reason we're apart now is due to her death some years ago.And no,it had nothing to do with power,wealth,or social position,like some would have you believe as being the only reason that a younger woman would be with an older man,as I have none of any of these.The one thing that you're right about is that it's fantasy,but that's what these stories are all about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Fantasy is fun

But reality is NOT. he is way too old for her. when she is in her prime he will need help to go once. that! is why I hate mature stories with an older male. 5-7 years older max. 15 years? give me a FUCKIN break THINK REALITY perverts

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Pretty darned good.

dyonysosdyonysosalmost 8 years ago

This could well have been in "Erotic couplings",still an enjoyable story

texcavemantexcavemanover 8 years ago
enjoyed the story, but!!!

The infamous BUT. First I insist on once again saying how enjoyable the story was. Accept for my but (that does not sound right, lol). I hate nit pickers but her dad was to give her away at the ALTAR not alter (please google the definition of the two).

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