Blair Moves In

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Blair's long-awaited reunion with Daddy is an erotic one.
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by BrettJ © 2012

Due to the interference of her overpowering mother, Blair Harper had not seen her father since she was 5 years of age. Millie would never tell her daughter the reason why she had left Adam Milligan, but whenever she spoke of him, her entire body would stiffen and you could hear the bile forming in her voice.

Blair knew she would never find out from Millie, so she contacted her closest family all, her aunt Val. Over lunch, Val came clean. "I can tell you the main reason they broke up," Blair's aunt Val told her "Adam wasn't at all intimidated by our family's money and wouldn't kowtow to your mother. He worked hard at his career and if he disagreed withMillicent – and oh, she hated when he called her that – she just got pissy as hell. It's a shame, really ... our Daddy liked Adam a lot and your father is gorgeous," Valentina told her niece. "Your grandfather was really upset when your mother called off their engagement. Daddy loves your mom, but she's a spoiled brat. Thank God you didn't turn out like her," she complimented her niece.

Blair decided that she could trust her aunt and outlined her plan. The lovely brunette gave her a hug and vowed to do all that she could. With the resources of the Harper family behind her, Valentina could do a lot to help the young girl. "I've put some of Daddy's investigators on the case," Valentina told Blair. "Your father lives in New York in a very spacious apartment complex. He didn't know anything about your whereabouts; he hadn't heard a word from Millie since she broke their engagement and took off with you. He was sure if he tried to interfere, the Harpers would make trouble and knowing Millie, he was right. Needless to say, he's not too thrilled with your mom. He wants to meet you and I'll arrange for you to fly out any time you want to go."

"Could I go after graduation?" Blair asked in a meek tone that wasn't much like the gregarious girl. After wanting to be reunited with her father for so long, she didn't want to wait any longer.

"I don't see why not," Val told her favorite niece. "Are you still intent on joining the family business?"

"I don't see why not," Blair teased. "The law is fascinating; you and Grandfather do some good work. Unlike some people ..." She knew Valentina would understand to whom she was referring.

"Your mother is – who she is," Valentina sighed while she still tried to be civil. In part, she wholly agreed with her niece. "Our mother spoiled her rotten and filled her head with art and theatre. She never took to the law the way I did."

"Her marriages don't seem to work out, either," Blair snorted. "This is number three and I bet he won't make it until the end of the year before he's running for the hills. Why does my mother keep picking these jackasses?"

"Because she keeps trying to replace your father and that ain't gonna happen," Valentina said as she hugged the girl. "You'll see why when you meet him. Dang sweetheart – ifI had met him first, I'd never have let him get away and you'd be my kid."

"He's THAT impressive," Blair asked.

"Oh yeah – Adam is all that and more," Valentina sighed.

Blair stood in front of the large apartment complex, wondering what she would say to this man she hadn't seen in nearly 14 years. She hadn't let Valentina call ahead as she had wanted to do. Blair wanted him to react to her in an honest, open manner and not have time to prepare a performance. Her ticket was open-ended. If things didn't work out, she could fly out in the morning. The building was beautiful, despite its age; it was well kept and clean in appearance. She kept staring at it when a bosomy brunette walked by her and noticed her staring.

"Is there something wrong, sugar?" The woman asked as she pushed her sunglasses down her face. She appeared to be about 40 years of age and was very attractive. Her clothes spoke that she knew how to dress and wasn't afraid to flaunt it a bit – she had a very nice body and showed off nice legs in killer 4-inch stiletto heels.

"Does – does Adam Milligan live here?" She asked the woman. The woman stared her up and down.

"Are you another one of hisgirls?" She asked Blair. The pretty blonde didn't understand and it must have shown in her face, because the woman re-phrased the question. "Are you a girlfriend of his?"

"Me? Oh goodness, no."

"Good. I sure as hell don't need more competition," the older woman said, putting out her hand. "I'm Teri Windgate. Yeah, he lives here – why do you need to know?"

"I'm Blair ..."

Teri's brown eyes went wide open. "Holy fuck – you're his DAUGHTER. He couldn't believe it when your family's attorneys called him." She unexpectedly gave the girl a huge hug and looked at her again. "Shit – you've got his eyes. I have got to see his reaction, I'm his girlfriend –sorta – and I'm taking you inside. I am not missing out on this."

Blair nodded and let the woman show her the way. The inside of the building was as nice as the façade. She found Teri a bit brassy, but she seemed nice enough. They reached the third floor apartments and Teri knocked. "Your dad has a huge place, I'm sure you can stay with him. Come on Adam, open the door!" She banged again. The door opened and a large, broad-shouldered man with dark, lightly-graying hair appeared there.

"Some of us are still sleeping because after last night's fun and games, Teri ..." He then saw Blair standing there. She couldn't say anything because her father was standing right in front of her and he was even more impressive than she had thought he would be. Aunt Val was right, he was gorgeous. "Hello, who might-you-be ...?" He started at her intently and then his jaw dropped and he shook his head. Blair nodded and he threw open his arms and hugged her until she started to cry. "Don't start that sweetheart or you'll have me bawling," Adam told his daughter. "I can't believe it – you're here, in the flesh. Teri, I think we're going to need some time alone, you understand?"

Teri nodded and gave Blair another quick hug. "Come and see me sugar, I'd love to be your friend, too. Lover, I'll see you later," she winked at Adam.

"She seems – nice," Blair said as her father escorted her into his apartment. She gasped – it was huge and very tastefully decorated. The detectives that had worked for her aunt Valentina had told her he was still a bachelor and this didn't fit the image of any bachelor apartment she had ever seen, including a few of the college guys she had gone out with. "Daddy – I mean ... should I call you that?"

"You bet," Adam said as he hugged her again. "It's nice to hear that again."

Blair wondered if he knew how good it felt to say it. "Daddy, your apartment is beautiful."

"Yeah, I did all the grunt work and Teri, who you just met, she did the design. She's an interior designer, she's done a lot of work on the building and she gets a break on the rent. I manage the building, you see," he told her.

"That's nice," Blair told him. He didn't have her family's money, but she was certain managing a building of this size paid well enough. "I don't know what to say, I'm so verypissed at mother!"

"Does she know you're here?"

Blair shook her head. "No, Aunt Valentina arranged everything. She says hello."

Adam laughed. "Ah yeah, Valentina. I should have married her."

"That's what she says, too."

Father and daughter talked for hours. Adam was fascinated that his little girl was going into law, like her grandfather and aunt. "Good for you, you know, you could study here. There's a lot of places like NYU that would be great and we could get to know each other."

"I'll give it some thought," Blair promised. "Grandfather says he'll pay for wherever I want to go and I've got a scholarship as well. New York might be a nice change. Oh, look at the time. Should we go to dinner? It can be my treat!"

"I wish I could honey, but I can't," Adam sighed. "I have a date tonight, I would have called to cancel but there was no way to reach her. Why don't you go over to Teri's and say hello, order a pizza. She really is a hoot and she can maybe answer some more of your questions. I won't be home too late and we'll talk more later, promise."

Blair was a bit disappointed, but she managed a weak nod. She really had wanted to know her father better, but she had sprung up unexpectedly. She went down the hall to where her father told her Teri lived and knocked. The brunette opened the door and smiled at her. "Come on in kiddo, Daddy bail on you already?"

"Yeah, he's got a hot date," Blair laughed as Teri poured them each some wine. She sat across from Blair and her blouse revealed the lack of a bra. She probably wasn't wearing any panties under her very short skirt. Blair found her sexy in a fun, trashy kind of way.

"Your dad has lots of dates kid, better get used to it," Teri smiled softly. "He's got qualities a girl likes, if you know what I mean."

Blair nodded. "You mean he's good in bed?"

"No,Warren Beatty is good in bed, your father isfucking incredible," Teri laughed. "I'm still thanking my kid for telling me."

Blair nearly choked on her wine. "Your – daughter – hasfuh- I mean, had sex – with my father?"

"My stepdaughter really and don't worry about saying fuck in this apartment," Teri laughed. "Yeah, she's 22 and into older men. She said that I just had to fuck him, so we sprung a threesome on him. She's in Europe right now but I give her updates."

"My dad and a girl my age, wow," Blair laughed.

"My daughter gets what she wants, she's a conniving little slut," Teri laughed. "It took her just 4 weeks to get me into bed after I married her Dad."

Blair couldn't believe how forthcoming Teri was being. "You'remarried?! You sleep with your stepdaughter?"

"Yeah to both. My husband is away a lot and he isn't particularly faithful, so I fuck who I want. His daughter is a tall, leggy blonde, just the kind of girl I like. No one is being hurt and there's a lot of great sex to be had," she laughed towards Blair.

"Wow, I had no idea my father was a swinger," Blair chuckled.

"There's a lot of coeds living here because the rents are very reasonable," Teri told her new friend. "I think your dad keeps them that way because it keeps a lot of pretty women around. Can't say that I blame him," Teri grinned.

"Daddy keeps the rents reasonable?"

"Didn't you know, kid? Your dad owns this building and another one across the street," Teri told an astonished Blair. "That's how he's made his money, real estate. He buys these old places, does all the work himself and transforms them. If he finds someone like me who can help, we get first dibs on a new place and reduced rent. Your dad is a real mover and shaker, believe me."

"Now I understand how he can attract cute, younger women," Blair laughed as Teri poured her some more wine.

"Nah, that's because he's a great fuck and imaginative in bed," Teri told her guest. "Nothing fazes your dad, not even seeing Melissa and I together freaked him out. I'm glad she's coming home next weekend; I do miss that hot little blonde body of hers. You ever make it with a girl, sweetie?"

Blair smiled and nodded. She saw no harm in admitting that she had. She liked Teri; she laid it all out there for anyone to see. "Yes, a few of my girlfriends in school – we started messing around and a few of us have kept it up. Girls are nice for a change."

"I completely agree," Teri grinned and stood up. "Our conversation has got me a bit, worked up, so to speak. My daughter isn't here and she's a tall, leggy blonde with blue eyes. You're a tall leggy blonde with blue eyes and we've got lots of time, so I was wondering ...?"

Blair looked at her new friend and smiled, then nodded. She was going to be in New York indefinitely and she wasn't in a relationship. Why not have some kicks while she was here? She let Teri lead the way to the bedroom while she carried their wine and the glasses.

"You're fucking gorgeous," Teri told her as she sat on the bed. "If you look anything like your mom, I bet your dad loved screwing her. Come here and give me a kiss, I love kissing girls."

Blair obliged and she loved the sweetness of Teri's long tongue in her mouth. She sucked on it for a few minutes before they broke their embrace.

"Actually, aside from my hair color, I look more like my aunt Valentina," Blair grinned. "She's the hot one in the family."

"Oh, I kinda suspect she takes a back seat to you, sugar bear," Teri said as she lowered the nervous blonde on to her back. "Damn, what a hot little body. Melissa would love you; we've got to make the three of us happen before you go home. Want me to undress you, sugar bear?"

"Please," Blair responded. "I'm a bit nervous; I've never been with someone of your experience, only girls my own age."

"I know what I'm doing," Teri grinned as she helped Blair off with her pretty blue blouse. "I've been sexing it up with girls since I was your age. More girls than men, truth be told. This building isn't just a blast for your Dad, you know. There's a lot of fun to be had and people around here know how to keep their mouths shut."

"That's good to know," Blair smiled as Teri unclasped her bra. "Daddy wants me to move here and attend NYU. I'm seriously thinking about it."

"You should," Teri agreed. "Melissa is close to your age and could show you around, plus we could all keep playing these kind of games. I don't think your Dad would mind. In fact, it wouldn't even surprise me to find out he sent you over here knowing I'd set my cap for you."

"Wow – I had no idea my father wasthat kind of guy," Blair said. "I'm not sure if I should be intrigued or a bit annoyed at being set up."

"I'm not exactly sure that's what he did or if he thought you might just like to make a new friend," Teri smiled as she nuzzled the blonde girl's neck. "I just know your father is a real free thinker. Let's not worry about Adam; I've got a tongue that's just aching to lick some young, blonde pussy."

"Well, my pussy is young, but as for blonde ..." Blair giggled while removing her panties. "I'm really a brunette like my aunt, but I've been going blonde for a few years now. Go for it Teri – eat myfucking cunt, you gorgeous slut!" Blair spread her legs in lewd invitation to let Teri know she was okay with all of this. In truth, she thought she might have gotten the vibe from Teri at their first meeting.

Teri was a very open and with-it girl and she sure knew her way around a pussy. Her tongue dazzled Blair with its expertise and her fingers weren't too bad either. Blair was shaking by the time Teri finished with her, but not so much that she didn't return the favors. She loved the enjoyment she got from Teri's curvaceous, mature body and she loved playing with Teri's big tits. It was also very sexy hearing Teri's loud squeals of pleasure and know that it was she who was causing them. She left Teri's place about 10 and went back to her father's apartment in time to see him kissing his date goodnight. The young woman only appeared to be a year or so older than Blair herself.

Adam went to explain, Blair brushed it aside. "It's okay Daddy, you like younger chicks – no biggie. She's cute, I don't blame you. I know about you and some of your adventures, Teri clued me in. You just go about your business while I'm here and don't worry about me."

Over the next few days, Adam "went about his business" while Blair made some new friends. She spent time with Teri, but she also met a couple of cute girls who were her own age and liked to party. One of them was a leggy black woman named Shawna who had not only fucked her father, she had shared him with her MILF of a mom too, she told Blair. She showed Blair a picture of Tia, her mother and said "Soon as she gets back from holidays, the two of us are taking you to bed. I do love blonde girls, pretty baby." Blair grinned and took her hand and led her to the bedroom. "I don't like waiting," she smiled as she stretched out on Shawna's large bed. "Maybe when she comes back, we can give Daddy 3 hot bi-sexual sluts to fuck."

Blair had known it for a while now; she wanted to fuck her Daddy. He was handsome and virile and if he had all these young babes on the hook, there must have been something to him. She used the Platinum Card her family had given her and had Teri take her shopping. Blair knew that her Daddy had no plans for Friday night. She told Teri that she could bring Melissa over Saturday – but Friday was for her and Adam alone.

She set the stage. She made her father a nice meal, put on some soft jazz and dressed in the prettiest dress she owned and added heels. She didn't want her Daddy thinking she was some diminutive little thing; she was going to prove to him that she was not. When Adam saw his daughter and the way things were arranged, he knew that seduction was going to be part of the evening's menu.

Some men would not have entertained the thought of bedding their daughter, but that wasn't Adam. He thought his daughter was beautiful and an adult, beyond that, the decision was hers. Once dinner was done, she stunned him by crawling under the table and fishing his cock out from his pants. She treated him to a world-class blowjob and let him cum in her mouth. "I'm going into the bedroom, Daddy," she told him once she stood up. "Join me in about ten minutes, won't you?"

Adam hoped he could move in ten minutes, the little bitch sure knew how to suck dick. He managed to extricate himself from his chair and join her in bed. She was in a filmy negligee and black heels with her hair tousled about. Blair wanted nothing more than to be her Daddy's fuck toy this night. She was soon to get her wish.

Sex with Adam Milligan was not for the faint of heart. He played it like a full-on contact sport. He made love to each part of his daughter's body and showered her with affectionate lust. She felt as if she had never experienced sex before, Adam was just as good as Teri had described. He didn't shy away from anything, he had her screaming and she almost passed out as he was eating her pussy.

Her body mounted his precariously because she wasn't sure that she could take his cock. Luckily, the oral attentions paid to her had moistened her sufficiently that she was soon riding her Daddy like a little girl rides a horsey. Only this girl wasn't so little and Adam was set on being his daughter's stallion. His cock moved in and out of her at a good pace while the rest of her body was attended to. She didn't know when she finally stopped cumming. Blair also took great pains to make sure her father had his fair share of cums.

The next night was spent with Teri and her equally-debauched daughter. Blair and Melissa hit it off and when the adults begged for much-needed sleep, the two younger women retired to Blair's room where they kept licking and playing and used Melissa's strap-on to fuck until they were fucked out. They were bleary-eyed at brunch on Sunday, but everyone was smiling.

Blair decided to enroll in NYU to be near her Daddy. Once she passed the bar, she told her Daddy she would love to work with him as his legal adviser. Blair is also waiting for an apartment of her own in the same building as her Daddy, possibly looking to share one with Melissa. She knew that Adam needed his space every so often and so would she. Still, more often than not, Blair knew she would be in her Daddy's bed. For all intents and purposes. Blair had moved in.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story was doing well, but, like some of your other stories, you get started and then you leave it hanging with maybe a short one paragraph this what happens in the future. What good is that? Do you get bored with what you are writing?

Daddylover02Daddylover02over 8 years ago
good... but not great

good story, would've been a good series if you'd stretched it out. go in depth a bit, don't be afraid to get raw. Spent too much time on backstory and not on actual sex, so work on that. but good writing none the less. I look forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Im pretty sure Ive read this before... Its an enjoyable story, though rushed as someone else mentioned. I realized though, it doesn't really have any 'sex' in it, so to speak, more of a dance.

jott50jott50about 9 years ago

You lost a few stars because of the hurried way you went through the story. I think that you could have gotten at least 6 chapters with a bit more character development and less hurried sex. It was hot for a minute though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
So fucking hot

I agree a bit about rushing the later verses's, but hey pehaps you were cumming/being blown or both and could not wait to eat some juiced up cunt. I get like that sometimes when I am reading your stuff, and have to break off and and get some my girls to servive me. But I want some more and more of these sexed up cunts please and soon.Regards. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc's UK

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