Blake Ch. 08


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I assessed myself in the mirror one last time. I was in the crimson dress that Blake picked out for me. My hair was curled and tied into a side ponytail. My makeup was minimal, only using black eyeliner and nude eye shadow to accent my eyes and a dark red lipstick to make my lips match my dress. I finished the ensemble off with my strappy black heels, the same ones I wore the first time I slept with Blake. I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves, but it didn't help.

Why was I so panicked? I had been with this man in the most intimate ways humanly possible and here I was getting the jitters for a dinner date!

The truth was, this was our first real date. We didn't spend much of our time on the beach talking, but relaxing and playing in the sea and on the sand. Now, we were going to be face to face with each other, forced to speak to one another. What if he doesn't like me? What if I am completely boring?

'Pull yourself together Katie. What's not to like about you?'

'Well, what if there happens to be something wrong with him?' I was at war with my subconscious.

When I thought about it, there couldn't be anything possibly wrong with him. He was sweet, kind, caring, protective, and smart. What wasn't there to like? He was perfect.

I couldn't put it off any longer. I grabbed my clutch and headed down to the lobby to meet Blake.

My heart leapt out of my chest and my breath hitched in my throat. He was unbelievably handsome in his tailored black suit. He had a crimson shirt, the same color as my dress with a black tie. His brown hair was spiked a little in the front, revealing his gorgeous ice blue eyes.

I paused on the stairs as I admired him. I finally caught his eye and a sexy smirk spread across his face. He moved quickly to meet me. I was still stunned and was only broken from my trance when he kissed my cheek.

"You look amazing, Kaitlin."

I blushed and looked down at my feet. I wasn't used to compliments about my appearance.

"Thank you!"

Blake took me by my hand and led me through the lobby to the hotel restaurant. When we arrived, we were greeted by the host, who must've recognized Blake as we were immediately escorted to our seat. We passed the tables in the dining room, all of which were occupied by wealthy and beautiful patrons. Women eyed Blake as we passed by them, some of which followed their look of admiration of him with a look of disgust towards me, as though they could not figure out why Blake would be interested in a woman as plain as myself. I couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction, knowing I was his and they weren't.

We were led out onto the back patio, which had a few tables scattered about, all of which were occupied as well. The host led us the right and around the corner. Then my jaw dropped.

Away from the sight of other guests was a secluded table, surrounded by bushes with red flowers in full bloom. Between the bushes, was a view of a fountain on the hotel golf course, which was illuminated in the night. The table was adorned with fine china, cutlery, and exquisite glassware. On one of the plates was a crimson red rose. I was in awe.

I turned to Blake, who smiled as he squeezed my hand.

"I wanted tonight to be special."

"Is this all for me?"

"Of course. I wouldn't do this for any other woman."

He led me to the table and, like a gentleman, pulled out my chair. I took the rose and tucked it into my ponytail for safe keeping, smiling sweetly at Blake as he sat down. The host handed us our menus with a friendly smile and headed off, leaving us alone.

I looked around, fully taking in the beauty that was around us.

"I spent this morning planning this arrangement out with the hotel staff. I think they did a fantastic job on such short notice. What do you think?"

"It's amazing. When you asked me to dinner, I thought it would be a nice restaurant, but I never imagined it would be anything like this. Thank you."

"Not a problem," he said with a wink.

Soon, our waiter arrived to take our order. Blake ordered a bottle of red wine with a name I couldn't even begin to pronounce, before the waiter scurried off, leaving us alone in our own little world again.

"Kaitlin, let's be honest with each other. We've known each other for a few short weeks and let me say what an amazing few weeks it has been. But outside of a work relationship, I feel like I don't know you as well as I should, considering the feelings I have for you."

I wanted to ask exactly how he felt about me, but he was right. We didn't know that much about each other on a personal level.

"Well, that seems like a simple problem to rectify. What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your family."

Oh, no. That was not a topic I enjoyed discussing. I hesitated at first, not wanting to share, but I soon began to realize that honesty was the best way to move forward, especially if Blake was serious about us having a future together.

"I'm an only child. Growing up, my father worked many odd jobs to put food on the table, while my mom stayed home with me. Eventually, they grew apart and divorced when I was three. My dad worked even harder after the divorce to make sure I had everything I ever wanted. He taught me very young that I had to earn everything and that no one was just going to hand things to me."

"Sounds like a smart man."

"I worked hard all through school to make sure he wouldn't have to worry about my college education. I got into college on a full scholarship. I was determined to take care of my dad for the rest of his life since he had done so much for me my whole life."

"I bet he is so proud of you," he said with a smile.

My face dropped as memories came flooding back to me.

"He was. Unfortunately, he passed away two weeks before I graduated high school."

Blake took my hand to try and comfort me. I was so grateful to have him with me.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It was a long time ago," I reassured him with a weak smile.

"How about your mother?"

"She's a hopeless romantic. She dated around for a long time looking for Mr. Right to come along. She's still looking."

In truth, I barely talked to my mother. She was always going on about her love life and how I need to be more actively searching for a man that it put a strain on our relationship. She didn't think a woman was anything without a man attached to her arm.

"How long were you single before I came along?"

I wanted to mention that I was still technically single, but I refrained. I didn't want to bring Desiree into our little slice of heaven.

"A little over a year. My ex, Tyler, didn't like that I worked too much. I guess that led to a lot of my relationship failures," I laughed.

"Well, it looks like this time, your hard work paid off." He smiled his sexy smile. I loved any mention he made of me being his. It was wonderful.

"So, what about you? What's your story, Blake?"

"I was born to a single mother. My father ran off when he found out she was pregnant. My mother was a smart woman, working as an ER nurse. She married her husband when I was about five. He had no desire to have children, so they shipped me off to boarding school soon after. I rarely saw her after that. In fact, I haven't seen or spoken to my mother since I was sixteen."

I was in shock. How could a parent abandon their child, especially for another person? It boggled my mind. His mother was missing out on the wonderful man her son had become. My heart broke a little, knowing that he lacked family and support when he needed it. I reached across the table and took his hand. He smiled, seemingly unaffected by the memory of his childhood.

"While at boarding school, I met Vance. He was as much the arrogant asshole then as he is today. We constantly competed in school and I would usually edge him out in competition. He would make himself feel better by bragging about how his father owned a huge company and that one day it would all be his. I assumed he got his arrogance from his father."

"But you were surprised," I finished.

"Absolutely. I graduated top of my class with a full ride to basically any school. Arthur was a key speaker at the ceremony. He told me how impressed he was and offered me an internship at his company. He said if I worked hard there and in college, I would have a permanent job at AdVanceMent when I earned my degree."

"So how is it that you're taking over AdVanceMent instead of Vance?"

He let out a light chuckle as he sipped his wine.

"The CEO position is about image as much as it is business decisions. I'm more qualified than Vance, but the bigger key is my lifestyle choices. Vance whores around, drinks excessively, and gambles like money falls from the sky. No one wants to invest in a company where the CEO possesses every vice known to man."

"How did Vance take the news?"

"He was mad at first, but then he realized that he had freedom to do what he wished. My life will be under a microscope while I'm at AdVanceMent, both public and private."

Blake focused on me for a long moment, pondering something. I grew uneasy and shifted in my chair in discomfort. Finally, he grabbed my hand, stroking the back on it with his thumb. He looked down at my hand, focused on his gentle caressing of my skin.

"Kaitlin, if after everything, you agree to date me, your life will also be under constant scrutiny. Every action and behavior will be monitored. Are you willing to subject yourself to that, just to be with me?"

I thought about it for a moment. I've never been one for the spotlight. It terrified me thinking my every step would be watched. Then, I thought back to the beach earlier. Was I being watched now? Would our tryst be exposed to the public in the papers? Would Desiree find out? Panic started to rise in my throat. So many questions needed to be answered.

"Aren't I under watch right now? I mean, won't the papers pick up on our time earlier this afternoon?"

Blake shook his head. He looked unconcerned.

"Outside of New York, no one cares because I'm not the face of the company. That's why I've been so relaxed while we were here. No fear of Desiree finding anything out on the other side of the country."

Was I willing to give up my privacy just to be with him? Was I willing to be bombarded with constant attention and questioning just for a relationship?

As our entrées arrived, I still pondered Blake's question. I could see my lack of answer was making him uncomfortable and uneasy. I wanted to reach across the table and comfort him, hold him until everything was alright. It was only then that I knew my answer.

"I'm not going anywhere."


We returned to our suite after a very pleasant dinner, during which we learned even more about each other. Getting this glimpse into Blake's life made him that much more desirable. He was a man that was dealt a shit hand and made the best of it through hard work. It was an admirable trait that maybe translated into his personal life.

Maybe he would work hard in our relationship. We would overcome anything and maybe last a long time. That's what I've always wanted most from a man; to stick by me when things got tough, not to run away with his tail between his legs.

The suite was vacant when we entered. It was still early in the evening, so there was a good chance Vance and Arthur were still out to dinner with the CEO from Xcel. I was relishing this alone time with Blake. I had been filled with ever growing desire all day, although I did my best to suppress it. After dinner, my need was reaching its peak. I wanted to be close with him, to show him that after today, I wanted no one else but him. I was completely his.

I moved into Blake's arms and kissed him passionately. My fingers ran through his hair, pulling him deeper into our kiss. His arms circled around my waist, pulling me into him. He pulled away from our kiss, catching his breath.

"Tonight was amazing. I enjoyed getting to know you better, Kaitlin. You truly are an amazing woman."

"Tonight can only get better," I replied, returning my lips to their proper place against his. I kissed him with an ever increasing intensity and hunger. I wanted him so badly.

Blake grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards my room. Once inside, he gestured me to the dresser while he removed his coat and shoes. I walked to the dresser which had a mirror hanging over it and removed the flower from my hair, placing it gently on the furnishing. I removed my heels, tossing them to the side.

When I stood up, I felt Blake's arms wrap around my waist and his lips were on my neck. I tilted my head back, giving him better access to my throat. I moaned softly as he kissed the length of my neck and down my shoulder. I felt his hands travel around my back, finding the zipper to my dress.

He pulled it down and his hands found the fabric near my shoulders. As he pushed the dress down, his lips trailed down the back of my body, gliding down slowly and barely touching me. I began to shake slightly from the sensation, my nerves on fire. His lips followed down my spine, over my backside, and down my left leg.

He paused only for a moment when the dress hit the floor, then proceeded to plant light kisses all the way back up my body, following the same path his lips just traveled. My breath was ragged and my heart was racing as he touched me. This was torture. Pleasant, but torture. I wanted him to take me already, but I knew he was savoring every moment, as was I.

He returned to the same spot on my throat and began kissing it again, this time with more hunger and aggression. His hands traveled to my exposed breasts, messaging them and pulling on them. I was panting as the added sensations quickened the climb of my orgasm.

"You have such an amazing body, Kaitlin," he whispered into my ear. "I want to enjoy every inch of it."

His right hand traveled down my stomach and underneath my panties, finding my dripping sex. He barely grazed my clit and I could not contain the loud moan that emanated from my throat. He wasted no time pushing one finger into my aching pussy, then another. I pushed them in and out agonizingly slow. I twisted and moaned beneath him, barely able to keep myself up. I could feel his breath on my neck quickening as he continued to push into me.

I was right on the edge, so close to my release.

"Please," I begged, trying to twist beneath him to achieve what I desperately needed.

Blake slammed his fingers into me faster, while the base on his palm rubbed against my clit. It wasn't long before I finally achieved my release, almost collapsing in Blake's arms as I moaned loudly in ecstasy.

Blake continued to kiss my neck as I climbed down. He helped me to the edge of my bed, laying me down gently. He looked down at me as I lay motionless on the bed. He removed his tie, followed by his shirt, revealing his spectacular chest. He bent down, positioning his hands on either side of my face and kissed me, softly. My body reawakened with desire, but I was still lacking the energy to move.

Blake moved down my body, kissing his way down my front the same way he had kissed up my back. My heart was pounding in my ears and my blood was on fire. This was unlike anything I had felt before, but I couldn't get enough of it.

When Blake reached my panties, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband and pulled them off. His lips followed down until he reached my sensitive nub. He flicked it lightly with his tongue and my hips bucked from the sensation and a groan escaped from my lips. He continued to do this, stopping after each lick to allow my body to react. More torture. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

As if he could sense my anguish, he plunged his tongue deep inside of me, while his thumb teased my clit, urging my body closer to another mind shattering orgasm. My fingers gripped the sheets on the bed, as I attempted to control my body, but the effort was pointless. My body tensed as the warmth of my second orgasm coursed through me.

I felt drained and exhausted. Blake returned to me and kissed me softly. I could hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt. I could feel his massive erection resting against me, but he made no move to push into me.

He brushed away a loose strand of hair as he looked into my eyes. It was so easy to get lost in his gaze.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me, Kaitlin," he said, brushing his nose against mine. "Promise me that you'll be mine."

"I don't want to be anyone else's."

He smiled at me, then pushed into me his full length. I gasped in pleasure as I was filled completely. He let out a groan and paused to look into my eyes. I was captivated by him.

Blake kept his face close to mine as he began to pump in and out of me slowly. Our breathing was sporadic. I wrapped my arms around him and threaded my fingers through his hair. He never broke eye contact as he increased his pace, nor did he pull away from me. He kept me close. It was the most intimate thing ever.

Our breathing became more ragged with each push as we were both climbing to our final climax. My pulse was through the roof and my blood was fire in my veins. I couldn't take much more and I screamed out in pleasure as I was overtaken by the amazing sensation. Blake soon followed as he groaned and filled me.

Blake lowered his face and kissed me gently. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out from blissful exhaustion.


I awoke several hours later. My bed was vacant and I was in complete darkness. I rolled over to check the clock. 2:30AM.

A gentle cool breeze was coming from the open door of the balcony. I pulled on my robe, which was resting on a nearby chair, and headed for the balcony. Outside, Blake was seated at the table in black gym shorts. He must have returned to his room at some point.

Blake looked over at me as I came outside. He reached a hand out to me and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me on my cheek and I let out a sigh. He was so romantic, so perfect. I could sit cuddled up to him forever.

"I have something for you," he whispered into my ear. He pulled a black box off the table and handed it to me. I looked at it then at him, puzzled, before lifting the lid of the box.

Inside was a simple diamond pendant on a silver chain.

"I didn't think you were someone who liked overly ornate pieces. Do you like it?"

"I love it. What's it for?"

He pulled me in closer, taking the necklace from the box, unclasping it and placing it around my neck.

"It is a small gesture to show you how I feel about you." Once the necklace was clasped, he nuzzled my neck. "No matter what happens in the days to come, just remember you are the one I want. No one else."

He held me tightly as his words passed through my mind. He really did care for me. Everything about today was proof that he meant what he said; that he would leave Desiree. Although I couldn't understand why he couldn't be mine now, I had a feeling I would know soon enough. I had to trust him. I had to because I was deeply in love him.

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