All Comments on 'Brisket Ch. 02'

by ohio

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SkibumSkibumover 14 years ago
I've been waiting for this one!

This has been a long time coming, but I don't think you are finished yet. This story has appealing characters and I want a resolution, for them if not for myself!

I don't subscribe to the "torch the bitch" camp or to the "reconcile at any cost" group, but this story and these characters need some kind of final outcome.

teh568teh568over 14 years ago
Really Good Continuation

I have to agree with Skibum, this was a long time coming. With it being written so well and staying true to the original characters, I find it a worthy successor to the original story. Only one problem, it now seems to be missing an ending. Almost like a cliffhanger, which is good if you plan another part. If you don't plan another chapter, it leaves more questions than answers...and i'm sorry, but I like simple true endings (happy ones are preforable). Any ending though would be good for closures sake.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

I agree that the original 'Brisket' was a stand alone work, but now that you put out a second chapter I think a third would be nice. This chapter kinda leaves things hanging. Does he decide to turn her into his submissive bitch and slave, does he just come over to use her now and again until he eventually finds a new wife and then dumps her? Do they get remarried (god I hope not!)? Frankly I think he should use her like the slut she is on an as needed basis while he continues to date. It'd be nice then if (as she's getting her hopes up) he found his new soul mate and told her to piss off, I don't need you any more.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Whorror Story

You just couldn't leave well enough alone could you?! You just had to do a wimp out sequel? Or will Rob be able to retain his man card and balls? I guess we will find out when part three comes out next year. Personally I am hoping for a no wimps (happy) ending. However your track record for writing some of the most outrageous wimp out endings is truly legend in the Literotica loving wives stories section. But of late- the men in your stories have started to grow balls and actually successfully move on with their shattered lives after dumping their horrendously unfaithful slut wives, without crawling back. This fact makes this story all the more titillating! Why are you revisiting Rob at this late date except for the sole purpose of emasculation. Will you be systematically revisiting all your successful non-wimp men and revoke their man card and cut their balls off also? Inquiring Zeds want to know.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Whorror Story

You just couldn't leave well enough alone could you?! You just had to do a wimp out sequel? Or will Rob be able to retain his man card and balls? I guess we will find out when part three comes out next year. Personally I am hoping for a no wimps (happy) ending. However your track record for writing some of the most outrageous wimp out endings is truly legend in the Literotica loving wives stories section. But of late- the men in your stories have started to grow balls and actually successfully move on with their shattered lives after dumping their horrendously unfaithful slut wives, without crawling back. This fact makes this story all the more titillating! Why are you revisiting Rob at this late date except for the sole purpose of emasculation. Will you be systematically revisiting all your successful non-wimp men and revoke their man card and cut their balls off also? Inquiring Zeds want to know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I liked the first story. HATE this story. You should have left it where it was. ROB had moved on and he didn't want to know or care about the ex-wife. Now suddenly he does want to fuck the ex-wife and now he knows why she did it. So they end up married again and end up in some sort of BDSM loving couple marriage in part three. Well That one I will avoid.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 14 years ago
Been there. Done that.

I've revisted a story or two over the years and been hammered by readers like those below. Not that they are wrong.. or right, but they are honest enough to say what they think. Here's my thought. Love and marriage do not always tip the scales equally. Will Ohio reunite this couple? Perhaps, or maybe not. The story he is telling is about a man that was able to love unconditionally, until the wife actually found conditions he could not accept. Does that end his love? Does it bring him pleasure or happiness? Hardly. As readers, we enjoy the pleasure of revenge. Sometimes the revenge is as painful to the wronged party as it is to the offending one, maybe even more so. The reader wants the husband to hurt the bitch, and to be happy doing it. What if he is not happy? If his life turns to shit? Does he continue to be unhappy and even miserable just to make a point, or to prove to his friends that he is a tough guy? Perhaps most of us never have known the feelings this man has experienced, but let's see if he can find some sort of happiness, even if it isn't as the reader would have it. Isn't it a pleasure to read something written so well?

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 14 years ago
It's not over until it's over

This story isn't done, we need at least a 3rd chapter. I know that this is just a story and that the characters only live on this page, but I find myself involved with their lives. I'm like a split personality about our two people. On the one hand I hope Helen rots in hell, she deserves it. On the other I hope her therapy and all the "good" years they had can lead to a happy ending for them. Either way you finish the story someone will chastise you. Torch the bitch or be a wimp you won't please the anonymous Andy's and hate Nazis out there. Write you own story as you have always done. I for one will remain a fan. Thanks for your hard work.

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Very Well Written and Interesting

Both the tale of how his wife developed her schizoid personality and of his attempts to re-establish his life were extremely well-done. I do not want to sound like Zed0 but I have to admit that your track record leaves me worried about Rob`s fate! How does he know that the schizoid behaviour is a thing of the past? He really should let things develop a little (have a few good meals!) and then put a PI on her... I bet she is still doing others. That is the problem, since I believe in schizoid behaviour, I also do not believe in a cure. Thanks Ohio for a fine tale! We have missed you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

First of all the second chapter really changed the whole nature of the first. Second, this reminds me of the original Star Wars Trilogy....where the first movie was complete in itself and the second was so damned open ended it automatically led to the Third. (for the record, I did not care for any of them....the analogy does, however, show my age). Anyway, now that you have changed a good story, at least have the decency to put a period to this, whether he goes back, swims the English Channel, or whatever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Poor Helen such a mentally ill person

This guy is in love with eating. He doesnt care about women or sex. If a girl cant cook she is history. And mentally and emotionally defective Helem is seducing him with food. And as a benefit he gives his cum to the whore to eat. Makes real sense to me, NOT. If the daughters had been so intent on making him hear her ramblings about why she went out and fucked men, he should have insisted both daughters sit right there and listen to every word. Lets see how much truth comes out and how the daughters feel afterwards. Let them also know the risk she subjected her family to by her mindless sex, the possible physical, medical, and financial risk she assumed for all of them by her actions. Her intentional placing in harms way, her husband and her daughters with possible diseases, STDs, and HIV/AIDS. Your story is slowly but surely bringing the whore back into his home, because he is old and wants good food. I remarried at 56 and my wife and I have two young daughters now and I am almost seventy. Turns out she is a much better cook than my first wife of some almost 30 years. Life doesnt end at 40 or 50, it actually begins then for people who want to live instead of growing old. Growing old is a self fulfilling prophecy, get over it.

energystarenergystarover 14 years ago
Cannot pin OHIO

Some of you seem to want to paint OHIOas a one dimensional writer. I do not see that. He writes stories on characters and how they behave. So many of the stories go in different directions. Nothing wrong if you right the same few stories over and over again (JPB comes to mind and he is great), but that is not OHIO. To OHIO, thanks for all the fish.

C_frommnC_frommnover 14 years ago

Cant wait for the follow-up to see where Mark & Helen go from. Does he finally move on or does He Reconcile with Helen to the Extent that they see each other but live Seperately. or do they Move Together with out getting Married. Good Food Great Sex esp. with her wanting to Make Up to Him.

hawkeye007hawkeye007over 14 years ago
well done...

I liked this story because it rings true to me. I could feel Rob's anger, cofusion and pain. Unfortuneately, he still loves the slut. That is the source of his pain. She condemned both of them to a kind of hell by her actions.

grogers7grogers7over 14 years ago
Chp.3 - 2 years and 9 months from now?

Very good. Original and interesting changes to a well worn plot. Chapter two was published 2 years and 9 months after the first. Any chance Chapter 3 could come along soon? It may be the hardest of all to create, and I would like to read your continuation of Rob's saga (no relation to Just Plain Bob).

Keep writing!


Risq_001Risq_001over 14 years ago

<p>You know, I see Part 3 coming</p>

<p>While I'll freely admit that you're far more skillful than I am at writing, I just wonder why you didn't start this off as a totally different story with new characters than continuing on from the previous one?</p>

<p>The reason I asked is that in the first one, the husband had come to realize that he had totally not only been disrespected by his wife, but she total put his life in jeopardy in any number of ways (strange man trying to kill him, STD's, crazy wife/lover of man she was banging trying to kill her, the kids, <b>him</b>, etc).</p>

<p>Then there was the fact that the story allowed him to find some self respect by moving <i>on</i> with his life after <i><b>years</b></i> of her secretly cheating (one time with his best friend) and doing things like this to him. <i>Years</i> of her denying him everything she was freely giving to other men. Not one year. Not <i>two</i> years. But over twenty <i><b>YEARS</b></i> of denying him sex, and in between that countless years of her giving what he was asking for to strange men for free.</p>

<p>The way this reads: The husband was laying all the ground work for all the men to get all the wild sex she wouldn't give him. He was providing, there for her and the kids, doing the family thing on vacations, going to his kids events, being in their lives, and the wife was giving up wild sex to strangers as much as they could handle far more often than he was getting it one time every 10 days or so for years behind his back??</p>

<p>Then there was the fact when she got caught her character started lying and trying to find the best way to put a spin on it. If she was crying out for help, that was the time to do it. Not after a <i>professional</i> has to tell her that's what she's doing.</p>

<p>And I have to ask, you didn't forget that in part one she was <i>happily</i> humming in the shower right after Mark left her after they spent most of the morning in bed? That's not the action of someone who "loathes" what they had been doing. As much fun as a root canal is, I'm not going to be happily singing in the shower about how much fun I'll be soon having. =(</p>

<p>But I guess I can see the groundwork from here. Well that's not accurate. I can see where your having the two of them rebuild the marriages that not only she torched, but she pissed on the remains of, but the main character is so desperate and lonely to be with her and no one else that he</p>

<p><i><b>Just. Can't. See. Straight???</b></i> </p>

<p>And knowing all of that, he just can't really wait to jump back into that mess of a life with her?? Where is that characters self respect? Why can't he stay away from that train wreck? I mean from the ground work it gives all the signs that he'll take it slow. He'll have rage issues a bit longer. Then he'll see someone for it to help him get over what she did. Then they will get back together to make work. But what about Joe and his wife? Do they get back together too? Joe cheated far less than Helen did. What about Ted her first one night stand? Did his wife divorce him too? Or that trucker? Was he even married?</p>

<p>I mean you created every reason for this guy to run as far from her as he could. But loneliness and desperation for her and only her isn't really a reason to put them back together. I mean over 20 years is a long time to deny someone sex while your giving up everything, including the kitchen sink, to other men. Then once you're found out <i>then and only then</i> are you willing to do the same things you did with strange men during your marriage to your now <b>ex</b>-husband. That isn't a reason to make it a happy ending really. It really isn't.</p>

<p>You gave him some public self respect, now your setting up the story to take it away because he's lonely =(</p>


studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 14 years ago
Chp. 3?

I thought the first story was sufficient on it's own. Chp. 2 has been added and NOW it seems incomplete. I hope Chp. 3 shows up quicker than Chp. 2 did. Thanks for sharing your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I love your writing but he is a fucking mess. He doesn't seem to have a clue what to do, just what he doesn't want to do. I agree, good cooking is great, but take a cooking class yourself or eat out but to end good relationships over cooking is nuts, eat out and get fucked and have fun. Looking foward to next, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
If its OHIO story its filled with psycho crap

Take a lok at ALL of this authors works. Most of the time its reconciliation at all costs with psycho crap.


Why would Jim and patty his BEST friend set him with patty's sister Barb KNOWING she is Nuts and KNOWING what he Rob has been through?


and what is the deal with Apple pie?


wow this story is Just awful.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
20YEARS of cheating= 1 Apple pie?

WHY is ROB less angry NOW after finding out about 20 years of cheating... then in chapter 1?


Hello McFly?


This is a sick fucking joke right Ohio? This cannot be a real serious chapter ... please tell us you are not this much of a clown?


In chapter 1 when Rob found out about Helen was a cheating whore he was enraged. But here in chapter 2 Rob finds out she has been fucking NUMEROUS other men... a LOT.. for 20 god dam years and INTENTIONALLY denying himn the sex he wanted.




Yet Rob is far LESS angry Now than before.? This makes NO sense.


IF Helen was just going over what she had done with

men Rob knew about... well he might not get that angry... its been 1-2 years.


But when Rob learns how <b>massive this cheating was and deep her HATE of HIM is</b>... he is somehow more sympathetic towards Helen.?!?!?!?


This is Just crap. Given Rob's strong reactions in chapter 1 ...his reaction upon learning what his wife was doing and how much she deeply hated him... should not generate this sort of reaction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
What Risq wrote

Risq wrote far more eloquently than I ever could but I have to add my two cents. You set up everything in the orginal story making Helen a despicable character, you are not that good of an author to reverse it. No matter what you write it is going to come across as just another RAAC story.

JennyBearJennyBearover 14 years ago
Harry and Risq are right

I have been a member of your fan club for years but even I can't buy this. I have to wonder why you even bothered. Definitely not up to your usual standards.

FrozenclitFrozenclitover 14 years ago
The work of a genius

In the LW genre, there are three geniuses: JPB, HDK and Ohio and I worship all of them. This was such a great piece of art Ohio, I wonder do you get it straight from beyond the realm of mortal thoughts. But then I am just too impressionable perhaps. Grateful as ever and lapped it up with reat gusto. You are absolutely fabulous and made my day and more.

Thank you for just being you. Your ardent admirer for ever - FZC

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I will take this vision to my grave!

I may be psychopathically vulnerable but the scene of a repentant wife sucking her heart broken husband's cock to soothe his hurt and rejected love for her, I just could not stop crying. Oh my lord, the master of erotic romantic grief, Ohio, I am just stunned with emotions that you brought about in this story. If there is no love, there is no grief. The greater the love - the greater the grief and the greater the repentance by the perpetrator. These are two parched souls looking to rejoin - you, the creator and god to these characters must let them have the solace. We love you for your art.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
JPB is a genius?

um sure... and Obama really did deserve that Nobel peace for being Black man

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
JPB is the master of LW universe and Ohio and HDK

biting at his heels. My beautiful passionate man, HIV, as passionate and lovable as you are, and I do really love your passion, it is the single mindedness of your pusuit for purity that really wins my heart. But this doesn't take away that the range of emotions, plots and characters that JPB can churn out that will take an ordinary mortal a life time of hard work. Hence JPB is a genius. You, on the other hand are just someone that one cannot but love to bits. If your dick is as hot as your passion, women would never leave you alone. And I love you just for that. Obama... He is just another story. How can we even discuss him. He made converts out of a self proclaimed "conservative nation". Else how would they ever say yes to him!!! This America, the US of A, is the greatest nation on earth. And dont we ever forget it

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Painful! I hated it...

but enjoyed it so much too. I feel sorry for Rob, not being able to walk from this hell. Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, pal...Mancelt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Schizoid sexuality? Great touch about the pie ...

but missed your own point: If you’d have to think twice about eating your own (ex) wife’s pie cause she’s so nuts, why would you consider being around her at all? If you stay over at Helen’s, do you sleep with one eye open? Rob picks apart all the gals he dates and finds them to be basically good people but unworthy dates, longing, lonely and desperate, for his old happier life to somehow magically reappears. Let’s turn back the clock 25-35 years: Rob, you meet a pretty girl, Helen who is a wonderful date but you somehow can determine she is “Schizoid” and while she can bake a good pie, if you marry her, in the next 30 years she will hurt you and your kids beyond belief, and destroy the marriage by revealing her now hidden insanity by serially fuck behind your back every strange male she can in the tri-county area. Would you do it all over again? Would you knowingly marry a psycho? Think Rob is the one needing to see Dr. Oliva. ENDING IS SO SAD. Rob claims all these emotions on receiving the BJ from Helen, “…grateful, soothed, angry, bitter. I figured we were both thinking the same thing: all those years she did this for other men, when she could have been doing it for me.” In literature from a much older era I’m sure this episode would have been seen MUCH DIFFERENTLY, as one of the shame and humiliation of Rob, in that Helen’s perversions have debased their lives to the point where they are both treating his once loved and cherished wife and mother of his kids, Helen, as the psycho whore she really is.

lgreenlgreenover 14 years ago
BRISKET? More like BS

I certainly hope there is a Brisket #3. If not, I am sure OHIO will not care that I believe his #2 was total BS, as I am certain many of his other "Previous Fans" also think!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 14 years ago
Even in forced reconconciliation stories,

both husband and wife don't have to become unlikelable characters, like in this case. <p>

here, the author SEEMS to want the husband to become so bastardized --- from fucking around with woman and blaming them, due to what Helen did to him, his "reasoning" goes, to going over to Helen, after close to 2 years, and simply declared: "I want my cock sucked, Helen", and with her falling to her knees, re-kindering her art of submissiveness cock sucking activities --- that whatever Helen's crimes, both characters are now on a par, so they can get back together. <p>

or go apart, "finally." <p>

can either just say: "Okay, that part of my life, however much I missed it, was now gone. I moved on"? <p>

no, the real question is, can the author have them say that?


I doubt it. <p>

after 2 years and the author came back to stab at the same problem, with no better insight or angle of uniqueness. It's the same gibberish nonesense....

The NavigatorThe Navigatorover 14 years ago

Ohio, your skill as a writer always astounds me. The first chapter could stand alone...and did. Now you really have mixed things up, and your fans are crying for yet another chapter. I hope it comes to pass. <p> It is funny the way some critics argue about stories, especially in this Loving Wife section. They talk about the characters as real people and then claim a person would not act thus and so. But you develop *real* people, who have flaws and prejudices just like we have, even when we won't admit it. <p> The only beef I have with your stories is we don't see new ones often enough. Keep them coming, please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Maybe not

I'm the guy who said, concerning the first "Brisket", "But as a reader, I would have liked to hear the author's thoughts about why the wife did what she did. It was just lazy to cheat the reader out of hearing the wife's explanation, which could have been the climax of the story." I guess I was wrong. Never mind.

Poizon69Poizon69over 14 years ago
I can't and won't judge your writing skills.

They are good as always. You tell a very GOOD story. However the characters you have created or should that be you HAD created had nowhere to go. The husband left the ex-wife and that should have been that. But for some reason you want to get this couple to be friends again, WHY? I am NOT a 'Torch the Bitch' person, well NOT all the time, but the wife did some horrendous thigns and the husband int he first chapter didn't want to know what she did or with whom. So why now? Why sit down with his ex-wife except all her speechs about being sorry and then let her get back into his life? I don't understand the logic behind that idea. But It's your story and you will write how you want to even if long term fans like myself don't really understand why you wrote such a story. Anyway I hope in part three that the husband finds someone else to date and fall in love with, apart from the ex wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

now to be honest, the actuall plot and all the grammar/dialog that followed was great, but it was the story and what happened at the end and from that cliffhanger you left, what i think will happen in future chapters is what i have a problem with. yes, you do a good job of writing "real characters" but i almost hate to say it but a "real character" would not go back to his serial cheating wife. i mean wow, ive read some messed up stuff, but the crap you're shoveling is just too out there. honestly, that stupid line about mentally compartmentalizing her two lifes and how its not if he can forgive her but if she can forgive herself and other pysco babble bullshit. i know you prob dont care one way or another what us readers comments are, but if you read this, then come on man, please dont have them get back together again. hopefully, he can work out most of his anger, bitterness, etc and move on either by himself or with a lovely lady that can bring out the old him. one last thing, while i think if it helps him move on, then yes i think he should try forgive her so he can forget her and find a new life because otherwise, she doesnt deserve forgiveness

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I agree with most commentors.

I pretty much agree with what others have said. You are a very good writer, and that is the case with this story. However, we are left wondering if there will be a chapter three, and where it will lead if there is one.<p>

With her wholesale adultery, her rapacious disregard for their marriage, and the sheer number of men she had sex with, reconciliation is not, repeat NOT justified or reasonable. She is a psycho serial cheater and nothing, not even therapy, can change her. If there is an additional chapter, it has to go in a different direction in order to be remotely believable.<p>

We will just have to wait and see.

SleeplessinMD2SleeplessinMD2over 14 years ago
A Reconciliation-At-All Cost Ending?

Let's seee if I got this straight! Helen, his wife of 24 years, with the low libido who Rob has to beg for sex once every two weeks through their marriage totally dishonored him and his family. So for psychobabble reasons she picks up lovers for 4 years who fuck her 1-2 times a week usually 3 times each encounter with greater quality and pleasure than she shared with good old Rob. By doing the math Helen fuucked her lovers with more pleasure and joy 36 equivalent Rob years. Not only that the sex was better with her lovers she chose friends and neoghbors who knew Rob. So with the ending of this part we find Rob using Helen as some sort of sex slave which eh will no doubt hate so he will end up taking her back. The one thing which was not addressed by Helen's confession was how she could disrespect Rob so much. As a police officer respect is essential in doing his job. Helen's lie about Mark could have gotten him killed and her husband in jail. After defiling her martial bed singing in the shower does not sound like she "never stopped feeling the shame." Lastly, this part focused on how she behaved with Rob vesus her lovers as if that was the major problem. If she had made loved with Rob like a slut it would have been OK to have her lovers? UGH! So once again we find a good successful man fucked over who can not sustain a loving relationship with another woman other than his crazy bitch ex-wife. Sorry I am normally a fan but that is how I see it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Interesting follow-up; no resolution

HDK nailed it (big surprise lol). As a psychologist, I've never heard the term "schizoid sexuality." Nor did a quick Google find anything of significance. That said, it IS conceivable that a person could act as Helen did. The "ending" surprised me a bit. As someone pointed out, it certainly leaves the door open for Pt 3, which I hope is planned. The dilemma is whether he would be happier living w. Helen or whether there is too much anger, resentment, etc. It IS conceivable that they might rebuild a NEW life, where he would provide what she went looking for with others.


Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
To the JPB is a master poster

it isnt PURITY for Me: It is CONSISTENCY. Authors ARE responsible for solving their own isues/ conflicts...No?


I am NOT against RAAC stories. But at least resolve in SOME way the issues/ conflicts raised by the author. Some idiots posters claim that goal or outlook I have is unreasonable.


It is not.


FACT Rob in chapter 1 as furious and enraged as he was had NO idea how long or how much his wife had been fucking other men.


FACT after finding out how finding out massive and long this cheating has been going on... how all these other men gave the wife her greatest sex ever... Rob is NOT nearly as angry.


I dont get that. sorry.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 14 years ago
The way to a man's heart is ...

Once more into the breach, eh? Brisket is a great stand alone story. Chapter 2 - as it stands - left me unsatisfied; great taste just unfulfilling. So I'm assuming there is a Chapter 3 - if for no other reason that Rob ended up at Helen's. If chapter 2 is it - then why the blowjob? End it with him at her door questioning why he was there. But since Ohio ended it with Rob on the run, we have to wonder where he's running to ... or what he's running from. So Ohio please, please don't make us wait too long. // That said, do I see reconciliation on the horizon? Not with what has been presented so far. Too much rage still swirling around. But stranger things have happened. Are there enough ingredients present for a great wrap-up story - damn right there are. // My favorite would be that Helen becomes his live-in chef with benefits; lots and lots of dirty, nasty benefits.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 14 years ago
Rob misses the Briskets and Pies too much

to let Helen go. I hope it's not just simple pies that he missed all these past 18 months alone without Helen, either! <p>

oddly enough, I wonder what happened to the "Creamer" author guy, who found out his wife/former wife was fucking around, so he blackmailed her and her new husband, by making her come to his place, to suck his dick a few times a week, on a regularly scheduled time? the author said he was gonna sell the story, when he stopped posting here abruptly, with every chapter talking about ABSOLUTELY nothing but how the former wife would rush over, whenever she had a few minutes, to suck him off, with him having the biggest grin in the world, like a total imbecile drooling 'cuz he's not able to contain his saliva... <p>

ohio seems to be going the same direction in this story, with the husband and big hero --- who was so heinously wronged by a "loving wife" who had split persoanlities, learned through her pschobabling counseling sessions, about wanting a loving, trusting husband and some BDSM lovers at the same time, each providing different sexual needs for her --- going over to Helen's place, or have her coming over, every so often, to suck him off, with him standing, grinning like some idiots/imbecile, with Helen on her knees, as he imagines her to be, all those years, when she was sucking Tom and Dicks.... <p>

of course, Mathilda, Barbara, Jane, Jill, and all other women were just not reasonable, as they either want to use his body, or a marriage from him, and he's not gonna have none of them! bitch Helen, the love of his life, ruined it all and now he's not shying away from using Helen, like her lovers did, but he's gonna be caught dead before he pursues someone other than Helen seriously... <p>

as Helen, the love of his life and is daughter's lives,,, she's still cooking Briskets and pies for him every week, now 18 months after their divorce... in addition to some degrading suck off sessions, with Helen on her knees, eagerly with doe eyes looking up to him, begging quietly for him to take her back or simply just keep allowing her to submit to him on her knees, a practice she's good at all the years she's been practicing on with Dicks and Toms, (former) friends or acqauintances of theirs..

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 14 years ago
No sympathetic characters here . . .

Rob is a total prick. He fits the stereotype of the cop who misuses his power. In the first part, he beats up the neighbor, Mark, before "interrogating" him. It seems to me he committed felonious assault, forcible entry, and issuing a terroristic threat, to name a few. His wife deserves punishment in the moral sense, but because he's a cop, and because we are sympathetic to how pissed off he is when he finds out about his wife fucking the neighbor, no one criticizes his use of illegal force. And how about putting a gun to the head of his fireman best friend, someone without a weapon who was not physically threatening him? In the real world (I know it's just a story and all), Rob would lose his badge, and he might end up doing jail time. I prefer the more subtle methods of getting even, especially if it can be done legally. But leaving chapter one aside (which I had given a score of 100, by the way, because it was well-written and got my testosterone running nicely), I find that neither Helen nor Rob exemplify sympathetic characters in chapter two. Rob's inability to get on with his life is a serious personality flaw. He should have gotten counseling -- police officers know this. And Helen should have stayed away from Rob, despite what her shrink told her. I could envision an apology letter from her, but I can't fathom the need to be with her ex to apologize. In fact, I would think it could just reopen old wounds for a man previously proven not in control, and thus, it could be dangerous. The smartest and most logical course for Helen would have been to move away, in fact, far away. This baking of pies, and cooking other food, is really sick and lacks credibility. Rob's behavior where he demands a blow job is just mean. The impending reconciliation is fairy-tale-like but improbable. I recall that in chapter one, the couple had gone to counseling regarding Helen's poor sex drive. It would be really interesting to see the original counselor's expression were he/she to learn about Helen's true persona. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Please complete the story with a 3rd chapter

It appears easy for many people to criticize your writing. I am not one of them. It is your story and you have me interested in what happens. I have been married long enough to know that people do some amazingly destructive things. That doesn't mean they don't care. Rather, it means they are sometimes thoughtless and-or selfish. You have started an interesting story and I am curious to see you take it to its conclusion.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 14 years ago
Great job!

I was really worried wbout where this was going, but you pulled it off. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Nice story

Well done. I enjoyed reading your story, not really sure it was the ending I had in mind. But that said it really expressed the emotions of all the characters involved. Can't believe how screwed up his wife was and all the different messed up people he was involved with along the way. That said it was well written and I did enjoy reading it along with all your other stories. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I can't figure out why he would not only pay for his wife's therapy but go the extra mile and listen to her for HER benefit and torture himself. He's the one that needs the help and none of his family or friends recomends him seeing a doctor after his world is destroyed. Why would his own daughters be so concerned about the mother's well being who was the abuser and actually ask their father who is the victim to give up more for her sake?

This chapter is just way too far out there to relate to or understand.

The unfortunate part is that Ohio is getting this much criticism to his story, since he has a great history of writing very good stories. I guess that makes us hold him up to higher stadard.

Thanks for the the story but I think that this (bad) story is the exception that proves the rule (that Ohio always writes outstanding stories).

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Now That He Sees

that she is willing to do all of the things sexually that he always wanted her to do, just marry her. You may call it psychobabble, but your calling it that doesn't make it any less true. Life is made up of change; it is a process; and people do change, even Helen and maybe old Rob.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
cliffhanger? BOO!

I'm left wondering what happens next. By the plot, it -SEEMS- apparent, but does he take her back or what?

Great story.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 14 years ago
Good writing makes it easy.... overlook what harry so "passionately" describes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I am ready for chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I don't quite know what to think about this, because it feels incomplete. I hope there's a Part 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Definatly needs part III!!! I've read all of your stories (that I can find) and enjoyed them all, as I have this one.. Please continue!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Mixed emotions

Good story, well written(and you are a truly talented story teller) but it is SO incomplete. Hopefully there will be at least one more chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Count me in for waiting on part 3!!

Two years is a bit of wait though.

sherlock40sherlock40over 14 years ago
You were right in the beginning

The story didn't need a part two. Like he said in this story, it was just a lot of psychobabble to make her feel better. I don't see how there could be a reconciliation in this story after her behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

some times one show leave things alone, as here. no amount of good cooking can make up for the baggage she brings, and the possibility that she'll do it again. for all the so so experiences since pitching her out, try try again,

APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxover 14 years ago
Doesn't the "Burn the Bitch" crowd ever get tired of saying the same thing?

Frankly, at this point in the story I would hope that he not take her back, because while she's had some understanding of what she did, she's still the same person who destroyed him.

However, a man should always have the right to do what makes him happiest that includes being in a less than perfect relationship. I can respect the readers who feel that a happy ending is with the woman on the curb... or worse when they use their name and acknowledge good writing, but I have to laugh at the "macho men" who put down a writer's manhood but don't have the balls to use a name.

ArubanArubanabout 14 years ago
Missed Opportunity

Like many who have commented already, I'm upset by this sequel when I put myself in Rob's shoes. Stepping back and putting on my (rather small and unimpressive) writer's hat, I can appreciate what Ohio was trying to do here and why he may have felt compelled to try. Essentially, he had a lot of readers calling for him to explain "the why," and it was an intriguing challenge.

I think I'm OK with "the why" offered here. Meaning, I think I buy the idea that someone could be sexually repressed and be able to find sexual pleasure only in rather submissive and degrading circumstances. It's reminiscent of how women explain reluctance/nonconsent (or even rape) fantasies. Hopefully few women suffer from this condition, but I won't begrude Ohio for offering a portrait of one. I can't think of a more realistic explanation, except perhaps that she was not in love with her husband at all and was a complete fraud--but that would be inconsistent with the character Ohio drew, not to mention boring.

As someone else briefly mentioned, I think it's plausible that upon discovering this other side of her sexuality, she would not change her behavior with her husband. Her husband loves her and treats her with respect. She craves his love and respect. Their relationship is well established. How could she suddenly say, "Honey, please use me like a slut!" And would it even work?

I have trouble with the idea that she became the aggressive initiator. Trolling bars, getting picked up...okay. But coming on to "regular" people? Now she's not submissive, so much as liberated? She's taking charge in the bedroom?

But what I really wish is that this chapter had been written from Helen's point of view and that Rob had not been in it at all. Sure, take up the challenge of constructing Helen's side of the story. Maybe some will buy it, maybe some won't, but if you've got the itch, scratch it.

Unfortunately I think keeping the focus on Rob made it difficult to appreciate the effort. I associated with Rob, and I kept calling "bullshit!" because I was convinced by Rob's characterization in Chapter 1 that that's what he'd do. Also, I was pissed that he let her back into his life, especially just to tell her story. I don't see that "the why" was troubling Rob all that much. Sure, he had issues, but it didn't seem like he'd come to view "the why" as essential to his recovery. I wish Ohio had found another way to reveal "the why" than in a speech to Rob. Maybe a letter, meant for Rob but never read by him...or a discussion in a therapy session...or a conversation with a friend, perhaps a potential new lover (that would have been something!).

As for Rob's part of this chapter: he turned into an unsympathetic character, and that's OK if that was Ohio's intent, but I would have liked some clearer signal from Ohio. I could view this chapter as borderline brilliant if it's meant to be a study of a man in free-fall, a sort of "final insult" in his tragedy. Here's a guy who can't seem to recapture what he's lost, he's trying to compensate in other areas, and the results are mixed...interesting. But it's sad to see a character who was both a strong man of action and a sensitive Man in Love stoop to a mid-life sexual crisis and a shallow view of women.

I would have liked to have seen Rob, after some sexual explorations, reaffirm his emotional needs and look for a woman who would meet them. Instead it seems he first insists on a woman having model-worthy looks, then takes her for a test spin to make sure she's a sexual dynamo, then if she's a good cook...yikes, what a selfish, shallow pig! Where's that guy who wants, most of all, to kiss, touch, give pleasure? Again, perfectly OK (and well done) if the aim was to debase the man, but if not...well, previous comments speak for themselves.

Finally, if there's a bitch to be torched here, it's Dr. Olivia. The nerve, sending Helen off to interfere with Rob's recovery. Surely any decent therapist would have been hesitant to encourage Helen to rock Rob's world like that. Also, I don't think Dr. Olivia told Helen anything she didn't already know. Helen knew she was leading two lives, she seemed to know why, she seemed to know it was wrong, but she just couldn't stop. What would be interesting is if Dr. Olivia offered some kind of cure, but it appears she didn't. Helen seems to have lost interest in other men because she got a righteous scare (odd that something like that wouldn't have happened long before) and because of the trauma of the divorce. Her underlying problem (some kind of repression) doesn't seem to have been addressed; circumstances simply imposed some ability/motivation to control the problem.

bigguy323bigguy323almost 14 years ago
Wait for it..........wait for it...................wait for it....the wimpout is on the way....

Ohio is congenitally unable to allow a man to retain his "man card". In his world anything can be forgiven even serial adultery, disrespect, betrayal and humiliation.

The best ending would have been to allow the bitch to die from the pills.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Hey, did they ever get divorced or they still "legally seperated?"

Otherwise, who paid for the therapist who diagnosed her a mildy "schizoid?" Hey he went from great sex to no sex but he is eating better now and got what sounds like a world class blowjob. He is getting his cake and sucked off too. Good deal for him.

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXover 13 years ago

The writer didn't even want to write this sequel in the first place, and it shows

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Why did you continue? Chapter 1 should have been it, I thought finally you'd written a story where the husband doesn't take his wife back, but it's clear you didn't want to write more and regardless of what others wanted you shouldn't have. Yet again it's turned into another one of your stories where a therapist fills the wife with all the excuses she can use for her cheating, so what if 3 people died in the space of months, she should have turned to her husband not the assholes she cheated with.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago


Just curiosity?

Just can't get past the history?

All of the above and then some -

Rob seems like he is having trouble coping or moving - he is going to get in more trouble - then risk total destruction?

I kepp thinking I have read this one already but did not see my comment so I hope not lol - I may not be consistent in them heh

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
So funny...

The only realistic comment really was the one the Nonny Mouse said. He said he liked the writing and in fact, almost all marriage partners do pretty destructive things at times.

The fact is- This man is an older cop, and he has missed the life he had with the woman he loved. Ohio dug a pretty deep hole for her in the first chapter and probably 'should have' stuck with just that one...

Yet, he is a damn good writer and has taken on the challenge of some kind of reconciliation. I am interested in how he pulls it out, because he is one of the few that can. I have noticed that more and more good writers are taking on that challenge to the dismay of those that hate these kind of endings.

I am one of those that can accept any ending as long as they are not too ridiculous and/or are well written.I don't think that he will have them remarried but pershaps they can be reunited and be happy as a brand new couple with the same children and good sex. Especially now that she is doing for him what she did for others. Why not? How long does she have to pay? How long does he have to miss her? Is there a set sentence for slut wives, besides divorce? Isn't happiness more important to most of us?

I have experienced the cheating wife and divorced her for it. Then I have spent 33 years with a wife with an extremely low sexual libido. I don't think there are any perfect marriages. I spent 30 years as a cop and never liked cops in general. I am the type of person that wants to protect others even though I don't like most of them because of their self-centeredness.

I spent 6 years in the Corps and didn't like the discipline, Officers, or being told what to do. Yet, I liked military people more than I like civilians. Especially in combat where we were brothers. I highly detest civilian leaders that send us to wars in places where we are not wanted or needed. I never met anyone in the ranks that was patriotic. We just did what we had to survive and followed orders we didn't even like!

I have been thinking that maybe people just do what fits them best(I am not literate or very smart)...even when they don't like everything about what occurs in the relationship? Yes, I admit that I have had serious issues in my 2 marriages. Two marriages that covered 46 years of my life. But I have enjoyed everything else about being married and do not want to be a bitter old man all alone. Why dwell forever on the cheating most of us have done some time or another? Of course, the lack of enthusiam for sex still bugs me. I could be whisked off by Julia Roberts or Eva Longoria, or other beautiful 40-50 year olds...

I was an unwilling Cuck in my first marriage...but even when the sex became better and better I showed her cheating ass by leaving her. Now I have a loving and faithful wife but seldom get any sex. Am I a wimp for not dumping her too? Or am I just like a lot of other married men or women in real life?

I apologize for giving a long testimonial as to why I like these stories. But we are all allowed to comment...right? No?

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
7 fucking years

and six guys until she started doing another half dozen or more for six months at a time. want good food hire a cook.

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

brisket is too hard to digest plain, TK U MLJ LV NV

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

Cantbuymy said it all. I have nothing to add.


reddogs88reddogs88almost 12 years ago
what a loser

Rob is a real loser! I wad rooting for Helen to do Rob a favor and kill herself. but now it is clear that Rob needs to kill himself. Helen is a lying cunt. Lying Cunts don't care about anyone but themselves and acting is part of it. If he can't see that after all this. Kill yourself because there is no other answer. The first story was good. but this one sucks

HardFeltHardFeltover 11 years ago
Robbed of a story

The writing is excellent.

The plot is well developed.

The story sucks. I feel cheated on! I am the reader!!

People are what they are but they are rarely like this author portrays them.

Rob is a jerk and deserves the whore he married. The real cheat in this story is the morals of those in the story.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Thoroughly analyzed

As deserved by an OHIO story, this has been extensively tossed around, from death threats to fawning adulation (finest kind!) I enjoyed it (BFD) but simply want to echo EnergyStar's appreciation...thanks for all the fish!


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

As I often speculate mid way through your stories, I can't see reconciliation as a possibility. Even if you buy the psychological explanation (which doesn't really answer the question why she did it in the first place), there is just too much water under the bridge. Too many years, too many men, and too many lies. I simply can't buy the rationale that there was nothing wrong with her hubby, and that she really did love him. She denied him what she was giving to others. She was compelled to seek out other men because she was not getting what she needed from her hubby. She never made an attempt to change her own marriage and try to discover in her hubby what she was getting elsewhere. You usually do a good job of tying up loose ends, but those three facts are hard to reconcile. If you can do it in the remaining chapter, I will be truly impressed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Your biography said you were a male.......I don't believe. I don't think I need to read the third chapter to see where this is headed. Drivel. You should have left well enough alone.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
The average

star score indicates the BTB crowd is not turned off or has not yet recognized this is very likely a story headed for RAAC. Very well-written.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

If she was so submissive why couldn't she submit to her husband?

What SHOULD have happened after that first time, was that as soon as her husband came home she should have fallen to her knees and sucked him off, then screwed him every which way but loose. Then she could have taken the leash off their sex life for good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You are a CUCK ASSHOLE O Hi Blow ...

But then YOU know that .... don't you!?!?

Once a WHORE wife apologist ... ALWAYS a WHORE wife apologist!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Sychopaths have taken over the comments on literotica.

Some of the anons and members are seriously detached from reality and need medical help.

It's just a story ffs.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 9 years ago
Anony @ fuck

It's psychopaths you moron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Wanna know why she did what she did?

You ready? Because she's a liar,whore,bitch,and a cheater. There wasn't that so much simpler!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

How is this possible?

Wimp cuckold to the n.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Hey I'm enjoying this 5*

A logical development, at least for some sort of closure. He is owed it for all the years of neglect and she certainly owes him for her failure to be there for him sexually.

Where it leads Ohio has the right to decide, so don't get too upset all you "kill the bitch" types....

Well written as always Ohio.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please no RAAC

He screws her no problem, if he gets back with her I'll lose my lunch!

mike9698mike9698over 8 years ago
1 *

all RAAC stories get a 1 from me.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"Things I never agreed to with you, he just demanded--and I did them” – So she does things that a stranger DEMANDS of her, but can’t bring herself to do with the man she loves?

She wanted a chance to make it up to him? Then why not do with him the things she did with Ted, the things she KNEW he wanted to do? Maybe not THAT night, but why not the next night, why go back to her frigid ways with him, then seduce other guys for wild sex?

I still don’t get it. While I understand the “wrongness” of it all was part of the attraction, the fact remains that she learned she DID enjoy unrepressed sex, she KNEW the husband that she supposedly loved wanted some of that sex, so why the fuck didn’t she give him some, whether she kept on with the cheating or not? While I’m sure the simple fact of the cheating angers him, the fact that she was giving away what she wouldn’t let him have added insult to injury.

She wants to make it up to him? How about submitting to a weekend of wild sex, doing ANYTHING he wants to do?!

Why in the Hell doesn’t Patty talk to Barb about how she comes on too strong?

While the blowjob was nice, as his own thoughts indicated, the fact that she got her expertise while cheating is going to be problem!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

“wondered what you did wrong.” – NO, he didn’t wonder what HE did wrong! He wondered why, if she like hot sex so much she wouldn’t do it with him!

“But I know there's nothing I can do that would begin to make it up to you.” – Sure there is; she can be a slut for him like she was for her lovers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is a shit story.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
and yet you read all of it dear annony!!

it's a shit story but you rad it and jerked your little cockette and then you get upset with yourself and flame the sorry. You're one sick fucker

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago
Oh No

Damn. It's hard to believe that he's sunk so low as to screw the crazy cheating cunt again. What the fuck!!!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

“and I went to his hotel room with him.” – I’m sorry I don’t care how deep in mourning, or how many drinks she had, how could a faithful, almost asexual wife, go to a strange man’s hotel room? And if she had a submissive side that was so easy to bring out, why had she been able to suppress it with her own husband for so long?

"I would do anything--anything to atone for what I've done... But I know there's nothing I can do that would begin to make it up to you. I'm so sorry, honey." – Hey, how about giving HIM some of that wild sex?

Barb MAY have had HALF a case if he had seduced her, but she’s the one that invited him in after their first date, blow him right away, then has sex with him all night! Why don’t Jim and Patty talk to her?

And NOW she can submit to him? If she had let her submissive side out after Ted showed it to her, they'd still be together!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

raac cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Ruined it


CarnilliaCarnilliaalmost 8 years ago
Great story telling, not buying tho.

In first place, let me tell you that I really enjoy the way you tell things. You really get me into the story. You are obviously a great writer. Said that, I hope you are not heading to get them back together, because for me, there is no believebale way of doing that. She cheated for years behind his back. She was a submissive slut to a lot of strangers. Obviously the woman was nuts, I got that. And she even realized of that and worked on that. Good for her! But, he is willing to take her back just because he went thru a lot of crappy dates and he likes her cooking?!! No way man, I 'm going to buy that! I haven't read the third part yet. So I hope that's not the story you are going to tell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

unfinished cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Still with this one. 4*

Matilda deserved so much more consideration.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Reading Yet Again

"He was powerful and strong and self-assured, and somehow he brought out a submissive side of me that I didn't know I had." - I'm sorry, I'm still not buying this. Cops aren't exactly noted for their lack of self-assurance or their weakness, yet she had NO problem denying her husband, but Ted just snaps his fingers and she submits? And as I think I have said before, now that she has seen this side, and enjoyed the unrestrained sex, why not let it out with her husband?

"The desire for more of the same--more degrading, semi-forced sex--grew in her, a bit at a time" - Again, I'm sure her husband would be glad to accommodate her!

There was Helen the wife and Helen the slut - Where is it written that they have to be different? What's that old saying? "A man wants his wife to be a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom."

"Is there anything else you want to ask me, Rob?" - Why? This is your conversation, your request.

"if there is ever anything, just let me know." - "Yeah, crawl over here and suck my cock!"

"can't a girl change her mind?" - Yes, but she should tell the guy that she did!

Instead of having Helen suck him off, he should have told her to stop bringing the food, that he needed a clean break.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 7 years ago
Reconciliation Whore

Ohio will sell out his characters, his plot, and any prior emotion he has built into his story to force an absurd reconciliation. He is a reconciliation whore.1*

dyonysosdyonysosover 7 years ago
Funny thing

I allways find it amusing how the wannabe couch machos fall all over themselves when reconciliation is mentioned

For instance TMSPTGR3 seemed not too pleased by the first chapter yet he reads chapter two ? surprising by such an execellant and macho man

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

sbrooks pretty much said it

The rationalization for her whoring around just was a bunch of horseshite.

People die all the time and the survivors don't turn into cheating cunts.

The whole barbara thing made no fucking sense at all.

Then one of the dumbest parts of all

"Helen," I said suddenly. "I want you to suck me off." Until I said it I hadn't realized that was why I had driven over there.

really? really? moron

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
hey Rob, re-marry the crazy cunt

...then carry on in secret as you have been doing and lets see how fucking far your gonna get - not very fucking far i can assure you

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
shitzo what?

It is clear Helens shrink did a poor job of explaining detail of any plausible worth. Helens explanation lacks credible and persuasive understanding. What she explains isn't worth shit, it lacks depth and is therefore not plausible and what treatment has she been getting for this or is it to be assumed that it is up to Helen to decide her own depth of depravity?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Come on folks ....

It's ohioCUCK .... RAAC is his agenda .... championing the CUCKOLD lifestyle is his MO. Cheating wives are to be praised .... wimp, weak husband are saluted! To expect anything more from this cheating WHORE wife APOLOGIST writer is fantasy!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
@ last bluenose comment

You MUST have gotten LOST. This is a PORN fiction and FANTASY site. To EACH their OWN.. KINDLY fuck off To ROMANCE where your sensabilities won't be so strained.

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