Brotherly Love Ch. 01 of 03


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I joined my new staff in my office-cum-conference room and introduced myself to the crowd of about two dozen people, maybe half of whom I have had some previous contact.

"For those of you who were here yesterday and have seen my photograph, yes I know, I am much prettier in person."

That got a chuckle out of most everybody and they subtly relaxed.

"For everybody else, I am Robert Robertson, the new Regional Operations Manager for Tetracomm's Greater London Network. You all know Mrs. Hanley, she will be my right hand for everything administrative. See her about anything you need along those lines, do NOT waste my time with redtape. She is the font of information and getting things done."

I grabbed a small bottle of sparkling water off the credenza, twisted off the top and took a swallow before continuing "Please do not take offense if I need some time to remember your names. I'll probably memorize your positions first. For a while, that will be what I identify you by."

Since no one has fallen asleep yet, I pressed my luck "You are all competent at your positions or you would not have been chosen to be here. What I expect, what I will be looking for from each of you. Is the extra effort to deal with emergencies and catastrophes. And continuing your educations to keep up with and help our department get integrated into whatever new technology is thrown at us in the future. Mrs. Hanley will be in charge of arranging and scheduling you for the subsidized training and advanced educational opportunities offered through Tetracomm."

Everybody seemed willing to agree with me that getting paid to improve their work skills would be a valuable perk. Let us hope they will be as enthusiastic about the downside. Any Junior who fails to gain certification would be considered redundant and sacked. Seniors will be shunted into the tedium of managing parts storage. I would probably be ruthlessly promoted to the Board of Directors!

"We are a 25 hour a day, 8 days a week, 53 weeks a year operation. Everyone of us will be rotating through different jobs to learn how to cover key slots for missing people as needed in a pinch. Plus all of us, including me, will be temporarily covering swing and graveyard hours as coverage and our personal lives allow."

There were groans and scrunched faces at that but they all knew the requirements coming in. Our customers are paying for and the regulators demand for us to do our very best to maintain and expand our level of services to meet their expectations.

So then, I quipped "Even though, I have a beautiful wife at home and I want to get to spend more time with her!"

I was rudely interrupted from the side of the room, by Danny Fuerro. We've worked together on and off for years, he's now Supervisor of Network Traffic Analysis. His wife Alice and my Megan, are mates from their Uni days.


"Christ Rob, can'tcha give poor Meg a break. You trying for a full Cricket team of rugrats?"

Everybody laughed as I drolled "You know me Dan, I'm very competitive. Team Robertson is headed for the Matches!"

Danny led the scoffing at my smug pretensions. I think Leona, another long-time work mate, was the woman's voice who jokingly warned "Watch out for this one lassies, he just has to shake your hand to get you preggers!"

Briefly it crossed my mind, as we were breaking up, 'Not much chance of that now.' When Kerry was born, Meg had her tubes tied and I had a vasectomy. After four children, Megan was still healthy and I wanted to keep her that way, so we can both enjoy our golden years together. What's that old cautionary saying? 'Belt & Suspenders!'

Meg phoned her ex-classmate Jason at the Colourist Service, to beg him to unjam those posters or at least let them know what the hell is the delay. He promised to call her back as fast as possible. Megan told him to send her an email instead and copy to Callie. She reminded him, there is a deadline looming over all of them, to get the posters distributed. Before the event!

After giggling her way through a couple of the latest postings online of friends e-comix. Megan changed, then drove to the train station to retrieve her husband. The two them were due for their appointment at the Medical Center to meet with Doctor Khurahasan.

- flashback -[date=1989]

"My ex-girlfriend Deborah, three months after mysteriously dumping me. Returned to visit me with her clandestine lover Penelope. You were there Meg."

"Oh yes, I remember that day, Robert. How embarrassed you were, when Deborah told you she was a lesbian. And that she was four months pregnant with Eliza. The shocked look on your face, you were gobsmacked, indeed!"

"Deborah wanted to bear a child now, before she began her career as a certified accountant......They had selected me to father the child because I was the only young man they knew of who personally impressed both of them. And that I wasn't damaging my genes with drugs and promiscuity."

"The two women were well off and would not require financial support from me but they recently acquiesced, at both their mother's insistence, that I should have parental contact with our child-to-be."

"This occurred just as I began to regularly date you, Meg. In turn, I think you were impressed at the good opinion Deborah and Penelope had of me and I believe this influenced the development of our relationship into love and marriage."

- flashback - [date=early 1990]

We were at the Maternity Hospital, in the waiting room, waiting for the grandparents-to-be to arrive. When one of the Sisters approached us with a frown on her face as she looked over the paperwork.

"Now let me get this straight. You Mr. Robertson and you Miss Fitzgerald are both claiming to be the father of this baby?"

Trying to control her irritation, Penelope snapped "I would prefer to be listed as Co-Mother, if at all possible. Deborah and I are in a life-committed relationship. We will be raising the child together."

A confused look on her face, the harassed Sister looked questionably at my girlfriend Megan who was sitting with us while we waited. Mischievously, Megan volunteered "Deb and Penny are the present mothers of Robert's child. I'm the future mother of his children!"

I'm not sure even Megan would have believed how true that her clever joke would turn out.

- flashback - [date= mid 1990]

My fiance Megan and I had gotten together for dinner at my ex-girlfriend Deb and her lover Penny's flat. We wanted to see the baby, I had fathered on Deb last year and let them know about our engagement. Yes, Deborah and Penelope had tricked me into fathering a baby but that is all water under the bridge. Their mothers had gotten together and demanded that D&P allow me a paternal relationship with our daughter. Our pairings are developing a close friendship revolving around tiny Eliza.

Besides a beautiful baby and a bourgeoning friendship, I am grateful that Penelope and Deborah's good opinions of me, has decidedly impressed Megan in my favor. As far as I am concerned, what at first seemed to be a looming disaster of unmitigated proportions, worked out very well for all of us. Truly a win/win situation.

It did not hurt at all, considering I was just starting out professionally, that the two women were themselves financially secure and did not need child support from me. I think that is another of the reasons we, Megan and I, could get along so well with the couple. Not having the constant worry of trying to make support payments out of my junior's salary was a real stress buster.

Megan proudly waved the old-fashioned square-cut, one carat diamond ring at the two women. Who responded with squeals of joy and best wishes, with hugs and kisses all around. It was a gift from my paternal grandmother. She had received it years ago, from her older widowed sister who was to remarry and whose new fiance wanted her to have his own family heirloom ring.

Then of course, we all had to troop in to the bedroom to see the sleeping baby. I pondered the little tyke, fruit of my loins. 'Huh, she's grown a bit since our last visit. Whew! Thank God her hair is finally coming in.' I know, silly of me to worry that my daughter might have to go through life bald. Cut me some slack, I am all new to this fatherhood business!

We sat down to a casual meal of lemon & dill dressed baked wild salmon on a bed of couscous with steamed vegetables. For desert, there was fresh sliced naturally sweet, ripe strawberries in real clotted cream. Penny had me pop open a bottle of refreshingly tart Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene, an Italian white sparkling wine that went well with the meal.

Penelope bragged that she had nipped a few bottles from her father's cellar last time she was in Mayfair "I only take the one's he receives as gifts, he'll never drink them. He such a snob about that sort of thing. 'Pater' brags, he will not drink anything that isn't Grand Cru Burgundy or crusted Port or a single-malt Scotch."

I piped in with a toast "His loss. Our enjoyment." The three ladies clinked their glasses and were happy to join my salute for this delicious varietal.

Deborah drolled "He probably only keeps the gifts for the servants to drink!"

We all laughed at that, then Deb continued "My mother shipped us a crate of the vegetables and the strawberries, and two bottles of cream from her Cotswold farm at the Old Grange."

We all raved about how delicious the veggies and berries were compared to what you usually find at the chain grocers.

She then uncovered the cheese board and urged us to sample.

"Also, try a slice of this cheese. She tells me they are experimenting with producing their own Single Gloucester. Mild flavor with a bite and I think a hint of the spring grasses. The original cheese was produced by milk from Gloucester Cattle. But they are nearly extinct now. Some how Mum wrangled an Agriculture Ministry grant to try to rebuild the breeding stock, 'In their native environment'. So this cheese is indeed very rare, nothing like the factory product available at the chains."

Hmmm, lovely flavor and melts on the tongue! I pondered for a moment then mused out loud "It will be exciting to see how well it ages." I asked Deborah "Will they try to produce a Blue such as Stilton?"

She shrugged ignorance but was willing to speculate "Mum loves to experiment, she's always fussing about, improving egg quality or sweeter purple carrots or some such."

As we rose from the table, the baby monitor on the sideboard let us know that Eliza was starting her own fussing about. The three women made a beeline for the bedroom, like a tight formation of fighter jets! It must be instinctive. Speaking of instincts, I made a beeline for the side lav.

When I returned past the parlour, I saw Deborah on the divan, with her top down suckling baby Eliza. 'Lucky kid!' I thought enviously as I turned into the dining room.

Megan and Penelope were in the kitchen talking while they cleaned up. I saw a few dishes and utensils left on the table, so I gathered them and took them in to the two women.

"Thanks Rob. Anything else left needs to be washed?"

"No, I don't think so."

Meg finished wrapping up leftovers and as she put the containers in the refrigerator, said she would go check.

I asked Penny "Shall I wash up?"

She smiled and shook her head "No, I just rinse and put them in the dishwasher, it'll do the rest. I am about finished here. Please take the tray over there with the wine and glasses into the parlour. I'll be right in."

I nodded acquiescence, then stopped and asked "Will Deb want something besides the wine?"

Penelope giggled, kindly I guess, at my concern "Earlier, she had a tall glass of Horlicks with the nursing supplements. A little wine won't hurt the baby."

I took the refreshments into the parlour, feeling happiness? in my stomach as I saw the two women's expressions. Megan was sitting with Deb, gently brushing at the baby's fine hair, since Deb now had Eliza on her other teat.

I poured a half-glass of wine for each of us adults. Mmm, an Australian Shiraz Viognier rosé I didn't recognize. Placed two glasses on the tea-table in front of the divan, so the ladies could comfortably reach. Went back for my glass and sat myself in the large wingback near the gas fireplace. I had to drive, so this was plenty for me and I knew Meg wouldn't drink more then a sip or two.

She dislikes going to sleep while intoxicated. During her first year at Uni, when she would overindulge, the creeps she was dating then, would take advantage of her. Rather traumatic memories for her afterwards. It was two years before she would even contemplate a relationship again. Meg's not a teetotaler now, but she has little tolerance for drunks and abusers. The couple of times I would get sotted were the cause of our only serious fights.

The two women were talking softly. I guess even asleep, suckling for a baby is pretty much on automatic pilot. I was wistfully thinking, it looks as if Debby's tits have grown at least a size since we were dating. Very nice!

Uh-oh! Both women are glaring at me. They must be reading my mind. Or at least the leer on my face. Then they face each other again, rolling their eyes at male stupidity and set each other off giggling.

Penny came in and smiled at her wife and baby. I started to get up to get her a glass of wine but she just gestured at me to sit. While she went over to retrieve the last glass on the tray. She sat herself in the other large chair and joined in the murmured conversation between my past and my future. Hah, that's clever! I'll have to remember that phrase.

The baby must have finished feeding as Megan took her, placing her gently on a towel covered shoulder and firmly patted the infant into letting off a pretty substantial burp for such a small little person.

Oh, that look on her face of wistful longing and hope. Meg was a water-colourist and illustrator. She and I have discussed how she could work from home and have a baby after we were married. Sounds like a reasonable way to meet her desire to be a mother while working at her own speed on becoming a professional {i.e. Paid!} artist.

Deborah got up and excused herself, telling us that she needed to wash up now and put salve on her breasts, as she disappeared into their bedroom ensuite. Penelope took Eliza and asked Megan if she wanted to help her change the nappy and put the baby to her crib? With an eager look my fiance said yes and with my first daughter the two went to join Deb.

I collected the wine glasses and took them into the kitchen to rinse and dry them by hand.

[date=1997] - flashback -

Rob on phone with Meg, at home packing, explaining that he will be late to Great-Gramma's party. He apologizes he won't arrive at their Hotel until the day after the party. Megan is disappointed but resigned. This mission was important step in Robert's career. It meant he was trusted by his superiors and on the fast track for promotion. He tells her to hang onto the room and when he gets there he'll still have two days off for them to enjoy it.

[two days later]

..........Only half-way in, overexcited, he ejaculated and from his premature orgasm sagged down upon her..........he scrambled backward..........Falling off the bed with a loud thump and tangle of his still drunk limbs............Carefully he staggered his way down the hotel hallway to the elevator..........then forced himself to be silent as he went through the almost empty lobby out through the post-midnight darkness and into the ugly lighting of the carpark...........

[next morning]

"That next morning, I arrived from the train station. Meg, you were still mal de mer but that cleared up quickly once you'd had some dry toast and juice for breakfast. Then we visited with the family at Aunt Nell's for lunch. Afterwards, we returned to the hotel for a very romantic evening. We both would come to believe that was when we had conceived our son!"

[date=1998] - flashback -

Hospital scene when I first saw Byron, my son, suckling at Megan's breast in the hospital bed. Our young daughters were oohing and aahing at the sight of the newborn. Our close friends, Deborah and Penelope entered with Eliza, the daughter I had fathered on them, my last year at Uni. Eliza 9 ran over to join Joanne 6 and Melody 4, my daughters by Meg. They happily made room for the bigger girl. The three girls were gently petting the baby as they whispered squeals of excitement. Three years later, Kerry would be the last child Meg and I would have.

I was so proud that day. I had fathered a son! A Robert Robertson Junior, hurrah!

Actually we named the boy after my father, so my son would be Byron Robertson IV.

But secretly, in my mind, I called him Robert Junior.

[date=2006] - present day -

Doctor Khurahasan seemed rather uncomfortable about having to explain the discrepancies in our son's DNA chart. He kept glancing at me with wary looks. I guess he has had more than his share of bad experiences with wannabe fathers taking out their disappointments on him.

My wife Meg had a puzzled frown on her face. She was still grappling with interpreting the scientific terminology. That, if you will please excuse the phrase, cold-bloodily proves that I had Not fathered the son she had birthed.

With a dawning comprehension, Megan fell back into her seat clapping both her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream of horror.

............Swallowing the lump in my throat, I must now uncover the secrets that could tear our loving marriage apart. I must force myself to openly confront the suspicions I have been concealing for several years now. As I had gradually become aware of the mystery silently haunting our personal lives.............

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Confusing story its a mess, so will stop reading it.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

The writing is horrible

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

Unique method of story telling but I am in for the long haul.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Switching POV made it difficult to follow. May be a good story here. I'll wait to rate until I see more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Pompous, egotistical author, who per his bio, is better than the rest of us!

Just cat shit.

Story is nonsense!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Utter shite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wasted words and details

I understand the author is attempting to define the characters and give background for the story to progress. Most details were irrelevant and changing POV and time jumping muddled the story. Writing shows promise but the premature ejaculation was


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What he meant is 'Major Bummer" !

Still the story was shit so who cares ? 1*.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanalmost 9 years ago
A Major? In the RAF?

The American Air Force has Majors. The Canadian Air Force has Majors? Since when has the RAF had Majors??

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago
So far , so good.

Good Lord ! Humor in L.W. ? Are you insane ? lol.

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