Bullying the Cow


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The guy doesn't say anything as he moves behind me to the point I can no longer see him. He hasn't touched me yet, but I feel him kneeling down, preparing to fuck me in this doggy style position. And I don't know why, but the girls watching this happen makes it all so much worse and better for me. It makes those dark butterflies go on steroids.

"Wait, wait," Tina says, sounding exhausted and upset. At this my heart lifts, making me feel like I'm floating with relief. A part of me does scream for her to stop and shut up, but overall I'm thankful. She can't let her boyfriend cheat on her with another woman. Or maybe she finally understands that this is going too far. That this is beyond any sort of prank. This is full on rape.

"Cows only moo. Seems our little cow forgot that," Tina tells everyone, her voice sounding very upset. My eyes widen as my stomach drops. I know I'm about to be punished. And in truth, I should have expected it. She would want to show her dominance over me to her boyfriend after all. To make sure he understands that she is the true catch, and not me.

"Owww!" I cry out as I feel the open hand slap to my bare ass. Before I can fully react or do anything, another slap lands, stinging badly. It makes my ass sting as if her hand is made of knives. I can actually feel the red handprint it leaves on my bare ass. She makes it worse by switching ass cheeks so both sides start to throb as she hits so hard.

Tina spanks me for everyone to see. She spanks me again and again, switching between my ass cheeks, but never softening up. Her slaps are hard and powerful, making me twitch, rock and cry with each one. And they are so mortifying that I can't help but lower my head and upper body so they are against the ground to try and deal with the pain.

"Cows. Only. Moo. Cows. Only. Moo," Tina repeats as she spanks me hard, not caring how loud the slaps are. After each hit I pray that it's the last one, but she just keeps on going. I also get very scared her hand may on purpose or not, sink lower and slap my womanhood, which I think may be too much to take.

It's almost like she is waiting for something to make her stop, but what that is, I don't know. She just keeps repeating that "cows don't moo," hitting a different place on my ass each time. As most of my ass feels like it's reddened, she moves outward to find new spots to hit, such as near my thighs.

"MOOOOOoooooooo," I say as realistically as possible as I figure this is what she wants to hear. I make it sound like I'm really a cow, going so far as to lift my head as I do this, as a cow would do.

Instantly, Tina stops spanking me. Then laughter rings out, only this time is worse as I hear the guy's booming laugh. They all laugh at me, and to make sure I'm not spanked again, I moo again, making it sound even more realistic.

Mooing one more time, I feel how the entire situation makes a powerful warm wave of pleasure to move over me. It makes my entire body tingle and burn in the best possible sexual way. It makes me feel like when you wrap yourself up in a blanket on a very cold night. It causes me to shudder and even sigh. And as I want these feelings to get stronger, I moo once again, debasing myself. Only when I do, I make sure to look directly at Tina's camera.

A brief gasp comes out of me as I feel something hard placed right at the entrance of my womanhood. After I gasp, I then go quiet as I can't believe it's really happening. This is truly about to happen.

It's the guy. He's pulled down his shorts and placed his cock right at my pussy. I'm taken aback by this so I don't react, even if my brain and body screams. I'm not sure what I should do as I feel his cockhead part my pussy lips. Should I turn around and slap him? Scream for help? Or stay in this position like a cow and let him have his way?

Knowing full well I don't want him to stop, I stay perfectly still. Tina's boyfriend then slides his cock inside me, making me gasp as I feel it part me open slowly. My mouth opens and my eyes widen as I feel his manhood inside me, making me feel that familiar "owned" feeling that always happens during sex. I'm not sure why, but any time I've had sex, it's always made me feel owned. It's probably the fact that the guy has to do the work, with him moving his manhood in and out of me, with me in some demeaning position. Sure, I do work as well, but it still feels like my part is to lay there so the man can do as he wants to me. That I just have to take it.

"Damn, she's tight at fuck," Tina's boyfriend exclaims as his cock goes all the way inside me. He's grabbed my hips and pulled back while thrusting forward, forcing his cock to go all the way inside me that it can. He even keeps pulling on my ass as if trying to see if it can go deeper.

"She's a cow, Peter. Call her a cow," Tina says in a stern tone. It makes her sound like she's a professor correcting a student.

"This cow's pussy is fucking tight," Peter corrects himself, not missing a beat. He keeps his cock buried inside me as I face the other way, feeling like a sex object instead of a human being. This is amplified when the girls laugh, no doubt recording me as well as they stand to my sides. I probably would as well, as they can tell this is no longer them bullying me, but showing me what I really am and what I need.

And then Peter, which Tina keeps calling him, starts fucking me. He keeps his hands on my hips where he pushes me forward and then pulls me back on his cock. This makes his cock slide almost all the way out, only for me to go backward and take all of it again inside my pussy. He does this slow, making it almost like torture as he makes me feel every inch of his hard cock as it violates me.

As he slowly fucks me like this, it makes me recall a particular memory. A long, long time ago, I was in the mood for porn, which doesn't happen often. On this particular search, I came across a video called "A Walk in The Forest," or something similar. It was more like a mini movie than a real porno, but it had a powerful effect on me. It was about a man chasing down a woman in a forest, and when he finally caught her, he raped her. But what I remember most about it is that as he raped her, the woman just sort of took it. She had a passive look on her face as she laid limp as the man fucked her, accepting what was happening.

That's how I feel at this exact moment. I stare forward without showing any emotion as Peter fucks me. He gets faster now, making me rock back on his cock. I feel it inside me, moving in and out easily due to how wet I am. Just like I feel how my overly large breasts swing under me, making me feel more like a cow than ever.

The sex reaches a point where I'm not sure how much longer I can stay passive. He starts to thrust hard enough to force me to bounce off of him. This makes a loud clap sound, that adds to how humiliating this is, because it's also getting loud.

For some reason my eyes flick upward, to where I see Tina standing in front of me, filming still. There's an upset look on her face and she even taps her foot as if waiting. I'm not sure why, but I know what she wants.

"Mooo," I say as I look at her, to which she nods to show I did good. I moo again, to which there's plenty of laughter. I'm not sure if it is related to me moo'ing, but Peter starts to go faster, fucking me much harder. His fingers also dig into my hips to get the best grip he can.

Peter fucks me harder now, to which I find that I'm unable to stop the moans that come out. They start soft and airy at first, but then grow deep and loud. I wish I could stop them, but they come out without thought, just like how you breath without thinking.

"Look at how her tits swing!" Meg says incredibly and they all laugh. After she says this, I feel what she means. Peter has gotten so rough that my tits swing wildly with each hard slow thrust he does. They nearly smack my stomach and face as they wildly swing with each powerful thrust.

"Moooo," I repeat to feel another rush of humiliation mix in with the bliss that is the cock fucking me. Now my body fully betrays me as I feel it ramming backward as Peter thrusts forward. It makes our bodies hit each other hard, damn near creating a shockwave each time from how rough we are both being. I can no longer hold my body back from this fucking.

"She's getting into it. Look. Bitch is fucking nuts," Roberta says in surprise. I'm actively helping Peter fuck me, all while mooing every few moments as I've grown to love this feeling. This horrible feeling that makes me feel like a sick sex freak. The feeling of being owned, humiliated and fucked. Of being made to feel so submissive that the entire world can look down at you.

My eyes are filled with tears despite how great this is. I feel so low and pathetic, to the point that I seem to forget everything. I forget my hopes and dreams of my college life. I forget about all that I'm supposed to study for. I even seem to forget my name as I think of myself as just a nameless cow. The tears fall as the worst thing possible happens...and I orgasm.

My moans get high pitched and fast, revealing very clearly that I'm cumming. My back arches and my head moves back as I give in fully. Peter seems to sense this so he gets extremely rough and fast as it feels like he's legit trying to break me. He pounds me as fast and hard as he can, grunting with each thrust, trying to impale me with his manhood.

"MOOO!" I yell out as a moan, knowing that Tina has moved right in front of me to record me at the lowest point of my life. But I don't care. All I care about is each and every fast wave of joy moving over me, pumping all cells with pleasure. But this pleasure is so incredibly dark and hot. It even tingles as it moves over me, making my body twitch and squirm uncontrollably.

Peter grabs my hair and pulls back on it, making me feel even more owned. As he yanks, I moo again, feeling him fuck my pussy raw. My head is pulled back, forcing me to arch and my tits to lift up. It's an even more humiliating position that I thought possible as I lock eyes with Tina.

In the weirdest possible moment of my life, I smile at Tina as I orgasm. There's a feeling in me that feels that I'm the lucky one, because she will never feel what I'm feeling. She'll never cum off his cock like I am at this very moment.

I feel every inch of my insides being violated by his hard cock. It feels like that cock is telling me it owns me as it fucks me raw. That it'll do whatever it wants to my pussy because I'm just a stupid cow with big fucking tits. That it owns me and there's nothing I can do about it.

My moans get so loud that people all around the campus can probably hear it. That in a few moments there will probably be a crowd to see what's happening in this hidden alcove. But again, I don't care. Let them see. Let them see the cow with the big udders getting fucked.

My orgasm gets so intense that my vision actually goes white as I sink into the feeling. I fully let go for the first time ever, allowing the sexual feelings to overpower me completely. Everything fades away as I don't care about anything else but my orgasm, my body reacting to pound against Peter to make it last. That being civilized or proper doesn't matter, only feeling like this matters.

The orgasm reaches a point where I can't even breathe or think. It overwhelms me so bad that I find it's hard to get air in my lungs as my body is tensed up. This feeling is pumped faster as I start to feel my tits rubbing against the ground as they swing due to my arms lowering as Peter forces himself harder.

"Oh fuck. Fuck me," Peter suddenly yells out, clearly upset. He pulls out of me extremely fast by pushing my hips hard. Since I am incredibly weak, I just fall over, face first. I land in the dirt, my body spasming like crazy, my arms now at my sides.

My body twitches and jerks, the waves of dark pleasure still moving over me. I feel the hard ground under me, feel the dirt against my skin, but all I really see is the white bliss that encompasses me. The waves of pleasure keep coming, and I can feel them watching me as I cum even now, after he's stopped.

Finally, my orgasm starts to fade. The waves start to lessen and not feel as intense. They still make me squirm, but now they feel more manageable. They don't make me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack or lose my mind.

Slowly, my body begins to calm, making me become more and more still. As this happens, I feel more of my body, where I feel dirt all over my front from wiggling. There's even dirt in my mouth as I had my mouth open as I was still moaning.

"I came in her. Damn it. I didn't mean to. It just happened," Peter says upset to Tina. Hearing this I come to realize that he's right. Now I feel his cum deep inside me, spread about. I can even feel it moving downward to which I'm sure some will drip out shortly.

Peter came in me, which makes me smile. He did exactly what Tina wanted, which was to breed me. To act like he was the bull and I the pathetic cow. And as I fight not to cry, I feel how right it feels. That it was his right to do it. His right to cum inside me. My pussy still belongs to him and the other girls, to which they could pump it full of cum to make sure I get pregnant, with nothing I could do to stop it.

"Damn it," Peter says again, clearly upset. I get the feeling he didn't mean to take it as far as he did, but it happened. He can't take it back now, no matter what.

"Oh, don't worry baby. She's a cow. You could dump all your cum in her and I wouldn't mind," Tina tells her boyfriend, making me feel even more pathetic. I then hear them have a soft conversation, where Peter sounds vaguely worried while Tina still sounds high and happy.

"Come on, class ended like five minutes ago," Tina suddenly announces. I'm not sure if she is including me in her announcement, but if she is, I can't move. My body feels like it's been drained of all energy. I feel not just spent, but gross. Like I'm a huge pile of goo and cum and dirt.

"Make sure her clothes go on the roof," Tina says in a throwaway statement. I don't react to this, as I sort of expected they had already done this at some point.

"I want everyone to see her big fat titties so they know she's a cow," Tina states, but I know it is directed at me. With shame and humiliation pumping inside me, I see an image in my head of me walking through campus, my arms up in the air so everyone sees my naked and fucked body.

And then I hear footsteps. Multiple footsteps as they walk off, leaving me here, like this. Leaving me naked and fucked, feeling completely broken. That I'm truly a cow, in the dirt, naked and bred.

After several minutes, I finally lift myself up some and look around. Sure enough, I don't see my clothes anywhere. Not even my underwear. Not sure if they really did throw them on the roof or just stole them, but I guess it doesn't matter. I'm naked with no way to cover myself.

Turning over to my back, I feel how my front is covered in dirt. It has yet another powerful effect on me as it fills me with humiliation all over again. It makes me feel like I really am a barnyard animal, meant to be naked in public where everyone can see.

As I look up at the clouds, I find that I want to cum again. That my body is still insanely hot and needs more. And so I start rubbing my clit as I moo, loving how it feels, begging for someone else to find me like this.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Feel like you missed a good opportunity to have the rare lesbian non consent story, especially since you mentioned Roberta seemed to enjoy fondling Jenny. Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Part 2 would be amazing. Please carry on the story!

toastywarm01toastywarm015 months ago

I want to be her (or do I?)

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A very good start I definitely wish to read more how the cow is used by the group ....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I wish there were more stories like this. I love the idea of a girl with big boobs who hates them and the attention they bring being humiliated and abused because of the tits she hates so much. Amazing story and hope to see more!

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