Bus Stop Romance


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"I told you my family really liked you," I said. "Daddy said he wanted to see a whole lot more of you."

"Yep," dad interjected. "Might as well start right now," he chuckled.

"OK, Shawn let's get him into the house. Mary Kathryn roll that wheelchair over and Shawn and I will lift him into it."

Once we were safely inside dad asked if there was anything else Rick or I needed. After assuring both him and Shawn that there wasn't, dad and Shawn both shook Rick's hand and wished him a speedy recovery.

After they left Rick said, "I thought there was supposed to be someone here to stay with me."

"There is . . . me. I'm staying here with you. Dad and Shawn will come over Friday to help me get you into the car for the trip back to see your doctor.

Friday's meeting with the doctor went well. He told Rick that his leg looked just fine. No sign of infection and he could resume using his crutches. He would be able to start limited physical therapy on Monday and full PT after the stitches were removed in ten days.

Rick asked him how long did he expect the PT to last. The doctor answered, "perhaps as long as six months."

Chapter Four

It was amazing how much progress Rick has made since his surgery. He went from from walking with crutches to walking with a cane in less than six weeks. During this time our relationship continued to grow and become stronger. We resumed our normal morning ride to campus and home again in the afternoon as well as going to church and Sunday dinners with my parents.

When I arrived home the Monday before Thanksgiving, after dropping Rick off at his physical therapy appointment, mom met me at the door.

"Patrick is on his way home," she told me, bubbling over with happiness. "He'll be home Thanksgiving Day. We are going to have a huge party to celebrate."

"Wow! That's great news, mom. Who is coming? If it's just family can I still invite Rick," I asked?

"Everybody coming, family, friends and, of course, you can invite Rick," she exclaimed.

Later when I picked Rick up from PT I told him that Patrick was coming home and about the welcome home party we were going to have Thursday. I had already explained to Rick, sometime ago, about the actual family relationship we shared with Patrick, so he understood my excitement.

"Great! Do you want me to wear my uniform or just a shirt and tie," he asked?

"No need for your uniform. A shirt and tie will be more than appropriate," I replied.

By the time Rick and I arrived back at my house on Thursday there was a huge crowd already there. I saw mom and asked her where was Patrick? She told me he had stopped to pick up Nancy, his girlfriend, and would arrive shortly.

I dragged Rick around, introducing him to everyone as my 'special boyfriend'. That raised a few eyebrows, especially among my closest friends. Rick took it all in stride and was having a good time with it.

Then I saw Patrick, in his dress uniform, come in with Nancy by his side. The first thing he did was hug mom and dad. As he walked around he was greeted by all of my relatives and many of his friends.

I saw him searching the room with his eyes, as soon as he saw me he broke free of his many well wishers and strode toward where I was standing with Rick. He hugged me and twirled me around.

I started to introduce Rick when all of a sudden I saw Patrick snap to attention and salute. I thought to myself, how did Patrick know that Rick was a Marine Captain?

Then I heard Patrick say, "you probably don't remember me, do you sir?"

He went on in a loud voice, "everybody listen up. This man saved my life."

"I had been in Afghanistan for less than a month. My squad was riding in a convoy when we were attacked. My truck was hit hard, exploded and overturned. I thought I was going to die when suddenly someone grabbed the back of my flak jacket and pulled me from the wreckage to safety. I watched this officer go back and pull seven more of my squad to safety."

"I saw him get hit, over and over again, but he didn't stop until all of us were safe. My God, he was horribly wounded. He wouldn't stop until he collapsed. He just wouldn't stop . . . ."

"Mom, dad I didn't tell you about any of this because I knew you were worried enough with my being there."

With that, Patrick walked over to Rick, grabbed him in a bear hug, and said, "I owe you my life, Captain. I owe you . . . ." Then he stepped back and saluted Rick once more before turning to me.

"MK, he's the best, don't ever let go of him."

For a moment all of our relatives and friends were completely silent. Then someone started to clap his hands and then entire crowd joined in clapping and cheering. Mom, dad and Shawn rushed over and threw their arms around Rick thanking him.

I was in the middle and felt myself being crushed by the intensity of their emotions. I refused to let go of him and for the rest of the afternoon and evening evening I grasped his arm tightly.

The day after Thanksgiving, mom, Barbara, Nancy and I went out shopping to take advantage of the 'Black Friday' sales. We arranged to meet with the guys for dinner at 'Ballyhoos', an upscale seafood restaurant, later that evening.

Dad, Patrick and Shawn would ride over together and Rick said one of his fellow ROTC officers would drop him off there on his way home from campus.

It wasn't until much later that Rick told me what happened that night before I arrived.

This is what he told me. Thomas Kincaid had dropped me off at 'Ballyhoos' a little before six. Shawn had text messaged me earlier that the guys would be there about six-fifteen. So I went into the bar to wait. Finding a table, toward the back facing the entrance, I grabbed it so I could watch for their arrival.

I hadn't been sitting there for more than five minutes when I saw that guy from the bus, Brian, something-or-another, walk in with three other individuals. I hoped Brian wouldn't notice me but then he spotted me, my uniform. He turned and said something to his three companions.

Walking over, to me, he started giving me a ration of shit. Saying that he didn't take too kindly to me poking him in the chest with my crutch that afternoon and he was going to get a whole lot of payback.

Then he sneered at me saying, "you're not such a tough guy since 'Murphy' isn't with you, are you? I'm going to beat your ass either outside or right here. What's it going to be?"

As I started to get up from my seat Patrick, Shawn and your dad walked over to where this confrontation was happening.

Shawn spoke first, asking. "Hey, you three, are you with shit-for-brains here? 'Cause if you are, you're ain't like what gonna to happen to you if you start something."

Now when somebody who is six foot six and two hundred and sixty pounds of pure muscle, you are going to be inclined to listen to what he has to say. They immediately stepped back indicating they weren't willing to get involved.

Then Patrick, who is an inch shorter than Shawn and fifteen pounds lighter, grabbed Brian by the front of his shirt and lifted him up on his tip-toes.

Going nose-to-nose with him, he growled, "listen real close you sorry ass piece of garbage. Remember what I told you a few years ago. Well it, also, applies to my sister's boyfriend. If Captain Mann hadn't been so badly injured saving my life I'd let him have at you."

"Hell!! Maybe I ought to let him have at you right now, anyway. Even with a busted up leg he'll probably beat you half-to-death before you can get the first lick in."

"Naw! On second thought he doesn't need to dirty his hands on a piece of crap like you."

"Run along now Brian, but you better hit the men's room first. It appears you have pissed and shit in your pants."

"Oh. One other thing. It would be a good idea for you to relocate to the other coast for health reasons, your health. I understand that LA is a good place for wannabe tough guys. Now get the hell out of our sight."

He turned Brian loose and watched him scurry away.

Then, turning to me, Patrick apologized, "I'm sorry if I interrupted your fun with him, Captain. He and I have had issues ever since he put his hands on MK a few years ago. Too bad he didn't start anything. I would have loved to clean his clock . . . again."

Rick then said to Patrick, "I appreciate what you did, but you need to let me fight my own battles. I feel kind of like a . . . "

My father stepped up, putting his arm around Rick's shoulders, and said to him.

"Son, you don't have to prove anything to us. We all know what kind of man you are."

Just then we four girls came into the restaurant and spotted the guys and I asked, "what's going on?"

"Not a thing, sweetheart, not a thing," Rick responded, giving me a quick kiss.

"Just some male bonding," dad chipped in, winking at Rick and my two brothers.

"Let's go eat," Barbara said. "I am famished."

Chapter Five

On Christmas Eve the entire family gathered at mom and dad's home. Barbara and Nancy were helping mom and me get dinner ready when I noticed that Rick and my dad were missing. I asked Shawn if he saw where dad and Rick had gotten off to. He replied that he saw them go into dad's home office.

Five minutes later they reappeared. Dad had a big smile on his face and Rick looked relieved. Mom picked up on it right away.

"Is there something going on we should know about?" She asked my father.

He grinned and winked at her, replying, "No . . . I don't think so."

After dinner and the dishes had been cleared and safely placed in the dish washer we adjourned to the living room. It was the custom in our home to open gifts on Christmas Eve. We sat around the Christmas Tree and began to open our presents. Rick gave me a beautiful diamond necklace with matching diamond earrings. They were absolutely stunning.

When all the gifts had been distributed dad asked mom to accompany him for a moment. Shawn and his wife, as well as Patrick and Nancy went with them, leaving Rick and me alone sitting in front of the Christmas Tree.

Rick got up from beside me saying, "I think there might be one more gift for you."

Walking over to the tree, he reached into the branches in the back of it and withdrew a small wrapped package.

Handing it to me he said, "this is a special gift for you."

As I began to tear away at the wrapping paper he knelt in front of me and said.

"Mary Kathryn, I have fallen deeply, deeply in love with you. I want you to be in my life forever."

Opening the package I found a diamond engagement ring.

"This ring was made by my great-grandfather for his bride-to-be. She passed it down to her son, my grandfather, for his bride. Then my grandmother gave it to my father for his bride, my mother. Now I am giving it to you with the hope you will marry me."

I began crying so hard that I couldn't speak.

Finally, I managed squeak out, "YES!!!!"

Throwing my arms around him all I could do was sob . . . yes . . . yes . . . yes.

Putting the ring on my finger he said, "if you don't like it I can get you another one."

Grabbing him tightly I said, "Oh my God, it's beautiful, just beautiful. I love it and I love you."

When he slipped it onto my finger it fit perfectly. "How did you know my ring size," I asked?

"I didn't," he responded. "It must be a sign from heaven that we were meant to be man and wife."

At that moment mom and dad reappeared with two bottles of champagne and tray of champagne flutes. My mom was crying just as hard as I was and my dad, Shawn and Patrick had huge grins on their faces. Barbara and Nancy were shouting to show them my ring.

"Congratulations!!!," they all screamed. "This calls for a major celebration."

Finally, after the wine was poured and the toasts were made I turned to my father. Feigning anger, I glared at him. "You knew, you knew what was going to happen tonight. Didn't you?"

He couldn't keep a straight face and, laughing, he told me.

"Rick asked for my permission just before dinner. I told him, he didn't need it. I simply said to him, you have her mother's and my blessing."

"You don't know how hard it was to sit through dinner knowing what was coming. When I told your mother in the kitchen a few moments ago what was going to happen I had to kiss and hug her to keep her from rushing in and spoiling the moment."

We decided the marriage would take place in June and my mother and I began planning with a lot of help from Barbara and Nancy.

Rick had one more surprise for me before the wedding.

In March, he told me he was resigning his commission in the Marines and resurrecting his father's old contracting business. While he was in school, before going into the Marines, he had been involved in a brand new concept, known as, Design/Build. His degrees in architecture and building construction were to be combined, allowing him to be both the architect and the contractor.

His first client was going to be my dad who wanted him to build a brand new facility for his dealership.

Rick broke with tradition and had two 'Best Men', my brothers, Shawn and Patrick. Of course, Barbara was my 'Matron of Honor' and Nancy was my 'Maid of Honor'.

As I walked down the aisle that day, clutching my father's arm, I saw Rick waiting for me at the alter and I thought back to that day at the bus stop. Not only did I find a 'boyfriend', I had found a wonderful loving husband.

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MeanderlwcMeanderlwc2 months ago

A sweet story 5*

Helen1899Helen18992 months ago

Lovely, just lovely 5*

MwestohioMwestohio8 months ago

Very direct and sweet. Could have used a little mire angst or uncertainty

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICover 1 year ago

My goodness. Your stories have me smiling as I finish them. Great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story- one of the best I’ve read on Literotica. Great plot and description and flow

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pretty nice story, regardless of what some commenters may think. I do question one thing: Near the end of the story Rick says he is resigning his commission in the Marine Corps. If he’s still in the Marines, why is he being treated at the VA. He should be getting treated at a Navy hospital. The VA hospital, as far as I know, is for veterans, not active duty or reserve personnel. It certainly doesn’t affect the quality of the story, it’s just something that made me wonder. I think this one is a Five Star story, I like fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Much better character building than another story i read of you ( finding love). Five x for this one. Tiny detail: in several stories you consistently keep refering to a conversation as a 'conservation'. So consistently in fact, that it doesn't bother me cuz i got used to it! ;-))

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 2 years ago

The word that comes to mind is "trite". I know this is indeed fantasyland and all sorts of things happen when you fantasize. But there wasn't a minute of tension; not a blip in their relationship. The author tried with the preop scene at the hospital, but we all knew it would be OK. 3* for "feel-good" few minutes.

oldgraycatoldgraycatover 2 years ago

Loved it, wonderful to see young couples meet and suddenly know they are meant for each other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Such a great story in only 2 pages. I first read this on YouTube before it was taken down when the site was terminated. This was prior to my reading anything on Literotica. I assume YouTube frowns on people posting copyrighted material as their own. I hope this posting doesn't disappear as I plan on sending the URL to friends. Definitely 5 Stars CC

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago
Well Done

Great story, great ending. 5 stars

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 4 years ago

Rick's parents died at the same time. I suspect the women passed on the ring because they were still wearing it so they took it off to pass to their adult sons.

A beautiful tradition carrying with it the prayers and best wishes of the couples passing it on.!

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 5 years ago
I would throw that Ring into the Ocean......

It's obviously cursed, at least for the men of the family. Rick somehow dodged a major bullet (pun intended) when he survived Afghan. I could just see him leaving from the Doctors Office after getting a clean Bill of Health, stepping off the curb to cross the road to the parking lot and getting wiped out by a Bus.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Is the ring cursed?

Have all the Mann fathers died before their sons get married. Why else would the mothers be handing over their engagement rings?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Unusually great for a short story.

From reading this and One Man's Heart (which is better only because it is longer with more time to develop plot and characters), I'm beginning to think that GatorRick ranks up in the stratospheric atmosphe with Tony155, another great Literotica romance writer. Cat5 is another.

Another heart-touching story with interesting side scenarios beside the main romantic plot, namely Patrick relating how Rick saved his life, and also the clash with bully Brian.

Just like One Man's Heart has some overdone parts (Rick having special parking access wherever, MK's dad with largest northern Florida Ford dealer, the coincidence of Patrick meeting his savior captain in his parents' living room) -- but, hey, these just added to the flavor of the story.


Paul in Oklahoma

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