Cabin Fever Ch. 02


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I laughed, "That's hilarious. Well, I guess it bodes well for when I tell my folks."

We lapsed into silence as we rowed the boat out towards the center of the lake. It was a medium sized boat and there was a motor on it, but we decided not to use that on the way out to avoid scaring the fish. We spent a while casting our lines out onto the lake, just having fun while we each got used to working with the fishing rods again. It had been quite a while since either of us had been able to get away from the city. Eventually, we baited the hooks and then tossed out the lines. It was a while before either of us got a bite. I put one arm around Tim, and he leaned his head on my shoulder as we sat peacefully together. Suddenly, my rod gave a sharp jerk. (my fishing rod. Tsk. Minds like cesspools, all of you) I started reeling the fish in, letting it out a bit when it threatened to break free, but gradually bringing it in. As I was almost ready to haul it out of the water, I heard Tim shout triumphantly as he got a bite. "Hey Marc, bet you my catch is bigger than yours!"

"Not bloody likely!" I laughed, "This one is huge. What are your stakes?"

"Loser has to clean whatever we bring in."

"Deal!" I yelled as I put a net around my fish. It was a bass, around 10 inches long and fairly heavy. Unfortunately, it looked decidedly unhealthy. I carefully unhooked it and threw it back, making sure that Tim had a chance to look at it. There was no way that we were going to eat a sick fish, though. It swam away and I turned to see Tim reeling in his fish. His pole was bent deeply and he was struggling to pull it up. I helped pull it in and I could see something big coming up towards us.

I reached down with the net, and then looked again, dropped the net and reached down with a hand. Tim had caught a very large, worn, tire. I unhooked the muddy thing and shook the water out of it before dumping it into the prow of the boat. I scowled at it. "I hate people who toss their bloody garbage in the lake."

"No kidding. Keeping it to show your friend the park ranger?"

"I guess so. Mostly I didn't want to dump it back in there. Well, I guess I win."

"What are you talking about? This is definitely bigger than what you caught."

"Yeah, but it's a tire."

"So what? We agreed on the biggest catch. We never specified that it had to be a fish."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess it serves me right for making a bet with a lawyer. I'll clean our fish, but only because I love you." I planted a kiss on his temple.

He grinned and kissed me back. "I like that reason a whole lot better, but I'll help you out anyway. First, though, let's catch something a little more appetizing and a little less chewy." He chuckled at the face that I made and cast out again.

Forty-five minutes later, we had caught five small fish which had to be released as well as a car battery, an umbrella and a chrome-plated hubcap. Tim was looking somewhat nonplussed as I had been swearing consistently for the past seven minutes with only minimal repetition. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Marc, I need you to take a deep breath and calm down. We both know that some people are pigs and cursing a blue streak doesn't really help. I am pretty impressed with your vocabulary though. You used some words that I don't even know and I'm used to having people swear at me."

I took a deep breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean for you to see me like this. It's just that I remember what it was like coming up here in the summers before people started this crap. I mean a Car Battery for chrissake! Do you know how much damage one of those can do? I hate to think what the rest of the lake is like."

"I know, it's pretty bad, but at least this one looks like it hasn't been down for very long. Maybe we've just hit a bad spot where some jackass dumped a big load of junk."

"You're right, let's move a bit closer to the shore and try again."

We did so and I was soon feeling better. We weren't catching any fish, but at least we weren't hauling up any garbage anymore either. We chatted about random things, becoming increasingly flirtatious as we both cheered up. It started to rain lightly and we both shrugged into our jackets. We hadn't had a chance to use them yesterday, but today they would keep us dry for a few more casts. The rain definitely seemed to bring the fish out. We each caught a few small ones, which had to go back. Then Tim's fishing rod suddenly gave a tremendous leap and bent down towards the water. Tim fought hard against the fish and I quickly reeled in my line and went to help him. The thing was pulling pretty hard. I held onto Tim as he reeled it in expertly, helping to anchor him and sharing in his excitement. I netted it just as it broke free of the hook on the way out of the water. Thrashing around in the net was a pickerel almost two feet long and probably weighing close to twenty pounds. Tim was shouting in triumph and I quickly checked the fishing permit after handing him the net. I confirmed that pickerel was legal and safe, and he broke the neck humanely.

It took us about five minutes to get back to the cabin. We agreed that Tim would clean his fish after all, but I would deal with putting away the boat and unloading the garbage somewhere where the battery wouldn't do any damage. I was washing the grime off my hands when Tim came in with the cleaned fish and announced that as the loser of our bet and moreover the one who knew the local regulations, I would have the privilege of burying the remains. I sighed and went to find the shovel. When I came back, Tim had just lightly floured the fish and was dropping it into the pan. There were two very generous helpings there and a large package in the coldest part of the fridge. Fortunately, we had brought some plastic food bags out with our provisions. I washed up again and took over the pan while Tim threw together a fast salad. As Tim was filling our plates, I went and grabbed a water jug and filled a pitcher for the table.

The fish was absolutely fantastic and we finished it all, as well as the salad. We sat back contentedly and sipped our water. Tim took a big slug and smacked his lips. "Ah, marvelous. A very wet vintage. I've always favored fresh water over salt water with fish." Another thing that we had in common was a total lack of interest in alcoholic beverages. I'm not sure why, but I've just never been able to get very excited about booze. "Ah, well since you are such a connoisseur, I suppose that I needn't point out that this water has been carefully stored for nearly a full day in the back room."

"Perfect! I prefer a well aged beverage." Our lack of interest in alcohol didn't extend to not making fun of it, however.

"Seriously, Tim, that was some of the best fish I've ever eaten. Unless maybe it was just the company in which I was eating it…"

"I've got to admit that I enjoyed the company too, and I have to say that I believe your stories about your summers here now. That was quite a fish."

"Yeah, the only thing is that we've got enough now to last us through tomorrow. If we aren't going to be catching more fish, whatever will we do to pass the time?"

"Oh," said Tim, with a great big smile, "I bet we can think of something if we put our minds and possibly several other pieces of anatomy together."

We quickly cleared off the table and washed up. It had started to rain heavily outside again even though it wasn't yet dark. I banked the ashes in the kitchen stove and started to lay out a fire as Tim went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. He came out of the bathroom naked and carrying his clothes, fully erect. I goggled at him and swiftly got to my feet. "Glad to see a positive reaction," he said, "How about if you go clean up while I finish setting up that fire. Then I can repay you for this morning. Make sure to clean that thoroughly." He patted my ass. Feeling vaguely used, but incredibly aroused, I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I found a washcloth, did a quick once over of my whole body, and scrubbed my asshole thoroughly. If he was going to do what I hoped he would do, I didn't want anything to stop him. I came out of the washroom bare from the waist down, but wearing my flannel shirt. Tim was lying naked on the fake bearskin rug in front of the fire. "Mmm, how nice. You left me something to take off. Come join me."

I sat down next to him on the rug, feeling the soft fur tickling my body … which gave me an evil idea. "Marc, wait. What are you doing? No! I'm ticklish there! Marc it isn't fair, oh you bastard!" Tim was laughing madly as I ran my fingers over his armpits, the back of his neck, and the backs of his knees. Gasping for breath, he started to tickle me back. Soon we were rolling around on the floor, giggling helplessly as we tickled each other. Finally, I let Tim roll me onto my back and pin my arms. "That was mean, Marc. It's my turn to ravish you now and if you resist, I'll tickle your ribs."

"Hey! How did you know I was ticklish there? And if you knew, why weren't you tickling me there before."

"Because Fiona told me when I told her that I was crazy about you. Also, I haven't tickled you there yet because I believe in holding a good threat in reserve. Besides, I'd sooner have you gasping in another way."

"OK, Ok, I give in. Do with me as you will, foul ruffian. You may ravage my body but my spirit has already surrendered."

"That is not how the line goes, no matter how accurate it may be. Now, I guess I'd better silence you so that you can't call for help."

With that, he planted his mouth firmly on mine and tangled our tongues together. After thoroughly mauling my mouth and gently biting my lip a few times, leaving me gasping and aching for more, he started moving down my body.

He started to unbutton my shirt with one hand as he stroked my thigh with the other. He trailed kisses down my chin and neck to my collar bone. He spent a long time sucking and biting my neck as his hands traveled all over my body, stimulating my nipples, teasing my erection, fondling my balls. Having left his mark, Tim went further south. He swirled his tongue across my pectorals, to my nipples, giving them each a thorough tongue bath and assaulting each of them with a sharp series of nips. Feeling fully comfortable with me, he was giving free rein to his dark and mischievous side. I was enjoying it and feeling a bit relieved that even his dark side wasn't half as scary as many people's regular personalities. Even so, there was no doubt whatsoever as to who was in control right now. Any time I tried to bring my hands to bear, he gently but firmly pressed the back down to my sides. There was nothing to do but grab two thick handfuls of the rug and enjoy the ride.

He licked his way down to my belly button and then pulled me up, yanked off my shirt and had me lay down on my front. He knelt over me, with his steely erection nestled between my ass cheeks. Holy crap, is he about to fuck me? "Tim, I'm not ready, we don't have any protection."

"I know, love. I'm not going there yet. Just trust me."

I relaxed a bit into the feeling of fur against my face, chest and crotch. Now that I knew that he wouldn't be rushing me into something against my will, I was able to enjoy the feeling of having his dick rubbing up against my ass. He trailed kisses from the back of my neck, across both shoulders and down to my elbows. Twining his fingers with mine, he massaged small circles along my spine with the tip of his tongue. He released my hands and I once again grabbed onto the rug. Turned around and kissed along my legs, from each ankle to the backsides of my knees. Getting his revenge, he licked me there thoroughly, producing an odd tingling throughout my body, something between arousal and laughter. He licked the insides of my thighs as he sensuously stroked my erection which was throbbing in its nest in the rug. He licked the back of my sac, then spent a bit of time teasing my perineum with his tongue.

I was already having trouble not thrashing around and it only got harder as I felt a warm and wet sensation against my rosebud. His tongue slipped inside me and sent waves of pleasure flowing through me. It amazed me how long I had been able to ignore the erogenous pleasures of my ass. He must have spent nearly ten minutes rimming me, fucking me with his tongue as he drove it in as deep as he could, again and again. I was a limp mass of quivering, whimpering jelly as he rotated his tongue around inside me. I came once, yelling incoherently as I spewed my seed onto the rug, leaving a creamy mess in the soft black fur. I stayed fully hard as he continued to lick me out, the stimulation too much to allow me to soften. I desperately wanted him to fuck me, to fill me with his cock and to bring me even closer to him. Tim settled for the next best thing as he scooped up a bit of my cum from the floor and rubbed it along my crack. He sat back and pulled me into his lap, resting his dick in my channel. He bucked his hips up and down as he slid his erection along the top half of my crack and across my lower back.

At the same time, he pressed the heel of his left hand under my balls and slowly fingered me, moving his other hand in a fist achingly slowly along my dick. "Marc," he hissed, "rub your nipples for me. I want you to feel everything at once." I groaned in response and brought my fingers up to play with my nubs. I had had my nipples stimulated and even suckled before (Tim's doing). However, something about the situation, possibly the fact that I was still super-sensitized from my previous orgasm, turned the small twinges that I normally get into much more significant surges of pleasure and almost pain. I was in the middle of sensory overload. The only reason I hadn't tripped and shot was that it had been too short a time since my previous ejaculation. I couldn't do it. I was no longer aware of the sounds coming out of my mouth as I felt Tim's sperm, hot across my back in several long strings. His grip on me tightened involuntarily as he shot and I found that I could cum again after all.

I think I screamed; I'm not entirely sure. The feelings were just too extreme given how tender I still was. I bucked madly, barely in control of my own limbs as I felt my balls throb, again and again, Tim's grip on my perineum driving me even higher into some convulsive land of perpetual orgasm. I dimly remember seeing a long stream of cum spurting out the end of my dick, impossibly far and high, right before I passed out. I woke to Tim's panicked cries, "Marc? Marc? Holy shit! Are you Ok?" I was lying there, just feeling incredibly satiated and I couldn't imagine why he was so worried. I was lying back on the soft rug, still partially in his lap, but he had twisted around and was checking my pulse which was gradually settling down to a normal rate. I lazily reached up one hand and stroked his cheek. His eyes met mine. There was fear in his eyes; the beautiful green orbs were wet with tears of worry. What was wrong, I wasn't even breathing hard. In fact I ought to have been panting like mad as I was when I … Oh. I realized what had happened. "I'm fine love. It just got too extreme and I hyperventilated."

"You what?" He looked relieved, but wanted to be sure.

"I was breathing too much, too fast. I think I'm fine now." I sat up a bit to prove it.

Sure enough, I was fine. I felt a little bit sleepy and my throat was a little sore from all the noise I had made, but there was no permanent damage. I turned to Tim, "I have never, ever had an orgasm like that. That was unbelievable."

Grinning suddenly with impish glee as he realized nothing was wrong, Tim put his arms around me. "Unbelievable, eh? Well it's a good thing we have some evidence."

"Evidence?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Look over there." He said, pointing at the puddle of my semen on the floor. I had shot clear over the edge of the rug and hit the floor about 4 feet away from us. I had beaten my performance from last night by a hefty margin and that had already been unusual for me.

We cuddled in silence for a while before either of us considered getting up. After a while, Tim whispered in my ear, "You know love, I would never force you to do anything you weren't ready for, but you came dangerously close to getting a full-on fucking. Your ass is hard to resist."

"I came pretty damn close to begging you for it when you were down there with your tongue." I admitted, feeling a little sheepish.

"Well then, how about if we make a bit of a trip into town tomorrow for the necessary equipment?"

"It's probably a good idea, but I just don't know. I want you so badly that it scares me a little. I never imagined that I would feel this way about anyone, let alone another man."

"I know. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed myself. And I already thought I knew how I felt about you. I wasn't even sure you'd love me back, let alone that we'd be having wild and crazy sex all over the floor."

I grinned at him, "You know, we've still got a lot of floor to cover and five more days to do it in."

"Holy cow, Marc. You aren't ready to go again, are you?" I could feel his dick making a mild effort to firm up against my thigh.

"Hell no, my balls feel like they might be ready to fall off. Not even your sexy ass could get it up for me at the moment."

Tim's face contorted into an exaggerated pout. "But I wanted to have sex nah-ow!" he whined. I got up and pulled him up with me, then patted his bum, "If you're good and help me tidy up here, I'll take care of you in the shower."

He grinned, "I'm going to hold you to that, you know."

"You'd better. I'm looking forward to it."

We tidied up in record time. I took a damp cloth to the rug while Tim wiped up my mess on the floor. We also quickly changed the sheets on the little bed which we would be sharing even though the larger one was dry by now. It was pouring again outside as we were about to turn on the shower, but I had a better idea. I dragged Tim out the back door and onto the open deck in the chilly rain. I squeezed up against his back, sharing my warmth with him as I kissed him fiercely. I ground my stiffening dick against has ass and stroked his with both hands as water sheeted over us. His grunts as he ejaculated were lost in the sounds of the storm around us, just as his cum was washed away by the pouring rain. I came too, despite the throbbing in my balls which told me that I'd damn well better wait before I made any more demands on them. My sperm decorated Tim's legs for less than 30 seconds before it was washed off. Shivering, he pulled me back inside, pausing in the doorway to lean up and kiss me again. There was a flash of lightning far away and the roll of thunder came before we separated.

As we dried each other off, following the shower which we took anyway to warm up, Tim spoke, "You know, sometimes you're absolutely insane."

"Yeah, sometimes I am. But you love me anyway."

"Yes, I do. And I think sometimes I even love you because of it. Just don't get too many ideas." He smiled over his shoulder at me as I dried his back. I just smiled back. We got into bed together and I spooned up behind him. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard him say, "Marc?"


"Don't let me go."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

We fell asleep together again. My dreams were of Tim. Granted, we were sitting on the moon and discussing the ramifications of the martian-venusian trade agreement over purple sushi and baked potatoes, but the subconscious works in very strange ways…

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NymzanSusaurenNymzanSusaurenalmost 17 years ago
Uhmm...Now, that is entertainment.

I can't wait to read the part where they eventually manage to break open those muscular cheeks to a bit more than tongues and finger fucking. However, I love the reality of the slow build. It gives every little twitch all new depths of emotional leveling. It also made me so damn horney I nearly had to stop reading it for a bit. A little more and I would have gone on the spot. Thank you, thank you...I love your story. J.K.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
what happens next?

great story! you can't leave tim and marc off like that. can't wait for the next installment.

Lady_BlackhawkLady_Blackhawkabout 17 years ago
More PLEASE!!!!!!!!

This is an awesome story. I really love it and I hope you update soon.

MichelleWhoIsMichelleWhoIsabout 17 years ago

This story of love and companionship is fantastic. I hope to see part 3 soon. Will the Ranger show up? Will Fiona make a suprise appearence?

TonnelierTonnelierabout 17 years ago
Great First Story

Great start, and a great follow-up. But dude, leave out Fiona please! Get the Park Ranger for a 3-way instead.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
well written and erotic

What are those young men in Westmount up to at that Laurentian Lake? Stay tuned for more discoveries. When is Fiona going to get double teamed by these charming young men? I hope htey haven't become too queer to boink their old friend. The soap continues.

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