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With an offer like this - could he, should he?
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Everyone sexually involved is over eighteen.


"She want's what?"

Sitting at the breakfast bar, coffee in one hand and a Danish in the other, I'm stunned by my wife's announcement.

"You've always been fond of her, and she trusts you, so it just seems like a good idea."

That's how the whole thing started ten years ago.

Just a little clarification here; I'm Josh Ryan, I was thirty two years old, five foot six and one hundred sixty pounds. A few more pounds now, but still fit. I'm just average. I drive equipment - trucks, backhoes, what ever is needed for our power company. It can be hard on you physically, but pays very well and has a good health and vacation package. I could have apprenticed for Lineman, but a couple times climbing poles convinced me I'd rather stay on the ground.

My wife, Catarina, was thirty and my height (we fit together well) she has brown hair with streaks of red, She's like me in being average, except for her figure. Nicely flared hips above graceful legs. A finely tapered waist leading up to firm thirty four D tits. Weighing in at one twenty, she is tight and fit.

We've been together since my Junior year of high school and married after I'd been on this job a year. Coming up on our eighteen year anniversary now. She's Crew Lead in the utility's warehouse.

We don't have kids, something in her won't let her. I've heard the term several times, from several doctors, but I think my brain won't accept it. They say it can't be inherited, but I don't really know the why.

It is what it is.

We had accepted it.

Which also means our sex life is carefree and proficient.

"She" is my sister in law, Carla. Three years younger but almost a spitting image of her big sister, except for a much smaller butt.

Yes, I had admired it (many times) and been caught at it (many times), but I would honestly tell my wife that as beautiful as I consider Carla, I still prefer my Cat.

We always thought of Carla as one of those sweet souls who never see the bad side of someone, always expects the best. Naive.

She'd been in several relationships that didn't last more than a few months, but badly burned in one relationship where she was convinced she had done something wrong. Cat and I, and her dad, saw it differently and "visited" the guy after she showed up at our house with massive bruise on her face.

We explained to him in clear terms our view of how he had treated Carla and felt his best option was to seek work elsewhere. Like in another state.

The guy worked in construction and thought he was tough. So did Cat's dad. Dipshit took a swing at me and before I could react Pop had laid him out cold.

When he woke Pop leaned over and told him he was spreading the word to every Local to deny him work "You're black balled. The only work you'll get in this state is as a scab."

Yeah, he left town, went south I understand. Where his attitude to women would be more appreciated.

No one told Carla of our visit.

Cat wanted to continue the conversation but I had to get work. Clock starts at eight and the supervisor gets pissy if I'm late.

It was a busy day with little time to consider Carla's wants, then about three thirty some idiot took out a pad mount transformer throwing a whole area out of power.

Once the trouble crew had scoped the job and called it in I went after another transformer and then stood by until the on site crew was ready for the replacement.

By the time I'd taken the busted one back to the shop, cleaned up and clocked out it was damn near nine thirty. I called Cat, she suggested I just grab something on my way home and collapse for a bit before bed.

We didn't get back to Carla until Friday evening when we went out for dinner.

No, I hadn't forgotten Carla, but I waited for Catarina to bring it back up. If this was just some idiotic idea that came and went I was willing to let it go.

But no, We'd just had a couple sips of wine when Cat brought it up again. "Mom thinks it's a good idea."

"Your mom thinks what is a good idea?"

"That you father a child with Carla." And she said that with a straight face.

"And your dad?"

"He doesn't know yet, Mom's gonna talk to him this weekend."

"And then he'll come over and kill me."

"Why would he want to kill you?"

"Oh, I don't know -for wanting to knock up his baby girl maybe."

"But this isn't your idea. He can't blame you."

Dinner, and more wine, cut the discussion, but I felt like a condemned man waiting for the executioner in the form of my father-in-law. There is no way in hell he would agree to such an arrangement.

Hell, I hadn't agreed to it. But the women were scheming this thing, and they were scheming hard.

Truthfully, if I had met Carla first I might have gone for her. Maybe not. Who's to say. But I already had Cat, and she was prettier and smarter than her younger sister.


Sunday had us at the in-laws for a barbecue.

Dominic really has a touch whether it's a grill or a smoker. He'll use gas but prefers charcoal. He says there's a world of difference in the flavor. I take his word for it because what ever he cooks up is delicious.

Dom isn't a big guy, maybe five - six, two hundred pounds, but at fifty Dominic Pratico was solid muscle.

His wife Anna was the model the girls took after; slim yet busty, brown hair with streaks of red, and now some silver. Even now a woman men turn to admire.

I'd brought Italian beer for Dom and a special Chianti for Anna. No, I wasn't sucking up, I'd often brought these. Dom liked the beer, Anna the wine. (personally the beer did nothing for me)

Carla wasn't there, she worked in retail and had a shift, so it was just Anna and Cat, Dominic and I. The women sat on the patio, sipping wine and chatting while I took up my usual station on a bar stool next to the grill so I could talk to Dom.

Except we weren't talking much. He thanked me for the beer with a grunt and responded to any comment with another grunt. I felt like I was waiting for an explosion.

Finally, when the meat was cooked and resting Dom looked up at me. "Anna says you're going to get my Carla pregnant."

"Dom, the first I heard of this was Wednesday. And I haven't agreed to anything."

He looked at me, I mean it was a strange look, finally nodded his head, and grunted again.


The food was on the table, the four of us seated. Anna stood to pass salad around when Dom said "Hold on. Josh says he hasn't agreed to making Carla a mother. You two have put this together, and made it sound all done but the fuckin'. You, Anna, told me this was the only way to have a grandchild. And you, Catarina, gave me the impression Josh was ready to do this. What the hell is going on and where is Carla in all of this?"

I have never seen this side of him, even when we went after the dirtbag. When I proposed to Cat, and yes I asked him for his blessing, he took me aside and in a very quiet but firm voice told me to never hurt his daughter. "Anna, Catarina, and Carla are most precious to me. No one hurts them. Understand?" Trust me, I believed him. Not that I would intentionally do anything to hurt Cat.

There was a firmness in his voice that was The Law in his house.

"It was my idea." Anna said. "Catarina can't have children and Josh would be a perfect father, so I just thought that if she can't have a baby but Carla can ... well it would still be in the family."

"When Mom mentioned it to me I saw the logic of it right away. I'm comfortable with it. It'd be like Carla is my surrogate, but family."

"What about Carla? What does she think of this?"

Anna and Cat looked at each other and then Anna half whispered "She hasn't agreed to this yet."

The roar from Dominic was astounding. Hell, I'm sitting there, innocent as a new borne in this and I cringed.

"Hold up Dom. We need some answers and yelling won't get them."

So we let Anna lay out her thinking; she wanted a grandbaby, and Cat couldn't have one but Carla could. But Carla had a habit of picking losers for bed mates (yes, Anna used that term) and she didn't think the best possible child would come from that.

But Josh (ME?) would be an excellent father and would produce the best possible grandson. I'm sure she used grandson to swing Dominic.

Cat chimed in with the assurance that she and I would be active in the baby's life and upbringing.

Dom just stared at them for several seconds, it felt like forever, then turned to me; "What do you have to do with this?" The unspoken part was "Are you going to fuck my other daughter?"

"Dom, Three days ago was the first I'd heard of this. But I'm stunned. My Mother-in-Law thinks I would make an excellent father."

For the next twenty or so minutes Anna explained all her reasons for wanting Carla to have a baby and why I would be the ideal father. Cat didn't say or do much but nod her head whenever Anna made a point.

Dom looked around the table. "I need to think. Eat."

After watching all that I knew Dom may have been the Head of the House, but Anna ran it.

And I knew Catarina worked from the same play book.


I have to admit when we learned Cat couldn't get pregnant I was disappointed. I had the, I guess usual dreams of playing catch, teaching how to ride a bike, and everything else a dad does with their children. It didn't matter to me if it were a boy or a girl.


Carla was visiting when I got home Tuesday evening. Normally not unusual, but with the plotting going on .... let's just say I wondered.

Cat gets off work, and gets home about the same time as me, but because I might be working over we take our own cars. Carla wan't just visiting, she'd prepared dinner for us, and had wine open at the table.

I could count on one hand the number of times Carla had made us dinner. And have three fingers left over. My seduction had begun.

Anna had taught her daughters cooking. Not just Italian, but French, Thai, Moroccan, and Mexican. I didn't recognize this. "It's Vegan." Carla announced happily. "I thought I should be careful with my diet because, well, you know."

Yeah, I knew. And my inner AssHole popped out. "No, I don't know. How about you tell me."

They looked at each other like "Now what?", and Cat began. "No." I said. "Let Carla explain to me what I'm supposed to know."

For just a moment I saw a look flash over her face before she settled back to her innocent look. Carla not only knew what the plan was, but endorsed it.

But there was something else in that look. She was calculating her approach to me.

Not so naive after all.

So first she tried Miss Innocent. "Mom says you will help me have a baby."

"Oh well, if that's all it is let's get upstairs and take care of it. There's a ball game on at seven."

I don't know who had the better reaction, Cat wide - eyed and speechless, or Carla sputtering. Cat finally found her words and started in on me, but I wasn't in a mood for that. "Not now."

Then I turned to Clara. "Well, shall we?"

"But I thought ..."



"It seems romance wasn't in your mother's mind. Or your sister's either."

"Let's eat." I'd made my point.

Let's give her credit, Cat had learned from her mother when to push and when to not.


I was called out early the next morning so there was no chance for Cat to start in, but I knew I was in for a long night when I got home.


They were waiting for me when I got home. I barely got through the door, no sign of food.

"Why don't you want to be Carla's baby father?"

The classic 'put him on the defensive'.

"Who's going to be the father?" I countered.

"Why you of course."

"Who's name will be on the birth certificate?"


"Assuming it's a boy, who will teach him to catch? Or fish? And if it's a girl, who will be her father figure for help and guidance the way you had your dad?"


"Will the child know from the beginning I'm it's father, or will he or she find out in their teens? And what kind of trauma will that cause if I've always been around but they never knew?"

Yeah, they hadn't thought that deep on it.

And then I had another thought, and I really hated to bring it up, but it had to be said. "Cat has this strange genetic thing where she can't have a baby Can't get pregnant. How do you know you don't have the same thing. I know it's a touchy subject but ..."

They looked at each other, and then tears rolled down their cheeks. "Cat, will you tell him?"

"Carla had been pregnant. She was about three months along. Not enough to show but far enough along to know for sure. Anyway she was working a lot of hours and dealing with a lot of stress dealing with Collin. She miscarried and he blamed her. Said she did it intentionally to rob her of his son. That's why he slapped her around and why we paid him a visit."

"Did your mom know? Or your dad?"

"Mom knew, Dad didn't. Dad would have killed Collin if he had known he'd gotten Carla pregnant."

I took Carla in my arms, held her for several minutes while Cat rubbed her back.

All I could think was "Wow. Good thing I didn't know."

I looked over at Cat. "Go back to your mother, take Carla with you and figure it out. Let me know the outcome. I see I have a ball game on in half an hour. I'll call for a pizza."

"Oh and Catarina - I always wanted to be a father to your babies. I looked forward to it. Fate, or genetics decided otherwise and I accepted it. But I'm not going to be an absentee dad."


The dynamics in my family as I grew were a bit different. My parents were middle class; Mom a grade school teacher, Dad an accountant at an insurance company. They're retired now. I have a brother and a sister, he's older by two years, she's younger by one. Decisions were made by consensus. Even though final decisions were up to my parents, they often asked our opinions on matters that could affect us.

This was a huge decision. And not everyone that would be involved had been consulted. Me.


When you're going to build something you need a plan. A house has all sorts of drawings, an electrical system has schematics. What these three were planning (plotting) was as complicated in it's own way. I needed to see the whole picture before signing off on it. And I had my own conditions.


With everyone working, and Carla on some strange (to me) hours, it wasn't until the following Saturday evening that Cat and Carla could get back to me. They'd finally been able to get together with Anna and talk about my concerns.

Anna is a very smart woman, as a stay at home mom she had been able to pursue an Associate degree in Art at the community college, speaks three languages that I know of, and is also an excellent cook. And active in the community. I don't know what their conversation was, but the sisters sat with me that evening and laid out their thinking.

Yes, my name would be on the certificate, and I would be 'Daddy'.

First Cat laid out her thinking. "Carla will move in with us. We have more than enough space and it only makes sense both before and after she's pregnant. She'll have the bedroom next to ours. The one across the hall will be the nursery."

"And my lease is up in two months anyway."

"Second, once she's far enough along she'll stay home. And when the baby is borne she'll be a stay at home mom."

"Just what we save on day care or baby sitting would more than make up for my missing pay check."

Cat nodded. "I've heard enough horror stories at work about day care. I didn't realize if you are even a few minutes late they can charge a massive late fee. Susan was in a near panic last week because her car wouldn't start. She said they charge twenty dollars an hour if you are more than five minutes late, or if you miss three times they can drop you. And she'd already been late twice in the last month. Luckily one of the guys gave her a jump."

"Plus it can be hundreds of dollars a week. I can't make that kind of money at the pet store and have a decent amount left. Even if they made me a manager."

Day care? Crap I hadn't even thought about that. I mean, not gonna have kids so what did I care?

Then Carla picked up. "You have to adopt the baby. That way he, or she, can have medical coverage. Plus she can be a tax deduction too."

They had been thinking.

Having Carla and a baby in our house wouldn't be a problem - when we bought it we'd planned on a couple kids so we had four bedrooms and two and a half baths.

Carla staying home would take a burden off Cat who usually made dinner, and both of us cleaning the house was always a pain. I did my share, but wished I were outside, But hey, fair is fair.


Carla looked over at Cat. "Sis, can I have some time alone with Josh?"

"Umm, sure."

After Cat left the room, Carla took my hand. "Josh, I sense a hesitancy. Is it me or just the whole idea?"

There was no look of naïveté on her. This was a woman in the mold of her mother and sister. Smart, no nonsense. Aware.

"Carla," I began, "in another world or another time, if I didn't have Catarina I would definitely have been wanting you. To me you are almost as beautiful, and just as smart. But you were twelve when I met Cat and always her little sister. Some times her pesty little sister."

I thought some, "I'm not against the idea of being a father, I wanted it with Cat. But I'm leery of what this might do to us. I won't do anything that threatens my marriage. And I don't know what anyone can say or do to satisfy me on that."

"Momma says ..."

"Leave Anna out of this. Unless she's willing to come climb into my bed, she has nothing to say about this. Nor your dad. Although that might be tough to enforce."


No, we didn't agree that night. And it took many evening talks with Cat before I felt she was all in on this. Maybe women are more pragmatic. She saw this as nothing but a positive. She even told me (cuddled together on the couch) this would be her chance to still be a mother. "But Carla will be the baby's mother." I said.

"We, Carla and I talked about that when we first thought of this. Baby will have two mothers and one father."

I guess that's that.


On a rare Sunday where Carla wasn't working at the pet store we gathered on the patio. She was spending more and more free time at our house and I have to admit having her around was nice. Almost like having two Catarinas, but just different enough. They were stretched out on chaise, face down, taking in sun, and for just a moment I couldn't tell which ass belonged to which woman. And I didn't care.

That's when I knew I'd made my decision.

"You two look so perfect there, it's a shame Carla has to go home."

They rolled over to look back at me and I damn near came in my shorts. Neither had tops on and I was looking at four gorgeous tits.

"What are you saying?"

A light bulb went off in Cat. "What do you have in mind?"

"Carla, when is your lease up?"

"A little over a month."

"We'll start moving you in here."

"And then?"

"We are going to have a different relationship."


Moving Carla was much easier than I expected. With the exception of a set of pans given to her by her mother, the only possessions Carla brought to the house were her clothes and personal stuff. Everything else she found friends who could use a couch or a bed, or what ever else.

One weekend, and Carla was officially part of the Ryan household. Her new bedroom had been my office - that was moved to the back bedroom. Catarina took a day off and she and Carla hit a furniture store for a new bedroom set and arranged delivery.


It was strange at first. Oh, Carla had spent nights at the house before, but I knew she was just visiting. Now she was a part of the house. Not a full part yet to me, I was used to wandering around in just shorts, sometimes with a tee shirt, early in the morning on weekends. Now I felt I had to get dressed.