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Usually Carla was still asleep when Cat and I went to work, and if she were working Carla would get home well after ten. Just enough time to say 'hi' before I went to bed.

On her off days she would make dinner and we could all relax together, but usually they sat together and I wound up watching baseball.


One night, while Carla was at work, Cat sat me down with those famous lines - "We've got to talk."

She handed me a glass of Scotch and sat next to me on the couch. "How are you going to become a father if you just sit in your chair watching ball games?"

"Umm, miracle birth?"

"Don't be a smart ass. Carla thinks you are aren't attracted to her, that this isn't going to work."

"Well she is my sister-in- law. That does make it a bit awkward."

"Nonsense. take her on a date. You know - like you used to do with me."

"You do remember we spent a lot of time hanging out in the park?"

She gave me such a pitiful look. "Take her to dinner, dancing ..."

"You know I don't dance. The Ryans are famous for our two left ..."

"Josh! This is serious. You need to romance my sister. You need to love her so you can make love with her. When you are her baby's - OUR baby's father, I want it conceived with love. Not some quick fuck. With love."

"But she's your sister. Do you hear what you're telling me? That I have to love her like I love you? I don't know if I can."

She kissed me lightly. "I have confidence in you."

And that's how I seduced my (willing) sister-in-law.

Scheduling was tough with her hours and mine seldom jiving, but when they did we made most of the opportunities. Clara's tastes were much like her sister's - inexpensive but interesting restaurants, art displays, and outdoor concerts.

And yes, we spent a lot of time hanging out at the park. We could find a table and just talk. Anything that came to mind, sometimes just nothing.

Like with Cat, I found myself comfortable in silence. We could just watch people going by; elderly men and women (Carla would say that could be us one day), kids playing, younger couples holding hands or cuddling on the bench - like us.

Uh huh, we easily got to cuddling in public. Even exchanging light kisses. That felt strange for about two minutes. At home I was often curled up with one sister or the other, and neither minded if I was with the other.

One Friday evening we went out to dinner. The three of us, to a nice mom and pop restaurant in the neighborhood. Everyone had a good, relaxed time, it all just felt normal. We returned home, everyone got comfortable and we plopped onto the couch with wine and some goofy rom-com on the TV.

Later, while Carla was cuddled against me, Catarina announced she was going to bed. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

She'd no sooner left the room when Carla swung unto my lap, pulled her shirt off, and offered her bare tits to my eager mouth. I sampled one chocolate nipple and then the other. I pulled her face down to kiss her passionately.

We had been building to this and now all my desires for her were released.

I returned to her breasts. Kissing them lightly, adoringly, lovingly. I could feel them hardening to my kiss. She held my head to her, fingers running through my hair, cooing as I laid kisses and nibbles on each perfect tit.

All this time Clara was rubbing her pussy hard against my dick. Rocking back and forth until she paused and shuddered. "We need to go upstairs. I can't wait anymore, I need your cock and I need it now."

We stumbled up the stairs, Clara giggling and me struggling to shed my shirt and unbuckle my jeans.

I thought I heard a certain voice say "It's about time." But maybe it was just my own voice in my head.

Clara threw the last of her clothes to the floor and sprawled across the bed, her legs wide open and a finger wiggling. "Come to mama. I want you, and I want you now."

I have to tell you, it was almost like looking at Catarina. Almost. Cat liked keeping a small patch of light brown hair above her pussy. Clara was bald. Her pussy lips full and round, juices flowing, calling me.

I knelt before that altar and sipped her offering. Sweetness. I paused, inhaled her aroma, and kissed those wondrous lips.

Clara was moaning, urging me. She draped her legs over my shoulders and dug her heels against my back. Urging me to worship her pussy.

Only after she had come did she drop her legs down and urge me up. Kissing my come covered lips she gripped my cock and led me in. For just a moment a thought flicked through my brain. "Does Anna feel as perfect as her daughters?"

No, it wasn't exactly like being in Cat, but yet it was. The same tightness, the same rippling of muscles, and the same feeling of nails digging into my back.

But there are differences. Clara has fuller pussy lips and a more prominent clitoral hood. Cat loves me going down on her, but quietly. Clara bayed to the moon as she came that first time and she damn near drowned me. Not that I'm complaining.

As I slid into her juicy puss she held me to her and asked that I wait. We lay together only a few seconds when she said "I've been wanting this for a very long time. But you were Cat's. Now you are mine too."

She squeezed my cock in her juicy tunnel and pushed me in deeper with her heels.

We started slowly, savoring our first time together. Carla nibbled my ear, I kissed her throat. She bent and sucked a nipple, I squeezed a tit.

But soon I was ramming into her with all my strength and she held me to her with arms and legs wrapped tightly around me. She kept crying 'Fuck Me, Fuck Me', I think I was shouting something but I don't know what.

And then we came.

As the orgasmic fog cleared I heard Cat pounding on the wall and shouting. "Jesus Christ! People are trying to sleep around here!"

And then laughing.


I woke to two sensations: Clara fondling my hardening dick, and cooking bacon. Damn. Dick or stomach?

I pulled her onto my cock, felt her slide down and those wonderful muscles grasp me.

She rode me slowly but in just a short time had a shuddering climax.

"You haven't come yet?"

"I will later."

We showered and went down to the kitchen.

Catarina sat at the table, looking over the rim of her coffee cup. "Judging by all the noise, you had a good time last night?"

"Sis, he's everything you said and more. Thank you for sharing. I love you. And him."

Cat looked over her cup at me. "Well, do you have anything to say?"

"Ordinarily I'd say the Cat got my tongue, but this time it was Carla. How are you with this?"

"Oh now we're doing puns? Nah, I'm good. If you're going to sleep with anyone but me, I'm happy it's my sister. I love you both. This is us."


Clara had to work that day, so when she left about noon Catarina grabbed me by the shirt tugging towards our bedroom. (You know how much I resisted? NOT. AT. All.) She was shedding clothes with one hand while dragging me with the other. Hell, I was trying to pul off the shirt, undo my shorts, and get rid of anything else I could, all while being dragged down the hall.

Cat literally threw me on the bed, finished stripping me and then dove on my cock.

Both sisters suck cock like nobody can, Cat is just that little bit better. (I wonder how good my Mother-in-law is)

When she had me as hard as I've ever been and on the verge of cumming she squeezed on the base and sat up, "Just for the record, Carla will be like a wife to you and if you do anything to hurt her this little joy stick will never get a joy again. That being said, I am your first wife and I fully expect to be roundly fucked as often as Carla."

And she fucked my brains out. Cat ran that show, she had me fucking her in every position possible. We started with her riding me cowgirl, then laying down on me and squeezing her legs together. Somewhere along the line we went doggie, reverse cowgirl and a few others I didn't even know.

But we ended the session with a quiet and loving missionary that became a sleepy cuddle.


We fell into a bit of a routine, I'd sleep in one bed or the other, making love to Cat or Carla, on a sort of random basis. There were the nights I worked late and Carla was just getting home so I would join her. Or Catarina and I would 'retire' early and fuck our brains out.

That's a funny thing - with Carla in the house and me in her bed, Cat wanted more and kinkier sex. No Bondage or stuff like that, just willing to experiment more.

Not that Carla was Vanilla either, but she always wanted me to finish in her vagina "To not waste the seed."

All through late summer and into the fall if I wasn't with one sister I was with the other. I won't say they were competing, and no one asked how she compared to the other, but Cat became just as loud a lover as Carla and Carla wanted to experiment in every possible way.

One evening Carla and I were cuddling on the couch when I asked her why she was willing to have my baby. I mean I wasn't complaining, it was more of an idle question.

She sat for the longest time, and then said "I envied Catarina. She had you." There was another long pause "I fell in love with you when I was about thirteen. Do you remember those days? I was always trying to hang around and you didn't treat me like a kid. Sure, you were dating my sister and sometimes I was a pain in the ass, but you never got angry or put me down. You showed me respect."

I started to say something, but she stopped me. "There are two men I respect; my Dad and you. You're kinda the same. You both have a strong sense of family and you treat everyone with kindness. I've been with several men but none could match up with you.


Just before Halloween, on a Friday night, we were sitting at dinner when Carla stood and tapped her wine glass. "Mom, Dad, I have an announcement to make ..."

I looked over at Cat and she said "Are you practicing something for the folks?"

"Listen to what I'm say. You guys can be so exasperating. Where was I? Oh yes.

Mom, Dad I have an announcement to make. You're going to be parents."

It took Catarina and I a moment to pick up what she said. And then we exploded! Or rather Cat did. She jumped up hugging her sister and wanting all the details.

I was Stunned. Damn, I was a father. Well, gonna be.

Somewhere in the background I heard Cat saying we had to call mom and dad. It was like they were in another room, but standing right in front of me. Father. Me.

"Josh? Are you all right?" That was Cat. I think. All I remember of that dinner was Carla and Cat dancing around the kitchen. And laughing.


It had gotten too cold for barbecue on the patio so we invited Dom and Anna over for Sunday dinner. The sisters put together a marvelous feast while I was told to go watch football or something. Just stay out of the way.

At least they let me set the table.


I sat at the head of the table, my wives to my right, my in-laws to my left. It had been agreed I would make the announcement so I waited till everyone had eaten, made sure we all had wine, and then stood. This time I struck the glass. "Friday Carla stood here and said to Catarina and I 'Mom Dad, I have an announcement to make.' Well, now Mom, Dad, I have an announcement to make."

Dom was half out of his chair and Anna was squeezing his hand hard.

"Congratulations, you are about to become grand parents."

Anna jumped up and ran to Carla hugging her and crying , then dragged Catarina into the hug.

Dom grabbed my hand and pumped my hand like he was trying to get water. When he finally released it, and while I was trying for blood flow he asked if we were sure.

"She took the test, then went to her doctor for confirmation. Yeah she's sure."

Well, the women spent the rest of the day planning the next six or so months. Dom and I sat in the den watching the game. Eventually I had to ask him. "Dom, are you okay with this? It's not exactly the usual way to become a grand dad."

"Yeah. I'm okay. I wasn't at first, but you knew that. Anna told me something that helped me though. Carla had always had a crush on you. I don't know if you knew that, but that's what Anna said. She said Carla was never going to find a husband if he had to match up to you. So why not let her get as close to married as this? And maybe we would get a grandkid or two."


The next week we had my folks over. Now, they knew Carla lived with us. They'd been over often enough to be comfortable with her. Every now and then Mom or Dad would give me a quizzical look, but never asked. So I - we - had to explain what our living situation really was.

Dad just kind of nodded, Mom said "It's about what we thought. But why are you telling us now?" They'd known about Cat's no pregnancy condition for several years.

"The best way I can do this is tell you we're pregnant and you will be grandparents."

Mom just turned to Carla. "When are you due?"

"My doctor estimates late May to mid June."

"Perfect. You won't be carrying during the hottest part of summer."

The women spent the rest of the afternoon plotting out the next six months. Dad and I sat in the den watching a game.

Finally I looked over at him. "You aren't saying much ..."

"Not much to say just yet. I'm letting this settle in. But it is close to what your mother and I suspected." And then he gave me a smile. "But we raised you. And we have faith in you."


Of course it got out at work that I was going to be a father. A few of my friends knew Cat couldn't have a child, but I just said we had a surrogate. Things got a little touchier in HR when I inquired about adding a baby to my health insurance.

There always has to be some nosy bitch in HR. You know - Stuck on following the rule book to the letter. This one wanted to go way beyond that; inquiring into a whole lot of personal business. Things she didn't need to know.

So I called in the shop steward, who happened to be a cousin. He threatened a full on grievance. She finally shut up and did her job. Cousin warned me to watch anything she did because she was known to be vindictive.


So it turned out I couldn't actually get the baby on my insurance until it was born and I had a birth certificate with me named as father. Then we'd be good. Carla kept working as long as she could because she did have health insurance.

The women did their pre-birth rituals ; all the shopping, gatherings, and showers. I stayed clear. I'm of the opinion nothing good happens to a man at a baby shower, but that's just me.

I did go to birthing classes with Carla and on nights when I couldn't, Cat would be there. When the time came we would be ready.

Well, the time did come. 10:30 on a Wednesday night. We had the go bag at the door and were calling grandparents as we drove to the hospital. Cat and I stayed with Clara through the night, taking turns napping in a chair.

A little after noon on Thursday Dominic Stuart Ryan was born. We named him after his grand fathers. From then on there was Big Dominic and Little Dominic.

I'm told by reliable sources the following Monday Big Dominic was strutting around the construction site handing out cigars and telling everyone about how strong his grandson was.

Mother and baby went home on Sunday. Carla was bushed but happy and had her sister, her mother, and my mother vying to help her. I'd occasionally get to hold my son.

Monday I was at work, not on the clock, but there. Doing the insurance paper work and handing out cigars.


Catarina and I alternated weeks off for the first two months, until Carla was fully up to strength.

It seemed like every week there my son (My Son!) went through some miraculous stage. One week he was looking around and recognizing faces, the next sitting up and a week later crawling. Yeah I know, it's not that fast but sometimes it felt like it.


The first Christmas both sets of grandparents went crazy with presents; some Little Dom wouldn't even be able to play with on his birthday. It didn't matter.

Me, I kept everything in perspective. I just got him his first baseball glove.


Carla is the perfect mother. From day one she cuddled him when he needed it and discipled when that was needed. But everything with love.

To say Dominic was a happy baby would be an understatement.

When Dom was almost four Carla had his sister. We named her for her grandmothers; Sarah Ann.


I made the big sacrifice that summer and had my tubes cut. Two kids was enough and Carla wouldn't have to worry about birth control.


Little Dom is in Little League baseball, currently playing first base, but the coach says all the kids play all the positions for now. Big Dom taught him how to ride a bike. The mothers and I take him to all kinds of events.

There's ten or eleven kids around the same age in the neighborhood. I think the oldest is twelve. She kinda bosses the younger ones but they don't mind. In good weather they get together in one yard or another. When it's wet there's usually one or two homes where they can gather after school. Ours is one.

The boy is having fun.

Sarah Ann follows her big brother everywhere. She has her mother's looks. She's gonna be a heart breaker. But for now she's a happy six year old and the sweet heart of everyone. She's the youngest of the herd so we don't allow her out of our yard, but normally one or two of the younger kids can join her so all is good.

Yeah, the parents know about the wandering from yard to yard and there may be several out on porches, drinking tea and keeping an eye on things.


A couple weeks ago the kids were tucked into bed and Catarina, Carla, and I were curled together on the big couch, just reminiscing how we came together, and Carla leaned across me and whispered to her sister. "You know, if I hadn't mentioned to Mom what a great father Josh would have made for my kids. None of this would have happened."

Cat whispered back. "And If I hadn't told Mom I agreed with you."

Sometimes a guy just doesn't stand a chance.

And if he's half-way smart he keeps his mouth shut.

If I didn't want want to make love to Carla I could have said no.

My Momma didn't raise a fool.



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story, fun, we begin to get to know the characters, good

Needs more descriptive sex, especially Cat's first reclaiming of our hero.

Lucky guy, glad he survived sisters for a few years, hope he makes it long term!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 2 months ago

A good story.

An unusual and strong plot.

Fun read.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Rainbows and Unicorns.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's a nice story, but most of your main characters don't actually show emotion.

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