Carol Confirms Sex Sells Ch. 04


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"Are you feeling jealous my darling, when are you going to ask for another free pass. Your interest is building up on your loan you know, your lovely enhancements should be out earning money."

"We are both getting value out of them as it is, I expect an opportunity for me to ask for a pass will come up sometime. I know the job well enough now, Elise and I even joked with Brian that he could look after the office and we went to this one together. She pulled rank and asked for the chance to catch me up, which she seems to be doing."

Early on the Wednesday evening Elise called, Carol answered her first comments with a, "Oh goody, he was moaning about the amount of interest building up on my boob loan." She gave me a smile and added, "I expect I would be allowed a pass." She then fiddled around with the phone and turned it to speaker so I could hear.

"Wait, before either of you say yes, hear the details, I did not want to risk it on my own but I think it will be safe with two of us. The proposition involves a very plush yacht, four rich Arabs around our age, a cruise down to Jersey, flying back after three nights and probably days of fucking."

I butted in and said, "Hey is this the very top end of your new profession, or is it white slave trading?"

"I have asked around and they are well known in yachting circles, sort of genuine playboys. They just asked me to go but I persuaded them I needed help, silly me, but it seemed safer. We would get a minimum of 5k each but if we are good, or is that bad? probably more."

I mouthed 'go for it' and Carol said, "You are obviously happy with the idea, I could do with a holiday, as my new boss works me very hard. My husband has got a stupid grin on his face and a bulge in his jeans. When do we start?"

After agreeing for me to drive her up in time to join the yacht at eleven the following morning, she finished the call. We stood looking at each other for a moment, letting the situation sink in, Carol then grinned and said, "How is that for a naughty idea, I take it I am allowed to leave my rings behind again? I think we both need to go to bed and have a very energetic fuck before we both explode."

For the rest of the evening I warmed her up for her holiday, in fact, almost wore us both out with three very frantic sessions. In between she did manage to pack as we had to leave early in the morning. As we left the house in the morning, I took her left hand and slipped off her rings, "No commitments darling, enjoy your break." I then dropped the rings into the same glass vase.

A few hours later I dropped her off at the yacht, watching her walk up the plank was a very erotic sight. She wore heels, a very short pair of shorts, and a simple white blouse – as sexy as hell but not slutty. We did have a slight worry about the situation but trusted Elise's judgement.

We were not sure if the cell phone would work but she promised to call as soon as she could. It was tea time when she did call, "Just a quick update you wonderful person, all is just fine. We have each tried three of the lads, fourth one very soon. They are great guys, we are having a ball and they are getting their moneys worth. I will call again sometime tomorrow."

The call got rid of any worries on slave trading, so I relaxed and hoped she would continue to have a good time, she certainly sounded bubbly enough during her brief call. I called Brian and suggested we go for a drink, as we were both at a loose end for a few evenings. Having agreed that we must both be mad letting our wives get their kicks like they were, we decided that we enjoyed the idea just as much and got pleasantly drunk.

Carol gave me a brief call teatime the following day, "Fuck this is hard work, they do not give us long to sunbathe, I do not think one of us would have handled it on our own. Well perhaps if we tried hard, they are a great bunch, very polite and considerate. One in particular has a great cock, long and thin. It is nothing special in the front but around the back it is marvellous, it feels so full without the pain of it pushing in. Umm, nice!"

"Well you can't bring your new toy home with you but enjoy it, while you have no rings on, any new experiences to tell me about?"

"We have been restricted to one on one so far, although we are going to have a group party this evening. Only two cocks each, it is a good job the boys take their little blue tablets!"

"Sounds like you are using your new assets well, have fun my darling and unless they spirit you off to some desert encampment, I will talk to you tomorrow." We did chat for a while, it was very obvious she was enjoying her little 'holiday'. The yacht was high end, with more staff than passengers and she was being pampered all the time she was not fucking.

Her call the following evening was a little later, "Darling, thank you so much for letting me do this, we had a fantastic night. I have lots of stories to tell you when I get home. A few clues for you, double penetration was interesting, especially with my favourite 'ass' cock included. I think Elise is going to get a tongue piercing, she liked playing with mine last night, and liked it even more when we gave the boys a show. Boy! Did I have her squirming."

"I hope you have not had a change of sexual orientation, perhaps Brian and I will get a show one day?"

"Naughty, I have told you before we must not risk that, let me keep the sex separated from our real lives. We cannot have been as good as we thought, the boys are not binding us up and shipping us off to a remote desert fort. We are booked on a flight home this afternoon."

Both Brian and I went to the local airport that afternoon to collect our respective wives, they looked superb walking out arm in arm. They were in a very lively mood, indicating that they had enjoyed some reasonable foreplay but wanted to get down to some loving sex as soon as possible. We set off for our respective homes and we, and I suspect Brian and Elise, spent the remainder of the day in bed.

In between our sessions Carol described how much they had enjoyed their experience, a top of the range cruise with four nice cocks – the perfect break. They were at the very top of their new profession, having collected £10k each and a very expensive gold upper arm bracelet in the shape of a snake.

After that experience life returned to normal, except that the sexual content remained at a high intensity and frequency. Carol settled into her new job and soon became an indispensable part of the team. Over the next few months no opportunities occurred for the girls to play, although the four of us spent quite a lot of time together.

I had always considered myself a 'leg-man' but Carol's enhanced boobs had moved the focus of my interest. I would often be pleasured with my cock squeezed between her lovely globes, although I usually deposited my cum somewhere more interesting. The majority of our sessions involved a great deal of breast kissing and also a surprising amount of breast slapping.

One Saturday night when Elise and Brian came around for a drink the chat got around to the 'need' for some more action, it had been a long time. There were no obvious opportunities in the up-coming events, so the idea was put on hold, although I think all four of us were disappointed.

By coincidence it was the following day that Carol got a call from her cruise friend with the 'ass' cock. He had apparently rented a flash house in a posh part of London and felt the need for some company for the next four weekends. I was not with her when she took the call but she agreed, knowing our discussion the previous day.

When she told me, she explained that she had changed his request so Elise did two and she did two, the reasoning being that she did not want any chance of becoming emotionally involved. She was sure that it would not happen but why take chances? An interesting twist, which she liked, was that she was to go prepared with a clean bill of health. When I said that sounded great provided he also supplied one, she said of course, that was part of the deal.

The girls were very excited by the idea and both Brain and I had a very busy week keeping them satisfied. Carol was taking the first weekend and after quite a lot of hassle managed to get sexual health clearance just in time. I was almost relieved when she set off for London Friday afternoon, poor Brian had to keep up the pace for another week.

Carol gave me a few quick calls during the weekend, she was having a great time dining at the top restaurants, evenings at a casino and a show. She did mention that the sex was good and plentiful but complained that he was on his own. I could apparently manage as much action over the average weekend.

She returned Monday lunchtime £5k richer and in a superb mood. "Wonderful husband, thank you, that was a lovely weekend, it is possibly just as well I am sharing with Elise – I could get used to that lifestyle. Not being nasty to you but his cock is made for my ass, especially when lubricated with his cum. Take me to bed please, my weekend has prepared me for some loving from my husband."

That afternoon and evening she gave every indication that her Arab friend was not the only person to give her pleasure in the ass. I am reasonably sure that it was not only guilt that kept her milking me of every drop that I could generate – as she had said before, her extra-marital activity was a sex aid for our mutual pleasure.

The other three weekends were equally enjoyed by all concerned, the four of us often got together for the girls to share their experiences. On the weekend following, we all gathered at their house for a Bar-b-Q, with plenty of booze and continuous sexual banter. Although against our self-imposed rules, Brian and I persuaded the girls to give us a show.

We all went up to the master bedroom and after some initial self conscience giggling, they were well away. It was the first time Brian and I had seen our respective wife's naked and we were both very appreciative – they were two hot ladies. They did not use any aids just their enhanced tongues, lips and fingers to give each other multiple orgasms.

The show must have lasted nearly half an hour, which left two sweat covered women collapsed on the bed smiling at us. Elise broke the silence, "Come on Brian, take me to the spare room, they can use our bed to do something with that thing trying to burst out of his jeans." After that show, I did not last all that long but Carol's screams of pleasure did not completely drown out the similar noises from the next room.

When we finished and went downstairs with the others, all in a very good mood, Brian said, "As we let the girls indulge themselves so often, I think they should show a little gratitude for the rest of the evening. With the display they gave us earlier, I do not think it is breaking our rules if they both strip down to heels only, for the rest of the evening."

We had a very enjoyable night with the girls displaying their tits, comparing real and fake boobs, the consensus was, they were two perfect sets. The perfect evening ended without us breaking our self-imposed rule and after a frantic session in bed, we both agreed that it had been for the best, although both of us were tempted.

For several months both girls had the odd nights away but neither took the opportunity to play, they both felt that it would be an anticlimax after their upmarket games. They did not hear from their friend and joked that he had probably found a younger model, although hoping, that he was just no longer in the country.

It was early May when they hit the jackpot of their new, all be it, part-time and almost retired profession. Carol was contacted by her 'ass' friend, who made an offer that she could not, and did not want, to refuse. Both girls were offered to spend the week of the Monaco grand prix, providing the entertainment while the yacht was anchored in the Monte Carlo harbour.

Apparently there were to be the original four guys, plus one younger brother and two older gentlemen and all would provide clean medicals. The idea of seven men did not deter the girl's one little bit, even when warned that the older ones could be a little rough. No suggestion of bondage or real pain but he warned that the odd bruise may be apparent, particularly on boobs or ass, after a session with his father.

The girls had a full month to prepare for their 'job,' which mainly involved visits to the tanning parlour and lots of shopping. Their purchases seemed to consist mainly of very high heeled shoes and minuscule bikinis. Both Brian and I were also heavily involved in the preparation, they were both insatiable. Carol also insisted on me smacking her breast on several occasions, the idea seemed to turn her on, rather than worry her.

On occasions, she actually ended up with some bruising so we refrained from that activity as the time for departure came nearer, because she wanted to look her best. Brian took all four of us to the airport to see the girls off and they did look fabulous. We figured that they had each spent £1,000 on wardrobe and beauty treatments but that was small change, compared with the £20k they were each being paid. The mood they were in when they left, I am sure they would have been happy to pay that much to be allowed to go.

Both Brian and I received similar calls mid-evening, Carol had time for quite a long chat and was very happy with life. Apparently the older guys were not into group activity, so her play had started with a session on her own with the older guy, the father of most of her friends. Although friendly and appreciative, he had treated her to the roughest sex session she had ever experienced, far harder than her other session with all five of the youngsters.

She phoned again the next evening, giving me details of a night spent alone with the other older man – not much stamina but good while he lasted. All afternoon both girls had entertained the five guys, apparently good fun due to the odds. She was to spend the night, and possibly several more, with the father. Lisa had not been as responsive to his rough treatment, so Carol would have to entertain him most nights, although the thought of some more rough treatment did not worry her.

Each evening I received a long call detailing her experiences, she was more than happy with both the sex and the pampering. The girl's day started with breakfast followed by some sun bathing on deck, or using the pool. Their rest was occasionally interrupted by one of the guys wanting a quick, "one on one," which she liked 'to keep her warmed up'. After lunch they would pair off with one of the older guys for a lengthy session.

Their evening meal was usually taken in one of the up-market restaurants on shore, followed by a visit to a casino. Back on the boat a good session with the five youngsters, usually entailed two or three hours of intensive action. Then Carol would spend the night with her older man, he would probably manage two sessions involving some slapping and hair pulling. A quick oral for him in the morning and another day would start.

With no other duties and plenty of pampering, she was having a great time, the sex she described as 'formula one fucking'. She described it as just about the best any woman could wish for, the only thing that could have improved it for her, was my participation.

All too soon from the girls point of view, but not for Brian and I, we picked the girls up from the airport. They both looked radiant, sporting perfect tans and in a happy and lively mood. Later inspection proved that they had suffered no damage, other than some bruising apparent on Carol's breasts, and even more insatiable sexual appetites.

The experience had been enjoyed so much by the girls, that over the next few weeks we all got together and agreed, that reverting to the quickies after a show, would be pure anti-climax. We actually settled down to the four of us getting together most weekends for some sharing, using the excuse that the girls needed some extra action.

Life settled down to a pleasant routine, although both girls still hoped for a call from their Arab friends.

That is all of Carol's adventures, thank you to all of you that gave the earlier parts a fair comment or vote.

Although I have never done so on previous stories, I am going to delete some of the more extreme comments. This story, and this site for that matter, deal with fantasy not with real life. If you get upset reading through 5,000 plus words in each part – don't - find another hobby.

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Spectator1Spectator1over 2 years ago

Great writing. Well done. Don’t listen to the haters on here. They hate every story by every author. You have talent and a great imagination. It the story of Carol(e) lacked anything, it was detail of her fucking her clients. Bravo.

CathySemenov2CathySemenov2over 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story, but then I think hotwifing and transactional sex are good things for some people. The people who disrespect the author on the grounds they object to the subject matter sound like they got cheated on and want to lask out, however ineffectually. The idea here is that cheating means lying about having sex with someone else. If you don't lie, it's not cheating. And some me enjoy knowing their wives are having good sexual experiences because sex drive is different between men and women, and its hard for women to be sex positive in this misogynistic society.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Whore and pimp husband

So over used as to be ridiculous. No man would pimp his wife out, not even these lying anons.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Story two wives as high class prostitutes and two husbands as pimps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story.....

Loved the story, only thing I have a dislike for is the tongue piercings and tats. My strict upbringing and 33 year military career have created an extreme personal bias against those body "enhancements".

I found out about an affair, got pissed then ended up enjoying the details after benefiting from her greatly Increased libido. She has pretty much the same long term hall pass.

The story was great, my wife and I fucked after every chapter and once just now. Yeah I am old, as is she, but a very well written story can get the pulse racing and the Bonner up even without the little blue pill. Wish all the writing on Literotica was this well written. Thank you for a very enjoyable read.


Elmer100Elmer100almost 7 years ago

Good writing, but sort of an anti-climax. I would have liked better if they really went to town whoring. You either are a whore or you're not, there's no in-between

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Just another whore - WACC story

This is the only kind this author is capable of.

How can we give a negative 5*?

Can we delete him/her from the earth?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Absolute crap !! Well anon, some "people" seem to like this style.

I assure you, most do not. But then,most have not been an asylum inmates !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good Story

That's what is was, guys - a story. A well written story. I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Carol sells....

Carol sells sex is great! Your descriptions of her getting into the 'life' and her progress is a work of art. Love the way you take her through each step, and the final chapter where she and Elisa take on seven on the yacht is very good. I didn't care much for the breast bruising, but would like more detail on the anal and the dp. All in all very arousing series, and well written. Wish you would continue the series. The description of her starting off selecting and letting her customers know she is available is great, too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Good stories - I cannot believe some of the comments from morons you have had! So many damn mindless fools about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very Good

This one was very good. I really liked the way you didn’t go over the top by turning her into some kind of fucking machine taking on 10 guys every day. Instead, it’s a nice portrayal of a loving couple who engage in their little kink every so often. Reminded me of a couple I knew a few years ago who were into the same thing for awhile until they settled down and had kids.

I wouldn’t bother deleting the a**holes as I long ago learned that one of the best ways to find out if a Loving Wives story is really hot is to skip ahead to the comments section. If it’s full of badly written diatribes insulting the author, than likely or not the story is at least worth checking out. On the other hand, when the comments section includes approving long winded misogynistic essays full of righteous vengeance against a deceitful wife, then it’s likely to be one of the least erotic stories on the site, even if sometimes well written.

Saludos, Don Viajero

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What a hypocrte

That's you, bub.

"If you get upset reading through 5,000 plus words in each part – don't - find another hobby."

If you get upset because people don't like what you post, it seems like you're the one who needs another hobby.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Why Bother Matie

Having read your bio and reviewed the titles / scores of your consistent efforts in pimping, there is little wonder why you are upset writer.<P>

Perhaps nearly as upset as most readers are when seeing the pathetic male humiliation trash you labor over when you could change your mindset to arouse and or entertain the majority of us with your talent.<P>

But that would require some self respect which the lack of seems to excite you and very few others. Why the self persistent male embarrassment in a weird pomp-as english manner. If you quack you're still a wimp top hat and all.<P>

The self demeanment is puzzling and hardly positive in any way.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago
Good Stories

This series had this author's usual theme of a husband abetting his wife in their mutual desire for her to prostitute herself as a goad to their own sexual satisfaction. The stories are well written with only a few mistakes in grammar and punctuation. The author avoids the use of contractions which helps give the dialogue a "tony" air. Although the theme of the story is not my favorite I have found that the writing is good enough that I can ignore

the more unpleasant implications of the theme.

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