Cassie's Love Ch. 02


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Cassie didn't take much longer to enter that heightened state, wherein she couldn't have told anyone if the roof collapsed or cared either way. Once again, she was oblivious to her surroundings, as the only thing which mattered was their pleasure and passion for each other. The rest of the Cosmos might as well not exist by then. It was a world unto itself: the twins as lovers, all alone in it.

Actually, the twins were not as alone as they thought, nor did they have real privacy. Their mother, Vicki, heard the bed creaking and quietly opened the bedroom door to snoop on her youngest kids. She wanted to see what kind of sex the cute couple really practiced with each other, especially since they were so mysterious and secretive about it. She was a voyeur, after all. The urge to watch was simply too much to resist by now.

The view that Vicki got was more than enough to make her fingers wander inside her panties and explore herself. The scene of her sexy son and daughter making wild, crazy love to each other in their bed, with the thought of him knocking her up, was too steamy not to make her juices flow. The way that the twins moved their hips as Hector ravaged Cassie was much hotter than any porn flick could be. Who needed smut when one could watch these sweet teens get it on in their own house?

The twins themselves would have been shocked to know that their mother was so aroused by their lovemaking, at least until they remembered that she was such an extreme voyeur. It was both charming and maddening in some ways, but neither of them knew or cared about it right then. They only experienced their usual delicious sex with each other, coupling with their same incredible energy and single-minded hunger.

Just as Cassie began to cum, Vicki felt a hand slip under her dress into her panties to cup her ass. It was a manly hand for sure, and Vicki instantly recognized her husband's touch. Dan. Vicki certainly didn't object to being groped by him, so she simply kept playing with herself while he fondled her buns. Both of them stood there and enjoyed the view of their youngest twins making love to each other. It confirmed to them that Cassie and Hector were a perfect fit and ecstatic about their special, incestuous bond. They had to be together. Severing that bond would be harmful to both of them.

Hector came inside Cassie almost immediately after she descended from her high, as her pussy clamped down on him yet again and forced him to shoot out his seed. He slumped on top of her for a moment, neither of them yet aware of having an audience. He had been going like the Energizer bunny most of the day, with only food and restroom breaks between sessions of insatiable sex with a sister every bit as horny as himself.

Vicki and Dan were rather hot and bothered as it was, but now Dan got taste of his own medicine, as a very soft and feminine hand intruded into his boxers to stroke his dick and balls. At the same time, a pair of lips nibbled on his left ear and he felt a familiar breath on his neck.

"Hey, honey, I see that you and Vicki enjoy the show. So do I. I think that pretty soon, we need to take care of this before you cum in your boxers. Don't worry about Haley. She's with Trevor and Jamie. I think that her training worked better than anyone thought. Jamie's gone out of her way to please him ever since, and she has also been very tight with Haley. I think that she's in love with her, just as she is with Trevor and he is with me. It works for me. Quite the family tradition we have of sharing, except those twins, but then they have the right to be happy in their own way," Michelle whispered seductively to Dan as she jacked him off.

At the very moment that Michelle spoke, Cassie's excellent hearing picked the sound of a voice outside the bedroom and saw the door wide open with three people in the hallway. There were her parents, including her stepmother, enjoying themselves a bit too much as they watched her with Hector.

"What the hell?! What are you guys snooping on us for? Sheesh, can't someone get privacy around this effin' place? We were just makin' love, not smokin' crack!" Cassie reacted to the intrusion.

"Holy shit! Mom, Dad, Aunt Michelle, why are you spying on us?" Hector turned beet-red, especially as he realized that his naked ass was on display for his parents.

Hector quickly covered up both of them, reaching for a joint to calm down, as he wondered just how long his parents had been watching them go at it. Cassie was embarrassed, too, but mainly irritated that her folks were such voyeurs. She noticed by this point that they weren't merely watching them, but also masturbating to the sight of the twins in the act.

"Hey, you ain't gonna nothin' I haven't seen before on you and the rest of us!" Vicki told her kids, giggling at their embarrassment and how cute the twins were in this situation.

"Yeah, and from the feel of you, love, you're not as opposed to being watched as you let on," Cassie tattled on him, now laughing.

"Well, neither are you, babe," Hector paid her back by copping a feel of her soaked pussy.

"No, that's just your cum, dear," Cassie lied, which no one believed.

"Yeah, right, kids. You might be exclusive, but you are von Greiners. There's a lot of us in you, including exhibitionism and voyeurism. I can see that what the girls and I are doing turns you on. So, which is more fun for you, exhibitionism or voyeurism?" Dan called them on their bullshit.

"Dad, that's none of your business!" Cassie protested, not able to keep a straight face.

"Come on, Sis, we both know that we're exhibitionists first. Why else do you keep getting frisky with me at the dinner table? You know as well as I do what's going on there, and it's not just to turn me on," Hector confronted his sister.

"Well, in any case, I think that it's high time for us to leave the lovebirds in peace," Dan decided.

This, however, prompted Vicki to laugh, "Yeah, so each can focus on getting a piece."

"Works for me," Michelle added as they closed the door on the twins, "I'm one horny mamacita right now and that's very dangerous to keep around the house unsatisfied."

In spite of herself, Cassie had a serious belly laugh, shaking the bed until Hector grabbed her and started making out with her again. Once she had something so steamy to do, she got serious in a hurry and concentrated on getting her brother turned on again. She wanted a bit more of what he had to offer, to say the least. To Cassie, Hector belonged in the dictionary right next to the definition of sexy itself. He was the only object of her lust, as her desires all fixated on him and no one else.

Suddenly, Cassie pinned Hector to the bed and surrounded his cock with her pussy, riding him to their enjoyment and coming rather close to her release, due to him hitting her G-spot so many times. She felt so wonderfully impaled now, her pussy a little sore, but more pleasure than pain filled her as they fucked, their bodies entangled as they writhed their glorious exploration of each other.

Hector continued to stretch out Cassie's pussy as they made love, each time feeling almost larger inside her, as he bottomed out yet again. She came a lot sooner this time than was usual, since he had such an impact on her most erogenous parts and his fingers now stroked her clit religiously. He made a point of getting her to cum first this time, since she had been nice enough to do most of the hard work on this particular romp.

By then, Hector couldn't stop himself, especially as Cassie once more squeezed his dick in her excitement. It was only partly intentional on her part, as she was so thrilled by the last release that she had a hard time doing anything else but tighten up on his cock. In any case, she felt her brother's sweet cum shoot up close to her womb, something that in the right circumstances would greatly increase the odds of knocking her up. On some unconscious level, Cassie hoped that it would, despite being on the pill. Some part of her dreamed of having Hector's love child.

The twins were now so hot and sweaty, there was but one remedy: a shower. They looked at each other's drenched bodies, shiny with their sweat and cum, both of them grinning at the idea of sharing the hot water under the faucets and washing each other off. The excuse to touch each other's skin was a delicious chance that they couldn't turn down, even leaving aside their need to get fresh and clean from their exercise.

Nobody saw the twins go through the hallway in their bathrobes, at least from what they could tell, but they found a rather interesting note on the mirror. It was left by Jamie, Trevor's wife, and contained the following message:

Hey, kids,

Thanks for being such show-offs. Every time we hear or see you guys go at it, Trevor drags me off to the shower and fucks me silly. Today, it led to even more fun and games, courtesy of Aunt Haley as well as my dear husband, your brother. I owe you big time, so Trevor and I are going out to the adult store to buy you a surprise toy. I won't tell you what kind, but trust me when I tell you that it will make things even nicer for you. Trevor thanks you, too, of course, which is why he's driving me there. You know what a terrible driver I am, thanks to my bad depth perception. Enjoy the toy. I know that we do.

Your very happy and very loving sister-in-law,


P.S. Take good care of each other. That love of yours is very sweet and you are both really hot stuff. There's absolutely no reason why two sexy young folks like yourselves should be less than satisfied sexually.

Both of the twins blushed and grinned as they realized just how much their wanton ways excited their family. Then again, the sounds coming from the bedrooms weren't too subtle, either. Neither Cassie nor Hector knew (or wanted to know) who was doing what to whom, but they got the right general idea. Today was one hell of a steamy day, and not just for the pair of them. Everyone seemed to be in a frisky mood.

Cassie winked at Hector as she followed him into the shower, staring at his butt when he turned around to face the wonderful heat of the water there. She also gave him a nice view when she deliberately dropped the puff to bend over for him. While that wasn't one of their favorite sex positions, they were both too sore for that. They were just being silly and playful with each other, not to mention getting cleaned up from their wild, passionate encounters that afternoon. This was a good way to have light-hearted fun with teasing each other.

Meanwhile, Dan, Vicki, and Michelle just emerged from the Jacuzzi in the master bathroom, having had more than a little fun themselves. The girls rushed into the walk-in closet to grab some fresh clothes to wear at supper, which was to be a barbeque cooked by Natalie, Bridget, and Diane. None of them wanted to miss that and they all wished to be comfortable in the muggy East Texas summer, even at close to dusk. By now, the girls should have started on the steaks, hamburgers, and sausages, after all. If they had more time, there would be brisket, but a chance for that would come again.

Not realizing that Dan was in earshot right then, Haley chose that moment to open the door to the master bedroom and speak to her sister-wives. She was eager to discuss something in private, thinking that she now had the opportunity to do so.

"Hey, girls, have you seen Cassie and Hector yet? They seemed to be in their room all afternoon. Then again, I was with Trevor and Jamie in theirs. I love seeing that satisfied look on Cassie's face when she's been with Hector all day long," Haley smiled at the memory of something she had seen a lot since the twins became lovers.

"Well, if you think that's hot, just wait until Cassie's pregnant," Michelle blurted without thinking.

"Yeah, and that can't be far off, since we switched the pills on her. You know how much she hates needles, so the shot wasn't an option, thank God!" Haley laughed in response.

Both Vicki and Michelle panicked and gestured for Haley to shut up, but she didn't take the hint, as the thought of her stepdaughter pregnant with her stepson's baby excited her so much. She was too wrapped up in the fantasy to realize the danger of being overheard.

"It's been a week now since we did the Texas switch on her, and that's plenty of time for her to get knocked up without protection," Haley continued, despite Michelle using the "knife across the throat" gesture in frustration with her sister-wife.

Just then, Haley realized that the other girls wanted her to be quiet, and asked them, "Aren't we alone? Dan's probably outside, checking up on the BBQ. It is Bridget's first turn as pit boss."

"Oh, don't worry about our daughter, dear. I think that she'll do just fine. Now, what's this about switching the pills on the younger twins?" Dan's baritone voice interrupted his most excitable wife. Haley tended to get a one-track mind whenever she was wrapped up in something.

"Uh, sorry, honey, but we have a confession," Vicki cringed as she admitted the truth, "We kinda swapped out Cassie's birth-control for sugar pills a week ago, meaning that she's very fertile right now."

"Who is we?" Dan asked, as the women groaned in some dread of his possible overreaction. Dan wasn't a wife-beater, but he could blow things out of proportion at times, usually right before calming down.

"The girls of the family? Not counting Cassie, of course. That's me, Michelle, Haley, Bridget, Natalie, Diane, Jamie, and Kirsten. None of the men know, except for you now, babe," Vicki answered, a bit hesitantly since she didn't want her husband to freak out.

"I see," Dan then burst out laughing, taking a good while to regain control of himself. He always did have that problem whenever he laughed too much.

"What's so funny?" Haley asked him, truly puzzled.

"You're not the only ones with a secret. I somewhat 'encouraged' their love to flourish when they were younger, because I could see its potential and thought it rather cute. I couldn't resist shaking things up, either. Not everyone is happy being poly like us. I figured this would work best for that pair, and it has," Dan winked at his wives, wondering how they would take that news.

"No wonder they have an abnormal bond! We should have realized something was up!" Michelle smiled with relief.

"Yeah, well, at least we know that she's happy. We're not exactly going to judge her, right?" Vicki giggled.

"True, and I know that I won't have to scare a boy within an inch of his life to make sure he doesn't abuse or neglect our baby girl," Dan observed in a fatherly tone.

"Well, so you can forgive us?" Michelle asked their husband.

"Sure, if you can forgive me, too!" Dan agreed, grinning like a satisfied tiger.

"Okay, but no more secrets, from any of us!" Vicki urged them, glad to have it off her chest after all.

"Deal!" the spouses all put their hands together in a pact.

"So, when exactly do we break this to the twins?" Michelle asked, wondering how far they would take this new "honesty" policy.

"We don't! Let them find out on their own," Dan decided, causing them all to break out into a roar of laughter.

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Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Very interesting about the switching out of the birth control pill, I be Cassie will not be happy. 5/5

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Well just read the other comments, we appear not to agree with you. Have the twins or Dan switch their pills out, extend the joke.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

I do not see the joke!!!!

How to fuck up the twins lives more like it.

What the cuck is wrong with those stupid selfish women??

How they like the twins to do that to them??

No laughs then I bet.

Still 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Still if you think about it she will be missing out on things. She will be unable to do certain stuff or places. Plus she sill be resentful, just because they will help means she wants it or is ready.

SAV12SAV12over 5 years ago


SEVERUSMAXSEVERUSMAXabout 9 years agoAuthor
Now, don't be silly.

Did you miss where the family will help them out with the burdens of raising the kids so that they don't miss out on their dreams? They'll find ways to make it up to them, don't you worry. Would I pull a prank like that in real life, no, but I'm not Vicki, who apparently wants grandchildren. Sometimes, it's just fantasy, so remember that no real people got pranked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Tricking them into pregnancy against their will.

Sounds to me like their family isn't all that trust worthy. switching pills to trick them sound more like an obsession and betrayal than love. it's the highest form of betrayal there can be. it shows more about selfishness and self absorption to their own needs than caring for their children's needs, dreams and aspirations. as a pro-choice, liberal progressive family about freedom to chose, they violate their prim tenet of their doctrine by removing from the twins the right to chose when to start having children. disgusting, reprehensible and the lowest of the low, not to mention hypocritical in the extreme. I hope the twins find out about it, get really upset and betrayed by it and 'divorce' their family for the betrayal.

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