Chained and Chastened


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Kristin frantically searched the room with her feeble flashlight. Finally, stuffed in some packing crates, she found the discarded uniforms. ('they were planning to get rid of the evidence--not a trace of our time here', she shivered). Then she whispered to the others: "Over here! It's a grab bag; just get something on." A scene not unlike a Wal-Mart sale opening ensued--in the dark. Miraculously, Kristin retrieved her own combat jacket and the little digital camera. Her reporter's instincts had her ready to snap away; these naked women rooting frantically in the cartons--what a shot for the blockbuster story she was already framing in her mind! But good sense prevailed; she couldn't chance the attention the flash might bring.

The women were dressed--sort of--shirts and no trousers, pants too loose or way too tight; hardly any underwear had been recovered--but their spirits were much higher; they were ready to go. "First we find them wardens, take them out!" Maria said. "Right! Shove those icy hoses right up their filthy snatches!" Several of the others cheered. Kristin interrupted with an anxious grin: "Girls--uh--comrades. what ever.." "We're sisters now!" Janeesha's rich voice spoke up. "Now let's listen to the sister!"'

'Oh thank you, Janeesha,' Kristin thought, and continued. "I want to do them too, but it would raise an alarm, take too long. I'm sorry..."

"She's right! Get them bitches another time! LIsten up; this lady's got a plan!" Janeesha with more support, thank God.

"OK! Here's what we do..." They crept up on the small guard house not far from the main gate. Peeking through the window, Kristin spotted only four men inside sitting around a card table littered with beer bottles and pizza boxes. She froze when she heard a step and dropped to the ground, hugging it, holding her breath. Only her long black coat saved her from discovery, probably; a lone guard stopped, turned on his heel just a few yards away from Kristin and resumed his lazy patrol.

Shaken, back with the others, she whispered: "if we can only get rid of that one guard, get inside in a hurry--I saw gun racks on the wall behind them. But, that one guy....?"

Collette, the slim olive skinned girl from New Orleans spoke up, "I think you need a--a decoy, like they say. I could catch their attention, hold them for a while." She smiled. "I was a working girl, as we called it, a hooker, and--I know a few tricks."

Kristin's first reflex was to protest, but then she told herself: 'Who appointed you Robin Hood here? And it might work'. So she said: "Colette, you're a Goddamn heroine. But are you sure you want to? OK. Five minutes, we'll be right behind you!"

Colette slipped out of her makeshift uniform, waved a graceful salute and, nude in the moonlight, sashayed brazenly up to the guard. She said sweetly: "Hey, handsome. Where can a cold escaped prisoner get a drink around here?"

The young Hispanic guard gaped, stumbled and almost dropped his rifle. 'Must be a vision!' But he quickly recovered, seized Colette's arms and had her elbows tied even as he marched her into the guardhouse, exulting: "Stray pussy, boys! Woods are full of it! Look what I caught!" *

Cards dropped, beer spilt; the men were on their feet cheering this unexpected piece of prime tail. Otto, Sgt. Schwartz (Emily's gravel pit rapist earlier in the day, and the ranking NCO) blustered: "Nice catch, Jose. She's gotta be a spy, though!"

"What spy, Man! She just told me she escape, needs a little drink, a little lovin!" He caressed her. The other men agreed. "This aint no spy, sarge, this is nookie!"

Otto shook his head at them. "You guys are so dumb. No way this cunt's going to be wandering around this top security base at night, bare assed naked and asking Jose--Jose!--for a drink. No, this is one of that fucking dyke bird colonels' tricks. She's checking if we know the interrogation drill. You know that Guantanamo and Abu-whatever shit they taught us last month. So lets do it right. Elmer. you and Jose, search her for suicide bombs and stuff; I mean search her, you'll all get a chance. " * Jose grinned. "Just a little tickle, chiquita--carramba! what a pussy~" Colette. still game, arched and winced as their grubby hands explored her intimate cavities.

By now the would be escapees were creeping up on the now unguarded shack. And Jose had left the door ajar. Still, they were being cautious and slow--too slow for Colette. But they had not heard her cry out and the five minutes had not yet passed.

Colette was silent because she had been gagged; the men took turns with their 'search' as she writhed in their penetrating hands. "Fucking time!" Chuckie urged. Jose and Sam eagerly nodded. But Otto was still in charge; He said:

"Take it easy, dude. We got all night here. Next we whip her, thats the new rules. Sam, get the ropes, and the whips. Let's have another look at them how-to pictures they sent us from Iraq!"

Quickly the gallant decoy was spreadeagled against the bars of the one cell and tied with multiple ropes; she hung, suspended unable to move. Otto stepped up to her, leering. "We're doing this by the books, see. You can tell your lesbo colonel that, if you get your sorry ass out of here in one piece. See this dildo? This aint no ordinary pussy toy, its the Rumsfeld special, packs as many volts as a stun gun. Let's just pretend you're a gorgeous Iraqi virgin now."

Kristin, Janeesha and the others burst through the door, heading for the gun rack as Otto probed his victim and turned on the voltage. Kristin would never forget Colette's single scream. *

"Freeze! You worthless pieces of shit!" Kristin yelled. Hers was just one of the shouts of rage and horror. The women had stormed into the small room, catching the men intent on their torture by complete surprise. Most of them now held guns, seized from the wall rack.

Sgt. Schwartz turned from his victim with a sheepish grin. "Ladies! Guess youre part of this spy exercise too, huh? Just having a little fun. Now if you just put down them weapons, no one needs to get hurt." He took one step. The other four men fanned out behind him.

"Don't move, limp dick." It was Elsie, holding a .45 with both hands, eyes crazy with hate, her grip on the big gun steady as a rock. *

"Hey, girl,, I just...Hey! You're the blonde cunt i did this afternoon! How about a little more?" Otto started to take another step. Elsie shot him in the right kneecap. He screamed and went down, writhing in pain. Elsie leaned over and whispered: "You're the lousiest fuck i ever had." with a tight smile of satisfaction. The other guards had had enough. These babes were crazy! They backed off. hands in the air. Marie held an automatic rifle on the men, staring at the corporal who had raped her.

"YOU! Chuckie! You piece of shit! Drop your pants! All of you! Now!" she screamed. Clearly she meant business. Sheepishly, the three guards complied; Schwartz, on the floor, clutched his shattered knee and continued to moan, blood now pooling beneath his leg.

"Your drawers, too"~ Marie demanded. Soon they stood, underwear and pants tangled around their ankles, genitals dangling, totally demoralized, terrified of these crazy bitches. Maria gloated. *

"Now, how about a nightstick up the ass? How about..."

Kristin touched her arm. She had seen Elsie's trigger finger begin to tighten . "Marie! Elsie! All of you! We haven't got time for this revenge shit. Lock them up, I'll cut the phone line and take their cellphones, and...Marie! Enough!"

Marie blinked, her eyes less fierce now, and lowered her weapon. Kristin had been right so far, she acknowledged. The demoralized soldiers dragged their wounded leader back into the small holding cell; Kristin double locked it.

The action had been so fast that Colette still slumped lashed to the cell bars, half unconscious, moaning. Again raging, Maria snatched up the electrified shaft and jabbed it into the cell, stabbing the 'On' button over and over. Soon all four were cowerering and whimpering from the electric shocks.

The women were still furious, muttering as they untied Colette. Janeesha exchanged glances with Kristin; this could get out of hand.

"Sisters! Let them sinners fry in their own juice. The freedom train is leaving. Tell us about it. Kristin."

"Well. that black unmarked van that brought us here, you know back when we thought we were top secret hot shit? Well lt's parked in the shadows just behind the main gate. I'm betting they don't stand on too much formality when the graduates get smuggled out of here, so here's my plan....."

During their steamy lovemaking, Gretl had let slip to Kristin that there was one of the officers in charge of the gate that set up the secret shipments of the doomed girls. Not his name of course, just a nickname-- Wurst man--pronounced vurstmann. Gretl evidently swung both ways. Kristin hoped to use this bit of pillow talk to get the van out the gate If she could only pull off the Colonel Schmertz impersonation. She burnished the twin eagles on her epaulets, tucked the hot black coat around her, polished her leather boots, pulled the peaked cap low over her eyes..what else? Oh migod! the computer! Shd had almost left it outside the guard house. She touched it. There it was! Thank God! Without what she hoped to find inside the computer, this story was just another three day sensation.

She had the girls get into the back of the van, huddled together, then asked them to strip, at least partially. She explained over their protests: The guards were used to seeing naked chained captives spirited off the post in the middle of the night; some degree of realism was needed. Tney could fake the cuffs with the equipment from the guard house, just don't lock them. And hurry! The gate guard was about to come on shift; everything depended on the timing.

Grumbling, the women again got naked, reluctantly. Not Janeesha, She stripped proudly rotating her monumental butt in front of the others. "my big black ass is achin' for freedom~ let's go!" She piled with the others into the back of the van.

Maria, dressed in the starchiest fatigues she could find, drove. Sitting erectly beside her was 'Colonel Schmertz'. Tney rolled up to the double gate. Beyond that, Kristin knew, was yet another set of barriers which would only open when several simultaneous signals were given. The guard looked in the passenger window. "Papers, ma'am-uh sir." He had spotted the full colonel's eagles gleaming on the black leather greatcoat that the stern erect officer was wearing. Kristin was curt. "No papers. This mission is classified. Don't you have your orders?"

"No-n-no colonel; I just got on post. I'll need some verifiction."

"Oh, very well, Call the gate commander, the major." She tapped one boot with her riding crop impatiently. "Don't make me wait.

Gulping, the young guard made the call. The sleepy major growled into his phone: "What authorization? I said.."

"It's a very scary lady bird colonel, sir; she said 'tell Vurstmann that it's Gretl.'"

The officer grumped. "Thought it was tomorrow night. You may proceed. Wait! One more thing. Check the back of the van and check the---cargo. I'll hold."

Bewildered, the guard opened the rear door of the windowless van. It was crowded with miserable naked or near naked handcuffed women, most of them lovely, though bedraggled. One awesome black figure leaned towards him, magnificent ass almost thrust in his face,meaty thighs spread. He gulped again. "What the matter boy" Aint you never seen any righteous black pussy? Janeesha demanded.

* He shut the door as fast as he could and hurried back to the phone. "Sir! Sir! That van's full of naked women with handcuffs and all!"

"Settle down, son. Thats the --appropriate cargo. Top secret mission, Can't discuss it. You did the right thing to call me. Now, open the gates."

Now thoroughly cowed, the young soldier nodded permission for the leather clad figure to pass. She coolly returned his salute and Maria gunned the big vehicle through the triple set of gates.

"We're out!! We're free!" Maria was pounding on Kristin's arm. From the back of the van there were mufffled cheers. Kristin wore a broad grin as well. They had done it! Well, almost.

"Drive another half mile. Don't speed. They might be tracking us with radar, routine. Pull in behind that warehouse on the right. We're not out of the woods yet," They unloaded the van, the women hastily dressing. They were noisy, exultant, cheering for Kristin. She held up her hand.

" Listen to me. One more time. This thing goes way up. Senators, generals, the White House, I don't know yet. So: until I get my story written none of us are safe. Don't go home tonight. I mean it. Theyve got a total profile on all of us. Gretl--I mean the colonel --knew all kinds of stuff about my personal life--but never mind that." Alice wondered again: just what had happened between Kristin and the evil Schmertz for those missing three hours? Kristin continued. "I need about four, maybe six hours until my paper hits the streets. Where can we..."

Janeesha spoke up, "I think I got it. There's a battered women's shelter I work with, totally anonymous. We'll be safe there. It's about ten minutes from here." KIrsten beamed. "Outstanding! Let's go!"

Fifteen minutes later the prisoners, still buzzing from their apparent escape, were settling in, safe in the anonymous shelter. Mrs. Grayson, the calm tall African American who ran the refuge was conferring with Janeesha. Kristin was on the phone with her night editor, Ray Collins, her voice nearly incoherent with excitement as she tried to convey the enormity of the story:

"It's bigger than Watergate! bigger than Iran Conta! Hell, bigger than Monica's butt! Meet me at the office, and bring Mirhat, that computer nerd. If he can hack into this laptop, weve got more than white slavery, damsels in distress and a few bent officers, we've got some of the really big guys by the balls! "

Her enthusiasm was contagious. Collins was excited at once; he promised to have two rewrite guys and a couple of reporters by the time she got there. "Kristin! Lose that army van! Don't drive it; They probably have an alert out on it already! I'll send a limo." he ordered.

Kristin sat back, heaved a deep contented sigh. This was going to work! And now her baser reporter instincts resurfaced. My scoop! She approached her fellow escapees. Some had showered (warm showers, this time) most had shed their hastily assembled military clothes and were decompressing from their ordeal, lounging in the center's large shabby living room. Most were wearing castoffs from the clinic donor's bin; shorts, t shirts, denims, robes. Kristin approached with some hesitation.

"Sisters. Can I still call you that? I think we're going to make it. I have one more little favor to ask. You're all going to be in the news, whether you like it or not. I would just ask that you let the Star--that's my paper--

reporters talk to you first. You don't need to; you don't have to say anything, l will respect your privacy, not like those TV bastards that will be shoving cameras in your face tomorrow. What do you say?"

Most of them nodded; they owed Kristin at least that. Maria, Angie and Colette were enthusiastic. So was Janeesha. Kristin swallowed.

"One more thing. The punishment you took, the cuff marks, the whiplashes, these things fade. I know its a lot to ask, but I need to take some pictures for evidence right now. Tonight. Anyone?" "No way" someone said.

"I just want to forget this whole scene" said another. But there were a few takers. "I hate this" Alice said. "but we've got to help Kristin put these bastards away. I'll show you my whip marks. I was the first, remember?" She shyly lifted her skirt. The welts were livid on her pale ass cheeks. All the women gasped. Kristin, trembling, clicked the tiny digital camera. *

Janeesha was next.. She stood, shrugged off the bathrobe she had borrowed, bent over, and turned her massive rear end to Kristin. She had endured a savage beating, her splendid ass criss crossed with technicolor stripes. "Just don't show my face, baby!" she said.

* 'Kristin's hand trembled again as she clicked the shutter.

Janeesha was slow to put her robe back on. Elsie whispered to Marie: "Janeesha's a wonderful person, but she sure is quick to show her ass, ain't she?" "I think they call it bootie." Maria whispered back. Janeesha's ample display broke the ice. Fully half of the victims, some shy, some proud and angry (especially Colette, who demanded a full frontal view of her violated pussy) posed for Kristin's little camera, recording a gallery of welts, chafed wrists, deeply splotched rosy bottoms. MY god! Kristin thought. We can't possibly use these in the paper! But later, in court..."

The limo had arrived. After quick goodbyes (a special hug for Janeesha} she got in the big car, the driver gawking at her long leather coat, now gaping open. She realized she had been too keyed up to change out of the sexy S and M gear. Oh well. The military van had been abandoned in a near empty Wal-Mart lot; untraceable, she hoped. Even as the limo headed downtown, two Army Humvees sped past in the other direction. Kristin ducked down and shuddered in anticiption in her leather coat. Oh wow! This was going to work! A teetotal once in a century scoop!


At the Star editorial office Ray and Mirhat, the computer genius, were eagerly waiting for her story. She blurted it out, words tumbling over one another in her excitement. Mirhat almost pulled the computer out of her hands, so eager was he to challenge the code and hack in.

"Calm down" Ray said, gently steering her to her desk. "Here's where we're going to go with this. I agree, this is the biggest scoop any of us has ever worked on! Now, I want you to write your eyewitness account, make it as personal as you can, real sob sister stuff. Naked women in chains! Secret government plot! Make it sexy and sensational--but I don't have to tell you that. Meanwhile, I'll do the factual article, what we know, what we suspect, and if we can get into those files, a hell of a lot more. Why don't I take that heavy coat and those gloves......"

When Kristin complied Ray's jaw dropped. Kristin had almost forgotten that she was wearing only the tightlaced corset, the dark hose and the thigh high boots. The constricting leather narrowed her waist and lifted her breasts like two large succulent peaches on a serving platter. And below her waist, only the narrow crotch strap bisected her plump vulva and bare bottom. She still wore the long brunette wig. *

"Oh shit! " she muttered. "I forgot!"She blushed and turned her back, hands modestly trying to cover both her nipples and crotch, but as she turned she exposed her rump, rosy and crisscrossed with livid whipmarks.

"Kristin! that's awesome! I mean your ass! No, I mean the whole..We've gotta get a picture of your--no. no of course not! I mean.." Ray was babbling. Mirhat had let the laptop slide to the floor, also stunned by the erotic impact of Kristin's skimpy costume, more provocative, perhaps, than frank nudity.

She turned to face the two men. "Look. I'm sorry, I just forgot. Now, if you've both had an eyeful, let's get to work. And have you got anything I can--you know--put on? Cover my tits? And let me get rid of this wig."

Mirhat had unbuttoned his sheer cotton shirt, and with shaking hands draped it over Kristin's shoulders, then her breasts. He was fumbling with the buttons, or perhaps her nipples, when Kristin gently pushed him away.

"Thanks, Mirhat. But lets get to work now. The base is sure to know that we're gone by now, and may have guessed where I am." She pulled off the brunette wig, sat at her computer and began to type furiously, her bare bottom squirming on the hard leather office chair.
