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They had ordered another round of drinks, this time a beer. Susan had done the same. Even then, Bill knew they'd have to sit there for a while nursing those before it would be safe enough to drive home. But what had been thrilling was when their waitress had come over to take their order. He had continued to feel Susan's hand now firmly grasping his prick through his pants, squeezing him playfully, wantonly as the waitress took their order, completely oblivious as to what was going on beneath the table. And even if she wasn't, even if she'd suspected anything, she hadn't let on, though smiling sweetly promising to return shortly with their drinks. He had then felt her hand on his, lifting it, placing it, she had done so, letting him know in no uncertain terms what she wanted, what she needed. What he needed now, and had been needing for far too fucking long! She was wet, her pussy was literally soaked as his finger slid deeply and easily inside her. Bill was still finger-fucking her cunt when the waitress returned with their beers, once again smiling down at them asking if there was anything else she could get for them.

"Yeah, a few more napkins," Bill had thought, saying, "No thank you instead, we're good." Susan now escalated the excitement, the danger, her fingers working down the zipper on his slacks, her hand burrowing inside, finding and then freeing his member. As hot as it was inside the bar now, the cooler air on his now exposed cock felt exhilarating, though just having his dick held, toyed and played with there beneath the table had a lot to do with that. He felt her squeeze the swollen bulbous head of his prick, felt the trickle of precum ooze from the tip as she gathered it up, smearing it around the crown of his cock-tip further pleasuring and exciting him even more.

Somewhat awkward now, and perhaps a bit too obvious, Bill removed his hand from between Susan's legs, especially as she was so intent now on fondling his prick. He was able to reach over however, lifting up one side of her sweater just enough to slip his hand inside onto her breast where he fondled it playfully, easily locating her hard thick nipple, pinching it, hearing her squeal quietly in delight as he did so. Susan again squeezed his prick, found another nice thick dollop of his cream, took a quick look about, lifted her sweater and applied his juice to her neglected nipple.

"Play with that one for a minute," she whispered hotly. He did so, smearing his own juice around and about it, delighting in the sensation of that hard little teat, so slick, so delightfully firm as he teased and pleasured it with his own juice.

It had been a long time since he'd felt a tit in his hand...too long. Admittedly he missed playing with Mandy's, but...obviously she didn't.


It was a nice intimate little restaurant, just as Mike said it would be. He'd even tipped the Host securing for them a selected table that Mike had asked for and pointed out. Seconds later they were led over towards it and seated. A nice cozy little half booth that looked out over the city below them, privacy walls on either side, ensuring that all the patrons there had a bit more privacy to enjoy their dinner in, and talk...or whatever else came to mind. Thoughts of which were already stirring inside Mandy's head as their waiter came over to take their drink orders and leave them with menus.

"I've always wanted to come here, but never have," Mandy stated looking over the menu. She almost jumped when she felt the press of Mike's hand on her leg nearer her knee.

"Well, maybe we'll have to rectify that then," he said grinning. She couldn't help but laugh, though nervously, the direct implication of his meaning not at all lost on her.

"I'm married," she said, though why she'd said that now and not earlier she had no idea. Especially when she'd secretly been fantasizing about Mike all day, and even more so on the drive over to the restaurant. Now sitting here with his hand still softly caressing her knee, her leg, she had thrown that comment out, wondering how he might respond to it, which he did.


"What about you?" She asked dodging the direct challenge, though allowing him to caress her, enjoying the sensation the feel of his strong firm hand now expertly caressing her upper thigh, fingers just teasing the still hidden flesh beneath her skirt.

"Divorced," he responded simply letting her know by the tone of his voice that it wasn't a topic to be continued, though immediately reverting back to the topic of her being married when he did. "Happily?"

"No, not for quite a while," she honestly responded thinking back earlier in the day as she'd watched Bill storm out of the house without so much as another word. It used to be they would kiss good-bye every morning, say the words "I love you," and mean it. "When did that stop? And why?" She found herself musing, though Mike's roaming fingers immediately brought her back to the present. She felt the trickle of moisture gathering between her legs, the tingling sensation of arousal coursing through her breasts and nipples. She knew as she sat there that her tiny little black thong would soon be soaked if he kept this up...if she allowed him to.

Mike had ordered a nice bottle of wine, the waiter had taken their orders and then left, leaving them in private to enjoy their evening together. The wine was superb. It always did tend to sooth and mellow her out whenever she had it, and lately, she wanted to feel relaxed, the tension and stress of the past several days catching up with her. When was the last time she'd actually had an orgasm anyway? Days ago now, well over a week at least, and even then leaving her feeling less than satisfactory. Sitting there on the toilet seat crying her eyes out for long minutes afterwards while Bill lay snoring in the bed totally oblivious to her needs and desires.

She had wanted the feel of a nice hard cock inside her, she had had to settle for her own fingers now instead. She sat, wondering, imagining what Mike's might look like, wondering if he was hard now, as horny and as needful as she was. She lifted her glass, sipping it, looking over the rim of it taking him in. As she did, she felt his fingers slide even further up her dress, the tips of his fingers suddenly finding the thin patch of material protecting her sex. Mandy spread her legs, took another sip of her wine and moaned as Mike's fingertip scratched at the intimate spot where her clit was.

"Take them off," he told her.

Mandy sat her glass back down on their table. She leaned over quickly reaching up, grabbing the sides of her thong yanking it down. She managed to slip it over her high heels, and then removed it, showing him the discarded garment briefly before meaning to stuff it into her purse. Mike grabbed it instead, sticking it beneath his nose, smelling the fragrance of her arousal. Mandy felt a jolt of electricity watching him do this. It was decadent, wickedly naughty, and it excited her even more seeing him do this. Mike stuffed her discarded thong into his jacket pocket rather than handing it back. She then saw him lower his hands beneath the table fumbling around briefly, he sat up, swiveled in his seat slightly turning towards her. She gasped when he did. Mike's cock stood stiff and straight beckoning to her. As though hypnotized by it, she reached out, her hand coming around to clasp it, then stroking it. She saw the pearly little bubble of arousal seep from the head of his prick, taking it and then applying it to the crown as she gingerly sat there fondling it.

"Are you ready to order?"

The sound of the waiters voice had startled her, but the way Mike sat, she knew there was no way he could have seen anything. The fact that she sat there however, holding onto his dick, giving the waiter her order as Mike then did, merely added to the erotic atmosphere of the moment. He left shortly afterwards, and the moment he had, Mandy surprised herself leaning over, and then wrapping the lips of her mouth around his hard firm erection instead.

She had always loved giving blowjobs, as funny as that might sound, she had enjoyed doing it immensely, and had missed doing so. Bill had always commented on her talent in doing that, appreciating the way she so lovingly licked him and sucked him, returning the favor in kind, his talented tongue never once failing to bring her as much joy and pleasure as she had enjoyed giving him. She continued licking, sucking, the danger and excitement of actually doing so in the restaurant, the possibility of being discovered merely adding to her own level of desire, the taste and smell of Bill's cock as she did heightening her senses.


"I want you to fuck me," Susan had told him.

"Here? Now?" Bill had joked a bit nervously, trying to make light of it, though trying to think of a way out of it, and then realizing he really didn't want to do that now either. "Where?" He finally asked seriously.

"My girlfriend has a place not too far from here. She's currently out of town, she gave me a key to it a long time ago, to use if and when I ever needed to. If there was ever a time that I needed to, it would be now," she told him.

Bill tossed down a twenty, more than enough to cover the balance on their tab and leave a nice tip for their waitress. Once again stuffing his still stiff prick back inside his pants, he still held his jacket in front as they walked out together towards the parking lot and their cars. Bill was plenty sober by now as was Susan, they'd spent the last hour nursing the single beers they had ordered. The parking lot itself was dark save for a single lamp burning at the far end. "I'll walk you to your car," he told her not wishing to leave her to head towards it on her own, especially as dark as it was. "I'll follow you from here," he'd added as they reached it.

He opened her car door, but rather than getting in Susan leaned against it. Standing there in the semi darkness, it reminded Bill of another time, another place. He leaned over kissing her neck, her face, her lips. His hands reaching down, lifting her sweater, her full breasts suddenly filling his hands as they stood there. Her exquisite firm tips pressed against his palms, he pinched them and toyed with them pleasurably, hearing her pleasured sighs as he did. The touch of her hand once again coming down to his zipper, pulling it, releasing it. The warmth of her hand as she drew him out, only then sitting down on the seat of her car, her legs still sticking outside the door as he stepped into them, between them, her mouth engulfing the length of his enormously hard prick.


Mandy had somehow managed to compose herself during dinner, though the fire she had felt between her legs earlier was still smoldering. The wine had helped to mellow her out somewhat, but she knew that even the tiniest spark would reignite the desire she had felt. She was still struggling with her emotions, teetering on the edge of doing something that she knew she could never undo, return from if she did. And the temptation was almost more than she could bare now as it was.

"Where can I drop you off?" she asked as they prepared to leave.

"My place," he said with a smile. "I had a friend of mine drop me off earlier, figured I would get a ride back, so...shall we?"

As they walked out to the parking lot, Mandy still felt a bit giddy, a little weak in the knees. She knew inside unequivocally, that in taking Mike back to his place that she'd end up in bed with him. She even considered the prospect of spending the entire night, "Whatever it takes," she then said to herself, though wondering as she thought that, if she wasn't just using that as the excuse, the justification for her actions. The tiny spark between her legs suddenly flaring as they reached the car, standing for a moment, Mike's hands pulling her blouse out from her skirt, coming up to cup her tits, massaging them through the sheer lace of her bra, one hand now down between her legs, his fingers easily penetrating her cunt, capturing and then teasing her clit as he fingered her to a quick very intense orgasm. Even then, even afterwards as she collected herself, she needed more. She needed the feel of his prick buried deeply inside her, fucking her.

"How far away do you live anyway?" She asked breathlessly.


They were there in less than twenty minutes. Susan was standing in the doorway of a beautiful magnificent looking home waiting for Bill as he traveled up the short drive on foot, having parked his car a short distance away on the street where he could find a spot.

"Why didn't you just follow me in to the driveway?" she asked waiting for him.

"I didn't know if I should," Bill told her reaching the steps where she stood. "Nice house," he then added upon entering. It was indeed richly furnished, as he took her hand, allowing himself to be led upstairs along a slowly winding staircase, Susan then led him into one of several bedrooms where they undressed one another, soon falling into bed. He slid his rock hard cock deep inside the tight warmth of her soft pussy, slowly fucking her afterwards, the sensation and feel of her reminding him of better times. Bill felt a pang of guilt at his pleasure, but it had simply been too fucking long. He could no longer deny the desires that he had, he could no longer go on pretending that everything in his life was ok. After experiencing this again, the sensuality, spontaneity, and delight of sexual pleasure, never again would he deny himself from knowing and experiencing that. He plunged his prick in and out of Susan's cunt repeatedly until the stressful release of his semen filled her to overflowing. And even after he had spent himself, after he had sucked and licked her pussy into one mind blowing orgasm after another, he remembered and missed the sweet heavenly taste of Mandy's cunt, and wished for the first time in long while, that it was her instead of Susan that he was with now.


"Turn here," Mike told her as she swung her car into his drive. She hesitated, wondering if she should simply say goodnight and drive away. Sensing her reluctance perhaps, Mike turned towards her, once again kissing her passionately, his hands again on her breasts, her resolve quickly melting away. She turned off the engine, and then got out as he came around, taking her by the hand and up the steps into the house. She followed him up the staircase, and then into his bedroom. She stood allowing him to finish removing the rest of her clothing, and then his. He pulled her onto the bed with him, where she then straddled him, felt his hard erect prick slide heavenly deep inside the opening of her cunt. She fucked him wildly, eventually feeling his essence spurting deeply inside her, where her own climatic bliss quickly joined with his.


"Did you hear something?" Bill asked.

"Susan sat up in bed, might be my friend," she said. "He said he might come home tonight, so most likely he did."

"He?" I thought you said she earlier!" Bill exclaimed a bit worriedly.

"No...I'm pretty sure I said he, and besides, nothing to worry about, we're all good close friends here now aren't we?" she asked. "We've played and partied several times together, in fact, I'm willing to bet that he's not alone here either. Tell you what, I'll go down and see if he's busy, or if they're even interested in partying with us, if they are...I'll come back and get you and we'll take it from there."

"I don't know Susan, it really is getting late, maybe I'd better think about getting myself home now."

"Oh come on Bill...don't be a spoil sport, just give me a minute, I think after you have a chance to meet Mike, you'll be pleasantly surprised."


Mandy was shocked to hear the soft knock on the bedroom door, though Mike answered before she had a chance to do much of anything.

"Come on in Sue...I've been expecting you," Mike said. Seconds later the door opened and in walked this woman who Mandy had never seen before, and certainly wasn't expecting to. She was naked, and very obviously attractive.

"What the fuck?" Mandy exclaimed upon seeing her, obviously confused, though the woman basically ignored her all together.

"Hi sweetie, thought we heard you earlier, but figured to give you enough time to have a little fun on your own before we just up and invited you to join us."

"Join who?" Mandy asked a bit worriedly. "And who is this anyway?" she then asked.

Mike turned towards her. "Well, I guess it's time we told you the truth here. Mandy Jenkins? This is my wife Susan, Susan...Mandy Jenkins, this is the woman of the firm I'm considering doing business with."

"You're wife?" Mandy exclaimed. "I thought you told me you were divorced!"

"Well? So? You told me you were married, but you came here anyway? So what does it matter?" And besides, Susan's got a friend here as well, we sort of do this on occasion for fun, perhaps after you meet him, you might be inclined to just go along, party with us...have some fun. And I promise will go a long, long way in cementing our new partnership."

"Fuck!" Mandy said totally confused, but she felt trapped as well, "Well, ok...but I'm not promising anything," she told them both. "Not until after I've had a chance to meet him at least."

"No sweat," Susan said excitedly turning to leave the room. I'll go back and bring him in and introduce you to..."

"Not necessary," Bill said stepping into the room nearly colliding into Susan as she turned to leave. "The name's Bill...Bill Jenkins. And the woman sitting there on the bed with her mouth open is my wife."

"Your what?" Both Mike and Susan said near simultaneously.

"My wife," Bill said once again. "And I think...under the circumstances, that she and I have a lot to discuss."

Mandy finally found her own voice. " and Susan? Were fucking too?"

"Like I said darling, I and I have a few things we need to talk about, I think that it might be a good idea if we were to excuse ourselves and go home now in order to do that.

"You're...not mad? Angry?"

"Why should I be? You haven't done anything I haven't done obviously. So what's the point? The issue here is, we going to finally sit down and talk about it? Or keep pushing things away and making whatever it was we once had, too hard to find again? We going to continue to fight over coffee grounds? What program we want to watch on TV? Or get back to fucking and loving one another the way we used to?"

Mandy smiled upon hearing that. "I rather like hearing about the fucking part...can we do that first before we talk?"

"Before...and then afterwards," Bill said. "Now come on, get dressed, I'll follow you home..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

fucking women are the worst humans on earth. unbelievable. damn whores all of them. bitches. just one faithful wife would be nice. fucking women. they just suck at life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Real relief. I was really afraid all four would die in a multiple car collision or something. This is not especially erotic, but is a great story of starting over or ''Making Love out of Nothing at All''. You should do more of this type of story. You know, this story could use a little more. Discussion and tears. Resolution to make a new start. Finding a way to begin and plan a path to take. Light at the end of the tunnel. Great sex, even explore Susan's and Bill's lifestyle to see if thats in their future for playtime. An Epilogue to catch us readers up (years later,of course) to how it all worked out, what their history has been like, do they become good parents and kids to be proud of, and are they anticipating grandchildren. Yes, a little more to give our young couple an opportunity for some good ole' make-up sex and a final wrap-up.

aniceguy67aniceguy67about 15 years ago
Nice, Very Nice

Oh how I was frustrated with the start but once I got into was nice, very nice.

I like the solid characters and very believible situation.

Another "keeper".


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
You've done it again.

Another great story..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Good Story

I enjoyed it very much. I look forward to reading your other stories. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Well written story about a couple with nothing to loose. Almost all the couples I have met that are into swinging or dating were in the same boat, nothing to loose. Don't think you would try any of this with a great marriage.

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