Charlie's Pain And Healing Ch. 02


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Charlie took the little bundle and stood staring down at the sleeping child. He walked to the door and into the maternity waiting room. He walked up to his family and said, "I want to introduce you to the newest Fielding. This is Charles Paul Fielding."

As everyone was cooing over the boy a nurse came up and began berating Charlie. "You're not supposed to take the baby from the room. Now give him to me before he catches something."

Charlie reluctantly handed his son to the nurse and watched as she took him back to Amanda. He and the family followed and saw Charlie, the baby, happily nursing when they walked into the room. Jeff smiled and said, "Lucky little stiff." Everyone laughed but Amanda had a slight blush as she glared at Jeffery.

Amanda stayed away from the office for a month then returned to work. She had a door cut into the office behind hers and turned it into a nursery for little Charlie. She took him to work with her daily. As he grew there was no telling who would be in the room with him. Even the hardened old farmers were known to stop in and visit with little Charlie.

Darrell was charged with disturbing the peace and had to pay a fine. He never came around the office again and they never did any further work for him. They turned the bad debt over to a collection agency but it was never paid. Some time later they got a letter from the Bankruptcy Court. Darrell had to file bankruptcy and had listed his debt to the clinic as one he wanted relief from. He lost his farm and it was sold on the courthouse steps when he failed to pay on his mortgage. He left the country and no one ever heard from him again.

About a year after little Charlie was born Amanda came into the office late. She had told Charlie she had a gynecologist appointment for her periodic check up. She was glowing when she came into the office. She knew unless there was an emergency Charlie didn't have anything scheduled that morning. He was in his office doing paperwork when she came in. Amanda walked up to his side and pulled his chair around. She plopped down in his lap and gave him a deep kiss. After she felt he had been properly kissed she leaned back and looked into his eyes.

"Charlie I lied to you about my doctor's appointment this morning. I didn't want to say anything until I was sure. Oh, Baby, I'm pregnant again. We're going to have a baby in about seven months!"

Charlie sat for a moment digesting the news then he grabbed her and pulled her back deeper into his embrace. They were kissing and Amanda began moaning and rocking on his lap. About that time one of his assistants walked into the office. She stopped when she saw Charlie and Amanda. She was a young woman and she blushed then said, "OH, I'm sorry. I..Uh."

Charlie laughed and helped a blushing Amanda stand. He said, "That's ok Darla. We should have been more careful but Amanda just told me we're going to have another baby. I guess we got a little carried away."

Amanda's pregnancy was progressing well and she was in her sixth month when she answered a phone call one morning. The man on the line asked if this was the Fielding Veterinarian Clinic when she answered. She and the other help normally just answered "Fieldings" because the phone lines rang in both the clinic and the store on rotation. If you called the clinic and no one answered after four rings the call rotated to the store and visa versa.

Amanda replied, "Yes". Before she could say more the man on the phone said, "This is Colonel Stennis from the U S Army Personnel Center. I need to talk to Major Charles Fielding please."

Amanda felt her stomach lurch but she managed to continue the conversation. "I'm sorry sir but Charlie is out on a call right now. This is Mrs. Fielding. Can I help you or take a message? I can have him call you back if that would work."

"When do you think he'll be back in the office? Better yet, is there any way I can reach him now?"

"I don't know when he will be back. He is working some cattle right now then he has to make a couple of other calls before he gets back. I would guess he will be back by about six this evening if you want to call back. I can give you his cell number. We have poor cell reception in many areas around here so he may not receive your signal. He might have left his phone in the truck and not hear it ring either. He does that sometimes if he is working where he might drop or break it."

"Ok. Give me the cell number please and if I don't get him have him call me back tomorrow morning. I will be in the office after seven a.m. The number is 111-222-3333."

That evening Charlie came into the office just before five p.m. he stood looking at Amanda then he said, "Honey I understand you talked to Colonel Stennis this afternoon. Baby I've been called to active duty for a tour in Iraq. They want me to report to Ft. Sam Houston for in processing in ten days."

Amanda felt the tears rise and she stood and pulled Charlie into her embrace. After a quiet hug and some gentle kisses he pushed her back and said, "Honey I need to talk to the girls before they leave. We need to start making arrangements for while I am gone. We need to cancel appointments or find someone to cover for me while I'm gone."

Over the next few days Charlie made the arrangements to be gone. He found a young Veterinarian just starting to practice that would cover his calls. He agreed to work out of Charlie's office for three days a week and he would work in his own office the rest of the time. Charlie and Amanda spent as much time together as they could but it was never enough.

The day he left Charlie's whole family saw him off. Jeffery had some experience in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was the last to say his farewells. He hugged Charlie and quietly said, "Keep your ass down Bro. The bases won't be too bad except for dust, heat and boredom. If you have to go out to the cities or villages...every man carries a rifle and you can't really tell who the bad guys are. I know you'll supposedly have a several man guard detachment with you but you keep your eyes open too."

Almost three months after Charlie left Amanda went into labor with their next child. She and Charlie had already discussed the delivery and they decided he wouldn't try to come home for it unless there were problems. The delivery was easy and Jennifer Annalee Fielding came into the world weighing 7 pounds six ounces. Charlie was ecstatic when his commander gave him the news. Within days his office and vehicle were pasted with pictures of his new daughter and the happy brother and wife.

Charlie purposefully did not tell anyone when his mid tour R&R was coming up. He wanted to come home and surprise Amanda. He also didn't want her to be upset if for some reason he could not take the leave when it was scheduled. As it turned out everything went as scheduled. His flight back to the USA was long and tiring. He had a 15-hour layover on the east coast then caught an early morning flight home. He had called Jerry from Ft. Bragg NC and he agreed to pick him up at the local airport and take him to the office.

It was almost noon when Jerry delivered Charlie to the front door of the Clinic. He shook his hand and turned to walk, almost run into the building. When Charlie opened the door the buzzer went off and one of his assistants came to the front to see what was needed. She stopped just inside the office and said, "Charlie, Oh my God."

Amanda had heard the buzzer but didn't look up since she knew the girls would handle the customer. She was sure she had not heard correctly when she heard the girl greet Charlie but she looked up from her desk to see. By then Charlie had motioned to his assistant to be quiet and was walking into Amanda's office.

Amanda stood from her chair so rapidly she pushed the chair back and it turned over. She was running toward Charlie and she screamed out, "Charlie!" Amanda hit Charlie at almost a full run, jumped and wrapped her legs and arms around him. She bruised their lips when she slammed her lips to his for their first kiss in way too long. Tears of joy were running down her face.

People heard the two women scream and then they heard the loud bang when Amanda's chair hit the wall then the floor. The ones that heard the scream "Charlie" were somewhat scared because there had been a phone call just before the women screamed. Everyone knew where Charlie was and they were all worried about him being injured—especially considering how badly Jeffery had been injured when he was in Afghanistan. All in all Jeffery was lucky though. Not many military people win the Congressional Medal of Honor and survive to wear it like Jeffery did. Of course they all remembered Charlene, Charlie's first wife, had been killed in Afghanistan also.

The few people in the store rushed through the connecting door then stopped to watch Amanda welcome her husband home. They all smiled when they saw little Charlie toddle up to his father's leg and grab it. Someone went into the back of the building to tell the rest of the employees that Charlie was back. By the time Amanda allowed him to break the kiss the whole gang was gathered around. Charlie smiled and before he greeted anyone else he bent down and picked up his son. He stood holding Little Charlie as his friends welcomed him home. The men all shook his hand and the women even hugged Charlie. Someone had called his parents and the word spread. It seemed the whole town began coming into the store and office to welcome Charlie home.

Not much work got done the rest of the day. Everyone needed to see Charlie and welcome him home. Of course they were all sad to learn it was to be for only two weeks as his tour was only about half done.

Finally Charlie and Amanda managed to get out of the office and back to their home. Paul and Jennifer had taken young Charlie for the evening but since Amanda was breast feeding the baby she had to take her with them.

Amanda put Jennifer into her crib and turned to Charlie. She moved into his embrace and began undressing him as they kissed. Of course Charlie was doing the same to her. The crotch of her panties was almost dripping she was so wet. Amanda was crying as she pulled Charlie down onto the bed. She had landed on her back and pulled him between her splayed thighs. Charlie needed no guide to find the sweet spot. Amanda was so wet, so ready for him that his hard cock just sank slowly into her.

They immediately began that most wonderful dance—the dance of love. Neither wanted nor needed a slow fuck right now. They were horny, they were in love and with the love of their life, reunited after months of separation. They slammed repeatedly against one another as they felt their passion building, their bodies tightening as that sought after release grew closer.

All at once Amanda screeched. She had wrapped her legs around Charlie when he first entered her, her heels on the back of his thighs. Now she pulled him as tightly to her as she could. Over and over her legs strained and she pulled, slamming repeatedly into him. Her cunt began contracting and releasing as her orgasm overpowered her. Amanda kept the strain on her thighs as her orgasm began to wane, holding her spasming cunt tightly to Charlie. She smiled and pulled his head down to hers for a kiss when she heard him groan and felt his cock began throbbing, pumping his essence into her womb.

Finally they each relaxed and after a gentle kiss Charlie rolled to the side and collapsed onto the bed beside Amanda. They immediately moved toward each other and wrapped their arms around their mate. They drifted off to sleep and the next thing they knew was when Jennifer woke them crying, wanting her next meal.

After Jennifer was fed Amanda and Charlie once again reaffirmed their love for each other. This time the coupling was slow, gentle and filled with love and tenderness.

Amanda took the next two weeks off work and she and Charlie were rarely seen. When they did venture out to see family and friends she seemed wan and tired. She was always at Charlie's side and almost always looking at him. Everyone who saw them together had no doubt of her love for her man. When Amanda looked at Charlie her face became soft, her eyes glistened and you could see the love flowing between the couple.

All too soon Charlie's R&R ended and he had to return to Iraq. Amanda insisted on driving him to the airport and she stood watching until his plane was out of sight, silent tears running down her cheeks. Two months later she once again made a trip to her doctor. Once again Amanda found herself pregnant with Charlie's child. She waited another month until the first ultra sound then sent Charlie a picture of his next child when she told him the good news.

One Wednesday morning shortly after Amanda sent Charlie the news of her pregnancy an Army sedan drove down the main street of Steelville once more. It pulled into the parking lot of the Veterinary Clinic and a Sergeant jumped from the drivers seat to open the back door. A Lieutenant Colonel and Chaplin emerged, straightened their uniforms and marched into the building.

When the officers entered the building all eyes turned to them and business crashed to a standstill. The Colonel looked around the building and walked to the counter. He said, "I'm looking for Mrs. Charles Fielding. I understand she works here?"

Betty, the counter clerk felt the tears begin to run down her cheeks. She said, "Oh GOD, its Charlie isn't it? I'll get her sir."

Betty ran from behind the counter and into Amanda's office. Amanda looked up when the door slammed open with fear in her eyes. She had heard the door slam open like that once before and her first thought was that Darrell had returned. She sat in shock as she saw Betty standing there crying. Amanda got up and rushed to Betty. She asked, "Betty what's wrong honey?"

Betty sniffed and said, "Mandy there's some Army officers out there. They want to talk to you."

Amanda felt her stomach lurch when she heard Betty tell her what the problem was. She felt her head jerk toward the door into the store and saw two Army officers walking through it. The Colonel walked up to Amanda and said, "Mrs. Fielding?"

When Amanda nodded her head yes she whispered, "Yes. Oh, please, is Charlie OK? Please just tell me!"

The Colonel looked at her, introduced himself and the Chaplin then said, "Mrs. Fielding I have the sad duty to tell you that your husband Major Charles Fielding was injured in service to his country Monday afternoon near FOB Warhorse in Northern Iraq. He had been at the FOB performing his duties and was returning to Baghdad when the vehicle he was riding in was hit by an exploding IED. Major Fielding is recovering well and will soon be medically evacuated to Germany then back to the states. He was not injured seriously but does have some penetrating wounds and is badly bruised. They expect a full recovery Mrs. Fielding."

Amanda was standing crying as the LTC discussed Charlie's condition. Finally she wiped the tears from her face and whispered, "Thank you Colonel. When can I see him? Where can I go to see him? Can I talk to him soon?"

Before the Colonel finished answering her questions the office was filled with family. Colonel (Ret) Paul Fielding, Colonel (Ret) Jim Fielding, Charlie's Grandfather and LTC Jeffery Fielding and their wives had all arrived to give comfort to Amanda. After the introductions were made and the Colonel once again gave everyone information on Charlie's injuries the wives took Amanda back to Paul and Jennifer's home. The men took the notification team to the resort where they spent the evening drowning their sorrows and tripping down memory lane. About eight p.m. the ladies arrived and they all ate supper together in the Resort Dining Room.

The next morning as the notification team was leaving the LTC turned to the Chaplin and said, "Well, I hated the circumstances but I am glad we got to make this trip. You do realize who LTC Jeffrey Fielding is don't you? We were privileged to spend the evening with one of the premier military families in this part of the country."

The Chaplin said, "No Sir. Why is he so important?"

"LTC Fielding won the Medal of Honor in Afghanistan about four years ago. The injured Major Fielding lost his first wife, another Major Fielding, about four years ago due to enemy action in Afghanistan. She was piloting an Apache when it was hit. She crashed on landing. There were probably more medals for valor in that room last night than you would find at any other gathering of similar size at any Officer's Club in the Army."

A week later Amanda went to Ft. Sam Houston, TX to be with Charlie. He had suffered some moderately severe burns and was being treated at Brooke Army Medical Center at Ft. Sam. Brooke was the premier burn treatment center in the US Army and received all the severe burn cases.

When Amanda entered Charlie's room she saw him sitting in a chair reading a book. For just a moment, before he saw her she stood in the door and silently cried. When Charlie looked up and started to rise she rushed to him and gently wrapped her arms around him. They hugged and she gave him as much of her love as she could in the deep, impossibly long kiss.

A week later Charlie was released to return home for recuperation. He had to report to the Ft. Leonard Wood, MO Army Hospital weekly for check ups but other than that he was home all the time. He and Amanda rapidly settled back into their married routine.

By the time his injury was healed Charlie's tour was over. He returned to Ft. Sam Houston to out process and return to civilian life. Amanda went with Charlie and they spent a week enjoying each other and this wonderful city before they returned home. She had left the two children with his parents so they could enjoy their time together as they reconnected. Amanda was six months pregnant by this time and moving a little awkwardly but they still managed to make love several times a day for that week.

Charlie took two weeks off after they returned home to decompress then he began working in his business once more. Slightly less than three months after he returned home from Iraq Charlie and Amanda's last child was born. They named him Homer Alexander Fielding. Over the years the children grew and prospered, the two boys following their father and nearly every other male member of the family and some of the female members as well into the service. The only surprise was when Charles Paul Fielding decided to take a commission in the Navy rather than go into the Army as most of the family had done.

After the children left home Charlie and Amanda continued living and loving as they had in years past. Now, however, they did not have to be so careful when they followed their urges. It was common practice to keep the house warm enough in winter for complete nudity and for them to never wear clothes at home in the summer unless they had guests that would mandate clothing.

From time to time during the years Charlie, Amanda, Jeffery and Abigail would spend time with each other nude. They would participate in what was called "soft Swing" but never, other than a little grab ass would they do anything with the other's spouse. In fact, such was the love the respective spouses felt for their mate, they never even considered what it might be like to sample the sexual favors of anyone but their own spouse.

Many times each of the four had the opportunity to stray and if at all possible they turned down the opportunity kindly. After all, why sample kerosene when you can sip of the best single malt in the world?

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rbloch66rbloch662 months ago

This second part definitely did not match the quality of the first part. It seems like an afterthought that wasn’t planned out at all. The bit about soft swinging killed it for me. Overall, I hated this chapter and feel cheated. You’ve done better.

NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

Too much trivia eg Jerry, Darren and Jordan.Why would Charlie take Amy on a tour of the town?

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 1 year ago

Chapter one of this series was brilliant BUT you really degraded this chapter with this SOFT SWING shit at the end. That last paragraph or so was totally unnecessary Fuck me what were you thinking. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

Have to agree with Mojo648. The soft swing was out of place. This is a well written story which I have come to expect from this writer.

Mojo648Mojo648almost 2 years ago

Why need to bring in "soft swing", in my opinion, that spoiled the ending, the story didnt need it. Otherwise it was a brilliant storyline.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Shaving can? Just a little bit worried about the size!!! Another excellent Fielding family story.

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961over 2 years ago

sad and loving story well writen five star !

Antryg_WindroseAntryg_Windroseover 3 years ago
Decent sub-series in the Fielding family story cycle

Sloppy geography and orthography as usual but that's what to expect on LIT.

southernreb27southernreb27about 4 years ago
shaving can

on the market today there are several sizes . from travel size in between the old fashion large 1 that were all you could get when i started back 60 + yrs ago L M A O.

rickydean56rickydean56about 4 years ago
Shaving can?

Need to watch those kind of descriptions. I nearly quit reading after that. Ruined the story for me. Trying to figure out how a woman could get a shaving can in her mouth!?

brownmobbrownmobalmost 5 years ago
So what about the EX

your build up with her EX was there, but went no where, basically left hanging, please keep it consistent, other than that, loved it

Joben285Joben285over 5 years ago

I also enjoyed the story. Point of order though, you don't "win" a Medal of Honor but are awarded it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
My 2 cents

A great chapter 2. Really enjoyed it. I will be reading more of your stories. Thanks for your time and imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What a Crock!

Charlies been out of the service to long to be called back, especially as a Veterinarian. I hate when writers don't get their facts straight.

hellinahelmethellinahelmetalmost 7 years ago

As are all your short and mid length stories, exemplary, thank for the background on all the Fieldings, their lives and and loves. Thank you from a retired Fielden jarhead

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