Coffe House Pick Up Part 04


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"Do not worry, I will only wear it for you" and I threw my arms around Roger's neck and kissed him hard as he continue to rub my ass. He took me by my hand and led me into the master bedroom when he saw a photo on the desk and then held it up.

"Is the lady who owns the house here? Is she your new friend"? And my son handed me the photo.

It was Alison as beautiful as ever. But in the photo were her young son and daughter she had borne from relationship with her first born son. It hit me hard, Alison looked so happy in the photo.

"What is wrong mom, you looked like you just seen a ghost" my son asked.

"Yes son, it is her. I do not know who the children are, maybe her nephew and nice" and once again I told my son yet another lie. How I hate doing it but I was not ready to tell my son the full story.

"Let us go outside and enjoy the sun for a while before we make love. We have all night to do it plus you can have fun leering at for awhile lover."

My son gave out a sigh but agree with my wishes. I put on a pair of sandals with a modest heel and went out on the sundeck; the weather was at that time of the year was it was just right. It was warm and sunny but not too hot. I laid out on a deck chair to catch a few rays when I heard a strange voice.

"Hi there, are you the Smith's guests? They sent us an e-mail that someone would be here this weekend"

It was a man about 32, average looking. He was leaning over the wooded fence, smiling and waving at me but froze when he saw me stand up in my spandex swimsuit and how it was clinging to my body.

"I am Diana; I am here with my boyfriend. Alison was kind enough to give us use of the place for a few days" I had a soft chuckle as I saw his eyes rolling all over me. It was at that moment that woman walked up to him and gave a disapproving stare as he was ogling me. She was in her early 30's as well and I guess was his wife.

"Hi, we are Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Hope you are enjoying your stay here" she told me with a bout of sternness in her voice. I could see she was one of those women who let herself go after getting married and now her husband was gawking at a woman at least 16 years older than she was. It really got to her.

Roger then came out and introduced himself as my boyfriend. They both looked at how young he was and then at me and were dumb struck. But we were used to it by now. All those years on campus toughen the two of us up. We said our good-byes and I sat back in the chair. Roger pulled another chair next to me and we held hands and enjoyed the rest of the day.

That day after dinner I checked my e-mail and saw Alison had contacted me. She wanted to know if my son and I had settled in alright and if Mr. Johnson had come by. I used "Skype" to contact her and we had a video chat.

I told what had happened and how my new swimsuit got Mr. Johnson and his wife's attention. Alison then told me a story about when she and her son where here and she was practicing

cheerleader routines in her uniform and he hung around for an hour until his wife drug him home. But he was harmless, just a frustrated married man which made both of us laugh out loud.

"By the way, I saw the photo you had on the desk Are those your children, well you know? " I asked her. Alison said yes and could see I was little bit at ease with it.

"Just put the photo it the desk drawer if it makes you feel better Diana. I want you to have a good time my new friend. I just promise you and your son will make good use of my bed." And with that Alison signed off. Roger and I then went to bed and we made love twice before falling asleep.

The next day I wanted to go out sunbathing again. I put on my spandex swimsuit but I had Roger go out first. I knew Mr. Johnson was hanging around outside so I thought I would have some fun. My son went out with a box chocolate chip cookies and pretend to eat them. But in reality he took some of them and crushed them in his hand and then threw the crumbs on the other deck chair. After 10 minutes I went out in my swimsuit and walked around the deck and gave my nosey friend an eyeful. Once I knew I had his attention and I sat down in the chair next to my son for a minute and then got back up.

"Honey, you made a mess, there are cookie crumbs everywhere" I pretend to be surprised by this fact and very slowly began to wipe the crumbs off my spandex covered ass. My son acted like he was be shocked by this and got out of his chair to help me. Roger began to slowly brush his hand over my rear end to remove the crumbs, going a slowly as he could

"I am sorry, I was careless. Let me help get it off of you" and with my son's words we both saw Mr. Johnson gawking as Roger continued to gently run his hands across my spandex covered ass brushing off the cookie crumbs. We both softly chuckled as we saw him turn and run into his condo.

"You know what he is going to do in his house. You are such a tease, just like when I was in college. A lot of the guys there never got over you" Roger winked at me.

I whisper back to my son, "Mr. Johnson loved it, we just made his day. He will not get this kind of excitement from his frump of a wife. I guess I still have a bit of bad girl in me still."

We both sat back in the chairs and sunned ourselves. After lunch we decided to take a hike around the lake. I wore a pair of shorts with a tight white t-shirt and sandals. Roger was just happy to see me braless in the t-shirt.

We walked along the lake and there were a few people on it in boats but I thought there would be more. Then we turned and went up a trail away from everyone in view found a fresh water stream that ran into the lake. We sat next to and cuddled for a while. Then an idea came over me and I went to end of the stream and lay on my belly at the edge. I gently place the upper half of my body into the running water and got the front of my shirt wet. Then I stood up and showed my son my wet shirt clinging to my breasts.

"Remember I told back day when I was you age we use to have wet t-shirt contests? So what do you think son? Does this turn you on?"

Roger's eyes were as big as boulders and he went straight for my wet braless breasts and we kissed hard while he groped them. Then I gently broke away from him and pulled the wet shirt off and he returned to my breasts, sucking and sucking on them, His mouth made them wetter than ever.

"Get naked honey. I want to do something different and I hope nobody sees us" and Roger followed my words and stripped totally nude. I removed my shorts and sandals as well and then led my son in the water.

"Lie down in the water and please be careful" and he did and then bolt up for a second at the coolness of the water. I chuckled and guide my son back down over a large rock in the middle of the stream until he was comfortable and position just right.

"Are you getting use to the feel of the water? Just lay back on the rock and let me make you hard" and Roger just smiled.

"I do not know mom, the water is kind of cold and that is the number enemy of a hard on. I may not be able to get it up for you."

"Want to bet? I will take care of it" and I kneeled down in the water and began kissing the head of his limped dick. Within a few minutes I had it strong and hard.

It was then I took my son's entire dick in my mouth and suck hard. Up and down I ran my tongue across his hard cock and Roger's body began to twist and jerk, splashing water all about. He had just enough of his torso above water so the erection continued to stay hard. The more I sucked, the more water he was splashed. The cool water of the running stream was running across my knees as I continued to bury my head in my son's lap. We were both so caught up in the moment that if someone had come by and saw what was happening we would have oblivious to them.

"Oh mom, it feels so good, I am getting ready to cum" Roger screamed out in a high pitch squeal.

Finally he could not take it anymore and my son began to shoot his cum into his mother's mouth. As always, I gladly began to sallow it when I used my left hand to cup a little bit of fresh water from the stream into my mouth and across his dick. Roger gave a final pump of his body and the last bit of seamen went into me. My son just lay helpless in the water for a minute as I got up. He seemed to be on another planet when I guided him up out of the stream and out to dry land.

"That was unbelievable mom, where in the world did you come up with that? I did not see this happening here" my son asked in a bewilder state.

"It just came to me, now get dressed and let us got back to the condo" and my son and I both our clothes on and walked back to our temporary home. Latter that night we made love again, this time in bed. I did not want Alison to get complains about us.

The next day of our weekend escape Roger and I went out for another walk along the lake talking about odds and ends. I wore my new swimsuit again for the last time of our vacation and judging from some of the yells I got from people on the lake they liked how I looked. At least the male side did. My son wanted to make love outside again but I said that we had pushed it last time and need to wait until we were inside again. As we head back into the condo I could see Mr. Johnson peeking out the window at us. I imaged his wife will be so glad when I was gone.

Once we were inside Roger and I ate a quick meal. At my son's request (actually pleading) I kept my swimsuit on for the rest of the day. We watched some news off the satellite dish just to make sure the world had not come to an end during all our insane love making for the last few days. I lay across on my son body as we watch a movie on TV; he just could not keep his hands off my spandex covered ass and breasts. When the movie ended I got up and went to the bedroom and changed for our last romantic night. I promised my son something special and pulled out a brand new tight white mini dress. I could barely fit into it, it was so form fitting. It was tighter then my new swimsuit but I was finally able to squeeze into it. I pulled on Roger's favorite pair of white boots after getting the dress on. I was going to have to buy another pair soon; I was wearing the hell out of them. I then brushed my long dark hair and gave it a bit of a bounce. It looked great against the white dress. I then went into the living room to get my son's approval.

"Wow mom, you look fantastic, I am the luckiest guy in the world' and with his final words I sat down in my son's lap and slowly he began rubbing my braless breasts through the mini dress and we kissed long and hard. When I broke the kiss I brushed his face and then I suddenly began to cry. I do not know what came over me but he quickly put his arms around me and asked what was wrong.

"This weekend has been wonderful for us my darlings but there are few things I have been holding in and I do not think I can do it anymore. I need to come clean to you."

I stood up and began pacing across the title floor, the sound of the heels of my boots make a sharp sound as I moved. I motion for Roger not to get up and let me have my say. I guess all the excitement and passion of the weekend just hit me. I knew I needed to come clean about some issues I had been holding in for too long

"Well, first off a name you have not heard in years. It is about your old college nemesis Steven" and I told the whole story how Sally and I playing a trick on Steven in his dorm and the tense we did to him. I admitted it had gotten out of hand but I wanted to help Sally and get revenge for the way he treated my son. I did not like having Steven touch me, it revolted me but it was necessary. Roger sat in shocked silence I begged him not hate me, events took their course and in the end justice was served.

I kept pacing back and forth and my heels kept clicking away on the floor, I took a deep breath and followed up on my story.

"I had hidden it away in my mind until the indecent a month ago when I was dancing for you and I press too hard with my boot heel on your leg. It suddenly came back to me and I knew the guilt was getting to me. I should never have lied or hidden anything my darling baby boy, my boyfriend, my bed partner. Can you forgive me?"

Roger said nothing and got up and walked to the kitchen and got a beer. Finally he spoke.

"I do not know what to say mom, I love you so much but this is so strange. I am glad you taught him a lesion but the fact that he touched you and saw your breasts, the same breasts that should only belong to me. And Sally was in on his and never told me either, can I trust either one of you again?"

I ran to my son and begged him to hold me which he did. I tried not to cry but the tears just flowed out. Finally Roger wiped my eyes and told me he loved me again and held me really tight.

"We will get through this mom. We will get through this" and my son then kissed me hard. After a few minutes we stopped kissing and our eyes met and without say a work we immediately began ripping off our clothes, it was lot easier to get out of my tight mini dress then to get it on. Roger helped out of my boots and then we ran to the bedroom. I pushed my son down on the bed and mounted him and rode his hard dick like a wild animal. We had made love so many times that I could not count it but this time there was an intensity I could not image.

As my son began to cum in my pussy I started screaming. "Yes, my darling son, fuck your naughty mother as hard as you can." I kept screaming until every last drop of his goop was inside me. I needed to give my son the fuck of his life and I kept bouncing on him when I finally let out one super loud organism yell and collapsed on top of it.

I snuggled on my son's chest. I ran my finger across his face and asked if I was forgiven and he said I was. We were now the perfect couple again; hopefully this would only make us stronger.

The next morning we finished packing and loading our car. We sat at the kitchen table drinking our coffee we I finally decided to bring out the lead weight for him.

"Roger honey, I am glad I told you about Sally, Steven and me. It has been haunting me for a long time. However there is another issue that has come up as of late I need to talk to you about it" and I took another sip of my coffee. I was dressed down for this with my hair tie back and loose fitting clothes. I want my son to think with his head and not with his dick.

"I have been talking with the other ladies at the "Hidden Doves" and well to be honest some of them have chosen to be become pregnant with their son's children. They seem to be very happy with it and no major issue has arisen for them. I had to clear the air first about what happen at your college a few years ago, to know where we stood before anything else. But I feel our relationship is missing a component to it. The photo of Alison you saw the first where of her children and grandchildren. I am sorry I lied about that as well, it is just so strange to be taking things this far. To think it was just supposed to be a one night fling with my son years ago. But I cannot be with anyone else. You and only you, as long as you want me."

"Wow mom, this is heavy. To be honest, it is something I have thought about off and on but I was scared to bring it up. But we are a regular couple now; it is the natural step to take. But are you sure about this? Once we go there we cannot go back" my son answered my question.

I got out of my chair and held Roger tightly. I said we should think about it for a while and then I picked up our coffee cups and washed them out. I told my son that I had promised to keep the place tidy for Alison and we headed for our car.

We locked the door and slid the keys through the mail chute. They were a spare set Alison had given me. As we drove back home I knew Roger had a lot on his mind and we remained silent during the trip. I never dreamt my life would go in this direction and I wonder how I would tell the "Hidden Doves" about this. Or for that matter Sally. What a strange place my son and I were headed for. But at least we were still together. And that is all that really mattered.

To be continued

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MfkndragonMfkndragon12 months ago

Won't be together for too long she lied to him many times in this story alone and kept secrets from him a relationship will never work out like that you have to learn that most of us readers who read these types of stories wants to read about the connection and the unbreakable bond between the mother and son which has no secrets or lies for the mother is supposed to be the 1 woman in a sons life that he can always count on and trust the mom in this story has already shown he can't trust her if he stays he hasn't ever became a man and never will

LSantiagoLSantiagoover 2 years ago

I like the adult take on this age old story and the changing face of an evolving loving relationship

Sybaris_CaesarSybaris_Caesarover 7 years ago

Wouldn't mind a follow-up story since it's marked TBC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
nice story

Will you make part 05?i would love to see how it will end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

It feels so real and I can relate to it as i'm just 32 and in love with a woman 9 yrs older. It's complicated as well and i like to read complex love stories like these while i'm away from her, to imagine what it would be to be with her forever.

Please keep writing.

William smythWilliam smythover 11 years ago
Best episode yet

This writer's ability becomes more evident with each chapter of this evolving story

I look forward to the next chapter and new adventures of this most interesting Mother/Son couple.

Their relationship is the ultimate in incestuous love and devotion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Glad to see this story is moving alone

I find the deep feelings interesting, this is a bit guilt which is how it would be. They seem like real people,

Maybe it is time to dump Sally. She is a bit of a drag now but otherwise it is great. Love how you tied into your other story "Mom Returns to Cheerleading" with Alison becoming a new friend.

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