Community Involvement Ch. 11

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Flooding ourselves with more than just information.
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Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 03/10/2014
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A continuation of my return visit to meet Clare:

"I'm still rather intrigued to know who this person named Abby is?" Clare reiterated. She was still bent forward with her left knee and upper torso sprawled upon her desk, her right foot on the floor, supporting the rest of body. Her psychedelic print dress was bunched up around her hips exposing her gorgeous rounded arse and her slick, blood engorged and puffy labia from which a steady stream of our combined fluids seeped, pooling on her blotter. I had withdrawn from her, trailing semen as I went and had pulled her chair, which I had pushed aside earlier, under myself and flopped into it, spent.

"You don't really want to know about her, do you?" I asked with a slight whine in my voice, hoping she would let the subject go and not really wanting to speak about the person in question at all, if the truth be told.

"Of course I do!" she retorted, slowly pulling herself upright and straightening her attire. Clare sat on the edge of her desk and idly drew little circles in the small come puddles on her desk. "I want to know all about her."

She looked at me through the tops of her eyes as she continued to draw.

"I could let it slide but you called out her name as you fucked me...that means I have a right to know who she is. Has she replaced Michelle as your fuck-buddie now that the holidays are upon us?"

"No!" I knew she was fishing on the Michelle front again. "She is not a replacement anything. Look, I really don't want to talk about her..."

"Is she the reason you were stressed before coming here? Is she the reason why you fucked me so hard..." she deliberately withheld her words, eyeing me intently and gauging my reactions. "And so well, I might add."

I started to feel self conscious for some strange reason. I was still naked from the waist down and my limp penis and slack balls, which were coated with our combined juices, hung between my legs. I crossed my legs to cover myself.

"No need to be modest in front of me, Ray. I know what you have and how you go about using it so there is no need to hide your maleness from me." Her haughty tone made me a little unsettled. "I even know how expert you can be at filling a woman's desires..."

Once again she deliberately paused. I just sat and waited for her to continue. Clare seemed amused that I was not biting.

"All three orifices in one session is quite a feat. Not that you came in them all. Two wasn't it?"

"What are you talking about?" My mind had suddenly gone blank, as it usually did when I felt threatened or under pressure. I could not think clearly. Desperately I tried to focus on what she was getting at or where was going with her questions.

"Why so coy?" She asked, as she leant forward and placed her hands on the arms of her chair in which I sat. Her beautiful face was only centimetres away from mine. As she came closer, the deep crevice that was her cleavage was on full display. "I'm not passing judgment or anything. I just want us, you and I, to be fully up front with each other. Being full and open with you is...well...good for us both, I guess is the best way to put it. Especially since you will be my paid for photographer on the tour."

'You mean you got the okay to put me on as staff?"

"Yep! But that is only avoiding the real topic here isn't it?"

I nodded, searching her face for something but I could not have told you what. Then, the penny dropped.

"You know about Daphne?" I asked incredulously. It had taken a short while but the fog had started to lift in my head and the part of Clare's question regarding 'all three orifices' had suddenly registered.

"Of course! You sound surprised?"

"Shouldn't I be?"

"Hmm," She leant closer and kissed my forehead. "I guess it stands to reason. Did she not tell you the name of her niece? The one she was going to call last evening about the WWII medals and the mysterious Bob?"

"Wha...?" I stammered. ","

"I guess she didn't. I should have known. Sorry." Her apologetic tone eased my feelings only slightly. She walked around to the front of her desk and casually gazed out of the window. "Daphne, or Daph as she prefers, which you already know, is my mum's sister. She looked after me a lot after my mum was killed in a car accident when I was ten. Daphne is like a mother, a big sister and a very best friend, all in one. Probably my best friend more than anything...we tell each other everything...and I mean everything. Every minute detail, no matter how good, bad or indifferent the subject matter...or how personal for that matter. She told me how you two bumped into each other over coffee at her place yesterday and how you grabbed hold of her breast and proceeded to have your way with her, finally fucking her in the arse...which she asked you to do, I might add. What was it like fucking the virgin arse of a mature woman? You don't have to answer that, it was a rhetorical question."

"Um...well..." I was in a state of shock and did not how to proceed. However, Clare seemed to know all about my encounter with Daph the day before, so there was point in denying it. "Yes, Daph and I...we had s..."

"You fucked each others brains out!" Clare turned abruptly, stopping me in mid-sentence, but her broad smile reassured me she was just trying to wind me up. She folded her arms under her wonderful chest in a gesture that looked like she was proud of eliciting a confession out me.

"Yes!" I answered. "But I didn't simply grab her just sort of happened."

"It is of no consequence who did what. You enjoyed each other, I know Daph did, end of story." She smiled, opening her hands in a gesture of topic closure. "However, being open and frank with me...well it wasn't so hard, now was it? Certainly not as hard as your cock was yesterday by the sound of it. And certainly not as hard as it was a few minutes ago when you had it stuffed inside my cunt."

I grimaced noticeably at the ending of her last sentence. I was not sure why she had decided to use such a word. Maybe she was testing me in some way.

"Don't you like the word cunt?" She asked rounding her desk again to sit on the edge in front of me. She crossed her long legs and pulled the hem of her dress down in a subtle act of modesty.

"Are you testing me or something?" I asked, a little unsure of myself.

"No...well, I do like to shock people from time to time. Their immediate reactions when surprised or shocked tend to give me an insight into their genuineness."

"I hope I have passed?"

""Marking is still in progress." She said coolly.

I found myself liking this elegant woman more and more. A lot of guys might have found her intimidating, I know I certainly did at first, but as time had gone on she seemed to be becoming less so...becoming more attractive. Not an attraction borne purely out of her physical appearance but one based on the glimpses I was starting to see of the person beneath the confident, statuesque exterior.

"It's not a word I like to use in reference to the female genitalia. Call me old fashioned, but I regard that word, when used as a descriptor for the female parts, as being,...I can't explain it properly. I just don't like the word when used like that."

"Cool." She said, and sat up straight, crossing her arms below her breasts again. "I can understand what you mean and I appreciate your candour. When do you use the word?"

"As the foulest of foul swear words...usually directed at someone I really detest. Like my next door neighbour."

"What? Michelle?" She asked, a faint smirk on her face.

"No, of course not." I laughed. "The guy on my other side. Directly across the road from Daph."

"Oh, him. Yes, I see what you mean. Daph has mentioned him frequently in recent years. He would definitely fall into the cunt category." We both laughed as I agreed with her whole-heartedly.

"I would not piss on him, or his missus for that matter, if they were on fire." I added, which made Clare laugh even more. I enjoyed watching and hearing her laugh. Michelle had a loud, machine-gun type of laugh where as Clare had a more demure yet warm, wholehearted laugh> Plus, when she laughed her breasts swayed invitingly.

I was also feeling relieved that the tension I had felt was starting to recede.

"So, Michelle would be more of a fuck buddy then?" Clare was quick to change the subject but I was ready.

"I guess so." I admitted quietly. "Well, no, not just that..."

"See? You can be open with me. I knew you were screwing her hot, sexy body from the time she first told me about you and your photographic expertise but for some reason you kept denying it."

"I was trying to protect Michelle..."

"Her reputation?" She added, cutting me off. "How gallant of you. Look, Ray. I really don't give a flying fig who you screw, as long as you keep yourself safe and clean...I don't want to get caught up in any domestics nor catch any nasties." She laughed and smiled at me.

"Okay...okay." I said meekly.

"You must think me a slut?" She said suddenly. I could see she was mentally revising all that she had said.


"Another test." I thought to myself. Rather than just sit and absorb her questions I decided to try and retrieve some of the initiative.

I stood to go to her and then realised I did not have any clothes on below the waist. I shrugged, accepting the fact that Clare had seen it all before. "I consider you an extremely sexy, hot, horny, full blooded woman."

"Bullshit!" She snapped.

"No bullshit. Straight up. Look, I am married, as is Michelle, but you know all that. Yet we have found a camaraderie together, something that we do not have in our respective marriages. For me, I have recently... I don't know how or why, call it fate...but recently, I have had more sex with different women than I would have, could have, should have, dreamt of." I took a deep breath thinking that I had started down the path of telling her all so I may as well go all the way. "Besides making love to Michelle, yes that is a heavy way of putting it but it is where we are at, I have fucked my hairdresser, had an amazing time with Daph, as you know, plus I have had the unbelievably enormous pleasure to have had sexual relations with you."

"Sexual relations with me? You sound like Bill Clinton! And don't think you can use a cigar in there either." She pointed to her lower body.

We both laughed, then I added in a more serious tone, with a shy sort of look (for effect), "I meant it when I said it has been an enormous pleasure but I was not sure how to put the rest...fucked your cunt did not sound appropriate either."

I looked at her with puppy dog eyes. We both broke into gales of laughter. It took a few minutes to recover.

"I am glad you didn't use that term as well. If you had I would have cut you meaty cock off and stuffed it up your arse." She barely managed to get this string of sentences out in between laughing.

We continued to discuss my relationship with Michelle, my encounter with Daph and Clare's relationship with Daph for a number of minutes. It got very deep and meaningful and at some random moment we simply stopped talking and walked into each others arms and embraced. A gentle, caressing one that lingered for quite a while. Gradually (and I am not sure who started) it increased in intensity and before we knew it we were both locked in each others arms crying for all we were worth. Long minutes passed before we pulled apart and looked at each other, both of us with red, puffy eyes.

"What the fuck caused that?" She asked wiping her nose on a tissue and handing me one as well.

"For me it was the sudden feeling of relief at telling 'all' to someone...getting a load off my chest with someone who I makes me feel comfortable. You?"

"Recalling all that Daph has done for me. Feeling some of your pain. Admiring how you feel about Michelle."

"Don't forget yourself." I added, taking another tissue. "You are now officially a close confidant. For me that is a huge thing. I don't let too many people that close."

"Thank you...I appreciate it. I really do. I do not have many people close to me either, beside Daph of course,...(sniff) especially men friends. All they won't to do fuck my c..."

"Fuck I mean...all they want to do is fuck you. Phew,...yes, I can understand that." We both laughed at the way I had stopped her from using 'that' word again.

"So, who is Abby?"

"Oh my god." I said, flabbergasted that the discussion had reverted to Abby. "Okay, you asked..."

"No... you used her name as you fucked my brains out, buddy...Hey!" She backed away slightly and looked down between us. My penis was starting to get restless again as I held her bodily.

"How about you sit down and relax, Mr Have Cock - Will Use It. I will go into the kitchen we have around the other side of the reception area and make us some coffee or tea, which ever you prefer, and then you can tell me all about this Abby person who got all riled up before you got here."

"Tea please...white, two descent sugars...I'm not sweet enough, so I'm told."

I watched the sway of her hips as her long legs carried her off into the distance of her office and out the door. I seated myself back at the front of her desk as would be normal but decided, possibly being a bit too cheeky for my own good, not to put my jeans back on.

"You just never know what might happen." I mused to myself.

As I sat, I reflected on all that had transpired since I had arrived. "What a small world." I said to no one in particular, more to break the silence. "You just never know who you are going to meet and what mutual connections you might have."

"Who were you talking to?" Came the sweet sound of Clare returning with beverages in hand.

"No one. I was just amazed... you know, how small a world it is. That sort of knowing Daph...being her niece of gods sake. Who'd a thunk-it. Thank you." I gently placed the offered mug of tea on her desk under a folded piece of paper to avoid marking it.

"You don't have to do that." She laughed, seeing what I had done. "You left a good deal of man stuff on this side and I have wet my blotter through, another stain ain't going to matter."

"Force of habit." I shrugged. "Nice cuppa though, thank you. Now on to Abby I suppose before we get on to other tour related matters."

"Sounds like a grand plan." She sipped her coffee and watched me over the rim. "I am also pleased you left your pants off... it might save us some time later on."

She raised her eyebrows and winked. I smiled broadly and fluttered my brow and tried to produce the best impression of Groucho Marx I could muster. She laughed heartily.

"You know, I have not seen you fully naked yet?" She commented rather than asked.

"I could change that if you wish?"

"Please...and I might do the same. Just to keep things even." Her cheeky smile and smouldering eyes told me we were in for a very 'up close and personal' meeting later on. "I took the opportunity to lock the outer door on the way back so we won't be disturbed."

"That's exactly what I would have done." I thought as I removed my shirt. "She is an organised planned, just like me."

"Wow!" She exclaimed as I threw my shirt on top of my bag. "You have a great body. Slim, bordering on slender, but broadish shoulders, good muscle definition, especially the pecks, narrow waist and a flat wonder Michelle can't keep her hands off you. Or any one else of late by the sound of it." She ran her eyes up and down my body a number of times, taking in every detail. I felt a little self conscious and awkward. I was desperately not wanting to say or do anything foolish. "What size jeans do you wear?"

"I take size 30...30 inches that is. A bit on the thin side."

"Not at all. You look great...and I am not going to make any reference to age, so take it all as a huge compliment because that is exactly how I meant everything I just said. Built like a greyhound, to put it simply."

"Yes." That was all I could muster by way of a response.

Clare turned her back as she slid her dress off and unfastened her bra. Before turning to face me, she gently rubbed the underside of her breasts.

"Having a big bust means a more supportive bra and sometimes they dig in." She said over her shoulder.

"I like what I see." I answered casually.

"Do you?" She asked, turning. Her wonderful breasts were indeed large but not disproportionately. In fact, with her height and heavyish bone structure, smaller breasts would have looked odd. Her nipples were rose pink in colour with round, finger tip sided nubs. "I bet you, like all males, would like to fuck me right now and be done with it?"

"To fuck you would be my honour, but as it was only a short while ago that we...well, right now...hmmm...I can wait." I smiled slyly.

"You must think me slut. No need to deny it. I can handle it if you do. Just be honest." I did not know why she had asked that question yet again.

"I think she may have self-esteem issues and doubts about her place in the world, in the work place, and in life." I thought to myself. "Clare, please listen to me and listen carefully. Please sit, before I continue."

I waited as she returned to her chair on the other side of her desk. She picked up her coffee and drank as I prepared to resume my response.

"By definition, a slut is a promiscuous woman, but the term is usually reserved for behaviour bordering of being whorish. I don't think you whorish nor is your behaviour sluttish. Promiscuous,... maybe, definitely nor sluttish. Okay?" I smiled and she nodded. "I really like the fact that you know what, or who, you want sexually. Actually, being promiscuous is what us males do on a regular basis."

"Yes, but for you guys it's different. It is acceptable don't get labelled a slut you get pats on the back!"

"No, but that is where society gets it all wrong. Do you think yourself a slut?"

"No, not really. I like to be slutty when having sex with someone I enjoy being with and who will understand...someone like you, for instance."

"Well, if you don't think you're a slut and don't feel like you're a slut...apart from the times you choose to can you be a slut? How can you ask such a question? It's not as if you go around asking, 'can you fuck me, I need a big cock!'"

"I would never do that!" She exclaimed. "I don't like big cocks anyway...well, not like some of the huge things you see in porn movies." She laughed in a shy way at her admission. I urged her to go on.

"I like average sized penises...yours is rather nice. Not that I have sex with a lot of guys either." She added quickly. "Sure, I have had my share but not excessively."

"Only nice?" I chided her playfully, ignoring the last part of her response, not out of disrespect, I just did not think it needed any additional commentary.

"It's adequate." She replied cheekily. "If a guy can not get ball deep inside a woman what the good is it having extra cock length? I mean, they can't even bang away for all they're worth lest they hurt the pour girl. Nah, give me an average length any day. Although a thick one like you have does fill the spot very well, I will concede."

"I'm glad I meet your standard in some fashion." We both laughed.

"You do!" She smiled demurely and sipped her coffee again. "Now, to Abby, before all this sexy talk gets us diverted."

"Ohhh, okay." I said, exhaling deeply to cover my disappointment at not continuing with the sexy stuff. I crossed my legs to cover the rise in my crotch and started from the beginning. I explained about my work-life and experience, about the number of redundancies which led to the topic of Abby. As I spoke Clare leaned forward occasionally, her pendulous breasts swinging free just above the line of her desk.