Cousin Tabby Ch. 02


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The look he got on his face was one of pure unadulterated horror. "Oh, my God, Ronnie, I didn't know Man. I would've never done that to you, I didn't know she was yours, Man. You must think I'm lower than snake shit. Go ahead and take a poke at me buddy, I deserve it."

"Don't worry about it, Dempsey; you just took the opportunity when it arose. I can't blame you, just her."

"She was drunk, Buddy, keep that in mind."

"That's no excuse Dempsey. She and I are finished."

Part 8 Ambrosia Carver

I had been devastated at the betrayal that she perpetrated on me. I avoided Tabby for five days neither seeing her nor taking her phone calls, until she finally burst into my room while I was studying one evening.

"Where in hell have you been, Ronnie?"

"I've been right here and attending my classes, as normal. Why do you ask? That would imply that you care. "

"What in the fuck are you talking about, Ronnie, of course I care."

"Do the words,' slam it to me, rabbit killer' ring any bells in that head of yours?"

She got an unbelieving look on her face, which soon changed to one of abject horror.

"Oh my God, Ronnie, I'm so sorry. I was so drunk and horny. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It must have not bothered you that much, I didn't see you running over here to apologize and explain. I don't want to see you anymore, Tabby, no appearances and no phone calls, understand?"

"Please, Ronnie, I need to make this right between us, you're supposed to be mine forever."

"Tell me how you can make this right, Tabby; do you happen to realize that Dempsey is my best friend and roommate? Are you going to un-fuck him? I can just see this getting around campus. I mean, I have some pride. You obviously have none. How many other guys have you fucked, you slimy skank? Get out of here. I don't want to see you again."

She just turned away sobbing uncontrollably and walked out the door. I was relieved that it was over.

The next night I got a phone call from Miranda, who said, "Ronnie, what did you say to Tabby, she's inconsolable?"

"I told her we were through and I don't appreciate you sticking your nose into it."

"Meet me in the park, now."

I got my jacket and walked to the park's gazebo. When Miranda walked up she surprised me by slapping me hard across the face.

"Don't you ever talk to me that way, Ronald House. My business is the people I love the most. I admit I had doubts about your relationship, but don't you ever talk to me that way again."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Miranda. I love you dearly, and I know you have my best interests at heart. But Tabby and I are done."

I proceeded to relate the entire story to Miranda, with all the saucy details. She was dumbfounded to say the least.

"I'm so sorry Ronnie, I feel a little responsible. I took her to the party and I should've watched her drinking. She really gets randy when she gets drunk. I never thought she'd do anything like that, though."

"Well, she did do that and worse than that, it was with my best friend, Dempsey. It was just typical Tabby; she takes what she wants when she wants it. We're done."

"She made a mistake, Ronnie; she loves you more than life itself. Cut the girl some slack, you know you love her."

"I do love her, Miranda, but I can't be in love with somebody I can't trust."

"At least talk to her, Ronnie. You owe her that much."

"I owe her nothing."

I hugged my sister and walked her home. She tried to get me to come in, but I wouldn't relent.


Being as distraught as I was, I began to drown my sorrows, somewhat, with alcohol. I would party hardy at all of the frat parties. I would mingle and even turned down some offers of some top class pussy. I just wasn't ready. That was about to change. There was a girl who was in a couple of my classes that I had noticed, but didn't feel I had a chance with, named Ambrosia Carver. She was a tall well-built senior with large breasts, raven hair, and beautiful piercing blue eyes.

She always came in to the parties with two or three other girls who basically ran interference for her. Whenever one my frat brothers would try hitting on her, one of the other girls would come over and interrupt. I loved the aura she had about her. She was smart and beautiful and her confidence was evident. She knew she had it, but didn't need to flaunt it. She was never nasty or biting in her refusals, but always said no with a smile. The brothers all thought she was gay. I found myself very intrigued.

I walked over to her one night and began a conversation.

"How are you doing in calculus this semester?"

"I'm doing okay, but some of the theoretical part is kicking my butt. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, 4.0 all the way."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of her friends coming up to interrupt and got the surprise of my life, when Ambrosia waved her off with her left hand. I saw the girl stop, get a disbelieving look on her face and turn away. Ambrosia just acted like there was nothing different.

"Maybe we could meet and you could help me polish off my rough spots. Could you, please?"

"I don't mean this to sound like a line, but you don't have any rough spots."

"I mean with calculus, Dodo," she said with a smile. "You can't come over to my house, my parents are too strict. I mean, I'm 22 and they still treat me like I'm 13."

"You can always come over here, there's a study room right down the hall. You can come over tomorrow evening at six."

"Okay, I'll do that," she said as she looked at me thankfully.

"Okay, it's a date," I said as I looked at her with happiness all over my face.

"I didn't mean it that way, but I'll take you out for dinner first, if you'd like me to. It's the least I can do, since you're doing me the favor "

"That won't be necessary, if we do go, we'll go Dutch or I'll pay. I am a guy and do have my pride."

"Is going to hurt your macho image if I pay?"

"I don't know about that. You know what it's going to my status, just being seen with you?"

"Smart and a smooth talker too." She just winked and turned away to join her girlfriends.

Soon after they left, one of my frat brothers, who was on the football team, said, "Dude, Ambrosia Carver, what do you have that I don't have?"

"An understanding of calculus," I said. This got a strange look of disbelief from my frat brother.

The next day in class, Ambrosia came over to me and asked me where we were going to eat. I asked her if she liked Italian and we made a date to meet at Fignetti's. Over my lasagna and her manicotti, we discussed our lives and our future goals. She was a townie, someone who was from the town where the college was, and had grown up here. I realized how smart and driven she was and I really felt attracted to her; we had so much in common. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement.

We went over to the frat's study room and began to discuss the theoretical parts of calculus. I tried my best to use examples of something she could relate to, and she seemed to be getting it. When we were done she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Ronnie, you're a lifesaver, let me make it up to you. How about I take you out dancing tomorrow night?"

"Ummm... sure, that would be great."

"I'll pick you up out front tomorrow at eight, okay?"

"Fine, I'll see you then, good night."

With that, she kissed me on the cheek and left.


The next evening I was out front dressed in khakis and a blue polo shirt when Ambrosia pulled up in her red Mustang convertible. As I got in she said, "Well, don't you look handsome tonight."

She was dressed in a white blouse with a red skirt and red CFM pumps. She looked breathtaking. I didn't think I realized just how beautiful she was until that moment.

"Well, Ms. Carver, right back at you. It's hard to breathe over here while I'm looking at you."

Her blush matched the color her car.

She took me to a local nightspot frequented by the college crowd. The DJ was quite good and played the standard array of top 40 hits and ballads.

I love to dance and she lit up the dance floor, having more moves than anyone I'd danced with yet. Even Miranda, who taught me how to dance when we were younger, was not that good. When we danced slow, I couldn't help but notice how she tightly held me and let her thigh push between my legs. I began getting a little reaction from between my legs and I knew she had to feel it. I loved the way she held me in her arms, with her hand on the back of my head pulling me down on her shoulder, while holding me tight with her other arm behind my back.

"0ooooh, Ronnie, I feel so safe in your arms. I love the way you hold me. I feel like we're one."

"I love the way you feel in my arms, too. As far as feeling like we're one, that's entirely up to you."

"Ronnie, however did you get to be such a master with words? You make me feel like I'm going to melt."

She surprised me by reaching up and kissing me on the lips. After a while, she pulled back and looked into my eyes with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

"Excuse me, Ambrosia, I think it's time for me to melt now," I said.

We had a really good time and seemed to enjoy each other's company. We went out for burgers and fries afterwards, and made arrangements to go out the next weekend. She did give me a blistering kiss good night and wished me well for the week.


During the next week in the classes we had together, she made sure to address me animatedly every chance she had. After calculus class, we met for lunch and went over what we had learned during the session. She totally grasped the concepts now, and she was blowing along rather smoothly and doing well on quizzes that week. She then told me that she couldn't wait till our date Saturday night. I felt good at having someone that hot think of me in a good way. She had the reputation of being one of the most beautiful girls on campus and I finally figured out that her personality potentiated that beauty.

We decide to go to a movie first and then go dancing and she held onto me the entire time. We went to the same club we went to the week before, and she would dance with nobody else, turning down several other jocks and male model types, while we danced every fast and slow song together.

The constricting we were doing to each other was getting rather heated, until finally she grabbed me rather forcefully and pulled me off the dance floor saying, "I need to take you somewhere, where we can finish this."

As far as she was concerned, we couldn't get to her car fast enough. When we got to the car she pushed me hard against the outside of it and pushed up against me while kissing me passionately. Our mouths both opened to do a tongue dance. My right hand slid up between us to grasp her firm melon through her blouse. She began to moan as I tweak her nipple through the material.

"We've got to get somewhere, Ronnie, I need you so badly."

"Well, my roommate's out on a date tonight, we can always go there."

She just looked up and gasped out, "Great. Ronnie, from what I've heard about you, I feel I can trust you and confide in you something that is very personal to me."

When we got in the car, she told me a story that made my fists tense up and my toes curl. She told me the reason why she never hooked up with anybody at our frat parties. She had dated the quarterback of her high school football team, in her home town. He took her out on the third date and when she wouldn't put out to him, he raped her. The other girls that she hung with always protected her, especially when she was drinking. After hearing that, I told her we didn't need to do anything if she didn't feel comfortable.

"No Ronnie, I really want this. This time I'm in control. I don't think you would do anything to hurt me."

When we got to the frat house, we got out and I took her gently by the hand to lead her inside. I heard several of the guys whistle and say, "Look at House, isn't he the man." I apologized to her for the crudeness of my frat brothers. She just told me that that's what she expected from those Neanderthals.

When we got to my room, I escorted her in, and placed the coat hanger on the outside doorknob. When she asked me what that was for, I told her so we wouldn't be disturbed. As she began slowly removing her clothes, I just stood mesmerized. She had the most beautiful breasts, which I finally got to see in their entirety, when she removed her bra. They had to be at least 36 C's with absolutely no sag to them. Her nipples were already engorged and looked so inviting. I got out of my clothes in record time to go over to hold her. I noticed her pussy was covered with a trimmed, but full black bush. I've never seen labia that puffy and engorged. It was like they were angry.

I held her in my arms as tightly as I could and kissed her softly. She held me so tightly to her; it was like she was holding on for dear life. I began placing butterfly kisses down her neck going toward my reward of her left breast. As I used my left thumb and forefinger to tweak her right nipple, I began a combination of lightly nibbling and sucking her left one. I didn't think her nipple could get any harder, but it grew to a good half inch in my mouth. Her moaning increased as she pushed on my shoulders to go further down. I didn't need all that much encouragement to slide down to my knees. I could smell her musky arousal as it overtook me.

I buried my face in her beautiful pussy and began kissing around her thighs. I couldn't wait to feed on her gorgeous quim.

"Please don't tease me, Ronnie, I need this so badly."

I licked from the top down to the bottom of her slit, while sucking on her labia with my lips. Her juices were flowing so copiously they were running down her thighs. As I savored her salty sweet taste, I looked up at her, with my face covered in her juices and said, "You truly are nectar for the gods," and then I went back to my task. I slid two fingers into her soaked hole while nibbling on her clit.

She stiffened and screamed out spraying her girl cum down my arm, shoulder and my back. I slid my mouth down to drink as much of her as I could. Her knees buckled and luckily she fell onto the bed.

"In me now... I need you inside me now!" she said.

She spread her legs and I slid my hardness into her. I started out by moving slowly, letting us get used to each other. That didn't work for her; so she pulled her legs up behind me and started drumming my ass with her heels. If she'd been wearing spurs, I'd have been in trouble.

What started out as making love to her, progressed into a hard fucking that could only be described as feral.

She was so tight and hot that I thought my cock was going to fall off in her. I had never felt like my dick was in a blast furnace before that night. I truly expected there to be burns on my cock when we finished.

"I'm cumming, Ronnie, cum inside me, I want to feel it; don't worry, I'm on the pill."

She had me at 'I'm Cumming Ronnie' and I fully emptied my balls into her.

I had never felt like that at orgasm before, and I felt an almost divine connection to Ambrosia I still couldn't shake my normal feeling of foreboding, even with her. I guess I just felt that she was way out of my league.


As we lay there cuddling in our post colloidal bliss, she looked up at me and said, "Can we do this again sometime, Ronnie?"

"That's entirely up to you, my Darling. If it were up to me we wouldn't leave this bed."

With that, she got up and began putting her clothes on. I couldn't help but notice, as I admired her beauty, that there were some of our combined juices running down the inside of her thighs. I told her there were some wet wipes in the top drawer of my dresser if she wanted to clean up. She took advantage of that offer and said that I was a very juicy boy.

I got dressed and walked her down to her car. Luckily, there were no comments from the peanut gallery as we walked through, just looks of astonishment. I held her as we got to her car and kissed her passionately while telling her good night. She said she would see me Tuesday at class.

After our dates, we rearranged our seating in class to be closer to one another and we began seeing each other regularly. I found myself slowly falling in love with her. I was praying that I wouldn't get hurt. A few times we were out we ran into Miranda and Tabby. Miranda gave me an admiring look and I got a death stare from Tabby, when I introduced them to Ambrosia.

"Boy if looks could of killed, you'd have been planted. Why did the redhead dislike you so much?"

"Old girlfriend, it's a long story. What's worse than that is we're second cousins."

I then recounted the story to Ambrosia and she stood aghast in horror.

"You were fucking your second cousin? That's so hot, take me someplace quickly and do me."

"As it was pointed out to me, many times, it's legal in this state."

As I took her back to my room, she could hardly keep her hands off of me, even stopping once on the way back to give me a blow job in the shadows of a building. The fucking we did that night was even more animalistic than the first night.

The dating and sex was our routine for the next three months through the holidays, when we both had to go home. I missed her terribly and Miranda could tell it.

"Ronnie, you look down in the dumps, you really miss Ambrosia don't you?"

"Miranda, I'm in love with her and I'm going to tell her as soon as I see her again. I know it's very soon after the last time, but I feel we are really a good match."

"You do know, don't you, that Tabby and I are green with jealousy?"

"Miranda, you're my sister, and Tabby blew her chance a long time ago."

"I'm just saying, you're not the only one hurting here."

"It's not all that healthy for you two to stay feeling that way."

At the holiday dinners, Tabby mostly glared at me and Miranda gave me a somewhat forlorn look. Uncle John noticed what was going on and I thought I owed it to him to explain it. Not Miranda and me, but about Tabby. He said he understood, but he was still not happy about it. He hated to see Tabby so sad.


The surprise of the holidays came with my father asked to speak with me alone. He hadn't done this in a long time, but he had a very profound look on his face.

"Ronnie, I just want you to know how very proud I am of you. You have exceeded my expectations and no father could be prouder. I know I haven't always been there for you since your mother died, but I've tried my best. I hope you can forgive me."

"Dad, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You put food on the table and clothes on our backs and were always there for us when we really needed you. You have always supported me in any way I needed. What I'm trying to say is, I love you Dad. I hope I grow up just like you. I want a family like ours."

"Thank you Son," he sobbed. "You don't know what that means to me."

"Dad, if this thing works out between Ambrosia and I, I can't wait to see you as a grandfather."

At that moment, I don't think I ever loved my father more than I did. He was a shining example of what I thought I father should be. I only hoped that my relationship with Ambrosia worked out; so that I could follow his example. There was always that sense of foreboding that I hated and couldn't control.

Part 9 Destruction

I weathered the holidays until New Year's Eve. Our frat, as usual, had a party. Ambrosia and I were there when Miranda and Tabby came in. Miranda began talking to some guy and left Tabby to her own devices. As I went to get Ambrosia and me drinks, I noticed Tabby walked toward her. They talked and I noticed it got a little heated as I came back because I was a little concerned.