Cousin Tabby Ch. 02


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As I walked up, Ambrosia looked at me with a petrified stare.

"Ambrosia, what's wrong?"

"Your ex-girlfriend just told me she was going to kick my ass, if I didn't leave you alone."

"I'll take care of that, Ambrosia, don't worry about it."

I walked over to where Tabby was, stared her right in the eyes and said, "Tabby, are you fucking crazy? You stay the hell away from Ambrosia, I love her, and I won't have you threatening her."

"Oh Ronnie, it wasn't a threat, it's a realization. You belong to me and you know it. She's not right for you anyway."

"You stay the hell away from her and me. We're done and you know it."

By that time Miranda came back over and told us to cool it. She grabbed hold Tabby and dragged her out of there. I went back over to Ambrosia.

"Did your sister get that stupid bitch out of here? That was just so bizarre."

"Come with me, sweetie, we need to take a walk."

I grabbed her hand and we walked outside, deciding to walk to the park. Once we reached the park, I found a deserted bench and we sat down.

"Ambrosia, there's something I need to tell you, I'm in love with you and I want to spend my life with you."

She just looked at me like I hadn't said anything. And she said, "Your sister's really pretty, have you slept with her too?

"Did you hear what I just told you; why would you even ask a question like that?"

"I thought if you'd fuck your cousin, you might try your sister. That would be so hot."

"I tell you I love you and would like to spend my life with you and you insult me. What would make you think I like that? That is so demeaning." Yeah, I know it was the truth, but I couldn't let her know it. I couldn't believe the way she was behaving.

"I think this is the end line for us Ronnie, it was fun while it lasted, but I can't afford to get my butt kicked over a guy, especially an in-breeder. I love you, but I'm sorry. "

She grabbed her jacket, jumped up, and ran away. I tried to run after her, but tripped and fell in the mud.

When I got back to my room and got cleaned up, I tried to call her several times, but she wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts. I was devastated. I barely got a minute of sleep that night.


In our next class, Ambrosia wouldn't speak or even look at me at all. I finally cornered her as we left class and blocked her from getting out the door.

"Ambrosia, please don't do this to us, I can't stand to be without you."

"That's your problem, it's over between us. It was fun while it lasted, don't call me or talk to me."

At that moment, she could have hit me in the head with a baseball bat and I wouldn't have felt any worse than I did.

I called Miranda and asked her to meet me at the park in our usual spot and she said she would. As I saw her coming, I knew she could tell something had happened, she could see it on my face.

"Ronnie, what is wrong with you, you look like somebody ran over your dog?"

I told her the story as she listened intently.

"Miranda, why does Tabby always try to ruin any relationship I have? She did it with April, and now with Ambrosia. Doesn't she realize she's tearing my heart out with this?"

"Ronnie I told you she was jealous and she misses you. She wants you back so bad she can taste it. She just went about it the wrong way. As far as she's concerned, might makes right. You know Ambrosia just said those things to justify breaking up with you to herself, she didn't really mean them."

"The sad part was, what she said was true."

"Ronnie, we're consenting adults and we're not hurting anyone or making any three headed babies."

"I need time to myself to be away from everything. This is all too much to absorb into my brain."

I got up and left and went back to my room. When I finally fell asleep I slept through until after the morning. I missed two of my classes and Dempsey finally asked me what was going on. When I explained it to him, leaving out the parts with Miranda, he just couldn't believe it.

"Bro, you know I'm here for you. I feel this is all my fault. If I hadn't done that crap that one night, none of this would've happened."

"Ah, Dempsey, that's crap and you know it. All things happen for a reason, no matter how bizarre they end up."

"You just need to know, Ronnie, I'm here for you if you need something."

"Thank you, Buddy, I appreciate it."


I was getting tired of getting hurt by all these women, so I kind of explored my dark side for a bit. Any girl who approached me and wanted sex, got it. I was starting to get a reputation in the fraternity as a horn dog. I was definitely, "THE MAN" in my fraternity. My reputation also got around campus, not that I wanted that.

Miranda heard about it and came to my room one night to see me. She had somewhat of a quizzical, stern look on her face.

"Ronnie, what in the world has gotten into you that you've turned into a real whoremonger?"

"That's fine with me; at least I'm not getting hurt anymore. I'm tired of women hurting me. I don't need relationships anymore. I'm just tired of being unhappy."

"This makes you happy? You're too young in life to act so bitter about relationships. What, you've had three? Most people go through way more than that in their high school and college years."

"No but at least I'm not getting hurt and I'm not hurting anyone."

"Ronnie, that's not true, it's hurting me to see you like this."

"I'm sorry, Sis, but I just can't take it anymore."

I just lowered my head in my hands and began sobbing. She came over to me and sat beside me on the bed, just holding me. I sobbed for what must've been an hour. All Miranda did was hold me tightly and let me cry it out. She kissed me on the cheek and asked me if I was okay. When I told her I was, she started to leave. I just grabbed her quickly and pulled her back to the bed and begged her not to leave me. She looked deep into my eyes and kissed me on the mouth. Within seconds our mouths had opened to receive each other's tongues. I got hard as a rock and slid my fingers under her skirt, pulled her panties aside, and slid my two fingers of my right hand through the gusset of her panties into her willing wet pussy. I looked at her with a strange begging look on my face.

"Miranda we shouldn't be doing this, this is so wrong."

"Ronnie, I love you, it can't be wrong. You need this as much as I do. Just go with it."

I did go with it, and as she started to grab my cock, I stopped her. I jumped up and grabbed a coat hanger for the outside knob and placed it where it needed to be.

We both got our clothes off and lay on the bed in each other's arms. I began kissing down her body stopping to caress both of her nipples with my mouth. After lazing there for a bit, I slid on down to worship her pussy with my tongue. I caressed her anus with my tongue while working two fingers rhythmically in and out of her wet engorged cunt.

"Oh God Ronnie, you're going to make me cum hard. I just slid my mouth up and drank of her juices. She had a really great tasting pussy. I then slid up, lined up my rock hard erection and slid into her slowly. We started our rhythmic fucking and increased the intensity as I listened to us both moan. It did sound natural, and I had to agree I really loved it.

I fucked her through two orgasms, and finally unloaded my spunk inside her.

"Oh, Ronnie, I needed that so bad; do you feel better?"

"Of course I feel better, Miranda, who wouldn't, but that doesn't really change things."

"Stop screwing all these other women, if you need it that bad, call me."

"It's not as if I'm running around trying to find these girls; they come to me, I'm just providing a service."

"Well from now on, you're only providing that service to me."


My reputation didn't suffer any, because the guys didn't know Miranda was my sister. All they knew was that a very attractive woman was visiting me in my room about every three nights. Sometimes Miranda would just come over for a quick 69. She loved having her pussy eaten and I loved doing it.

Part 10 Tragedy Strikes

One night I was in my room studying, and I got a harried phone call from Miranda. She was crying so hard that I couldn't understand what she was saying. When she finally calmed down a little I could understand her and I could hardly believe it.

"Ronnie, Dad's dead. He died from a heart attack in Chicago. "

"I'll be right over. "

I grabbed my clothes, dressed quickly and ran over to her house. She explained to me, through her tears, that dad has started down the runway for takeoff when he had chest pains, but still had the presence of mind to put the flaps full and reverse the engines to abort the takeoff without injuring anyone. He died right there in his seat.

I remembered the talks he had with me and I started sobbing. Miranda came over and hugged me, saying, "What are we going to do now, Ronnie? We've only got each other."

"We'll always have each other, don't forget that. Has anyone contacted Robbie?"

"Robbie's already on a plane to collect Dad's body. We need to head home to make arrangements for the funeral and everything."

Just then, Tabby came into the room crying, and said, "Oh Ronnie, I'm so sorry, I love you, you know. No matter what our differences, I'll be there for you and Miranda."

"Thank you, Tabby, I love you, too," I said in the way I would to any support of a cousin.


Miranda and I made all the funeral arrangements at the local funeral home and worked with the family attorney on the burial arrangements and finances.

Since Dad had served in the Navy as a pilot, he would receive a military funeral. The eulogy at the funeral was delivered by Dad's best friend and his copilot that evening. He talked about how Dan House was so unselfish that he thought of everyone on the plane before himself, a hero to the end.

After the burial, there was reception Uncle John's house. We had never been a religious family, so I didn't have the recourse that a lot of people have during tragedies. The only thing I had was my special place where I could go to think. So I went to the bend at Cutters Creek and sat on the bank. As I sat there watching the water flow, I realized life had to go on, especially my own. I needed to get myself out of this depression I was in. I knew it just wasn't my father's death I was talking about. I could only make my dad prouder of me by continuing to my life, while making a difference.

I heard some noise behind me and I looked around. Tabby was standing there, still in her black dress, and she came over and sat down beside me. She put her arm around me pulling me to her.

"Are you doing okay, kiddo?"

"God Tabby, I'm going to miss him so much. I felt like I'd just gotten to know him."

"I'm here Ronnie, I'll always be here for you, I love you."

She then grabbed my head and turned it toward her, kissing me right on the mouth. I started to pull away from her, but she held me so in those strong arms of hers. The kiss became more intense and she pushed her tongue through my lips and into my mouth. I fell into the kiss and began thrusting my tongue at hers. All of a sudden, the old feelings came through and I began to return her kiss in earnest. She pushed me back onto the ground and began unzipping my fly. She reached in, grabbed my hardening cock, and swallowed me with one gulp. The head of my cock was touching the back of her throat and she fought back her gag reflex and I entered.

"Oh God Tabby, I've missed that so much." I don't know what made me say that, but it just felt right. I continued to let her give me a top class blowjob. I warned her that I was cumming, but she just kept going and swallowed all of my baby batter.

"I want you back, Ronnie. I was so stupid that night, I'm so sorry that I hurt you so badly. Can you ever forgive me? I promise it will never happen again."

"I don't know, Tabby; I just don't know whether I can trust you. I can't go through that hurt again."

"Ronnie I will walk over broken glass barefooted if that's what it takes to convince you, but I will never betray you again."

With that, she kissed me passionately, and I gave back to her what she gave in intensity. I could taste myself in her mouth, but that didn't matter to me at the moment.

"Tabby, I'm willing to give it a try, but you have to stop this intimidation. I don't want you talking to women that I'm talking with. It seems that you're always partly behind the demise of my relationships. Like saying that shit to Ambrosia. She was so afraid she made up excuses to break up with me."

"I promise, Ronnie, I won't do anything again but you are meant to be with me and you know that. I am yours forever."


This is how I embarked on a remade relationship with my cousin. When we got back to school we started a normal dating routine. Miranda wasn't that happy, but she knew my feelings on our couplings when I was trying to be true to my girlfriend. I think she was happy that I had someone who loved me, but she was sad just the same. One evening when I was over at their house, Tabby went to get something.

"Ronnie, your relationship with Tabby still concerns me. There's is an undercurrent that I just can't help but worry about. Just be careful. "

"Miranda, I love you, but I think you're worried over nothing."

Although I passed her concerns off, I still had that nagging sense that something was wrong, myself. Things went well and I felt very happy most of the time. Tabby showered me with love and I began to trust that she would remain loyal and keep her promises. That changed quickly one spring evening at the frat house during a party.

I was talking to Amanda Crane, a fellow student in one of my classes, when all of a sudden; Tabby ran up and pushed her into the refrigerator she was standing in front of.

"Talk to somebody else's man, Bitch."

I grabbed her arm, forcefully turned her around, and said," Tabby what the fuck are you doing? We were talking about class. Come with me."

I grabbed her forcefully by the hand and dragged her outside onto the porch. I unloaded on her.

"I see what promises mean to you. Do you know how badly you just terrified that poor girl and embarrassed me in front of my friends? You promised me and you didn't keep it. That's it, it won't happen again."

"Ronnie, I'm so sorry, it won't happen again I promise."

"You bet it won't happen again, it shouldn't have happened in the first place."

"Please don't do this to me , Ronnie, I can't live without you."

"You'll live fine without me; you'll just find somebody else to ride roughshod over. I was afraid this was a mistake; I thought I could trust you."

I turned around and walked away from her, walking to the park to cool down. She followed me all the way, crying, saying she was sorry, and begging me for another chance. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't going to happen. I had had it up to my neck with her shenanigans and temper. This was definitely the end.

To be continued....

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NecroticgodNecroticgodalmost 8 years ago

That guy is certainly the fool for some of his choices. Sadly tho there are many ppl that make and continue to make the same choices...

Grim537Grim537about 8 years ago

Slightly unusual, but great story! I await the next chapter....

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