Creation's Guardian Ch. 04


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Cassandra's eyes lit up as she smiled with happiness. "Gods they're beautiful master! This whole world is beautiful! I hope you don't let people destroy it like they've done to Earth."

Bob watched as the dolphins stood on their tails chattering at the shore. "I promise you, that's not gonna happen here sweetie!" He looked at the faces of his council members as they watched the dolphins playing in the water. Most of them had never seen one before. The look of amazement on their faces made him smile. He hugged Cassandra. "Know what I'm thinking sweetie?"

She smiled up at him. "No master. What are you thinking?"

He grinned. "Barbecue time!"

"That's a great idea! Can we please master?"

He created a long picnic table and an extra long charcoal grill. He set potatoes and corn on to slow roast. He set up a volleyball net. Cassandra and Kadir took turns picking council members for their teams showing them how to play and explaining that the use of magic wasn't allowed. For most of the council members, it was the first time they did anything playful. They were having the time of their lives.

Bob and Aphrodite sat at the table talking and watching the game, occasionally laughing when someone missed a shot or fell on their ass in the sand.

Bob threw on the steaks and ribs then created a decanter of chilled red wine with enough glasses for everyone. When the food was done he hollered, "chow time."

Once again the council members were having a ball. Most of them had never been to a barbecue before either. Everyone was covered with barbecue sauce and loving every minute of it.

Cassandra grinned. "If you think this tastes good, wait until he breaks out the crunchy, chewy, gooey stuff later!"

Bob said, "oh, you want s'mores too"

She batted her eyes sticking out her lower lip in a little girl pout. "Please master?"

Bob chuckled. "Okay you win my love. But not right now. Go rinse off in the water and play some more volleyball for a while."

"Yay! Okay, thank you master!"

Aphrodite smiled. "You spoil her rotten. You realize that don't you?"

"Yeah I know. But she spoils me just as much sweet cheeks."

"Be careful Bob. Don't let your love for Cassandra make you neglect Kadir."

Bob was shocked. "Tell me honestly sweet cheeks. Am I neglecting Kadir? Because if I am, I need to fix it."

"No. You're not neglecting Kadir. But something's changed between you and Cassandra after last night. You seem to be even closer than before. Cassandra's different too. She seems stronger, more self confident."

"I've noticed she's a little different too. Something happened between her and the boss while I was readjusting my mind. I haven't had a chance to talk to her about it yet. So I'm not quite sure what it was. I heard bits and pieces of it. I think she told the boss that if I was harmed in any way that she'd find a way to destroy her."

Aphrodite laughed. "You're kidding me right?"

"No I'm not sweet cheeks. But as I said I was in and out of it so I'm really not sure. I do know there's some things Cassandra's supposed to explain to me later."

"That's one conversation I think I really need to be in on. If that's okay with you Bob."

"I agree sweet cheeks. I think you should be there. She's your daughter."

"I love Cassandra and I know she loves me. But I know if I ever crossed you, she'd take my head and not think twice about it. She loves you that much."

"You may be right about her taking your head if she felt she had to. But I think it would destroy her if she did."

"Let's hope it never comes to that."

Bob made the graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars appear. He lit the camp fire then yelled, "s'more time!"

Everyone spent the next half hour making s'mores and having a ball. Cassandra let her lips get covered in chocolate and marshmallow than gave Bob a sweet, gooey, chocolaty kiss as everyone roared with laughter.

After that, the party broke up. Everyone but Bob, Cassandra, Aphrodite, Kadir, and Athena went home.

As they sat in the hot tub Bob said to Cassandra, "you left out a few things this morning. Didn't you sweetie?"

"Yes master. I didn't think you wanted everyone else to know. So I held a few things back."

"That's fine sweetie. But now I want you to tell the whole story again. This time don't leave anything out. I trust everyone here as much as I trust you. You should too."

"Oh I do master! It's not that at all!" Cassandra went on to explain in detail everything that had happened last night. She got a few shocked looks and a few laughs as she told her story. But in the end, everyone understood exactly what happened.

Aphrodite said, "I knew there was something different about you. I couldn't put my finger on it earlier. But now that you've explained it all, I can see it. At least now, I don't have to worry about you ever being hurt. That's quite a relief sweetie."

When Bob spoke there was a slight edge to his voice. "I appreciate what the boss did for you Cassandra. But I won't let her leave Kadir out in the cold like that. It's not right!"

Aphrodite said, "I don't think there's much you can do unless you have the power to fix it yourself Bob."

"I don't have that particular power sweet cheeks. But I damn sure know someone who does! He stood yelling, "Destiny, get your ass down here right now!"

A tall statuesque brunette appeared. She giggled. "You knew? What can I do for you young master?"

Bob looked at her, his eyes as cold as ice. "You already know what you can do for me!"

She looked at Kadir. "Very well. Mother had to channel through me. It's done. But why?"

"I love them both! I won't have one treated different than the other! Make sure that's understood from now on!"

"I'm sorry young master. But that can never be. Kadir is destined to be your servant. That's all she can ever be. You are destined to be king of this world. Cassandra's destined to be your queen. That's something that can't be changed, even by my mother. We'll treat them equally whenever possible. But as your queen, Cassandra will always have priority with us. How you treat them is entirely up to you. There will never be any discord between them. We've seen to that. This is your fate young master. Accept it."

Bob was shocked. "You bitch! Why did you bring Kadir into my life if you were gonna pull this shit?"

"Things are what they are young master. Like it or not, you need Kadir. She gives you wisdom and knowledge that helps keep you balanced. Part of her role is to help see that you don't go off half cocked as you put it. Another part of her role is to help insure you always have enough magical essence to use your powers. When you enjoy her charms, you will receive almost as much essence from her as you do from Cassandra."

"I don't understand. What's this magical essence you're talking about?"

Destiny explained what magical essence was. She told him how her mother tied it to sexual pleasure and about his reserve. She then gave him a way to monitor his essence.

Bob finally said, "okay. I understand what you've done. I don't like it. But there's nothing I can do about it except live with it. I'll tell you this though, if any of you pull something like this again without telling me up front. I'll quit on you. I don't give a damn what the boss says or does about it."

Destiny nodded. "I understand young master." Then she giggled. "Mother's definitely not used to someone laying it on the line like that. But I think she'll understand." With that, she disappeared.

Kadir jumped up throwing her arms around his neck kissing him. "Thank you for defending me master! But it wasn't necessary. My destiny is to be by your side. That's all that matters to me."

She giggled. "I can't believe you just did that! But gods, I love you for it! It doesn't matter how they see me. I love you and I know you love me! Nothing can ever change that fact!"

Bob gave her a gentle kiss. "You're right baby girl. They can't take our love away from us." He gave her scrumptious ass a squeeze. "But I feel better knowing that nothing can hurt this magnificent little ass."

"Well my little ass does belong to you. So I guess you've got the right to see that it stays safe master," she giggled.

Bob gave her sexy ass a smack causing Kadir to squeal with surprise and delight. "Time to sit your beautiful little ass down baby girl."

Aphrodite laughed. "I'm with Kadir on this one Bob! I can't believe you just did that! I'm really proud of you. Even though I think you're a little crazy. You did the right thing, for the right reasons. It makes me love you all the more."

Cassandra said, "I'm confused master. What does all this mean? How can I be your queen and your servant at the same time?"

"Well sweetie. I think it means your time as my servant is coming to an end. Tomorrow your mother's gonna ask Hera and Selena to call the council together. She'll inform them of what transpired here tonight. She'll ask Apollo to do the honors of crowning me king of Neuveia. Then you and I will have a wedding to plan."

"A wedding? But.. but... how...? I mean the ring...? Oh gods, I'm so confused!"

Bob laughed. "Sweetie the boss told you SHE can't undo what was done to you. What she didn't tell you, was that we can. At least to some extent. As soon as your mother begins the wedding ceremony, neither one of us will be bound to the ring anymore. Our souls are already bound together for eternity. Your ring serves no purpose anymore. You can never be a goddess again. But you can be queen of Neuveia, if you agree to be my wife!"

Cassandra stuttered, "did... did...? Oh my gods!" She took several deep breaths. Then grabbing Aphrodite's hand, she looked at Bob, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "YES! OH MY GODS! YES!"

Aphrodite grabbed Cassandra pulling her in for a hug her own tears streaming down her face. "Congratulations sweetie!" She looked over Cassandra's shoulder at Bob. "Are you asking me to preform the ceremony?"

Bob replied, "who better to preform a wedding ceremony than the goddess of love herself?"

Aphrodite smiled. "Not to mention the mother of the bride! I would be very honored!"

Cassandra moved over in front of Kadir taking her hands in hers. "Would you please be my maid of honor little sister?"

"Of course I will! I would stand by your side at the gates of hell itself my sister!"

Cassandra said, "Athena would you do me the honor of being a bridesmaid?"

Athena nodded. "The honor would be mine Cassandra."

Cassandra looked over at Aphrodite. "Mom... please...?"

Aphrodite grasped Cassandra's meaning instantly. She turned to Bob. "Is there any special reason for waiting until tomorrow to call the council together? Cassandra already knows who, and what she wants in her wedding."

"No special reason. I just thought she needed time to plan it all out."

"Good! You might wanna move this to the dinning room! I'll be right back."

As they stood in the dinning room waiting for the council, Cassandra said, "the ring may punish me for this, but I don't care. Don't you even think of kicking my sister out of our bed tonight. Her place will always be with us, even on our wedding night!"

Her ring glowed briefly but never punished her.

Bob kissed Cassandra's cheek. "I know that my love."

He created two golden jeweled crowns, two wedding rings three blue velvet capes and a silver tiara studded with different gems.

Cassandra asked, "who's the tiara for master?"

"It's for Princess Kadir sweetie."

Cassandra giggled "Oh I love that idea master! Can I still call you master after we're married?"

"Sure sweetie, if that's what you want."

"Thank you! Even when we're married, you'll always be master to me!"

Aphrodite appeared. "The council will be here in five minutes. I asked them to wait that long before popping in in case you weren't ready. Cassandra are you getting married naked, where's your wedding dress?"

"I'm getting married exactly the way I am mother! It's who I am. No wedding's ever gonna change that!"

Aphrodite smiled. "As you wish my daughter." She looked at Athena. "I guess we're a little over dressed." They both giggled as they made their togas disappear.

The council arrived. Aphrodite explained everything to them. Then asked Apollo to do the honors of crowning Bob king of Neuveia.

Once that ceremony was over Bob asked Zeus to be his best man. Zeus was both shocked and honored accepting immediately.

Cassandra asked Asimah, Selena, and Hera to do her the honor of being bridesmaids. All three happily accepted.

Bob handed Cassandra his wedding ring. Then as Aphrodite began the ceremony, slipped Cassandra's old ring off his finger.

Cassandra felt the release of her spirit immediately. She looked up at Bob and smiled.

She slipped Bob's ring on his finger. As she said "with this ring I thee wed," she heard Destiny whisper in her ear, "I'm very proud of you my child."

Once Aphrodite pronounced them husband and wife, Bob asked Hera to crown Cassandra queen of Neuveia.

Hera placed the crown on Cassandra's head. Then kissed her on both cheeks and stepped back smiling.

Bob then asked Asimah if she would crown her twin, princess of Neuveia.

Asimah was delighted to place the tiara on Kadir's head kissing her on both cheeks whispering, "congratulations my twin," as she stepped back.

Bob made several bottles of champagne and enough glasses for everyone appear.

Then a huge wedding cake appeared in the middle of the table shocking even Bob. He laughed as he realized it was from Destiny. They spent a couple of hours making toasts eating cake and having a ball. Then Bob thanked everyone and called it a night.

Once again it was down to Bob, Cassandra, Kadir, Aphrodite, and Athena. As they sat in the hot tub relaxing Athena asked, "what are you gonna do with Cassandra's old ring?"

Bob made the ring appear bouncing it up and down in his hand. He looked at Cassandra. "I don't know. What do you think I should do with it sweetie?"

"Destroy the damn thing! It's caused enough trouble!" She smiled and winked. Then giving him her little girl pout said, "please master."

Everyone laughed. Bob crushed the ring into dust then made even that disappear. "All gone sweetie."

Cassandra kissed him then sat between his legs, her back against his chest. She pulled his arms around her. "Thank you master. I'll never have to worry about that piece of shit again."

Aphrodite asked, "how do you feel now that you're finally free sweetie?"

Cassandra closed her eyes and answered, "loved."

Aphrodite smiled. "You were always loved Cassandra."

"I know that mom. But words like happy, content, ecstatic, giddy, don't seem to fit right now. Even though I'm all of them and more. The thing I feel the most is love. I feel it from my husband, my mother, my sister, my beautiful friend Athena. I feel it from creation itself mom. It's the most wonderful feeling I've ever felt. I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I never meant to imply you didn't love me."

"Oh honey, I didn't take it that way at all. I was just surprised you chose that one word to describe how you felt. But I understand what you're trying to say."

Athena took Cassandra's hands. "We never really got to know each other when you were on Olympus. I was too wrapped up in myself to even notice your presence. In the last few days, I've come to realize how much of a loss that was. Both to me personally, and to Olympus as well. In the short time I've known you, I've come to love you like a sister. You're a good friend Cassandra. I promise, I'll always be here for you."

"I love you too Athena. You're family to me. If anyone ever hurts you, they best give their soul to whatever god the pray to. Because their ass will belong to me!"

"Always the feisty one. That's part of what makes you so special Cassandra. I have to go. I've got some things that need doing. Good luck taming that husband of yours." With that she was gone.

Cassandra leaned her head back against Bob's shoulder. "I don't think I'm even gonna try taming you. I love you just the way you are."

Aphrodite giggled. "I don't think he CAN be tamed sweetie."

Kadir said, "I agree mom. I think Cassandra would be fighting a hopeless battle if she tried. Anyone who would call Destiny a bitch to her face is probably impossible to tame."

Bob chuckled. Then kissing Cassandra's cheek asked, "are you gonna let them talk about me like that sweetie?"

Cassandra giggled. "Yup! Because they're both absolutely right. You can't be tamed."

"I know you all think I went off the deep end when I got in Destiny's face. But you're forgetting a few things. Destiny can't hurt me. Remember what the boss said about Cassandra's old ring? That third school of magic you couldn't identify? It's the powers of her daughters, Destiny and Life.

Once I put that ring on, the boss had two choices. Destroy me and Cassandra. Or make the best of a bad situation. She chose the latter.

Last night, she connected all the dots for me. She figured I have the powers, I may as well be able to use them. She's the only one that can hurt me now. The twins can't even hurt Cassandra or Kadir any more. The only way they can get to me is through you, and the rest of my friends sweet cheeks. I doubt they would try that though. I don't think they have the stomach for the war that would follow."

Aphrodite said, "Are you saying you'd go after them if they hurt me?"

"They know I would sweet cheeks. So would Cassandra and Kadir."

Cassandra said, "you know it's the truth mom. Master's right about that. It's one battle they don't wanna fight."

Kadir said, "damn skippy!"

Aphrodite asked, "do you three actually think you could beat them?"

Bob said, "we may not beat them sweet cheeks. But we'd damn sure hurt them. They'd know they were in a fight. It'll never happen though. The boss won't let things get that far. So don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Cassandra asked, "the boss said the twins were protecting you from the day you were born. Have you always had the dream."

"No. The first time I had the dream I was nine. I was on a weekend camping trip with the scouts. The twins came to me and told me something bad had happened to my mom and dad. But not to worry, they would be there to protect me.

It turned out that my mom and dad were killed when a truck slammed into their car head on. The truck driver was high on meth and served eight years in prison.

I became a ward of the state bouncing from one foster home to another until I was fifteen. Then I ended up in a group home.

One night three boys decided they were gonna kick my ass. The twins warned me. I was ready for them when they came. When it was over the three of them spent more than a week in the hospital.

The guidance councilor at the group home talked his wife into letting me live with them. He was a retired army Sargent . One of the happiest days of his life was when I joined the JROTC program during high school. I continued with the ROTC in collage. Then joined the army as a second lieutenant. I did three tours of duty in Nam retiring as a captain.

While I was overseas, the twins protected me time and again. I always knew where the VC were. My company had one of the lowest casualty rates in the theater. I lost more men in Saigon than I did in combat. The VC would give some kid a grenade or an IED and send them in a bar.

The last time I had the dream was over twenty years ago. I was supposed to fly somewhere on business. The twins warned me not to. The plane crashed killing everyone on board.

Once I found the ring, they weren't allowed to interfere directly. They could give me subtle hints and a few tips here and there. But that's all they were allowed to do. Whatever decisions I made had to be entirely my own.