Cruise Romance

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A mature woman discovers she is still desirable.
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My wife Jan and I were high school sweethearts and had gotten married fairly young. Our 30th wedding anniversary was approaching so we decided to do something very special to celebrate. We decided to celebrate our 30th anniversary by taking a 10 day cruise in the Caribbean. Our 4 children were raised and the last one had just graduated from college.

Jan and I talked a lot about where we were going and what we expected from the cruise. One thing that was near the top of my list was for Jan to wear some sexy clothes that she normally could not wear at home. She told me she had a goal to loose 20 pounds before we left. She said if she was successful she would wear anything I wanted her to wear as long as it was not illegal. My mind went into overdrive after hearing a bold statement like that. As it turned out she did put some more limitations on what she would wear but I was still very satisfied. She was thrilled to lose 20 pounds and I was thrilled at how good she looked.

At last the day came and we anxiously headed for the airport. Jan looked fabulous with her slimmer figure in a short skirt and low cut top. She had promised to wear panties as little as possible. It was such fun watching the other men in the airport and on the plane check out Jan's cleavage. We had discussed how much I enjoyed that sort of thing. My wife does not pretend to understand it but she promised to do her best to attract attention on this trip.

I was elated to hear her say that but knew better than to get my hopes too high. Still, on one occasion as we waited for the plane, I could not help but notice how sexy she looked sitting there with her skirt about mid thigh. That was not lost on the men sitting around her either. I sat down across for her, pretending not to know her. She smiled, looked around to make sure it was safe, and quickly opened her legs. I observed that my 50 something wife and grandma was not wearing panties and was smoothly shaved down there. I really had high hopes now.

The plane trip was uneventful. There was a guy sitting beside Jan who did his best to look at her boobs and legs without either of us knowing. I got amused watching him and so did my wife. Once when he went to the rest room I suggested Jan might pull her skirt up a bit more and show some more of her thighs. I knew she would ignore me like she always does but this time she didn't. She pulled her skirt up and asked if that was enough. I told her to pull it up a little more. She reminded me that if it goes much more this guy will also know she isn't wearing panties. I didn't care if he knew but I decided to keep my mouth shut. When the old boy came back he was pleasantly surprised. My wife's legs were on display for all to see and I think I can safely say we enjoyed the view. I still get hard just thinking about it.

Once the plane landed we began the hassle of getting on the ship and finding our room. The ship set sail as we walked around trying to get our bearings on board. It was incredible how big the thing was. The crew put us through our lifeboat drill and we were ready to have a good time.

That evening Jan and I were talking about what we should do and I made a suggestion. Over the years we have talked about role playing to enhance our sex life. We have never actually done it so I thought we might give it a try. I expected a miserable failure because my wife isn't normally into things like this.

After some discussion we agreed Jan would wear a short halter dress and go to this lounge we had located. She would enter alone, sit at the bar, and see if she attracted any attention. She was to pull her dress up so everyone could see those pretty legs of hers. Much to my surprise she agreed to do it. I was surprised even more when I saw just how much of her legs she exposed in the bar.

It went exactly as I expected. Several men walked by and checked her out. She ordered a drink and sat there as if waiting on someone. After about 30 minutes I went in and introduced myself to her. It went better than I expected. It was hard to keep from laughing but we managed to do it for the most part. After we talked a while I put my hand on her bare thigh and leaned over and kissed her. A guy who was sitting 3 stools down was watching intently. Jan could not see him. I whispered in her ear we should go and we walked out of the lounge. I had an erection that wouldn't quit!

Jan and I walked around the deck and enjoyed the beautiful night at sea. We found a fairly dark place and I pulled Jan's straps down freeing her breasts. They felt wonderful and her nipples tasted even better. The night air was cool enough to make them quite hard. Jan and I kissed like teenagers. We discovered an exercise mat in a secluded place, so Jan ended up on her back with her dress around her waist. She briefly sucked my cock before I put it in her. We had not fucked with that sense of urgency in a very long time. It felt so good to cum in her. As I got off Jan a couple walked by and pretended not to notice her fixing her dress. We headed to our cabin to get some rest. It had been a busy day for grandma and grandpa.

The next morning we throughly enjoyed the day exploring the ship and the amazing weather. That night there was live entertainment so Jan put on a sexy dress and decided to attend. She was doing a much better job of dressing sexy than I ever expected. The dress she wore that night exposed most of her tits and they jiggled so nicely when she walked in her 3 inch heels. It was another wonderful evening. When we got back to the cabin she sucked my cock and I came in her mouth.

The next evening we decided to role play again. This time we picked a different lounge. Jan wore a skirt that was 4 inches above the knee with a slit up the front. I asked her if she was going to wear panties and she shook her head no. When she sat down it would be interesting because the slit was pretty high. Her top fit tight and, again, showed plenty of her tits. My wife looked awesome! I was so proud of her.

We got to the lounge and Jan went inside. Our plan was pretty much the same as last time. She sat down and ordered a drink while I watched to see if anyone checked her out. It was all couples in there but I saw several of the men watch her as she walked past. Her legs looked amazing as she sat there on that stool. She did not look like anyone's grandma.

My 30 minute waiting period was about to expire when some man stopped and said something to my wife. There was a brief exchange and then he sat down on the stool beside her. This was a surprise. Its almost all couples on a cruise so where did he come from? I wondered if she needed to be rescued? We didn't have a plan for this. I decided to wait. They were talking and it looked like she was enjoying the conversation.

As I waited it suddenly hit me how erotic this was. My wife, dressed in her sexy clothes, was talking to a stranger and that was turning me on. I couldn't explain why but I liked it. I tried to imagine what they were talking about. I'm sure it was nothing sexual. After 20 minutes or so my wife got up and headed for the rest room. I went behind her so we could talk. I asked her if everything was alright and she said it was. They were just talking. His name was Roland and he worked on the ship.

"So did you notice him checking you out?" I asked.

"His eyes went straight to my boobs as soon as he sat down."

"So what do you want to do?"

"If you're in a hurry say so, otherwise I can talk to him some more. You seem to be enjoying this." she said.

I was enjoying it so I told her to go ahead and chat with him some more. As soon as Jan got back they began dancing. She was so sexy out there dancing with this stranger. My cock began to get hard just watching. I knew he had to be trying to figure out how to get my wife into bed. After watching her dance with this guy I was ready to fuck her. She looked incredible in that skirt. An hour or so and several dances later Jan headed outside alone.

I caught up to her and she filled me in on Roland. He works as some sort of officer on the ship, he's divorced, and he's from Argentina.. and he loves to dance. She also said he is a very good dancer and nice looking. He was apparently very complimentary of my wife's looks too, although I had trouble finding out exactly what he said. Once again Jan and I ended up in our room fucking like teenagers. I told her that seeing her with him was a big turn on for me but I couldn't explain why.

The next day Jan told me she wouldn't mind seeing Roland again if it effected me like it had the previous night. I told her he would be trying to get her in bed and she assured me that would never happen. Eventually she admitted that he had asked if he could contact her and she told him it would be alright. He wondered where I was and she told him that, at times, we did different things. As we went about our day she bumped into him on one of the decks. After chatting briefly she came back to me and said she had a "date" to go dancing with Roland at 10:00 that evening. We were going to the live entertainment and it would be over by then. The thought of seeing her dancing with him again was very exciting.

That evening we hurried back to our cabin so she could put on just the right dress for her date. After changing clothes and touching up her makeup she was off to the dance. I waited about 30 minutes and headed that way myself.

Once in there I located them. I figured by now he knew what I looked like so I better not look like some sort of stalker. I saw them sitting at a table talking. They danced a few times and, maybe it was my imagination, but I thought he was holding her a little closer. I knew he had to be doing his best to fuck her. At one point they went for a walk. I didn't follow but I did get s glimpse of them at one point but nothing was happening. I went back to our cabin and waited. about 1:30 Am I heard voices in the hallway. I peeked through the peep hole in the door and saw both of them standing there. I couldn't hear the conversation but it looked like he said good night and walked off.

I was pretty much ready to fuck as soon as she walked in the room. I was interested in details of her evening so she finally agreed to tell me about it. Frankly there wasn't much to tell. They danced. He tried to convince her to go to his cabin but she refused. They walked on deck and did a lot of talking. Did he touch her or try to? She said he did not. He did tell her how beautiful she is. Did she enjoy being with him? She told me she had a great time and they plan to do it again.

The next time Jan saw Roland it was pretty much a repeat of the previous time. I did a little snooping and watched them some. I could tell my wife was getting more attracted to him and I figured it was just a matter of time until he fucked her. I made it clear to her that if it was something she wanted to do it was alright with me. She told me she was not going to sleep with him but she liked his company and she loved dancing with him. Seeing them together was such a turn on.

I think it was on their third date I could tell there was a change in things. Jan wore this halter dress that was incredible along with a thong under it. Her breasts were on display and so were her sexy legs. By now she had a tiny bit of a tan and she looked great. I watched her walk down the hall from our room and nearly got hard.

Once again I spied on them at the lounge. In the beginning they danced a lot. He held her very close now. I noticed when they walked any place they held hands. The sound of the waves and the tropical breeze does lend its self to romance. That night when he brought her to the cabin I watched once again. This time he pulled her close to him, she put her arms around his neck, and they kissed. I doubt it was their first kiss because it was clearly a deep French kiss. I was certain Roland had slept with my wife that night.

When Jan came in we talked. I was so aroused by it all I was amazed at how I felt. I soon discovered Jan's thong was missing so I knew he had fucked her. When I asked her she didn't want to talk about it. She said she would tell me about it someday. I asked her if she enjoyed this evening and she told me it was wonderful. I admitted to her I saw them kissing. She asked me if that bothered me and I told her it certainly did not. As weird as it sounds, watching them kiss was very arousing for me, and I told her so.

"Does it really turn you on to watch Roland kiss me?"

"Yes it does Jan. If you enjoy it I certainly do."

"Roland is a very attractive man so I do enjoy it but it does not mean my feelings for you are any different."

I thought she was going to tell me about sleeping with him but she didn't.

Jan continued to see Roland throughout our cruise. They met at 10:00 most evenings for their dates. During my snooping I saw them kissing on deck several times and they were never little pecks on the cheek. Any time Jan got back to our room her lipstick was gone. Once in our room we fucked like there was no tomorrow. At least I was certain she was making him use a condom.

All too soon our cruise was over. We had had a wonderful time but we had to pack and head home. Roland and my wife had their last date. Peeping through the door I got to see their last kiss. I should say kisses, since there were several.

The next day we left the ship and caught our plane for home. As we flew along my wife nudged me and pulled her skirt up showing me she had no panties covering her shaved pussy. She told me to enjoy it because it was about time for us to be grandma and grandpa again.

"So, I said, how many times did you give that pussy to Roland?"

Jan looked at me and replied, "Seven times. He fucked me seven times. I loved it! He said his cock was 7 inches long and it must have been because it felt wonderful in me. Are you sure you're alright with that?"

"If you enjoyed it I am fine with it. Did he use a condom?"

"Not all the time. There were a few times we got carried away and I wanted to feel him cum in me so I told him not to use one."

"OK, my big concern is diseases and all that so I hope he is alright. You really should have used a condom. That concerns me."

My wife looked at me incredulously.

"I've just told you I slept with another man seven times and your big concern is whether or not he used a condom?"

"Well it is a concern." I repeated

"You really don't mind if another man fucks me do you? I thought if I played along you would become jealous and realize you aren't as liberal as you think you are but I was wrong! I never let Roland fuck me. He wanted to, and part of me wanted him to, but I couldn't do it. Remember, I told you I couldn't. He kept after me to sleep with him but I kept telling him no. The night my thong was missing I let him pull the straps to my halter dress down and expose my breasts. I shouldn't have done that but I felt bad because I kept telling him no so I let him. He did touch my boobs, he did suck on my nipples, and that did feel wonderful. I loved that! He was such a handsome guy but I didn't sleep with him. He never touched my pussy but he did watch me lift my dress and remove my thong so I could give it to him. He wanted my panties and I hated to keep saying no so I gave it to him. All I let him do was kiss me and play with my breasts."

"You mean you never touched his cock or sucked it for him?

"I felt it against me a few times when we were dancing. I could tell he was hard. I wanted to touch it but I didn't. If I had I think I would have let him fuck me so I couldn't risk it. He was a very beautiful, sexy man."

"I know it is impossible for you to understand but I am truly glad you had such a great time with Roland."

"I want to thank you for allowing it. Sex with you was the most important thing. Being with Roland was wonderful and it is something I'll cherish for the rest of my life. When you get our age and have raised 4 children it is easy to look in the mirror and see how unkind the aging process is. Roland made me forget that and realize I can still be sexy and desirable even if I am a grandma. In my own way during the cruise I was in love with Roland a little. Dancing with him and walking on deck with him was a fantastic experience. I loved for him to kiss me and I even loved his hands on my breasts. It did wonders for my self esteem. Its all over now. I love you and I always have but the time with him was so special. I thank you dear for being so understanding and not getting insanely jealous. You have no reason to be. We are married until death do us part. I guess the fact that you were so turned on by seeing me with Roland is just a bonus. I don't understand it but I don't have to, do I?"

I looked out the window of the plane and I could see our city below. This whole thing suddenly took on the appearance of an episode of Fantasy Island, and old TV series from long ago. In a way both our fantasies came true so now it is time to go home.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The day a middle-aged woman finds out she was married to a truly disturbed man.

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian6 months ago

Hubby needs some serious couch time with a mental health professional. And a hobby.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

At least the wife doesn't suffer from mental illness. Now, get that sick fu*k you're married to into therapy.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Old cow discovers that she is a whore.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago

Nature woman discovers she is still despicable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Very nicely done

Not only was the story very well written, it was creatively constructed and explored the feelings these two had for each other and how they developed. I'm sorry for the ignorant comments from true losers. Please don't take them seriously.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

fag cuck shit.

kage440kage440over 7 years ago
Its Gread

I loved it. Some excitement us grandparents can do and not get into trouble to ruin loves.

phil2213phil2213over 11 years ago
Love can carry us through anything but ourselves

Love at least for me has had many strange brews. I've lived long enough and been in all degrees of relationships from one nighters to three marriages. I've role played and played roles some great some bitter. As long term relationships get tired we look for ways to propel them forward usually with mutual interest in mind. The story was very well written and touched on this non orthodox approach. I wouldn't do it myself but it was fun to watch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
wonderful story

It was well written, erotic, and yet quite romantic. A story of 2 people discovering how deep their love is for each other. What's not to like about that?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
A Very Beautiful Story

My only critique, if you can call it that, is that I would have loved to have heard his description of his wife's body after she returned to their cabin. Other than that, I think you story was very beautiful.

Please write more stories like this!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great stuff if you think it's sick go elsewhere

Hello what is it that these people don't understand, Literotica is a site for erotic stories real or fantasy and not specifically a place for moral correctness. Don't read them if you won't like them. Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Why do all you folks who have "normal sex lives" find it necessary to come here and read about those who don't? Most, if not all, stories in the "Loving Wives" section are about wives having sex with someone other than their spouse. Why do you Bozos read any of them since you find them so distasteful? Its because you are closet perverts and you just hate to admit it. Your "normal sex life" is boring the hell out of you, otherwise you would be in bed with your wife instead of reading about someone else's. These stories are intended to entertain not cure any social ills or lower the divorce rate. If you don't like wife sharing stories then go read about incest or some other kinky behavior that appeals to you. I enjoyed this story. I was entertained and that is all I require of the author.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 16 years ago
This type...

I don't usually agree with this type of story. When The wife said in jest that roland had fucked her seven times I was ready to call her perhaps not a slut but certainly some one who is an easy lay, well thankfully this is a story about a couple who as someone said fucked all the time in the cabin she got her self esteem back and he got to role play a bit I don't personally agree with what they did but no real harm came of it and to be honest if I was roland I would have got pissed off with the wife because she was a bit a prick tease BUT she did not have sex with roland, she didn't as far as the writer is concearned allow him to do anything apart from suck her nipples again I don't agree with it but if that helped them so what!. All this is fine and dandy except for one thing the wife has to say in a voice that does not allow any arguement, no more role playing , no more watching just good old fashioned sex from now on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Another stereotypical role playing story

Disgusting story, to those of us who lead normal married lives. I don't know of anyone who practices role playing or any wife who needs to have her ego boosted by stranger romancing her before she returns to her husband In my opinion, this was a stupid story.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
He wanted her to

For all he knows she did. Nothing will change when they get home, he won't stop till she is fucking someone else, this is not a one time thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
can you guys read?

I don't believe the other 2 clowns who commented can read. I know one can't spell. The husband and wife had sex with each other all through the story. The wife did not have sex with her romantic interest, Roland, so how is she a whore? I thought it was a very romantic story about a woman learning she is still desirable thus bringing them closer together. I found it very believable and quite erotic. I see no reason to get so nasty in your comments. That says more about the commenter than it does the author. I suspect the 2 previous reviewers have some serious insecurities in their relationships which cause them to overreact in their comments. Me thinks they protest too much, to paraphrase some other guy:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

If you don't love her and want her enough to spend all your cruse time with her,how dose that help your marriage. Who will romance her and fuck her when you get home, not you mr slobber.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Sick fuck husband and whore wife

That sums it up

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