Curious Girls Ch. 06


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"You'll never get away with this! Krista will figure it out!" I yelled as loudly as I could. She removed the bra, catching me as I fell.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a mixture of surprise and panic.

"You're wrong that I won't get away with this, but Krista could find out... that is, if I leave you there."

"What do you mean?"

"It's too easy to hear you. I can't risk it," she said as she laid me back on the sofa, "but don't worry, I have a better idea."

She spun around and was already lowering herself back onto the couch before I figured out what she was planning. My body slid back between her ass cheeks. I felt her tighten them, squeezing me uncomfortably between. She stood up carefully, holding me between her ass cheeks by keeping her muscles tensed.

"Ok, say something else," she commanded.

"I'm sorry! I'll stay quiet." I yelled desperately.

"Mmmmmmm, perfect. I couldn't even tell what you were saying this time."

She reached back and grabbed me as she unclenched her ass. What was she planning?

I heard Krista walking up the stairs. "Anyone home?" She spoke loudly.

Tamara grabbed her panties, and dropped me into then. I felt so powerless. If only I could get under the couch, she wouldn't be able to reach me. I climbed to the edge of her panties, trying not to wonder how clean they were. As I looked down, I realized it was too far to fall. I was trapped.

Tamara's smooth, freckled calf slid past me into one of the leg holes, then the other. She pulled the panties up. I watched in fear as her thighs slid past me, stretching the fabric. I tried to turn away, but it was hard to get a firm grip. I fell and rolled face up, just in time to watch her ass encompass me yet again.

My body was wedged tightly between her cheeks, held in by the tight fabric of her cotton panties. I still had some wiggle room since the fabric flexed some. I tried pushing the panties away enough to let me work my way to the edge and slide out. I was starting to make progress when she pulled her tight shorts on, forcing me tighter into her ass and taking away any wiggle room I had. It was enough of a struggle just to breathe. I heard and felt her putting on her remaining clothing. It was only a second after Tamara stopped moving that I heard Krista enter the room.

"Oh, Tamara... What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I had a surprise for you, but something came up. I have to run!"

"Krista, help!" I yelled as loudly as I was able.

"What was that?" Krista asked.

Right then, Tamara farted. "Oh, Gosh. I'm so embarrassed!" She exclaimed. I was overwhelmed by the smell. I somehow felt that in addition to covering up my screams, she was punishing me.

"Tamara!" Krista scolded jokingly, laughing.

"Well, hey. Sorry to run out on you so abruptly!" Tamara already had the door open before Krista could say goodbye.

"Talk to you soon!" Krista called after.

Wait, where was she taking me? I suddenly realized that she had just absconded with me, and I had no idea why. Just to keep me quiet? Or was she planning something? As she walked, her ass cheeks kept rubbing back and forth over my body. Oh, God. By the amount she was walking, I realized she must have walked from her home since the weather was nice. She lived about one and a half miles away. It was a very short drive, but unfortunately close to a thirty minute walk.

I bounced around for what felt like forever, her ass muscles flexing noticeably as she walked. It was a hot day, and she was starting to get sweaty. Tamara's skin was gradually becoming slick with sweat, and I was starting to slip around more as she walked. The more I tried to climb out of her panties, the further I slipped downward as gravity got a hold of me.

I gradually found myself more and more wedged into the bottom of her panties. Thankfully, moving away from her ass. The downside is I was sliding somewhere else. I panicked, trying to pull myself back into her ass, but the bouncing as she walked made it impossible. My feet were almost brushing against her labia. Why could I never leave well enough alone?

I heard a door slam, and then another followed by a lock. Tamara stopped, and I felt her sliding down her shorts.

"Home sweet home."

She kicked her shorts away, and I was suddenly blinded by the light as her panties followed.

"Just think how much fun we can have in the privacy of my own bedroom."

"What are we doing here?" I asked in a panic.

"Hmmmm... I don't really know yet, and that's the appeal. If nothing else comes to mind, there's always my ass again. I quite enjoyed that the last time."

"Please, not that again." I begged.

She lifted me out of panties. "Fine... in that case, I wonder how you taste."

"What? Taste?" I asked, confused.

She lifted me up to her supple lips. They glistened in the light from a combination of saliva and light pink lip gloss. Her tongue slid partially out and she licked her lips. I watched as they parted slightly, her tongue sliding partially out. With no warning, her large tongue slid wetly over my cheek.

"Oh, God," I exclaimed, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"Mmmmmm. You taste good." She ignored me. Her tongue licked my face again, this time not only straight on, but much slower." She turned me sideways, pulling my legs with her fingers so she was gripping my upper torso. I craned my neck to see my legs moving back toward her lips. I tried to kick my legs away, but she easily caught one of my legs between her soft lips. She pushed on my torso, sliding my leg into her mouth. I felt her tongue slide wetly over my leg.

"God, that's disgusting! Tamara!"

"Mmmmmmm," was Tamara's only response as she pushed my leg fully into her mouth. I felt her tongue sliding over my entire leg, up to my thigh as she began to suck on my leg. Her warm saliva washed over my leg. I tried kicking at her with my free leg, but she ignored me.

She pulled my leg slowly out of her mouth. "God, you taste delicious."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but I worried she wasn't. She turned me back around, her fingers wrapped around my legs and lower torso, restraining my arms as well. I started in horror as her lips parted, revealing her white teeth. As I came closer, her teeth also parted as she fully opened her mouth. Her tongue slid partially out in anticipation as my head and then my upper torso passed her lips. She lowered me face first onto her tongue as her lips closed around my waist.

The light was cut off and I had difficulty breathing as her tongue slid over my upper torso and saliva covered me. She pulled me in and out of her mouth, never quite all the way as she sucked on my upper torso. My legs were sticking out of her lips, and I kicked pointlessly. She released my legs, and I felt her sucking me deeper into her mouth. My legs slid in until only my feet poked out of her mouth.

Eventually, she pulled me out of her mouth. "I'd be tempted to swallow you whole, but then I wouldn't have you around any more," she laughed. "Well, I'd do it if I knew you'd come back out again!"

I hated to complain too much since this still seemed better than being used by Tamara to fuck herself in the ass. As she tilted her head back and lowered me headfirst back into her mouth, I started worrying again. What if she swallowed me? That would definitely be worse than getting trapped in her ass, right? My head was heading straight for the back of her throat. She pushed me past her uvula, and my head began to slip into her throat, then my shoulders. Her throat constricted a few times, and her tongue slid between my legs as it pulled me in. I screamed as my feet slipped out of Tamara's grasp and I began sliding uninhibited into her throat, with nothing to grab to stop myself.

Tamara's fingers reached into her mouth and grabbed my feet before it was too late. She started to pull me out, and then push me back in, and back out again. After a while she pulled me back out of her throat, continuing to play with me in her mouth, her tongue pushing me around. As she lifted her tongue up, I found myself slipping under.

It was so wet under her tongue, she seemed to be producing extra saliva since putting me in her mouth--a sign she was genuinely enjoying the way I tasted. Her tongue landed heavily on my upper body as she held me under her tongue. Her saliva continuously washed over me as she sucked. I was essentially pinned to the bottom of her mouth, my legs poking through her lips.

Eventually, she pulled me out through her closed lips, pulling some of her saliva off my body as she did. She laughed at my disoriented state; I was soaked in her saliva.

"Please," I sputtered, "let me go."

"I have a better idea... how about I don't."

"What can you possibly do to humiliate me more than you already have?"

"Funny you should ask... I got a great idea from you on the way home." She grinned as she walked to her bed.

"From me?" I choked.

She climbed into the bed and lay against the wall. "Yep. You were trying so hard to get away from my pussy that of course it made me really want to feel you there." She said, biting her lip as she spread her knees.

I stared, wide-eyed. "You wouldn't."

She laughed. "Sara... you know very well I would." She gripped me tightly around the waist, pinning my arms to my side and slid her index finger behind my head and back."

I struggled to think of some way out--some compelling reason to give her to change her mind. However, watching her thighs grow larger as she conveyed me directly to her nether region was making it difficult to form coherent thoughts.

"Please, stop!" I begged to no avail as I reached her course, curly pubic hair. Her crotch was now all I could see as she guided me directly into her pussy. Her outer lips were slightly swollen with the arousal and anticipation.

She moaned as my head slipped through her outer lips. I was suddenly in darkness. I was still in shock and disbelief. She used my head to spread her lips as she pushed my shoulders through, followed shortly by my breasts. I abruptly found my face smashed between her inner and outer lips as she used my head to tease herself. My left shoulder rubbed against her inner lip, my right against her outer, and my face and breasts were somewhere in between. She twisted my body around as she used her own saliva from my body as lubricant. I felt so used--in more ways than one. As she rubbed my body back and forth over her inner lips, I started to notice I was sliding easier against her. A musky scent overtook my senses.

I gagged. She was still somewhat dry as she pulled me quickly back to her mouth. Before I could even manage to get my eyes back open, her warm mouth closed around my body. She pushed me waist deep into her mouth, her tongue sliding over my breasts and stomach and her saliva washing over me. She opened her mouth and pulled me back out. Parting her lips first this time, she pulled my torso out with a significant amount of saliva dripping down my body. I was completely drenched as she quickly slid my torso back between her legs. She rubbed herself roughly, spreading her saliva all over her pussy. Unfortunately for me, she was also getting wet all on her own.

Her own natural lubrication was increasingly covering my face and chest as she used my body to spread her juices. There was a distinct smell and slickness that persisted much more than her saliva. I was becoming increasingly coated in a mixture of saliva and lubrication with more and more coming from her own arousal.

I was only able to catch the occasional breath of air, but each breath was overwhelming. She was all I could smell right now, and it was only going to get worse. It didn't help that my face was taking the worst of it. It was hard to follow what was going on because she was continuously rubbing me face first in her pussy. She was wet enough now that it was getting hard to breathe. My face was constantly being rubbed in her warm juices, my entire upper body was now fully coated. With my eyes closed, I couldn't help but focus on the strange sensations of her juices flowing over me, and my own body sliding over and being enveloped in the soft folds of flesh between her legs.

She was so wet now, and only getting wetter. Tamara's moans were reaching audible levels, only deepening my humiliation as she rubbed my face and shoulders repeatedly into her clit. She lifted my body away, only to swing me back face-first into her clit. It was extremely disorienting as she continued smacking my face into herself, moaning simultaneously with pleasure.

As she lifted me up, and rotated my body, I craned my neck downward.

"Mmmmmm... I feel so naughty," she giggled as she reached down and spread her lips revealing a small opening.

"Please," I begged, "Don't do this."

Without a word, she lowered me head first, pausing only when my head was pressed against her vagina.

"I beg you. I'll do anything," I pleaded.

She leveraged her grip on my body to apply a downward pressure. I felt the resistance of my body to enter hers in my neck as her vaginal opening began to stretch, encompassing my forehead.

"Tamar--Mmmmmph!" My head slipped fully into her vagina.

"Ooh!" she squealed, "this is so kinky."

She pushed harder on my legs as my shoulders reached her vaginal opening, twisting me back and forth. I felt my shoulders begin to slide into her, aided greatly by the slick lubrication which coated my body. Next, her warm, wet flesh enveloped my breasts. My body slid into her much easier now. Tamara released her grip on my arms as they slid inside her, followed by my thighs. I tried to kick free as Tamara's grip switched to my ankles, but my movements were already restricted by the fact my legs were already partially inside her. Her juices were spreading to my legs as they slid inside her body.

Just when my body was in her vagina up to my knees, she slowly tugged on my ankles pulling me out. I waited anxiously for oxygen as my neck slid out, but she had no plans to let me breathe. She pushed me eagerly back inside her, and then back out again. I couldn't believe it. She didn't just want to feel me in her pussy, she was using me to fuck herself like a common dildo.

She was beginning to pick up some speed, aided by the ever increasing amount of lubrication coating my body. The speed and roughness with which she was thrusting me in and out was extraordinarily disorienting. She got a little carried away, allowing my head to pop wetly out. I was upside down and disoriented, but I could see from her face she was enjoying herself more than a little. Her other hand had been massaging her breasts, but I saw it sliding between her legs as my head disappeared back inside her.

She resumed fucking herself enthusiastically with my torso while her other hand furiously rubbed her clit. My lungs were burning from oxygen deprivation, and her moans were reaching a feverish pitch. She forced my body all the way into her vagina--my feet barely visible. She clenched get thighs together, holding me tightly as her body erupted in orgasm. Her muscles convulsed all around me, and a warm, sticky cum flooded over my face and body.

I choked as the rest of my oxygen was cut off. As her cum filled my lungs, I realized I was literally drowning in cum. I could feel myself drifting away.

To be continued...


Thanks to my dedicated readers for being supportive as I build up to what I hope will be a worthy conclusion. I'm still trying to figure out what precisely it will look like, but I have a lot of ideas and love hearing yours.

I really do feel sometimes like I have no control over my own characters. They drive the story to places I never planned to take it, but I'm enjoying the journey and hope you are too.

Ever since the scene in the woods where Sara dreamt she had been shrunk and Tamara took advantage, I had been planning the follow-up in this chapter (although it got more involved than I'd planned). However, I was amused at the timing as I had just received an email from a reader requesting just such a scene right as I was about to start writing it. However, I'm much more motivated to elaborate on a scene if I know someone else is looking forward to it.

Anyway, that's it for chapter 6! Thanks again for reading, and keep the feedback coming!

P.S. Is there any interest in holiday related themes in the next chapter? I probably missed some good opportunities around Halloween, but I'd love to hear any winter or Christmas/holiday themed fetishes that you think would be a nice addition to a chapter!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Vore giantess

You should start a new story doing giantess stories. So hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Amazing dream sequences

So way, way out there but it does take away from the story of the girls themselves. I wonder when Krista will be forced to play with Tamara? Maybe after causing some brain damage to Sara by causing so many unconscious episodes. I am surprised that Sara was even functioning after Tamara's latest episode and causing so many blackouts. Oh well, it still is a fantasy and I hope that the dream sequences are kind of left behind for awhile.

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionalmost 4 years agoAuthor
Anonymous #6

Thanks for pointing out the error! It's been corrected!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

'Her hand and part of her firearm was obscured under the waistband of her pajamas.'

I don't usually poke fun at errors, but the notion of Krista doing gun-play in her pajamas is pretty weird. An error this ludicrous begs to fixed though, it really messes with the flow of the story.

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionalmost 6 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the feedback! I'd love to bring back the giantess themes, but it's starting to feel like that belongs in a new story at this point. Don't want this one to drag on forever. :-)

I've been thinking of starting a Patreon, so it would be interesting to put up polls and see what other people would like to see.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wow amazing

Rereading everything again, in the new ones should bring giantness thing back, so hot

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999over 7 years ago
Is this really going somewhere???

I started out liking this story but seems the last 4 chapters are repeats of themselves.

4demi4demiover 9 years ago
Win win

A series revolving about facesitting? How did I not see this before?

And that dream sequence... Oh my, that's a verrrry nice bonus!

This has quickly become one of my favorite stories, just read it up to chapter 9 (over the course of a few days, mind you) and absolutely LOVING it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is my most favorite facesitting story. You should get it so Kristina joins Tamara for the holidays.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Loved the episode! I have been following this series since episode 1. May I request something for the next episode? I would love to see something with scat.

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