CW - Hello Walls


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I really had no alternate idea to offer. It seemed reasonable for Aaron to get to the bottom of Kate's attitude toward me. After all, she was talking to him, but not to me at the moment.

I agreed with Aaron, shook hands and he left for the night. I tiptoed up stairs and stopped by the bedroom door. I heard my wife sniffling as if she had been crying. She was lying on her side facing away from the door. I poked my head in the door and asked, " Are you okay honey?" She rolled over and looked at me with the coldest, most loveless look I have ever seen. She did not reply. She simply rolled back over on her side.

I was at my wits end on what to do to get Kate to talk to me. Maybe Aaron was right. He could work on her and find out what the heck was wrong. Then I could fix whatever it was.

The next morning I decided that Aaron's idea was best. I acted like nothing had happened the night before. I was acting upbeat. Kate came down stairs ready to go to work and looked at me. "What are you so happy about?" she asked.

"Oh nothing. Things are going well at work and this Singapore presentation is going to make my name known at the Bureau."

I looked at her and smiled, "You tied one on last night! Are you feeling okay this morning?'

Kate looked away from me and stuttered, "I drank too much. Aaron was so sweet to take care of me like he did. Why can't you be as sweet as he is these days?"

"Kate, is there something wrong? Why are you mad at me? I don't want to go half the way around the world thinking you are mad at me!"

Kate looked at my face, sighed and shook her head, "No Alan. I don't have anything to say to you. Do you have something to say to me?"

I was now totally confused again. Had I done something to make Kate this way? What did she expect me to say to her?

"Why no, Honey. I've got nothing to tell you. Do you think I should have something to tell you?" I replied.

Kate looked exasperated and almost yelled, "Never mind. I should have known better. I was warned!" With that she took her purse and left for the office.

I was becoming more concerned about our obvious communications breakdown. I was hoping that Aaron could find out what the story was and give me some idea how to fix it.

About noontime, Kate phoned and said that Aaron was asking to take her to dinner again to 'talk about things' as she put it. "I told him yes. I'll be home around ten or eleven." Kate stated. This was not a request from Kate. It was a pure fact. She was going to dinner and would be home later. This was the first time she had not asked me if it was okay with me. She just assumed it would be or didn't care if it was not all right with me.

I again fed little Alex and put him to bed. I packed my bag for the trip the next morning. I glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes after eleven. I was starting to worry about Kate. The phone rang at eleven thirty. "Hello" I answered.

"Alan, its Aaron. Look Kate got totally trashed again. She is so drunk I don't think I can get her back in the car. We are my place. I brought her here to try to get her straightened up before bringing her home. Look, it's okay with me if she just sleeps it off here. And I don't think it would be a great idea for her to see you right now. She is so mad at you about something that she would probably say things that would be very hurtful in her present state."

"Aaron, look, I'll come over and pick her up."

"Alan, that is really a bad idea. You don't know the names she called you tonight. She is so shit faced, she doesn't know what she is saying. She is very loud and belligerent. I think for little Alex's sake, you should just let her sleep it off her. It would probably upset Alex to see her like this."

"Okay Aaron. Look, I have to leave tomorrow morning at eight. So I guess I will not be able to tell Kate goodbye. Please let her know that I do love her."

"Will do. Oh, hey I almost forgot to tell you. One of my college pals is based in Singapore. I told him to look you up at the hotel and show you the sights. His name is Luke Billings. He promised to show you a good time. So have a little fun and let me try to sort out what is going on here. Okay?" Aaron said.

"Aaron, I don't know how to thank you!" With that I hung up and went to bed.

The next morning, I flew to Singapore. It was a sixteen-hour trip from Washington DC to Osaka Japan, and then change planes and another seven hours to Singapore.

I checked into the Singapore Hilton, and met my sponsor, then went to bed for almost twelve hours. Before I went to bed I tried to reach Kate to tell her I had arrived but I didn't get an answer. It was nine o'clock at night in Gaithersburg. I wonder where she was? I left a message that I was okay and that I missed her.

I woke up to the sound of the telephone ringing. It was Aaron's friend Luke. "Hey Alan! How are you buddy? So you are a friend of Aaron's? Well then you are a friend of mine! Look I promised him I would show you the town. So when can you be ready to go?"

"Hi Luke, Well my presentation is today at three o'clock. Then I have a discussion panel tomorrow at noon. How about around six tonight? Is that okay?" I asked.

"Fine! I'll pick you up and we will eat at one of Singapore's finest!" Luke stated and then hung up.

My presentation went like clock work. I answered all of the audience questions and received a standing ovation at the end of my talk. I felt great. But now, I had to try to find out what was going on with Kate.

I wanted to talk to my wife but it was four in the morning in the USA. I decided to call Aaron's voicemail at his office and leave a message.

"Aaron, it's Alan. Look, I'm very worried. Kate hasn't replied to my phone calls. What's going on? Can you fill me in on what you know? I'm going out with your friend Luke in an hour or so. So try to call me about noon your time. That will be midnight here. Thanks, good friend, for what your are doing for Kate and me." I hung up.

Luke arrived promptly at six. He was a warm and funny guy. He said he promised Aaron to show me the real Singapore. He said we would start the evening at the Constellation Room. It was known as the finest eatery in all of Singapore.

We arrived at the Constellation Room after a fifteen minute cab ride. We were overlooking the cable cars that ran between downtown Singapore and the out island.

Luke apparently knew everyone at the establishment. The manager even came out and showed us to our "special table" as he said in immaculate English. We were given a "special refreshment" drink according to the pretty little Asian girl who was waiting on us. The drink was indeed very refreshing. I asked Luke what was in it. He smiled and said, "Gin, bitters, line juice, and some special herbs."

The waitress ensured that our refreshment glasses were always full. She brought us a wonderful meal. But as the meal wore own, I started to forget what courses we had eaten. I also forgot my problems with Kate. "Well, maybe not thinking about my problems will be good for a short time." I thought to myself.

By the time dessert arrived, I was not feeling any pain. Apparently the special herbs in the drink were very special.

Luke assisted me in walking out of the place and then we got into another cab. After a long ride that I partially slept through, we got out at what looked like an old rubber plantation home. Luke assisted me up the steps of the porch and he rang the bell. A monster of a man answered the door.

Luke looked at him and said, "Myno, how are you? My friend and I are here for some recreation. Can you tell Madam Chow that we wish to discuss available talent?"

The monster looked from one to the other of us and nodded. He opened the door and showed us the way to very nice sitting room. I was wondering where we were. I noticed that half a dozen very attractive Asian women and several western businessmen occupied the sitting room. The women were in various stages of undress.

I was shocked at what I now knew to be a whorehouse. I was mumbling to Luke that we should leave. Luke reached in his pocket and pulled out a wrapped paper. He opened it and it contained a white powder. He put the packet under my nose and said, "Take a big sniff of this. It will make you feel better."

Without thinking I did. Within a few seconds a warm glow was enveloping on me. I felt great and also very horny. Luke reached in is jacket pocket and took out a flask. "Here Alan, take a big chug of this. It will make you a tiger!"

I did what he said. Whatever the drink contained it was potent. I blacked out.

When I woke it was as if a hive of angry bees were swarming in my head. I slowly shook my head and opened my eyes. I was in a crisp white linen bed. I was naked. Lying next to me was not one but two of the women I saw in the sitting room last night. Both were naked and both had gobs of dry cum all over their bodies. One girl had her hand on my dick. The other had her hand on the first girl's cunt.

I was mortified. What had happened? I couldn't remember anything after Luke had given me that flask to drink from.

The woman holding my dick stirred. She looked at me and smiled. "You fuck real good Alan. I bet you shot a gallon of cum last night! Look at me and my sister. We covered in

your man juice. My ass hurt from the three time you fuck me there. Did you like eating my sister cunt after Luke cummed in her? It looked like it!"

I sat straight up in the bed. What the hell had I done? A wave of nausea attacked me and I had to lie down again.

The whore's sister now awoke and wanted to suck my dick. I was too weak to stop her. She began sucking and turned her pussy to my head. "Eat me again Alan. Does my pussy smell like cum? It excites you, yes?" I could not help but smell her cunt. It was ripe with stale cum and from her juices. She farted as she sank her cunt down on my face. She laughed and pushed her cunt tight against my mouth and nose.

Her sister had been busy too. She had pumped my cock back to an erection and was now riding it for all she was worth.

Luke came in at that moment and raised his digital camera. "Alan, smile. You're on candid camera!" He snapped about half a dozen of me with these two women and then slapping both of them on their butts told them to leave.

"Come on Alan, get dressed. It is time to get you back to your hotel for your meeting." Luke ordered.

I slowly got out of bed and with unsteady legs began to dress. My clothes were a mess. There was dried cum all over my pants and lipstick all over my shirt.

"Luke, what the hell happened? Why am I here? What did I do?" I pleaded to know as I finished dressinng. We entered the cab for the ride back to the hotel.

Luke laughed and said, "Well old boy, apparently Aaron has the hots for your wife. He paid me to get you into some very compromising situations and take photos. Other then the few I just took all of the party pictures from last night has been emailed back to Aaron. I expect that as we speak, he is showing the photos to your wife and consoling her on you being a cheating asshole."

It struck me that my life was ruined. Kate would never believe that I was setup. She will do just what she said long ago before we got married. She will leave me for cheating on her.

"Why did he do this to me?" I sobbed.

Luke laughed again. "That is an easy one. He wants to fuck Kate and probably marry her.

Actually he has already fucked her. He got her two nights straight before you left on this trip. He got her last night in your own bed. He got her the first time the day after he showed her the pictures of your cheating affair in Toronto."

I gasped. Toronto? So that is what that woman was doing!

Luke chuckled. "Yep, Aaron paid that woman in Toronto to make nice with you in the bar. Aaron only had to embellish it a little to make it sound like you met your lover in the bar and then spent the night with her. Of course the pictures of her kissing you and grabbing your crutch, and you grabbing her boob sealed the deal. Kate immediately thought you were cheating on her. The next day at the office Aaron 'comforted' Kate in his office. She sucked him off and he had her legs spread before you could say 'cheating spouse'."

Luke went on, "I would bet that by now, Kate is purring for Aaron to fuck her again. She is all his now. He was smart in the way he used Kate's view of marital fidelity to undermine your marriage. And you played right into his hands by thinking he was doing so much as your friend. Hell, he thinks you are a pathetic little worm. He plans to have Kate rape you in the divorce settlement and then get you fired from your job. He wants you gone from the area so Kate is never tempted to try to patch things up with you."

Luke finished as they pulled up in front of the hotel. "Oh, here is a letter from Aaron to you. You may want to read it before you return home." Luke pushed Alan out of the cab and began laughing. The peals of laughter could be heard as he pulled away from the hotel.

Alan got to his room, called his sponsor and told him he was sick and could not attend the panel discussion.

He then showered to clean the sex wastes off of his body. He sat at the desk and opened the letter. It read:


You by now know you are totally screwed. Kate believes you to be a world-class cheater. She has given herself to me totally and without reservation in exchange for my understanding and support of her as she deals with your cheating ways.

When you get home you will find the locks changed on the house. You will also find divorce papers sitting in your in-basket at your office. Your stuff is in a U-Store-It.

You'll find that Kate has been more than fair. She has only taken 75% of the bank accounts, 401-Ks, and CD's. I'm sure the courts would award her more but she still has some morals. But hey, give me a few years, as her husband and I'll have those kinks in her personality straightened out. I'll bet she will even be into double penetration by then. I hope so, because I promised Luke a shot at her with me when he comes to visit us in two years.

She has already told me that she will ask the courts to allow me to adopt little Alex. I really don't want the brat, but if that is the only way I continue to get into Kate's pants then okay.

It's been vivid asshole.


When I returned to the USA, it was just as Aaron had written. Kate would never speak to me again. All communications was through the lawyers. Kate was pregnant with Aaron's baby before the divorce from me was even completed. I was ordered by the courts to pay through the nose for my 'immoral actions.'

My dad died from the stress of hearing the trumped up charges against me during the divorce. My mom followed him soon after as she could not live without him.

And so, I now sit in my crappy apartment because it is all I can afford. I now live in Seattle. That is as far from Maryland as I can get and still be in the contiguous forty-eight. I haven't seen or spoken to my son or his mother in five years. I send cards at birthdays and they are returned to me unopened

I take another swig of my drink. Willie Nelson is wrapping up his song now. It sums up my life.

Hello ceiling,
I'm gonna stare at you a while.
You know I can't sleep,
So won't you bear with me a while?
We gotta all stick together or else I'll lose my mind.
I gotta feelin' she'll be gone a long, long time.

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Kernow2023Kernow202329 days ago

sorry this story was utter rubbish

kamdev99008kamdev99008about 1 year ago


fucking crap


Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 2 years ago

So......... the letter isn't proof? Even before a judge in a divorce proceeding. Also, Singapore has some of the finest medical facilities in the far east - have a toxicology test. Hey, you were drugged, so call the Singapore police, where drug dealing and use of date-rape drugs is a potential DEATH PENALTY, and tell them what happened. This story leaks like the proverbial soup sandwich.

tizwickytizwickyover 2 years ago

There is no universe where any of this could happen the way it’s described so many holes in the plot that I can’t suspend disbelief.

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 3 years ago

might as well be a cuck story 1*

Poppi123Poppi123almost 3 years ago

I need an antidepressant!

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 3 years ago

what a load of crap.

No BTB, no retribution?

Aaron only deserves a

bullet between his eyes.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 3 years ago

No..... would never happen. The letter would end up in court and the interloper would have been exposed.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago
Reading again

Alan is definitely a mess. I hope someone can save this story, because the author lost it here.

AbctoyAbctoyabout 3 years ago
Bland read

Construction of story ok but come on. The ending who gets framed and does not put up a fight at least in court.

Trailrider13Trailrider13over 3 years ago

The protagonist is left as a complete wimp who does nltning to regain his self respect.

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
Too stupid to live

Are all your men too stupid to breed.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I hope you can save this. Walls deserves to die, slowly.

ErotFanErotFanabout 6 years ago
Of course I didn't like the story.

I gave it a 3 assuming it's follow on will improve.

SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumover 6 years ago
Haven't read it all, yet, but it doesn't look promising.

CW wrote: (( Our tongues played together ???? )) WTF kind of nauseating, juvenile line is THAT?? I know that he/she didn't originate it. He/she copied it from one of the OTHER copycat authors who keep regurgitating that stupid-assed line. Every time I read it, I'm not sure whether I want to puke or take a baseball bat to the brain dead asshole who used it.

sas6446sas6446over 6 years ago

Another wimp story!! How fucking stupid is he????!!!!

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