Dark Knight & The Lady


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"What think you, sister mine? If I did not know better, I would think that father wants this courtship as much as the Duke does." Georgia mused.

This was the perfect opportunity to remind her sister which one of them attracted the most beaux amongst them. " Perhaps father is eager to marry you off. After all, it is not everyday that a gentleman takes quite a fancy to you. Not that you are not pretty, but because you read far too much, men do not like bluestockings, and young ladies who have manly pursuits; like your interest in architecture and weaponry. They are highly unorthodox for a young woman gently bred." her sister admonished.

"Nonetheless, any man who has confidence in himself, need not be threatened by my intellectual pursuits."

"That type of gibberish will send any suitor running for the door, and mother into an apoplectic fit. You should be worrying about your needlepoint and outfits you usually wear, not act the little hoyden most of the time. Lana was on a roll, and had no intention.

Georgia had other ideas and decided to shut her sister up. "Then I strongly suggest you keep the smelling salts close at hand for mother, Lana, because I fully intend to just be myself. If someone has a problem with that, then they can go stuff it." Georgia's vibrant violet eyes snapped with amusement, as she watched her sister bluster at her words. Georgia rolled her eyes heavenward then walked away.

* * *

That same evening, Geogia lay dreaming in her oversized canopy bed, the night breeze causing the sheer violet bed curtains to flutter gently. Though, her dream was anything but calm or gentle. Georgia was caught up in a tempestuous and absolutely delicious wave of newly awakened arousal.

Even though she did not see his face in her dream, she knew who was seeking her body and spirit with gentle yet demanding hands. Her skin was like liquid fire as is strong fingers glided up and down her pliant body. It began at the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder, then down it went past her collar bone. Suddenly, her breasts were being lifted, and his warm breath touched the sensitive raspberry tips. As she arched her body into the warmth, it enveloped one of the hardened nipples...sucking and nipping it gently. Then the other aroused nipple was given attention in turn..causing fire to filter down into her womb. Slowly the man in her dreams slid his powerful hands down her body..gripping her waist gently...as his tongue licked down the same path..causing her body to arch more into the insistent mouth. Gently, his tongue circled around inside her navel. He growled softly as his desire mounted, yet controlled himself, knowing how innocent she was. Lower he went...until his warm breath touched the top of her love nest. Georgia's body began to quiver with fear and excitement, as she felt him inhale her soft scent. "Exquisite" she heard him whisper. He then placed a soft kiss upon her mons as if in worship...then he stopped reluctantly.

Georgia sat straight up in bed, looking around her darkened chamber, her eyes automatically rested on the dying embers in the now-cold hearth. Perspiration rested on her forehead and brow. She blushed guiltily, thinking of the forbidden dream, for which she and Lord Devon were in the throws of passion. She never realized that he had beguiled her this way...so quickly. She realized that time did not always play a factor in two souls bonding...sometimes it is the recognition of fate that determines such things.

After padding over to the cold stone hearth, and adding a few kindlings and logs to the fire, Georgia went back to bed..yet not really daring to fall asleep once more this evening....

* * *

At the same time, Lord Devon was having the same dream as Lady Georgia was. His guilt different then hers however. He could control his dreams, though he let himself be swept away this time and with good reason. Devon knew full well what Georgia was experiencing exactly what he was doing in his dream. For, the first moment he had laid eyes upon her, he was enthralled by this little woman. Sure she was beautiful, but there was an earthy kind of innocence about her that so many jaded women of the ton always tried to imitate, but annoyed him. This woman here....was pure of soul...and fire inside her that needed to be ignited by the right man...and HE wanted to be that man. He knew full well that not just any man would be able to nuture that flame inside her and not feel threatened by it. A man would have to be confident in his own skin to be able to handle a strong woman. He wanted to...not possess her...but to be the one to introduce her to life. Thus began the dream of touching and exploring, even though it was callous of him to use his powers to seduce and suggest himself into another person's dream.

* * *

The morning of Georgia's rendez-vous with Lord Devon, she was pacing her boudoir and attacking her wardrobe. She searched endlessly for her new riding gloves, but could not keep her mind focused on the thought at hand. The soul occupant of that very thought, was none other than the Duke of Withermoor. Georgia's knees were turning to jelly over the thought that she will be in such close proximity with Lord Devon. On one hand, he frightened her with his quiet strength, on the other hand, his silver eyes melted her insides like molten lava.

The sudden knock at her chamber door made Georgia jump. "Enter" was the only word she uttered, for she went back to ransacking her boudoir once again. Looking around the boudoir door, Georgia checked to see who it was.

The Earl of Kent chuckled softly as he watched his daughter's disheveled hair spiraling wildly around her shoulders as she rummaged through her cabinet.

"What.....Oh" Georgia blushed as she looked in the cheval mirror, her eyes widening in horror as she looked at her reflection. Her hair was wild mass of chestnut curls in her face, her eyes wide and bright in her agitation...and her cheeks pink with her embarrassment.

Meanwhile, her father stood smiling indulgently at the foot of Georgia's four-poster bed. "Are you looking for these by any chance, lass?" Lord Kent asked his daughter, with her new gloves dangling from his fingers.

"How did you know?"

Her father held up the soft gloves with the pads of his fingers, and allowed them to swing to and fro.

"Oh" His daughter' s fair cheeks beheld a becoming blush. "I suppose I was so nervous about my outing with the Duke.

That was the biggest understatement he has heard all day, but decided to indulge her, knowing that she was as proud as she was noble. "Just be as you are my dove, I am positive he will be charmed by your wit and sense of humor" Lord Kent assured his daughter.

" You mean he will be frightened off by my sharp tongue.."

Her father was already gone from her chamber, although, his laughter could be heard down the corridor. Georgia was about to pick up her reticule when her governess came in to announce the arrival of Lord Devon. As Georgia passed by the looking glass once more, she shrieked as she was reminded of her wild witchy hair. She chuckled softly, deciding she didn’t have enough time to get her maid in here to fix her hair. Lady Georgia picked up her pearl and emerald hair combs, twisted her hair up into a french twist. "There, much better" leaving down a few curls on the sides of her temples.

"Hurry now child, your mother is beside herself with the nerves, and your sister is fawning all over your young man..."

"He is not my young man, he is simply taking me on a turn through Hyde Park. He has not asked me to marry him, or the likes thereof." Georgia bristled.

"My my, aren’t we a bit prickly this fine morn. Did you not sleep well, my pet?" Elde asked with a gleam to her all-knowing eyes.

Lady Georgia rolled her eyes at the old governess and nursemaid. Not many in Georgia's acquaintance would speak to her as her Elde did. She always detected some mischief or amusement in her nursemaid's wizened face. Her amber eyes always spoke volumes, just as much as her mouth did. Although, she was known for her second sight, Elde never abused that gift to her own vices.

Georgia arrived at the family room, where she heard the voices of her sister and mother; both cackling over Lord Demon. She chuckled softly to herself, thinking how obvious some people can be when dealing with the opposite sex As she walked through the oak doorway, to announce herself discreetly, all eyes turned her way.

Lord Kent smiled at his daughter as he approached her, taking her hand gently to escort her through the room.

Devon watched as Lady Georgia was escorted by her father into the room, her eyes sparkling from even where he is standing. She is truly a vision in her violet velvet riding habit, that accuented her voluptuous figure. Her hair gleamed a glossy chestnut-auburn color, accuented by a jaunty velvet hat. White hot desire coursed through his veins as his silver eyes slid down to the tight bodice of her outfit...remembered how those full breasts filled his hands not long ago in their dream. Pushing the thought aside, mentally chastising himself for his lewd thoughts, yet he couldn’t help himself.

Detaching himself from Lady Lana and Lady Sophia, the Duke approached Georgia. He nodded politely to Lord Kent in acknowledgment, then lifted Georgia's smooth hand and placed a warm kiss upon it.

"Good morning, m'lady. I trust you slept well?" He asked her politely, yet realized what that question could imply to her. He could have kicked himself.

Lady Georgia blushed slightly at his innocent remark, remembering her vividly erotic dream. Recovering quickly, she smiled at the Duke.

"Good morning, your grace" she curtsied gracefully.

Wanting to escape these two other females, he asked her. "Are you ready for our little drive in Hyde Park? Or do you prefer to remain here a bit longer"

Not knowing she shared his same thoughts, she answered "Aye, let us be away now, m'lord, 'tis a glorious morning. I need the fresh air, it invigorates me deeply.

"Goodbye father, I will return in one hour's time. Thank you for allowing me on this excursion today, I love you ." Kissing his cheek, they pair left the home.

They did not, however, see the look of anger that came across the pinched face of Lady Lana, as they left. Standing at the oak framed window, she watched as her sister was assisted up into the carriage, his hands lingering on her sister's waist. Lana watched in jealousy at the pair looked into each other's eyes with new awareness for each other. Snickering slightly, Lana excused herself from her parents, slipped her black cloak around her shoulders, and made her way down to the stables. Saddling up a mare herself, Lana made sure no one was around, then slipped out of the stables.

Twenty minutes later, Lana could see her destination. Arriving at the Dirty Dirk Inn on the outskirts of town, Lana tied her horse to a roughened pole where, she guessed, was a crude holding place for horses. Almost hesitating for a moment, Lana proceeded into the old dusty Inn. Closing the heavy door behind her, Lana kept her features hidden with the dark hood of her cloak for safety. Her cold blue eyes then scanned the smoke hazed room, scattered with oak tables and chairs, an old hearth against the west wall, and glass littered bar. Her eyes then came upon a man sitting at a corner table, she shuddered at his appearance; long black greasy hair, beady brown eyes, five-day beard growth, and missing teeth. His dark clothes were tattered and worn.....hm..perfect.

Lana avoided looking around her, as she surely knew she was being watched out of curiosity by the other patrons of the ancient inn. She quickly made her way over to the table where the ruffian sat, slurping down his pint of ale. Lana cringed in disgust as the scruffy man belched loudly. She cleared her throat slightly.

Looking up from his ale, the man looked her up and down, trying to see her face, but it was shadowed in her hood.

"What d' you want wench. Come to gimme more ale, or come for a bit of bed thumpin'" he then guffawed, showing his multitude of his few remaining teeth, that were yellow.

Lifting her chin slightly, Lana got right down to business, so that she could leave the rough inn quickly.

"Listen good, I am not here for your pleasure, you lecher. I came to ask if you would like to earn 50 gold coins for a job I need done. Does that interest you...aye or nay?" Her tone leaving no room for doubt that this woman was serious.

Putting down his dented ale mug, the rough man looked at the woman, and heard the determination in her voice.

"I'm listen"

"I want you to disfigure someone, badly. I don’t want you to kill her, but I want you to leave her pretty face marked up. Can you do that, or should I bring my gold somewhere else" she looked at him in all seriousness.

For a moment, he hesitated. Not that the hadn’t killed before, or robbed someone for gold. This woman was obviously vicious and jealous of someone. "Who is this woman?"

"Don’t ask too many questions, I will tell you what you need to know. She is by now, in Hyde Park with a man in a black and gold carriage, with a Ducal crest on the sides. Since it is nice outside, they will probably keep the carriage opened. This way, your assignment will not be so difficult.. She will be wearing a violet velvet riding outfit with a black hat. She has long curly chestnut-red colored hair, and violet eyes. By the small cross bow near your side, I can assume you are an excellent shot. Aim just to nick her face, but not to kill her. She is my sist..." Lana stopped herself from finishing.

So this vicious wants her sister out of the way. He was almost certain a man was involved in this jealousy, but he did not question it. He needed the money, lenders were after him. "Right then, gimme the gold, and I will do it later". He went to grab the velvet coin purse, but Lana pulled back.

"Nay, I want it done now, as they are riding in Hyde Park." She left no room for argument. "Get it done quickly, and there will be an extra 25 gold coins in it for you." Lana looked at him directly

"And how am I to know you will give me the extra after the deed is done?"

"I will be hiding nearby near the entrance to the park. When you are done, look behind the first bench near the entrance. A small black velvet bag will be there hidden underneath the bench. I do not want to know your name, nor will you know mine. Now I am leaving here, I will watch in my hiding place to be sure you do the job, if not, I will come back for my gold, is that understood?" With that, Lana left the inn quickly, without waiting for his reply.

* * *

Georgia smiled softly at Devon as their coachman steered the two-horse team of their carriage. Looking around her, Georgia noticed the various couples driving throughout the park, or even strolling side by side. Many people looked at them as they rode by, curious as to whom was woman with the Duke of Withermoor. Some smiled knowingly, some young debutantes lifted their chin in pretend indifference. Lady Georgia chuckled to herself at these pretentious people. Her vibrant violet eyes took note of the ancient trees scattered throughout the park, the tiny animals scampering about with their mates. She even watched a few children playing a game with rocks and marbles, joyously clapping their hands in abandonment.

Lord Devon watched Georgia from the corner of his eye, awed at her wide eyed innocence and the perceptions of her surroundings. She did not fuss with her hair, or her riding habit, nor tried to play coy with him. She watched everything; the children, the animals, and even blushing delectably when she found him staring at her. This young woman was a welcome breath of fresh air, for this man who's past was pain-filled. He was interested in what she loved in life, what interested her, and how her mind worked. He was brought out of his thoughts when she spoke;

"I was told that you were knighted eight years ago, by the King, when you rescued Princess Charlotte." Georgia smiled as she watched him.

"Aye, we were all on a boar hunt that cold day. Princess Charlotte loved the thrill of the hunt, and insisted on attending with her friends. We all left on various routes to track down the boar. For some reason, Princess Charlotte got separated from the group, and we all heard a violent scream. I quickly followed the scream, and came upon the Princess on the ground, having been thrown from her mare. The huge boar was charging at her, and was about to gore her to pieces, when I quickly rode up beside it, and ran it through its head with my sword, killing it instantly. I was then summoned to see the King, and was knighted that day. Princess Charlotte dubbed me the Dark Knight, and that was eight years ago now" He chuckled softly.

Usually able to sense danger around him, Lord Devon was too caught up in Georgia's lovely violet eyes, when a silver arrow whizzed passed him and nicked Georgia's soft delicate cheek. She shrieked in pain, and fell back onto the seat, hitting her head against the wooden back part. Blackness overtook Georgia, as the blow to the head, rendered her unconscious. Lord Devon's heart raced as the shrieking frightened the team of horses, sending the carriage careening forward in full speed. Torn between going after the attacker and tending to Georgia, Devon leaned over the beautiful young woman, ran his finger down her cheek. Blue light sparkled through the tips of his finger, healing the wound as his finger ran down her delicate skin, sealing it. Devon looked at her lovely face, as the scar vanished with the touch of his finger. He was more afraid of the blow to Georgia's head, as he stared at her.

Yelling to the coachman to stop the damn carriage, Lord Devon became enraged at the attack of this innocent woman. Leaping out of the carriage, he looked around him, but only found other strollers of the park watching the scene, yet no attacker. Damn, he shook with fear. A dark flash of pain filled him as the passed came to his memory. Running towards the fallen carriage, The Duke of Withermoor ignored the saddened faces of the people surrounding the accident. He was approached at home by Lord Kent, informing him of the accident. He had pushed past the man, and ran until his lungs hurt. When he arrived at the scene, his beloved wife Demeria lay dead inside the overturned carriage, with their baby in her arms...dead also. Devon remembered falling to the ground, his head thrown back in anger and pain, and yelled at the top of his lungs. DEMERIA!!!! That day, he had buried his son and his wife...and his heart Coldness and bitterness had filled his soul from that day on....until years later...at a ball..he had laid eyes on a beautiful young woman of purity and strength...Lady Georgia. Now she lay unconscious..injured..His heart beat frantically as he watched her still face. He realized at this moment that he loved this woman, regardless of their short meeting. He would not lose another love..or he would surely snap in madness.

His silver eyes darkened to hard steel, as he gently placed his hands upon Georgia's head, closed his eyes, and allowed a white heat to flow through him into Georgia. After a moment, she began to groan and come to. Her long lashes began to flutter softly. Lord Devon removed his big hands from her head, and stared into her soft violet eyes.

"Wh....what happened. Ugh..my head feels as if it was split in two. All I remember is my cheek burning and I fell backwards" Georgia's eyes began to lose the glossiness.

"Shh, m'lady. Please remain still...I need to check.."


"What?" Lord Devon asked in confusion.

Georgia smiled at him. They both chuckled softly, yet the darkness remained in the air around them. Lord Devon told Lady Georgia he would find out what happened, and made her promise him to rest and not worry. He smiled at her, yet inside..he knew he had to find the attacker. He could not .and WOULD NOT lose this woman when he just found her.