Daughter and Dad


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Sure enough we went back to the Tower around seven and took the private elevator up to the second landing and when we got off it was like old home week. The Maitre de was all smiles and welcomed us by name and then showed us to what we found to be the best table in the place. I rewarded him with a good tip and then sat and looked out at the city of lights. The view, food and table were fabulous. I asked Pat what the heck she had said to the hotel concierge and she sheepishly said that she had told him if he had arranged what I had asked for in the restaurant I would reward him with a superb tip. That turned him on big time. I'll have to take care of him in the morning for he will be off duty by the time we get back to the hotel tonight. It was a good thing our food was being paid for by Pat's company for this place was very expensive.

After dinner it was time for our boat cruise on the Seine. It was only a short ways over to the dock and the area was well lit so we walked over and found that a lot of others had the same idea we had for there were probably a hundred people boarding the boat. No problem for the things held well over two hundred.

The cruises are only about an hour in length but the views are truly spectacular. On the outward part of the trip the captain spends a lot of time announcing all of the sights we were passing over a loudspeaker system. When he turns the boat to go back to the dock things get quiet as we are seeing the same sights we had on the outbound leg except from a different angle. After about forty-five minutes I figured it was payback time for what she had done to embarrass me at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Things were quiet on the boat and I spoke out in a very loud clear voice,

"No, I'm not going to do that to you with my mouth in one of the confessionals at Sacré Coeur, (Sacré Coeur is a famous basilica in Paris), just because you did me in the Sistine Chapel in Rome." Every head near us turned to see who was saying this and Pat could have died when they fell on us. I continued on with "Oh sure, just because you used your mouth on me doesn't mean I have to do the same for you. That thing of yours will make me sick." By then she wasn't just poking me in the ribs she was punching them and saying, "Will you shut the hell up?" Every other passenger anywhere near us was having a hard time trying to choke back their laughter.

The boat was soon near the dock and she got up and dragged me to the gate used to get off and on the boat. She wanted to be the first one off so the other passengers wouldn't get a good look at her. To make matters even worse a bunch of other couples that had been sitting near us all jumped up in an attempt to get off quickly and as we were standing there waiting to dock.

One good-looking gal said in a loud clear voice with a French accent. "It would seem only fair that if she did you, you can do her to make it even."

The crowd all roared and I said, "Yes, but I didn't tell you when she did to me in the Sistine Chapel. One of the guards saw what she was doing and we had to run to avoid getting arrested and my pants were still open."

By then Pat was almost shitting herself and finally turned to the crowd and shouted. "Enough is enough. I embarrassed him at the Eiffel Tower and he said he would pay me back. I'd have to say he just did. " I put on my most innocent face and the crowd roared and gave us a huge round of applause. A good number of couples asked if they could take us for drinks and the rest of the crowd all chanted "drinks with the Yanks." We thanked them for their offer but refused as graciously as we could.

She and I walked up the gangplank laughing as hard as we ever had with her punching my arms every other step or two.

We stopped at a few night spots for drinks before returning to the hotel for the night and at one spot the drinks were delivered to the table with the waiter saying, "These are compliments of your boating friends." We looked around and finally made eye contact with a couple I recognized from the cruise ship and raised my drink to them mouthing 'Thank you.' They gave us big smiles and turned back to the friends they were with.

When we got back to the hotel I said I was going to shower before turning in for the night and she said she would do the same. The shower was too small for the two of us at one time so I let her go first and followed right behind.

We both had the same idea when we hit the bed and that was sixty-nine. She seemed to be dying to suck my cock and I was anxious to give her pussy some excitement. She was soon doing her thing with her hand stroking my shaft while her mouth was doing its' magic on the head of it and I had spread the lips of her pussy with my hands to let my face and tongue in to work on her clit and the depths of her pussy.

After a few minutes of that I let my face slide down with my tongue busily licking it's way to the bottom of her pussy. I then let my face slide under her to the point that my tongue was in line with the red lips of her ass. I slowly let my tongue lick around it before having it penetrate her ass for an inch or so. Patty flipped out. She took her mouth off my cock and almost screamed, "Yes, Yes, Oh God yes. Please don't stop Mike. Please, please."

Damn, I had hit a gold mine with that last move. She showed more excitement with my tongue up her ass than anything else I had ever done to her. I reached down and pushed her head back to where her mouth was in line with my cock again and she got the message and resumed what she was doing before and I again buried my tongue in her ass. Her excitement didn't seem to stop as she moved her own hands down to the back of my head and pulled it to her ass. By then I had let a hand slide up so my fingers could lightly massage a nipple. That helped even more. She was throwing herself around the bed so fast and hard that her movement pulled her ass away from my mouth and then took her mouth from my cock and screamed, "do my ass again Mike."

She had turned into a real wild woman. Instead of just holding my cock in her hand and working on the head of it she removed her hand and dropped her mouth almost to the bottom of my shaft before raising it up again and then dropping it again. She was taking over six inches in her mouth and I really could feel something deep in her throat. She kept this up until she exploded with my tongue up her ass. Her explosion wasn't anything like the orgasms she had had up until now.... this one was enormous. She was throwing her body around as if it were a rag doll and had taken my cock deeper than I ever imagined a gal could do. Her breaths were way too fast and I had to do something to slow it down or we could be in real trouble. I slid up in the bed and simply wrapped my arms around her and held her tight as I kissed her ever so softly.

"Oh Mike, that was unbelievable."

"I know honey, I know. Just hold me tight and relax."

I ran my hands up and down her back and just whispered sweet nothings in her ear. It took about five minutes of this before she was breathing anywhere near normal again. Whew, I have to be careful and not get her that excited again.

Her orgasm was fine for her but even though my cock had started to show some signs of life it still hadn't gotten hard.

"Patty, my cock is feeling neglected."

"Oh hell, we can't have that now can we?" as she slid down and resumed her position of having one hand sliding up and down my shaft while her tongue was gently going over the head of my cock.

I had moved my mouth to be able to suck on her breasts as she was working on my cock and it all felt great.

"Patty, I am feeling something better than I did last night. Keep doing what you are doing."

Sure enough my cock was actually getting hard. Another few minutes and it was actually back to its old ways and I quickly pulled her mouth off it and I dropped down and slipped my cock in her pussy to the hilt.

"Mike, you have it in me as far as the dildo was."

"I know baby, it's almost back to normal. I am going to fuck you this way to see if I can have an orgasm."

I pumped away for five or more minutes while my hands were wandering all over her breasts. Sure enough I was soon filling her pussy with my juices.

"Patty, you have my load deep inside of you."

"Wow, we did it. I knew we could bring it back to life."

"You're the one who did it honey. Practically every doctor in Maryland tried and failed.

"Patty, I hadn't told you up until now since it seemed pointless but I don't need condoms since I had a vasectomy some years back and from then on I only shoot blanks --- no babies."

"Oh great for that would have been something, getting pregnant by my own father."

"No sweat Pat, it can't happen."

I pulled her close to me and we just hugged each other until we fell asleep.

We awoke still holding each other the way we fell asleep the night before but sometime during the night I had moved around so that I had one hand holding her breast the same way I had a few nights back.

When she was fully awake she spent the next few minutes rubbing the sleep from her eyes and then just looked at me and said,

"Hey stud. Are you the guy who fucked me last night? The one with a cock the same size as that of a dildo"

"Yep, that's me. Although I must tell you that it was some good looking gal who did some magic to my cock and got it to stand at attention rather than it's usual position of 'at ease'."

We both lay there just laughing at our silliness.

"Mike, we only have a few days left on our vacation and with the way things turned out between us we absolutely need to do some serious talking. How about if we get up, shower, dress and go down and have breakfast and then go for a walk down along the river and try and thrash things out for us?"

"Sounds like the right thing to do honey. You hit the shower while I am shaving,"

It was about forty-five minutes later that we were on the elevator going down for our breakfast. Afterwards we grabbed a cab and had him take us to the ramp we could go down to get onto the walkway along the Seine. She started the conversation with the question.

"Where do each of think this is going between us? First you're my father and second if anyone knew we fucked like rabbits they would turn their back on us as friends. Second, we live at opposite sides of the country so it's not as if we could carry on a dating relationship. Third, I love you dearly, much more than just my father but also as a lover and very-very close friend. So there, they are some of the thoughts I have been thinking wrestling with. What are yours?"

"Well honey, I have had the very same thoughts and have tried to rationalize how we could address each of them. First, let me take the distance between us problem. As you know, I retired from the company a few years back with a very-very nice pension. In addition I did very well in the stock market and for some unexplained, but very fortunate reason, pulled out of it before the crash. So with my pension and the income from my investments I don't have a money worry in the world. All that being said I could easily sell my house and move to where you are. I could then either move in with you and you could explain me away as simply saying my dad has come to live with me or I could get a place near yours and we could see each other that way."

I went on to say, "Patty, as much as I would love to be living with you it would certainly put a damper on your ability to find another husband candidate so if we get close to choosing that option you would have to give that a lot of thought."

Her eyes rolled around a bit before she said, "Wow, you really have thought about this haven't you? As far as a husband candidate problem I think I would be willing to rule that out. I don't want to have any children and I can't imagine finding anyone who treats me with the love and respect that you do. Dad, if you weren't my father I would marry you in a heartbeat."

We must have walked a good few miles before turning to go back to where we started. Near the end of our walk she looked at me to say, "I don't think we are any closer to figuring out what to do than we were when we started this walk."

"I agree but at least I think we have laid out the options that we are faced with." I answered.

She laughed and said, "You just said 'we have laid out,' Talk about getting laid, let's go back to the hotel and fuck."

I damn near pissed my pants laughing.

The next few days went pretty much like those that went before meaning we did a little sightseeing, ate some great food and fucked our brains out. We were saddened when it came time to leave France but deep down were going to be glad to get home and make some kind of decision as to what we were going to do about our relationship.

We flew into Baltimore where she caught another flight to San Diego. The flight from France was long enough but she had another five hours before her final touchdown. UGH.

I thrashed our situation over and over and the best solution I could come up with was for me to move to the San Diego area and see where it went from there. If she went along with that decision she would have to make the decision as to where I was going to live out there. She had bought a good sized house when she got her job so there was plenty of room in it for me but as we had discussed in France it could put a major damper on her life if she was looking for a future mate. I called her the next day and told her my thoughts and asked that she not make any decision right them but to wait a week or so. She agreed.

Five days later my phone rang and when I saw her number on the caller indicator, I sat down to be prepared for whatever she had decided.

Her sweet voice came over my handset saying, "Do I have to fly east to get laid or are you coming out her to take care of my problem?"

I quietly answered, "Well, now that my equipment has been repaired there are about a half-dozen young babes in the neighborhood waiting for me to invite them in for the night so I am not sure I can get away real soon."

Staying right with my poor attempt at humor she came back with, "Make sure you have enough clean white towels you are going to need to mop up the blood from an amputated cock for that is what you will be facing if you aren't here tomorrow."

"Well, I'll have to disappoint them and get right out there to get with the old gal who wants me there so fast."

"I'll 'Old Gal' your ass," she laughed

"Now keep in mind the young babes who want to be with me here are no older than their late twenties. Not one over thirty among them; two of them are virgins so that should be interesting. Maybe I'll talk one of them into accompanying me out to see the 'Old Gal'. Perhaps she could eat your pussy while you are sucking my cock and then we could switch."

"Mmmmm, that would be interesting. If you can talk her into making the trip alone you could stay there with the other five and I'll take care of the one who comes out to see the 'Old Gal'"

"Oooooh I knew you went that way. Falling in love with my cock was just a big act on your part."

"Cut the shit and get your ass on a plane in the morning. I have already made a reservation for you on the nine AM flight out of Baltimore. Be on it."

"Wow, you really are horny aren't you?" I answered.

"You'll see when you get here. I might even rent a van we can use in the airport parking lot rather than have to wait for the twenty minute ride to my place."

I followed on with, "You better be extremely nice to me for I have a surprise for you that you'll flip over."

The flight out was a breeze. She had gotten me a seat in first class so the food and booze was everything I would ever want.

When I got up the jet way and into the terminal I could see one of the biggest smiles imaginable. To say that Patty looked happy to see me would have been a hell of an understatement.

I was greeted with, "Hi Mike, Great to see you."

"Happy to be here Patty. You're looking better every time I see you."

"C'mon and let's get down to baggage retrieval so we can get out of here," she said sort of out of breath.

Waiting for my bags at an airport carousel is not high on my fun things to do list and one hell of a waste of time.

Patty wasn't big on this waste of time either for she started climbing all over me in the carousel area. First hugging and then kissing right up to the point where I had to say, "Remember the cruise boat on the Seine," and that sent her into hysterics and made her quieten down a bit.

Damn, she looked terrific and I was glad to be with her again.

The ride to her place only took about twenty minutes once we got away from the airport and I was amazed when I saw her house. It was California adobe and sat on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean and absolutely took my breath away.

"Holy shit babe. Is this yours or the banks?"

"Well, I had a couple of great years a few years back and the commissions on two deals I brought in paid for this place. So it is mine free and clear."

"What can I say but 'Congratulations,' it looks superb."

She took my hanging bag and I grabbed my rolling case and one other bag and we went in through the garage.

We were not more than a few feet in the place when she dropped my bag on a table and threw her arms around me and locked my lips in hers.

"God, I missed you so much. It seemed as if we have been apart for months." She whimpered.

"Mike, I haven't thought about another thing ever since we parted at the Baltimore airport a week or so ago and my decision is made and I just hope you will agree."

Oh shit, where is this going to go?

I was looking at her waiting for her announcement when she threw her arms around my neck again and kissed me deeply. This time her tongue was searching out mine as quickly as she could.

She pushed herself away from me and announced,

"Mike, I want you to sell your place and move in with me here. I have considered every other option and none of them appeal to me. I have given a lot of thought to the main objection you raised and that was with you here in my house it would present a major obstacle in trying to find a husband. Well, guess what. After days and nights thinking about it I realized I don't want to find a husband and that is final so don't say another word about it."

My answer was "WOW."

She didn't say another word but picked up my hanging suit bag and simply said, "follow me."

I did and she led me into a huge bedroom that had a door connecting it to another huge bedroom. "Well only use one but the other will be for show when company comes."

She dropped my bag on the back of a chair and began taking her clothes off. I quickly joined her and we were soon wrapped in each others embrace with our hands exploring the others body and our mouth locked onto the others lips. It seemed as if it had been forever since we were this close and it had only been a week.

"Mike, I love you and I don't want to live apart from you. So there, I've said it."

"Patty, I love you too and not just like a father loves a daughter. I love you as a woman and as someone who makes me enjoy life more than I can speak about and I am NOT referring to sex. I am overjoyed you have chosen the option of my coming to live with you and we WILL make it successful and without consequences. I promise."

I turned and picked up my luggage and began to carry it into the bedroom that didn't appear to have ever ben occupied. I went back and got my hanging bag and took it into the closet and hung it up.

I began to empty the suitcases of my underwear, sweaters, socks and toilet articles and she just stood there watching this. She finally said with a joyful tone in her voice, "Well, it looks as if you are here to stay. Now what was that about a surprise you had for me?"