Dawn's Destiny


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Thomas smiled, memory taking him back, to a safer, simpler time. His mother's fingers trailed through his hair, gently stroking his scalp. Easing him. He closed his eyes. Sighing and reveling in the comfort of her rhythmic stroking, imagining that he was a little boy and that his mother was strong and healthy. There was nothing that he wouldn't do to save her. No refusal. If he had to, he'd take the Shaman's gift by force. His mother couldn't die. Not now. Not ever. His awareness drifted away on the muffled, hazy edges of a dream.

Barbara felt her son's body relax beneath her fingertips. She'd always been able to do that. Alleviate his worst fears with nothing more than a touch. And he was terrified for her. He was sleeping fitfully now. Wearily, she closed her eyes. Giving in to the exhaustion that overcame her body and her soul.

Claire finally finished her rounds and hastily gathered up the discharge paperwork. Hustling into the room. Her white tennis shoes ground to a halt as she beheld the sleeping mother and son. Smiling at the dozing pair, she slipped the triplicate forms into the woman's chart. Mother and son would need their strength for the rough days and nights ahead for them. A few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. And, some well- deserved rest might make all the difference. She tiptoed out. Giving them their privacy as she shut the door gently behind her.

Chapter 10

Tala awoke invigorated and feeling great. Last night was the first good night's sleep she'd had since moving away from the compound. Sighing, she stretched and wiggled her toes beneath the covers. She and her wolf greeted the rising sun with eager expectations. She was going to tell her father everything today. And tonight, she'd be wrapped up in Drew's arms. Finally learning what it was like to be loved. Truly and utterly, completely loved.

Tala practically skipped down the stairs. Lured by the scent of bacon and freshly percolated coffee. She was showered and dressed. Her hair pulled high atop her head in a bun and a waterfall of curls encircling her face. Dressed in black jeans and a navy button down sweater, she looked clean and fresh as she felt. She'd even paused long enough to apply a light dusting of makeup to her eyelids and cheeks. Not even the gloomy, rainy coolness of the morning outside could dampen her spirits. "Hi, Dad," she said. Stopping to peck him on the cheek before she stole a strip of bacon off the platter. She and her father were the only early risers in the group and therefore, almost always the only ones to snag a hot breakfast. Biscuits cooled in a basket on the center of the table. And eagerly, she snatched onto one and broke it apart, shoving it into her mouth.

"You look much better." Nash tugged on one of the springy black curls spiraling around his daughter's chin. "I like it. So, why the sudden interest in personal hygiene?"

"Oh, quit it, Dad." Tala knocked away his hand teasingly and poured two cups of steaming, hot coffee from the carafe beside the biscuits. "Buy you a drink?"

Nash was suspicious of his daughter's turn. Not that he minded. He'd never seen her so happy or animated. And if she was happy, so was he. He rubbed his hand across the layer of salt and pepper stubble that covered his chin. "Sure," he said. Following her with his eyes as she took the seat next to him and munched on a biscuit while sipping her coffee. "So, what's going on Tala?"

"Dad, do you always have to be this suspicious?" Tala bit her lip not sure of how to begin the conversation. Her father looked at her expectantly, with a hint of caution glimmering in his brown eyes. She would have to appeal to him as a daughter would to a father. And somehow get him to look beyond the pack and her role in it to see her. "Dad."

"Tala," Nash retorted. He was right. Something was going on. And he was suspicious about everyone and everything when it came to his daughter. Not willing to give an inch and hint that he already knew what she was going to say, he scooped a forkful of eggs into his mouth and chewed in silence.

Grant hung back. Nestled into a nook at the base of the stairs he had the perfect vantage point to eavesdrop on the father/daughter conversation. Listening in, his blood boiled with barely controlled rage. His wolf had very good hearing. And while sometimes the translation lacked, his wolf knew what he heard, saw what he saw, and smelled what he smelled. And Tala reeked of wolf, and lust, and man. Brother of their forbearer or not, the Great White Wolf was undeserving and unworthy of a prize as valuable as Tala, daughter of an alpha. As a man, Grant might be so inclined to cut the newcomer a break. But, as a wolf he would not tolerate the insult. And as soon as he established his control over the pack, he would establish his control over the woman, and deal with the Great White Wolf.

The pack needed new blood. And he was exactly the wolf for the job, cunning, ruthless, and ambitious. Times changed and Nash had grown soft. He allowed far too many freedoms in the pack. He accommodated the most ridiculous of requests. And his biggest flaw of all was he gave the members of the pack choices. Nobody was forced to stay and live the life they were born into. Anyone could choose to leave and never return. Over the decades since Nash had gained control of the pack. The pack's numbers were dwindling dangerously low. The life of a wolf was not an easy one. And the young preferred their creature comforts and the ease of a human life to one of sacrifice and duty. Something, Grant would never permit. Pack was pack. And as such, they needed to stick together and protect all that was theirs.

The scampering of little footsteps and the duller thud of heavier adult feet on the floorboard over his head would soon flush him out of hiding. He tucked his body tighter into the narrow space and held his breath. Listening for Tala to confess the words that would condemn her father to the fight.

"Dad, I've met someone." Tala nervously toyed with the handle of her mug, surveying his carefully guarded reaction. Trying desperately to read the changing expressions on his face. Mentally bracing herself for the worst, she took a deep to explain. His said nothing, his eyes soft and a bit sad. She could see the arguments rolling though his mind. But, he kept them to himself in acceptance of what she'd said. It was then that she realized she shouldn't have bothered with telling him anything. He'd known all along.

"Tala, are you sure he's what you want? Life with him won't be easy. Drew is a conflicted man torn in three different directions at once and his loyalties have to lie with those he's destined to lead before they lie with you. You will always be second in his life. Are you certain you can live with that?" She seemed to be considering his question. Quietly sipping her coffee and staring out the sliding glass doors in contemplation. He already knew what her answer would be. Exactly the same as her mother's had been when her father had asked her the very same question. And he'd been the one hiding, eavesdropping in on the conversation. Grant and he were very different men though. And the outcome hinged on one woman's heart. And just like before, when her father sat waiting for her to think on it and he held his breath in anticipation, her answer would change the course of one man's destiny forever.

Grant waited for Tala to answer. His muscles coiled like tight springs beneath his skin. Ready to strike out in rage. Ready to fight for what was his. But, as long as the silence remained empty there was still a chance. And even if Tala confessed her heart, there was still a chance Nash might see reason and force her to decide differently.

Tala thought long and hard before she answered her father's question. She'd had her whole life to think about what she wanted and didn't want in it. About who she wanted and didn't want in it. And for once she was certain her decision was the right one for her. Saying the words was the most difficult thing she'd ever had to do. Within them was her father's fate. "Dad, I love him."

Nash squeezed Tala's hand. Smiling reassuringly as her fingers trembled nervously in his. There was no need for that. He could force her. Demand that she choose a mate from the pack. Demand she select Grant just to buy himself more time to avoid the inevitable fight between them. But, to do so would make her come to despise him and withdraw from the pack. He loved her too much to risk losing her. And he did the only thing a father who loved his daughter could do. "Follow your heart, Tala." He tugged on a curl spiraling down her neck. "Go get him."

Tala blinked at her father's willingness to accept her decision. She'd expected him to lecture her about duty to the pack or worse, force her into a mating she didn't want. Instead, he'd given her his blessing. And respected her enough to make her own decisions for her life. "Thank you. You don't know how much it means to me." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed as hard as she could. Giggling lightly as he covered her cheeks with soft, fatherly kisses. "Love you, Dad."

Grant could not contain his fury another second. Follow your heart? What kind of edict was that? He couldn't stand by idly and allow this to happen. Nash simply handed her over to the Great White Wolf. Grant had tasted the wolf's power. And the Great White Wolf had the gifts of the vampire on his side. There was no way he could defeat the Great White Wolf in a fight. He wouldn't stand a chance. But, he could beat the old man. And in his victory force Tala's hand. "You weak and pathetic old man!" He burst into the dining room and slammed his fist on the table. Dishes rattled and the coffee decanter tipped over. The thick plank of wood shook and groaned beneath the force of his blow. "She is mine!" he growled lunging for Tala.

Nash threw back the chair and stood to his full height. Grant didn't waste any time. "Stop! You will not touch my daughter. Her mate is chosen." He pushed his muscled body between Grant and Tala. His inner wolf bristled and growled, issuing one final warning to Grant. Nash kept his voice low and spoke slowly, promising not threatening. "As pack master, my decision is final."

"Then maybe your authority should be challenged," Grant hissed back. His fingers closed into a fist, snatching a tendril of Tala's hair in its grip. Pulling mercilessly, he jerked the wayward strand free from her scalp. Inwardly satisfied by Tala's yelp of pain. Lips curling back and revealing a row of perfect, white, teeth he circled around Nash. Sizing him up.

"You got the balls, boy?" Nash shot back. His body was tense. Ready for attack. His wolf howled to be free. Scratched and begged to be unleashed upon the whelp who threatened their position as alpha. Nash pushed his wolf back. Controlling the beast. And waiting for Grant to make the first move.

Grant was larger. Tall and well muscled. Young. His dark hair, free from the strands of silver that wove through Nash's, had been cut short in preparation. His face, smooth, free from the scars and worry lines that etched across Nash's. Grant was strong, powerful, a formidable opponent. But, his cocky attitude and inexperience would be his downfall. And it might just get him killed. Nash could use the boy's youth to his advantage. Wear him down. Confuse him in the fight. But, Grant possessed something Nash lacked. He was hungry and eager for power. Starved for Tala. And Grant's longings made him dangerous, possibly lethal. Nash studied him carefully, saying nothing, watching him weigh his options and decide.

The old man was weak, ripe for the picking. All the years of training had led him to this moment. He was ready. And, despite his earlier softness for the elder, he'd changed his mind. He would kill Nash to punish Tala for choosing the Great White Wolf over him. He'd kill the old son of a bitch in front of her very eyes. He could almost taste his triumph. After her father was dead. He'd fuck her hard. Claim her as his. Oh, she'd hate him. But she would bear his children and give him heirs. She would become a soft, placid, woman agreeable and compliant. And she would come to love him.

If Tala thought she'd turn her back on the pack and run, she had another thing coming. He'd fuck her anyway he had to. Force her into a bond. Once the bond was made. She'd have no place to run. How, it happened was up to her. Willing or fighting to the bitter end, either way the result was the same. She'd be his. Grant swallowed his hesitation. His voice loud and booming for the entire pack to hear he issued the challenge. "I formally challenge you in a fight to the death for the right to be master of this pack. You are weak, old man. And you are no longer fit to be master of this pack."

"No!" Tala gasped. "You can't!" She reached around her father, grappling to get her hands on Grant. Her heart pounded. Her father was older, weaker. He wouldn't survive the challenge. Grant would kill him. Be within his rights to do so if her father accepted the challenge. And there was no way he couldn't. Grant would use anything he could to gain the upper hand. Primarily her. She wouldn't risk losing her father for her own happiness. There was no way she could stop the fight from coming. But, she could delay it. "I changed my mind, Dad. Grant, if you revoke your challenge, I'll...,"

"Tala, stop," Nash barked. There was no need for Tala to claim Grant as a mate to save his life. Sooner or later, some ambitious cur would challenge his authority. And one day, one of them would win. It was how their world worked. And Tala didn't need to seal her fate with this man to avoid his death.

Someone would battle him for pack master. As he had done, fighting his father to the death, so many years ago. When he was as hungry and ambitious as the pup standing before him now. He'd always secretly hoped, one of his sons would step up and take his place. And they were fine wolves, alphas and leaders, but, not of the mettle to be a pack master. Grant was power hungry and ruthless. His lust for the title and for Tala would lead the pack to ruin. Grant was not a leader and had no concept of responsibility or the burdens of being a true pack master. Nash could only hope that if Grant did manage to win the battle. The pack stuck together long enough for his little Mouse to become the woman she'd need to be to take control. "So be it."

"No!" Tala's mind raced to come up with a plan. There was a way. If she accepted the challenge in her father's stead and fought in his place. If she won, the pack and her father would be safe. If she lost, her father and most likely her siblings and their families, would be driven out. But, they'd still be alive. Her life was a small price to pay for everyone's safety. Grant was twice her size and more than double her weight. She'd been in her share of scuffs with pack mates. But, she'd never battled for her life or fought with the intent to kill before. Tala held out little hope that she'd be the one making the decision to kill or not to kill. "I invoke the right to stand in for the pack master. I accept the challenge on his behalf."

Grant's triumphant smile quickly faded. He wanted Tala alive. She was small, fine boned, definitely weaker than he in both forms. Defeating her wouldn't be a challenge. It'd be a slaughter. But, refusing her offer could be seen as a sign of weakness. A challenge was a challenge. Softening or changing the rules for a female was not an option. A few punches would drop her. A few bites from his wolf would kill her. He would have to carefully ride the line. Break her. Injure her. Banish her family and leave her with nothing. Nothing but his kindness and open welcoming arms to turn to. Bad guy turned savior, he liked the sound of that. It was a far better option than force.

She'd been about to claim him as her mate before her father stopped her. Foolish man. He wanted his daughter's happiness more than his continued well being. And seeing her beaten and bloody. A life of struggle and banishment with nowhere to turn was the price he'd have to pay for his good intentions. Grant would take Tala back and make him his mate. And someday, if she proved a good wife and mother, he might allow her family to return. But, her father? Never. He didn't want to hurt Tala. But, his wolf was ever the opportunist. And if he had no other way of getting what he wanted, he would. "Very well, I accept."

"Bastard," Nash hissed. Gently he cupped Tala's cheeks and steered her away from Grant. His daughter was a fool. Willing to die for something that was someday going to happen anyway. She could not save his life. And now, he could not save hers. Not even the Great White Wolf could intervene once a challenge had been issued. Oh, he could. His word was the ultimate law. But, some traditions had to be upheld. And the right to fight to the death for pack master was one of them. "Tala I can't stop this." He shook her by the shoulders as if he could get her to see reason, step down from the challenge, and just let the fight that was eventually going to come happen. "Why?"

"For us, Dad." Tala rested her chin in her father's warm, rough palms and blinked back the tears. She saw what he didn't say in his eyes. He didn't think she could win.

"You fight for nothing," Grant spat smugly. "You know you can't win." His fingers twined around the back of a dining room chair. Squeezing so hard the wood splintered into toothpicks.

"Leave us! I'm still pack master and you will do as I order," Nash commanded.

"As you wish," Grant said coolly. He tipped his head in mock reverence to Nash and flashed Tala a hard grin. "Tomorrow at dawn this will be settled."

"Tomorrow?" Tala gasped in shock at the unfairness of it. As the one accepting the challenge, Grant chose the place and time. She thought he'd at least give her a chance to train and prepare. Time to prepare Drew for what was to come and why she'd chosen to fight. Her inevitable end was nearer than she'd thought. "I need more time."

"So you can fuck that bastard wolf and steal what is rightfully mine? No. It is my right to name the place and time. And so I have. Dawn on the bluffs."

"Leave!" Nash shouted in a voice so loud the dishware in the cabinets rattled. His fury barely contained behind the calm façade broke free. And it was all he could do not to reach out and kill Grant right here and now. Pack law had a penalty for cold-blooded unprovoked murder and it was death. His death in such a way would not help Tala or the rest of the pack. His attention turned to his daughter as Grant stormed from the room, snickering under his breath. Nash held Tala tightly in his arms, clinging to her. She wasn't strong enough to defeat Grant. Nash knew that. Tala knew it. And there was nothing he could do to help her prepare for the fight. But, he had one hope he could hold to. "Grant won't kill you. What he does, as insane as it seems. He's doing because he loves you and his pride won't accept that you don't love him. He'll hurt you. And he'll hurt your family. But, I promise you he won't end your life. I'm sorry, Tala. Grant is right. You're not strong enough to beat him."

"Dad." Tala whispered in protest, "You don't know that. I could beat Grant tomorrow."

"Tala." Nash pushed her chin up with his finger. "Let's not lie to ourselves. We must face the facts. Go, go to your man and love him while you can. While there's still time."

"Dad," Tala's sentence was cut short by a gentle finger placed across her lips. If they were lucky, her family would escape with their lives. Unfortunately, so would she. Grant would spend the rest of her days punishing her for what he considered the ultimate betrayal. No matter what, he could force her into his bed and to carry his children, but she'd never love him. And as soon as she found a way, she'd be where she belonged in Drew's arms. Nothing could keep them apart. Fate sometimes had a way of turning the tables. Perhaps she possessed an inner strength she wasn't aware that she had. Perhaps, she would defeat Grant. And then her family would be safe. And she'd be free to love Drew. It would take a miracle. But, sometimes miracles did happen.
