Dawn's Shelter


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Jan's nails scraped the back of his scalp and dug into his shoulders. Her hips tilted to grant him better access to the heart of her. He was covered with the scent and taste of her. The woman that was wild, driven to passion and crying out in pleasure because of him, for him. She knew what he wanted from her. And when he got it, he'd give her what she desperately needed. He had to hear his name on her lips, just once more. Whispered in delight as he made her come. He ached to be inside of her, to possess her and mark her as his. But, he held out and breathed against his own desire, the pulsations and dark cravings of it driving him insane. He stroked and teased her with his tongue and his fingertips. He smiled and placed a chaste kiss to her clit as he delivered her past the point of no return and she came for him with his name wrenched from her quivering lips.

Jan pulled at Thomas's shoulders, her fingers grappling at his back. Sliding down his body, she rubbed her core against him. Needing more of him, all of him, now. If this was going to be the last time they were together, she wanted nothing to come between them. She was on the pill and had no worry of pregnancy. She had to feel him...all of him. She needed the heat of him pounding into her body and of his release as he lost himself in her. "Thomas, I trust you. I want you. All of you," she whispered. Locking her thighs around his hips, she dug her heels into his backside, spurring him along.

If only that were completely true. If she really trusted him, she'd stay put instead of sneaking off, like he knew she planned to do. He wanted to keep her beside him for as long as possible. Which was going to be for such a short time more. To feel her natural, unfettered and free, to plunge deep inside of her without confines or restrictions and fill her with his flesh and nothing but his bare flesh spurred him on. He'd spent his life being so careful. Always taking every extra precaution. How good would it feel to let go, and just be free? To take her, to feel her, every inch of her body as it burned around him. Worth it, worth any consequence he had to endure. He slid into her sweet, tight core, burying his length to the hilt deep inside of her body. Searing him, past flesh, and deeper, deep down as far as possible, into his soul.

Thomas's body pounded against Jan's. Hard and deep thrusts filled her. Branding her body with his heat and the weight of him. Her cries filled his ears. Washed over him in a warm flood of passion and the musical lightness of song. Her body was tight, squeezing him hard and milking his cock, wringing the orgasm from him. He held back. Fighting against the torrents of pleasure that surged through him. Making the tender moments that they had left together count for all they were worth. He pressed his lips against her mouth, running his tongue between the borders of her soft lips. He balanced his weight on the heel of one hand and massaged her nipples with his free hand. This was right. This is what they should be doing. They belonged together. He gasped as he grappled to restrain the orgasm that roared within his body. Not yet.

Jan bucked against Thomas with wild undulations of her hips. Opening herself up to him, stretching as he filled her. Arching up to meet each eager pulse as he pumped into her body. She swore she saw stars as he carried her up to the pinnacle of release and let her tumble back down only to bring her up to the top once again. There were so many words her lips moved to form. So many things she wanted to say and now she was free to say them. But, in the end, the words would only serve to hurt them both. Instead of words, she responded to him the only way she knew how. With her body and his name stuck in her throat.

Thomas shuddered out of control. The orgasm he'd been fighting to hold back rocketing through him. He pinned her face between his hands as he shot into her. Forcing her to meet his eyes, holding her stare as he came. Capturing his name on her lips with his mouth and tongue, he brought her there with him. Overfilling her with hot jets of his release, he kept their bodies joined and locked together as one. Staring into the rich brown of her eyes, he traced the outline of her lips with a fingertip.

Her mouth moved beneath his finger, mouthing words that she couldn't say aloud. Assuming he was too distracted to notice or wouldn't be able to discern the vowels and consonants. But, he had. He was an expert at reading subtleties and what she'd said filled him with an equal mix of pride, joy, and dread. She loved him. He realized, no matter what, even if she physically left him. He'd never let be able to let her go. She was branded on his heart.

He couldn't seem to catch a break. He didn't care if she was a wolf. Her DNA didn't matter. He...he loved her too. And wasn't it a hard kick in the nuts that when he'd finally found someone and the truth the whole truth of everything was out in the light of day. The truth that should have set them free was ripping them apart.

Jan relaxed beneath Thomas. Pinned to the mattress by the weight of his body and not minding in the least. She opened her lips and nipped at the end of his finger with her teeth. She soaked up his warmth and basked in the light from his eyes. She could tell from their glow, that for him, their joining wasn't just physical. It went deeper on many levels. She knew exactly how he felt. Being in love when you didn't want to be in love and with the right person but in the wrong circumstances was the cruelest trick fate could play. If she stayed, as she was tempted to do, he could get hurt. And she could not risk him. In time, his heart would heal. But, it wasn't only his heart she worried about. He was part of a mirror version of her world. Only in his version, the monsters kept him safe. In her version of the twisted reality in which they lived, the monsters would eat him alive.

Chapter 10

Kacie sat on one side of the narrow booth. Tristen sat on the other, filling the narrow space with his shoulders and stretching his long legs out beneath the table. Taking every inch of the floor space with his oversized redneck boots and blocking her in with her legs squished against the wall. It was a power play. Wolves didn't like to feel penned. And he knew it. By stretching out his long legs, he'd blocked her between the wall and his size gazillion boots. She pretended not to notice and that it didn't bother her. Maybe, she could use this unsuspecting hillbilly to her advantage. This was a small town. Maybe, he knew her sister or had seen her around. People like them weren't all that common. He would have noticed Jan.

She dug her wallet out of her purse and smiled coyly at Tristen. Flashing a snapshot of Jan at him, she gauged his reaction. Her face fell as he studied the picture and showed no signs of recognition. "Have you seen her?" she asked in desperation.

Tristen returned Kacie's smile. Feigning absolute innocence and stupidity, he picked up the picture and held it carefully in between his fingers. He was an expert at playing stupid. Living with men, alphas, like his dad and his grandfather, sometimes it paid to play dumb. The picture was definitely of Jan, taken probably a couple of years ago. "She's pretty." He leaned on the tabletop, inching dangerously close to Kacie's face. He grinned and shot her a playful wink. "Like you. Is she your sister?"

"Yes. My older sister, Jan. She's been missing for over a year. I've been trying to track her down." Kacie looked down at the picture as she took it from Tristen's fingers. "My mom and she got into a big fight. And no one has seen or heard from her since. She ran away." Kacie forced a tear to slide down her cheek. Making over exaggerated movements with her hand as she wiped it away and tucked the snapshot of Jan back into her wallet. "I really miss her. Everyone does. Mom wants to tell her how sorry she is that they fought. And how badly she wants her to come home, for good. I only hope I can find her soon." She turned her eyes up to Tristen, playing the sympathy card for all it was worth. What man could resist a woman's tears? "My mom isn't well."

Tristen almost chuckled. Kacie was pretty enough, compelling in her performance. But, she was no actress. She laid it on too thick. He could almost smell the bullshit. "What makes you think she's here?"

"My sister is a nurse and I searched the state licensing board online. That's how I found her. Well, the state, anyway. I've spent the better part of a year searching every town, every hospital, doctor's office, clinic, and nursing home listed in the state. Going from town to town, looking for her. This is the only place left to look. Have you seen her around here?"

"Sorry. Maybe, she moved on. Or maybe, she's gotten a job doing something else somewhere else." Tristen handed Kacie a rough, white paper napkin from the stainless steel dispenser on the table. Sniveling in an overly dramatic way, she dabbed at the corners of her eyes and blew her nose.

"My sister would never do that. She loves nursing. Wherever she is, she's working as a nurse. I'm sure of it." Kacie took a sip from her paper cup and winced. The coffee was even worse cold. "Think hard, you really haven't seen here anywhere around here?"

"I'd like to help you out. I really would." Tristen frowned. He was a good actor. His voice held just the right amount of inflection to make his act believable. He brightened and smiled. Kacie seemed to think she could manipulate him with nothing more than a few tears. He could play. "I could be your tour guide. I know some people that work at the hospital. Maybe, they could help. Maybe, they know her or where she's staying. I'd be happy to take you around. Introduce you."

"That sounds great. When?" Kacie grabbed onto the hope that one of these hicks would guide her to her sister. And that Mr. Suddenly so Helpful sitting across the table from her would be the key she needed to unzip their lips. People in small towns didn't like and they didn't trust strangers. They wouldn't tell her a thing without a little coaxing from one of the natives.

"First thing in the morning." Tristen grinned and slid on his coat. "Where are you staying? I'll pick you up. No offense, but your driving scares the shit out of me."

Kacie shrugged. "I've got a room at the hotel across the highway," she answered pointing in the general direction of the hotel. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if she were from out of town, and she was spending any amount of time here, she'd be camping out at the only fleabag hotel in the burg. "I'll meet you here at, say nine?"

Tristen slid into his coat. "Sure. I'll see you then. I'd better go." He wiggled out from his seat and smiled down at her, stretching out his hand in a gentlemanly gesture to help her out of the booth. She glared at him but reluctantly took his hand. Effortlessly, he pulled her onto her feet. He towered over her to keep her well off balance. Ignoring his wolf completely. The beast was practically panting, scratching at the borders of their shared consciousness in his enthusiasm to get to Kacie. His wolf operated on instinct. And Kacie met every single qualification his not so choosy wolf had in mind for a mate. In other words, she was a female. And for his wolf, that was all it took. He was a bit pickier, not by much though. "Good to meet you, Kacie."

"I could give you a ride home," Kacie offered. Tristen was so full of himself it was no wonder a strong breeze didn't send him drifting off in space thanks to that over inflated ego of his. He'd tried to intimidate her by his size. He'd tried to charm her with his particular brand of innocuous almost annoying country boy routine. And now, he'd volunteered to be her tour guide. The guy was full of shit. He knew damn well where Jan was. She could smell Jan on him. But, it was best to play nice. And after all, she was trying to manipulate him too. Fair was fair.

Tristen shook his head. "Its not far. I'll walk." He shot her a grin and a snicker, "Safer that way." He left her standing there at the trash can hopeful, that he, playing the stupid hayseed, redneck was dumb enough to lead her to her sister. As if.

Kacie watched Tristen leave and gathered up her purse and coat. Tossing the putrid cup of coffee in the trash, she pulled out her cell phone dialed the only number in her contact list. "I think I have a lead." She listened to the voice on the other end. Her mother and her groupies would be arriving shortly after midnight. Wonderful. Just what she needed, a guest appearance from the wicked witch of the South.

Tristen wound back around through the slick and empty streets of town, retracing his steps just in case she got the bright idea to track him. Kacie was good. But, he was better. He'd call in a few favors and take her on the wildest goose chase of her life. Purposely leading her as far from Jan as he could. He didn't know what was doing between the two sisters. Only that Jan had been terrified and wasn't interested in what her sister had to sell. And that was enough for him. Obviously, the family reunion wouldn't be a happy one, and if he had his way, it wouldn't take place at all. He snapped open his cell phone. Calling for a pick up. He had to have time to put together his game and devise a plan to keep Kacie off hers.

Eloise Collins snapped the phone closed and barked orders to the faithful omega males who loaded her plethora of suitcases into the back of a long luxury sedan. Upon getting the call from her youngest, Kacie, she realized that if she wanted the job done. She was going to have to do it herself. How true her theory had proven to be. Kacie had almost had her sister. But, Jan somehow managed to slip away at the last minute. How could a daughter of hers be so careless? No matter, the other one, was as selfish as her second born was careless. They must have taken after their father.

Eloise had promised to deliver her oldest daughter Jan. Intact, ready, and willing to marry. She scarcely believed what a disappointment her children were. Jan had a duty to fulfill. And damn it. If Eloise had to drug her to get her to the altar and strap her down to ensure an heir, she was going to damn well do it. How dare Jan run off and shirk her duty when the very future of the pack was riding on her shoulders.

Eloise understood what her daughter was going through. She really did. At the tender age of eight, her family had brokered her off. By the age of eighteen, she was trapped into a loveless marriage and pregnant with Jan. How many times had she wished that she could have disappeared into thin air? Or that the piss poor excuse of a mate that her parents had chosen for her would.

She'd endured much in the years that spanned between Jan and her younger sister Kacie. Humiliation that she had not produced a male heir and her firstborn was female. She'd undergone years and endless rounds of fertility potions and hormones. Lay beneath her husband, cringing and stifling back the bile that rose in her throat every time he'd put his hands on her. Cursing month after month when didn't conceive. After Kacie was born. She couldn't take anymore of him. She took measures, in secret, to ensure that he'd never produce another child by her. She gave him his out and got hers. And she was grateful when he took it and chose another mate. How many kids did he have now? Ten?

She smoothed her hand over the windblown tendrils of her French twist and climbed into the backseat. Life was a bitch now wasn't it. Her future and the future of her pack rested squarely on her daughter's shoulders. She had a promise to fulfill, a wedding to attend, and grandchildren to bounce on her knee. And, as for her daughter, she had no choice but to fulfill her end of the bargain.

The stakes were high. If she couldn't produce her daughter, it would be seen as weakness. If she were viewed as weak, her leadership would inevitably be challenged. Even if she successfully defended her position, there would be more and more vies for her throne. Eventually, she'd fail. Someone younger and hungrier would come along and best her. And when that happened, she'd be driven out of the pack, both she and Kacie. Thrust into a world they didn't understand and had never taken part of. Left to live on their own, alone.

Eloise really had tried her best to find Jan a suitable mate. Torr came from a good family with a proud history and excellent bloodlines. The male was easy on the eyes. Not much upstairs, but, her daughter really didn't have to converse with him. Just lie on her back and do her duty. A male child would secure the pack's future. If she wanted, as soon as Jan crested her peak, she could withdraw. Chose another mate, have lovers, whatever. As long as she produced a long line of heirs, what else she chose to do with her time was inconsequential.

Eloise crossed her legs at the ankles and let the heater's warm blast of air wash over her body. She rubbed her gloved hands together as she motioned for her omega to hit the interstate. She didn't like being so far away from her pack and her home. But, if the end result of her trip was returning to Texas with her daughter in tow, any discomfort she'd sacrificed was well worth it.

Jan and Kacie had never understood the sacrifices she'd made over the years to keep them safe and their position secured. They'd never understood that the things she did were for them, and their future. Despite her disdain for the man who had helped to create Jan and Kacie, Eloise loved her children. She just wasn't that good at showing it.

Eloise's parents had been very busy running the pack, vying for position to secure it for her. Time was at a premium and very scarce. They didn't have time for affection or love for each other. And they had none to spare for her. She had never known affection or love. And didn't know how to give love or receive it in return. Her inadequacies as a mother stung. But, there was little she could do to make amends now. Her children were grown and destined to have their own lives. Perhaps, they'd do better with their children than she had with them. She could hope.

Dane looked across the desk at his leader, his mentor, his father, and his friend, Drew, the Great Father, founder of the brotherhood known simply as the Sons. He glanced over at Nash from his seat beside the man he called Pack Master, Great White Wolf. Nash was pale and at a loss for words, regarding the brother of his deceased leader, founder of the pack and now his leader, with trepidation.

Drew sat back in his chair. Longing for a simpler time, when he had only a handful of devoted followers, vampires, closer than brothers, to lead. Now days every day presented a challenge and produced a major head splitting pain between his temples. "You believe the woman, and her sister, are Lost Children? You think there's more of them, coming our way?"

"Yes." Nash sank back in his seat. Unable to explain the presence of another wolf, a different brand of wolf with a totally different smell, in his territory, considering the sisters as members of the Lost Children, a branch that had broken off from the original werewolf family tree centuries ago, was the only thing that made sense.

"The woman, Jan, is in our custody, safely under our protection. I've posted Patrick and John Mark on her sister's trail. One of our wolf brothers, Tristen, has also had contact with the female tracking Jan. His last report indicated that the woman, Kacie, is Jan's sister. And that she has been searching for Jan over a year. Her search for Jan led her here," Dane explained.

"I plan to have a talk with Jan as soon as she's had a chance to settle in and calm herself. We've got to find out what she knows and exactly who she is. She also claims that more will come in search of her," Dane went on. Wincing at the way his leader rubbed his temples in frustration.
