All Comments on 'Dealing with Jessie Pt. 08'

by carvohi

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This was dragged out unnecessarily. Should have been done in 2 chapters max!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Getting wierder

It’s got too weird and dragged out far too long

bioman57bioman57almost 5 years ago
I have these tales of sorrow thru 8 parts

And I am asking myself why would he keep putting himself in this much pain. He needs to leave and not come back. She is a lost soul, too damaged to help or save. And she gets off on seeing how much pain she can hand out to others, not just her husband, but her kids too. I have been there and it is past the point of leaving. She is hateful and deserves be alone, where she can destroy herself as she wants too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
He felt like his dick was being sliced off...

... and yet he stayed. She treats him likes shit, and yet he went back. His children talk down to him like he's a moron, and he bends over backwards catering to their whims. Saint Gary the Patient Cuckold, there are so few, or none, like you in this world.

Gary keeps telling himself "for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer". He has blinders on to the fact that he's the one with mental problems, and nobody's there supporting him in his troubles.

Gary's gravestone will read, "He alwayd tried to do the right thing". And Jeff Snyder and Gary's father-in-law will laugh out loud reading it while they piss on his grave.

RandomcarrotRandomcarrotalmost 5 years ago
This redemption/reconciliation arc.

It would work so much better if Jessie had been set up as someone worth fighting for. From the very beginning she is set up as someone who looks down on her husband and mistreats him so when we see the husband go through all this suffering and doubt to save his wife from herself all we can ask is: Why does he bother?

Instead of making us root for them to find their love for each other again and rebuild their relationship instead we end up rooting for them to break up so Gary would finally be rid of her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Figure out why anyone would rave about this. Shit writing. Someone called it torture porn. If only.

penneydog55penneydog55almost 5 years ago

So Far So Good! I Dearly hope this ends well for them?...Yes I admit I know that this is fiction but I can't help but feel that to destroy their marriage is Wrong.

Thanks for sharing this Brilliant story with us! 5 Stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WOOF!

cordialddcordialddalmost 5 years ago
when does he start shoving splinters under his fingernails?

No way the daughter's aren't permanently damaged by this. Basket case with an enabler.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
down, down, down and getting very tired or a over told story line.

The weight of too many introductions are dragging the story into a redundant morass. Caught reading it to the end but not really enjoying the continuous repetition of the main characters salient points. A good story needs to build tension to a culmination then resolution. This tale has lost that thread being overly written, retelling the same point with a minor development in each new section. Really, really, really tiring.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

and a hell of a lot closer, TK U MLJ LV NV

payenbrantpayenbrantalmost 5 years ago
.....good.....sort of....

.....I am waiting for all of this torture to pay off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

why is he still with the bitch time to get on with life she can decide what she wants he can move out west and whoever wants to can go with him he doesn't need this shit

cybojicybojialmost 5 years ago
She is bat shit crazy

Like sheryls sea shed, im sure its trumps this story has me stumped. Hope it goes some where.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 5 years ago

Mom is crazy, daughter is crazy and his daughters will likely go crazy later in life. What a cluster fuck.

JSipesJSipesalmost 5 years ago
Too many let downs

Are you ever going to tell us why she fucked Snyder at the Gala? You had a good story but you are ruining it by not getting to the point. It would make more sense if we knew what Motivated her to have sex with Snyder.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 5 years ago

It doesn't look like Jessie fucking Snyder and sucking off her coworkers is going to be dealt with.

This entire story is about Gary martyring himself as the sacrificial cuck to help Jessie get a grip on her mental health issues.

Everything else be damned.

Her mental health is important but not at the expense of every other important issue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Good and different

I am enjoying this. There is plenty of things happening without the usual subtrafuge and investigation. People doing wrong while their minds and personalities think not. I like her cooking her own goose. I am expecting her to want to heal herself when she understands all she has done was the wrong thing. The hardest thing a human can learn. How to admit you were wrong.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
A lot

At least Gary is getting a lot of sex for a change. I wish he could get a shot at Jeff Fucking Snyder or the entire firm. One more chapter, can't wait to see how you resolve this. Should be epic.

SevMax2SevMax2almost 5 years ago
There's reconciliation....

...and then there's enabling abusive behavior. Jessie was abusive, plain and simple. She was/is an abusive wife and this is a toxic marriage. Don't just walk. RUN! Any shrink that advises a man to stay in an unhealthy, physically abusive (look what she did to his groin?!), emotionally abusive relationship like this is a quack that ought to have his license pulled. It's not the cheating. Leave, get a revenge fling, or open up the marriage if that's the case. It's the emotional and physical and verbal abuse (how many insults sent his way, even teaching her daughters to automatically blame him for things?), manipulation, obsessive jealousy, and control that she carries to stalker levels, even while threatening him, demanding that he give up things that he loves (guns, tools), slapping him with restraining orders? And why should he be kicked out? What did he do to deserve it, with that being his house/home, too? I don't usually drag an author in his comments like this, but you're just not making sense, buddy. You tend to condone bad behavior in women (more abuse than cheating) and it's reached pathological levels of enabling. Get help. Serious, psychiatric help, if you think that this is acceptable conduct for any spouse of either sex in a marriage/relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
East Jabib

...or East Jabip.

Bumfuck, Egypt is also an alternative for ‘middle-of-nowhere’.

No one (but you, apparently) says “East Jesus”

Since this just keeps rambling along with ZERO ramifications to the cheating, I’ll just fixate on little things like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Compass Again

It's slowed down a bit and it's getting close to her mother - I do wish Gary wasn't such a wimp - he's turning a lot of folks off the story.

I'd prefer more padding to the story, seems to me the 'flow' is too quick and the daughters are not much help either! Perhaps a chapter every 2 days?????

When is he going to get 'something' on the sod Snyder? She already feels he is 'one up' on Gary and it's effecting her perspective of Gary being a protective husband!


PostScriptorPostScriptoralmost 5 years ago
Scores should be higher,,,

Read the entire story on another site. I guess that some of the LW readers want one basic script and nothing else will do. Really boring if you are the writer though.

I enjoy the psychological aspects to a number of your stories including this one. Jessie clearly has mental issues that are causing her to be split in two — one the offensive termagent and the other the woman desperate for her husband, his approval and love.

I have to admit, though, that it IS a dangerous situation for a husband to be in. I have a friend who had a wife who went bat-shit crazy on him. He was worried that she would do something that would result in children's social services taking his kids and taking years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get them back. He was also worried that if he stayed with her and SHE was declared insane, that he could find himself responsible for her for the rest of his life; taking care of a wife who he couldn't trust and who was sometimes violent. He was able to divorce and get out of Dodge WITH the kids (and one knows that when the courts give the children to the father, the mother must be a real head case!)

Still, enjoying reading it a second time through and giving it solid 5's!

notredame43notredame43almost 5 years ago
little too drawn out

He shouldve split ages ago, Those people are sactimonious, plastic self aborbed and so is she. He wont be "good enough" so leave be happy let her live with her head up her ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
it's pretty obvious author has never been in fights

you prolly grew up around a lot of, 'violence never solves anything' rhetoric.

i grew up in two very different worlds. i grew up in an extremely liberal city with almost everything being thrown at me from that perspective. from friends, teachers, priests, you name it. but my home life was middle class, not that fake middle class that rich people tell themselves to sound edgy. i mean both parents work, they drink to cope, kids get smacked around, and a lot of budgeting. a lot of thin times and never having what the other kids had.

violence has solved almost ALL of my problems. i'm not even advocating it. i'm just letting you know how the world works. empires and big businesses run on it. everyone tells you about ' an eye for an eye leaves the world blind'. that's only true in the sense that violence exists. it's not going anywhere. yes, violence can beget violence. violence can also just magically happen. it wont go away if you give up peacefully.even if you do diffuse tensions......long after you animal will kill another animal for meat. another human will betray another human out of sheer boredom. you are not that powerful. you were led to believe you were. trying not to be an asshole is a worthwhile goal. but violence isn't as bad as you believe. self defense. scaring someone with evil intent. you think every man/woman that was threatened by a mafia and lost a finger took up arms? NOOOO. They got scared and bowed. It happens more often than your idea of endless cycles of violence.

I want you to really understand how detached your world view is. Not being mean. A single generation ago, in america, a huge fist fight only got you a night or two to 'cool off' in a jail cell. A united states president literally killed a man in a duel because some guy insulted his wife...only a few decades ago. This is CURRENT. Right now, women are being burned at the stake in africa because they are widows and people still believe in witches. You live in a bubble. This world view of yours has yet to bear any real fruit. Ghandi? Civil rights? Absolutely violence going on behind the scenes. Britain was losing it's hold on it's conquered territories already.....from violence elsewhere. Some african american families would be erased from history if they didn't physically defend themselves. And you better believe, while appearing peaceful, when you gather a LARGE number of sympathetic eyes to your cause...the powers that be are literally shitting their pants....because the second it turns to violence they'd lose. Numbers are scary too. You can paint it with a brush of peace....but rarely do bad people just change their minds when they hold all the cards. You gain enough numbers....that's a tribal outbreak of violence just waiting to happen. violence has many shades of grey. accept it. it's not going to go away because you don't like it.

if you hate violence, i get it. just don't tell me or others how it works. you don't seem to understand how violence was, is, and will be.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

the fact he is doing it with Divine Providence while remaining steadfast with his convictions, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Too many unanswered questions. No answers.

Too much bullshit to enjoy. It’s like the author wrote one story and then half way through said “fuck it!” And wrote a different story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
You said nine parts and we're at eight.

The next chapter had better be a real Come to Jesus event for her.

And yeah...

male haircut (senior) $13 (Can)

Female haircut +++ $150.00+

I can't tell you the fights we've had over THAT!

johnadpjohnadpalmost 5 years ago
In All These Pages Something Is Missing

It's funny that in this very long tale I think Carvohi skipped over a very important element, and that is how Jessie was before all of this. Because if she was abusive, manipulative, always a problem and then the mental illness hits is she worth this much effort?

I think the story would have benefited greatly from us seeing a healthy Jessie. She doesn't have to be all soft and cuddly. She can be alpha and edgy, but still worthwhile for the family. Then you can see why the family is fighting so hard for her, and why they are willing to take so much crap from her while she is going through her shit.

Right now we are left to assume that this was a close knit loving family, and even with all her faults Jessie was a loving and contributing part of the family, who then suddenly becomes seriously ill. And if that was the case then yes you do fight for that person. A high percentage of LW stories focus on the "forsaking all others" aspect, but what about "in sickness and in health" part?

Fighting for her doesn't mean Gary and her staying together, or Gary being up her ass as much as he is, but just like if it was cancer or anything else you don't abandon a loved one. Serious mental illness, however, is much harder to deal with for those around them than cancer is.

While I think this is an important story to be told, a family going through one of their members with serious mental health issues, it's definitely not sexy, fun or entertaining. But then a lot of the important things we have to deal with in life are not that entertaining either.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not bad

Would have been a better chapter if he'd eaten the cream pie. That would have been hot.

tizwickytizwickyalmost 5 years ago
I Still Don’t See How There Is a Way to Resolve All of the Issues

I feel like the author has painted the entire plot of the story into a corner. So many unresolved issues and only another chapter to resolve them. I Can’t wait to be proven wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The only thing dumber than this story, . . .

is those of us trying to make some sense of it. The woman is mentally dysfunctional, under the care and medication of a psychiatrist, and we are supposed to find her words and actions dramatic or suspenseful? OK, its like watching a spastic person trying to put food in their mouth with a fork. Anyone who finds that entertaining is a sick fuck.

Maybe their children will dodge the genetic connection to mental illness, cowardice, and overall ignorance. Or maybe they will grow up to write pointless drivel to entertain bored people dumpster diving for a scrap of worthy literature.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

He does need to find out every detail like who she fucked and what dicks were sucked etc.

enderlocke27enderlocke27almost 5 years ago

hard to live with bipolar

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Living as a pussy whipped CUCK has to be horrible!!!

TorgauTorgauabout 4 years ago

Where are you going with this?

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

Hmm - Not sure how you'll tie this all up in the last chapter. I guess I better find out...LOL 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So he has been a doormat his entire relationship with Jessie.

No wonder she has no respect for him.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaabout 1 year ago

3 teenage children and they don't know how to clean a pool?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Repercussions? For swimming in the lake? Seriously?

On and on, the same crap, I hate you, blah blah blah, but you can’t leave, but you’re an asshole, but I need you, but you suck, now go buy me something and then do the dishes.

“Yes, dear.”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

PTSD resonates memories of ex-wife and her mother. (Shoot me now... its not vicarious. I was in the play)

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