Dear Vickie Ch. 04

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A tale of a soldier wronged and how he copes.
3.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 10/15/2012
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Chapter 4

We touched down at Patrick and taxied up to the Ops building. I wearily got off and carried my half filled duffle bag down the ramp. There was a civilian van with the name of 'Melbourne Courier Service' on the side. Beside the van stood a man of about twenty-five, six foot and built similar to me, but with a head of bushy black hair. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, and had a gun on his hip. He looked more like an off duty cop than a process server or courier. Well the sign said they were bonded, so maybe a gun wasn't so far out of character. I assumed he was here for me. I walked over to him and said, "I'm TSgt. Cummings, are you here for me?"

"Yes Sergeant, I am your ride to your home and I have a present for your wife. That present will be delivered exactly fifteen minutes after you walk into your house. You're a little early, I wasn't expecting you for another half hour, but I was called while your aircraft was about an hour out and told of the earlier arrival time. Shall we go?"

"Yeah, let's do this. I told Vickie I would be home about 1400. Anyway, let's go; I'm tired and need to get this over with."

"Sure thing, climb in."

I climbed into the passenger's seat and buckled up. About fifteen minutes later I was getting my duffle bag out of the van when Vickie ran out of the house screaming my name. How could the bitch act like that when she knew what she had been doing behind my back? I dropped my bag and let her jump into my arms. I kissed her and hugged her back. The tears I shed were not tears of joy, only sorrow. I grabbed my bag and we went into the house arm in arm.

"Honey, I am about parched, military flights don't have flight attendants and no drinks either. Besides I can't remember when I ate last. Can we hold off the rushing to bed until I get some grub so I can fend off starvation in your arms?"

"Of course Baby, I'll nuke you some leftover casserole and get you a soda. God I'm so glad your home."

So I sat in my recliner in the living room, I couldn't stand the thought of sitting at the kitchen table. I think I would just sell that table and get a new one, just like the bed.

Vickie was talking a mile a minute out in the kitchen while she was getting me something to eat and drink. The drink came first and she sat in my lap and kept kissing me, until the microwave timer let her know my lunch was done. After a last kiss she jumped up and ran to the kitchen and was back with a steaming plate of tuna casserole. I had just put the plate on my table when the doorbell rang. Time for me to go into action.

"That's probably for me, I'm supposed to be getting some orders about when I have to go back, let me get the door." Because of the way the server pulled up to my house, Vickie hadn't seen the driver. So when I opened the door and a stranger was there with a large manila envelope, Vickie didn't seem concerned.

"Is there a Mrs. Victoria Marie Cummings here?" said the person at the door.

"Honey, this guy is here for you, not me. You expecting anything?"

"No Boyd, I'm not. I'm Victoria Cummings, you have something for me?"

I got my phone out and was ready to take the picture.

"Yes Ma'am." Once he handed her the envelope he said, "You have been served," turned around and ran back to his van.

"What's that Honey, how come you have been served with papers?"

"I don't know Boyd; let me see what's in here." She opened the envelope and pulled some papers out and read along the top of them and then looked at me and I snapped the picture I was expecting, and then she fainted. I picked her up and lay her on the sofa and went back to eating my lunch. She came to a few minutes later and gave me one of the dirtiest looks I have ever seen. I snapped that picture too.

"What? Did you expect me to just sit by and let you cuckold me and not do anything about it? I am really disappointed in you. Did you really think you could do all this behind my back and me never find out?

"Boyd, Honey, it wasn't like that, I... it was just one time, I never meant to hurt you, but I was lonely. I... I love you so much and I...I'm so sorry that you had to find out. I..."

I stopped her cold when I said, "It was not just one time, it was a lot of times, with a lot of guys and even one girl. Well at least the ones I now know about. I mean I could almost understand Dick Smothers and his huge cock, but Jamie Goodman. God that man couldn't even get a diseased whore to fuck him he's so ugly and dirty. And then there is that Captain that you have been fucking for over a year. No Vickie, I'm just so glad that I found out now. I'm leaving here... No, that's not right. You are leaving here, go pack your bags and get out of my sight. I don't even want to see your lying, cheating, backstabbing, face around here. I'm going to see my son. Oh yeah is he really mine or some bastard son of yours. Do you even know who the father is?"

Vickie was curled up into a fetal position on the couch with great wracking sobs shaking her body. I picked up the keys to my truck and grabbed my duffle bag and left. I got as far as the corner of the street when I lost it. I sat hunched over the steering wheel and cried. It wasn't but about ten minutes later I saw Dick Smothers turn down our street head for my house. I turned the truck around and drove back home. I came in the house and Dickie was trying to comfort Vickie.

"Dickie Smothers, leave immediately before I throw you out. Haven't you done enough damage to this marriage without adding to it with your presence?"

"Hey, there is no call for that. I'm just trying to comfort the lady."

"Lady my ass, she is nothing but a lying, cheating, backstabbing, whore. Did you think you were the only one? Oh my God you did. Your little bitch has had as many men over here as there are Sunday's in a year. I'm sure she told you that you were the one and only, right?"

Dick nodded and then look at Vickie and turned around and left.

"Boyd, that was uncalled for, why are you acting this way? We can work things out, right?"

"Victoria, our marriage is over as soon as you sign those papers, well actually it was over the minute you fucked your first guy that wasn't me since we were married. Just how far back does this go? I know about Lt. Gregory. That was almost fourteen months ago. Does it go back even further? Well answer me WHORE!"

"Yes he was the first one. When I found out that you didn't know, I figured I could have more, I just needed to keep it away from the house. Since I was scheduling the cleanings, I could schedule me for some sex too."

"Was I lacking in my love for you, was our sex life so boring that you had to go find someone else?"

"No Boyd, it was never about you. You were the best; the best lover, the best husband, the best father. I don't know why it happened, well I know why the first time. Phillip told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and he just had to have me. I fell for it and we had sex that first time I met him. It was so wrong. I didn't do anything more for almost three months. I was so ashamed and I just knew you would find out. He called me again to set up a cleaning and I probably should have sent one of the other girls, but I thought that I could handle it. Well I couldn't he was so charming and forceful. After the second time it began to be easier for me to cheat on you. You didn't seem to have a clue, so I never pressed it. I should have told you right after it happed the first time but I just couldn't. Then after a while it became like a sickness, I needed more. I'm so sorry Boyd. I'll leave now, I'll pack up my things and go to Mom's... oh yeah your folks are there. Let me see if I can go to Suzy Henderson's and I'll be gone. I go get Sean and we will leave you to your new life."

"YOU WILL NOT touch Sean ever again. DO YOU HEAR ME! I am not letting you near him. You are not fit to be his mother. You are nothing but a lying, cheating, backstabbing whore that doesn't deserve a child or a husband. Now, sign those papers and we all can go on with our lives. My parents are going to take Sean to Disneyworld with them for a little while so you can explain to your parents why we are no longer together. You can also explain why they will be getting temporary custody of Sean until I can return from overseas. But you will have to tell them how much you screwed up. I hope they can forgive you, as I can't; it just isn't in me to do that."

"Yes Boyd." She pulled the papers out of the envelope and read them through gasping at a few sentences. That must have been where they listed the evidence against her. She signed the last page and put them back into the envelope and walked into the bedroom. I sat drinking my soda and leaving my barely warm tuna casserole on the table.

Vickie found me hunched over in the chair with my head in my hands, tears flowing freely from my eyes. I thought that I was about cried out by now, but I guess not. I heard her leave and then come back and take more things out to her car. She came back in one last time and knelt on the floor in front of my chair.

"Boyd, I'm so sorry I hurt you so much. I can never forgive myself for what I have done to our family. It was just sex it wasn't love. You gave me all the love I could ever ask for and then some, but something inside me needed the sex. I think it was the forbidden sex that was the reason. I guess I am just a whore like you said. But I am sorry. Please explain to Sean that I'm sorry I hurt him too. Maybe you can tell him that I died and he can get over me in time. I don't know what I'll do any more. I'm not going to contest this and what you are giving me is more than generous after what I have done to you. If there is anything else you find here of mine, call Suzy or just throw it out. I won't darken your door again Boyd. I still love you, but I understand. Goodbye." She hugged me to her and kissed my head and left.

I sat there until the next day, not moving, not anything. I was numb, I was all cried out. I went to the bathroom and relieved myself and then came back into the living room and started my phone calls. I called the courier service to come pick up the papers. I called the Shelling home and explained to Misty what all had happened. She was upset that I couldn't trust her to tell the truth the other night, but I think she understood. She hadn't heard from Vickie yet, but she expected a call or maybe a visit today. I talked to my parents and asked them to take Sean to Disneyworld for a couple of days. They said they would love to and that Sam and Misty was going to join them after a couple of days. They would give Vickie time to contact her parents and explain her side. Yeah her side? How could you explain cheating on your husband for over a year with multiple men and at least one woman, without her sounding like a real bitch?

I called Walter and let him know the papers would be coming to him shortly. I wanted him to get the custody papers ready for the Shellings to sign. Since I was now essentially a single parent, but TDY, I probably didn't rate a house on base anymore, I would need to have my cleaning service clean out the house and put all my stuff in storage. I don't think base housing would let it sit empty until I came back. With someone in the house they could, but since no one would be there they would probably take it back and give it some other deserving family. I hoped they had better luck with the house than I did.

I downloaded everything from Vickie's laptop. I did find a couple of interesting pictures there attached to some e-mails. I downloaded them onto a flash drive so I could give them to Walter when the courier came by to pick up the papers. Everything else was business related.

I called Suzy and told her that she could pick up Vickie's laptop anytime. I pulled off all the business stuff. I asked her if she knew what Vickie had been up to. She swore that she didn't know, but that she would let Vickie stay there for a couple days until she found a place to go.

I called Marie Sterling and asked if she knew anyone who could keep the business running. She said that Michelle Rossi and her could do it. I told her I already had everything loaded on my desk top so she could just have that until I got back again. She told me how very sorry she was that this had happened to me. "Boyd, I never knew until Don told me last week. I always thought you guys were perfect together. I guess you can't always see the forest for the trees sometimes. If you need anything Don or I will be more than happy to help out."

"Thanks Marie, I think I'm just worn out from everything hitting me at once. Vickie didn't even deny it, although she only started out admitting one time. The first time Don caught her with someone. Then that jerk came over here to try to comfort her until he found out he was not the first or only one. He left in a hurry then."

"What about Sean, do you have someone to care for him?"

"Yeah Marie, his grandparents are going to have temporary custody until I get back here in about a year. After that, I'm just not sure, but Vickie won't be around. I made it very clear she is not to be around him. I'll tell him that she had to go away for a while and then maybe when he is older I'll tell him the truth. I don't even want to think about that now."

"Why don't you come over here for supper tonight? Bring your desk top and all the paperwork for the business and Michelle can get familiar with everything and we can take over from there. You don't want to stay there too long, too many memories and too many ghosts there for you. Come stay with us tonight, OK?"

"I'll be over for supper, but you might want to have Michelle and you go through the cupboards and the fridge and take what you want. I'll throw everything else out. You're right too many memories, both good and bad here. I'll try to see about getting into the BAQ [Bachelor Airman's Quarters – BR]. At least until I can get everything in storage before I go back. Thanks Marie for just being there for me. You and Don have been life savers for me throughout this whole affair."

"Hey Boyd, what are friends for if not to help each other when their needed. You would do the same for us it the situation was reversed, so not another word. Just accept our help and love and go on. OK?"

"Yeah, I think I can manage that. I need to make some other calls so do I need to bring something for tonight?"

"If you have some beer, that would be great, I think we're low right now. Don has been hitting it pretty hard this past week. You know it has affected him too, you know. Him walking on her just hit him hard. I told him he had to call you right away. He waited til the next day, but I made him call. You needed to know what was going on. I hope you understand."

"Yeah, I understand perfectly. I'll explain more later tonight when I come over. I had my partner Tony Mancini over there and he help tremendously too. Don, Tony and I are like brother from different mothers, but were tight like brothers. I'm not sure I could have done this without their strength. See you tonight Marie, the courier is here for the signed papers."

"See you tonight, promise?"

"Yes Mom, I promise." I said grinning. Marie could always make me laugh when she started that mother hen routine.

Well there is not much more to tell about this part of my life. I survived the heartbreak and betrayal, Sean lived with his grandparents for the next year. When I came back I had a new girlfriend, Lillian. She decided that flyboys were maybe alright. Her enlistment is up in another couple of months. She has to go back to Fort Hood and then she is headed back here to be with me and Sean. Oh yeah, Sean loves her. He took to her right away. Sometimes when he was cranky or tired, he would say, "I miss Mommy, but she was bad and had to go away. He's four now and smart as a whip. Misty had gotten him into a pre-K program and he can read and write both print and script. He even can count to a hundred. Misty says he'll be smarter that his Dad pretty soon. I wouldn't doubt it; his dad was pretty dumb there for a while.

Everyone, Sam, Misty, my parents, Don and Marie, Tony, Colonel Lane, even Lillian, especially Lillian have been there for me when I needed them and they all in many ways have helped me get over my cheating wife. I am a whole sane person again all due to their help. I shouldn't forget Walter too. He made things so easy and simple for me with all the paperwork, the hearing with the judge, and all.

Vickie was at the hearing with a lawyer too. She found a job and is living in Orlando. She's close to her parents, but things have been rough for her. Her mom read her the riot act when she showed up at their house three days after I got home. I still don't think things are very cordial at their home with her, but it is getting better. Vickie is also getting therapy as a condition of the divorce. She doesn't even have a boyfriend according to her mother. Her Mom says that she finally realized what she did and what affect it had on her life, so she has sworn off men for a while.

As for me, I am slowly getting over the pain and sorrow, but Lillian helps. We are engaged now and planning a wedding after she gets out. Sean helps too, just by being with me. Sometimes he crawls into my lap when I'm in my recliner and he just hugs me and says, "It will get better Daddy, I know it will." Like I said he is very smart for only being four. I'm still working for the launch group as an avionics Technician. I'm also due to sew on new stripes sometime this fall. There is a rumor that some of us avionics guys might be transferred to some place further west. I have heard Barksdale, Tinker, and Dyess. It doesn't matter where I go, my family will be with me.

Tony went back up to McGuire and Amy still has six months left on her rotation, but she might actually be coming home sooner, rumors again you know. She plans to get out when her enlistment is up next year. They are engaged too, we popped the question to each of them the same night.

The End

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WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld3 months ago

It never ceases to amaze me how the military steps up likbe they do, when acceptable and permitted, to help a brother or sister out. Yeah, we squabble, fight, and have our share of bad apples, but that training forges individuals innto a unit like a family. It was true in 86, and it's true in 24.

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 2 years ago

What happened to her lovers? Especially the big dicked one who lought at him in the video chat?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There is one major fault with your story. Females who cheat, as in this in this story, almost always "claim" to be sorry once they have been caught, but in reality, their true sorrow is in being caught and in what their cheating cost them. The rest is an act, an act they hope will garner sympathy for them.

What is nice is those individuals, other than the husband, in the military will face action against them under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). Max penalty: dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to a year. They cannot be discharged until the trial is completed, and if ordered to be confined, that also applies.

Can you comprehend a former military individual attempting to obtain employment with a dishonorable discharge "hanging around his/her neck"?

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

3 stars and yes, there are more than a few of us ex-military types reading these stories.

Regarding any military jargon or all the alphabet letters for all the various departments etc. - it really does not matter that much - it is the thought that once we joined the military, we are forever military and we always try to help each other like any family member would. That has been my experience over the last 56 years, since I first joined the military. No matter how many years it has been since we last talked - it takes less than a few minutes to get caught up with everything that has happened in our lives - it has always been that way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Being retired military I can say, things don't work like that at ll.

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 3 years ago

the military would not let him keep the son away from the mother

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Actually Ham and Limas over a heat tab or a pinch of C4 are pretty good. Other than that, all the descriptions of the military are very lame. I realize this is fiction but this is bad. Never-the-less, I gave it a 3 because of the attempt.

GillotineGillotineabout 3 years ago

I understand that this is just fiction, but there is nothing practical about this story.

A. The wife just accepts that she will never see her child again

B. The fact that her parental rights have been stripped

C. The husband looking forward to war after finding his wife a tramp

D. The husband seemed to have everyone in his corner

I mean, come on, aliens aren't practical, but at least they're entertaining. This is just nonsense.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 3 years ago
Nothing really interesting

The entire story is nothing more than standard tropes with nothing remotely new or interesting. I am always surprised by how our protagonists always have the support of people who know everything and can do anything.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The Anon below is off his meds.

He divorces her and takes custody, and he is a Nazi and the Taliban? This site is full of mental cases. This isn't bad story; it's not a great story. It is, however, nothing deserving of the moronic negative comments I'm seeing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
looks like marlboroman to me

Are you sure this wasn't written by Marlboroman? Like his stories this has a cute plot marred by some nonsensical legal positions, buildup of some characters' intelligence and character based on things that don't warrant that and some other nonsense.

I agree with the comments of @johnadp.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
I have to agree with 26thNC about Vicky

she got off scott free to me

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Enjoyed your stories. You were a little gentle with Vickie, and a lot too gentle with Dickie. Should have laid him out on the front steps. Officers involved in cheating should have been reported to higher. That aside, good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Are you kidding?

No bitch as selfish as that would just roll over. The military part was both boring and self-serving, and it sucked any characterization right out of this badly imagined and poorly executed waste of my time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
@ johnadp

Hey! It’s fiction, dude. Okay, maybe not great fiction, at times maybe not even good fiction. But still, It’s. Not. Real. One thing the author mentioned in the story (actually it was several things) were the creature comforts our military have available to them in the latest wars. Things like cellphones, laptops, “Skype”. Damn, even cold beer. Yeah, times have changed. Judging by the author’s comments in the intro it seems he and I may have been involved in the same war. The one back in the ‘60s and early ‘70s. My God, I can’t imagine how great it would have been to come in from the bush after six, eight, maybe ten weeks of chasing Charlie, and be allowed to drink a cold beer. The prospect just boggles the mind of this old grunt Marine.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago
Very Silly Story Poorly Written

Was this author jacking off in male nervana when he was writing this total fantasy? First, it was poorly written without any of the characters being interesting. But one can be a poor writer, but at least have some connection to reality in his writing and this work had none of that.

A partial list of the silliness of the story:

1. Wife getting therapy as a condition of the divorce. I mean really, an ex can put that condition for divorce?

2. He completely sets the terms of the financial settlement and she just signs off.

3. They started the business together after being married and ran the business together, AND while he is deployed she is actually running the business BY HERSELF, but somehow HE is entitled to the business, and she can be paid a trinket to go away.

4. And the big kicker, the son. He says she will never have anything to do with the son, and that he will get custody, even though he has been deployed for 8 months and will be deployed for 12 more, he expects and is given custody of the son. Whom he hands off to her parents to raise for those 12 months and HER parents don't let her see the son and the son is told mommy is bad so she had to go away, by I'm assuming HER parents who have custody of him.

5. And somehow this guy is a good guy who won't let a 3 year old son see his mom EVER again, but he is a good father by being away for half his son's life.

I wonder how many times the author came jacking off thinking up this nonsense? And I wonder how many times the men that have been cheated on and divorced and hate women now jacked off reading this total crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wife gets custody!

sorry, but she's here, he's TDY, due to return to an overseas assignment. Wife gets custody. Military woyld make him come up with a care/custody plan if he somehow got custody, which he provably couldn't do to the miltary's satisfaction.

By the way, the guy who mentioned Ham and Lima Beans C Rations brought back mrmories, none of them good. Now I have to go take some Pepto-Bismol!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Nice Story

But as W. T. Sherman said, War is Hell. And it only gets worse as time goes by. I mean, can you imagine having to use Skype or cellphones to communicate with family back home? Thank God we got to write letters, which only took two weeks to get there. And imagine having to go sit inside a mess hall and eat at a table. Yuck! Man, my mouth still waters when I think of opening up a can of luscious Ham and Lima Beans with my trusty (and rusty) John Wayne. And PLEASE tell me the troops don't have to put on a clean uniform occasionally. I can't imagine not being able to wear the same uniform day and night until it actually rotted off me. Yes, Yes, Yes.

War is Hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

it is a shame when a child is involved , i know i came from a broken home

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
The emotions were there -

I do not think there is any question of that

But the dialogue failed to share it clearly -

Keep working on it and loosen up the flow some it will carry better 0


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