Death by Vampire Studios Ch. 01


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The door opening bell chimed just as Constance and I came entered the showroom. I should say it was the front hall of the showroom, since most of the studio was set up as a gallery and a great many visitors usually ended up getting tours of the rest. The girl hesitated when she spotted us. She looked dazed or maybe drugged, and I suspected her mind wasn't working too clearly.

"Well, come in," I said with a smile. "Don't let the cold inside now."

"Uh...oh." The girl glanced to her left where she was still holding our door. She smiled back weakly and let it close behind her. She looked around and her heart beat even faster. She gulped.

"Please, look around. Let us know if there is anything we can help you with," Constance told her and the girl nodded.

Feeling a little braver, she stepped deeper into the room. She stopped in front of a large photo of a woman, sprawling naked and glistening pale in the moonlight in the middle of a field of poppies. Laurna Owl – she'd had a beautiful fantasy, I remembered. The girl stared at this for a while before moving on to the next photograph. She was shivering, and not from the cold. From the side, I could just observe a hint of hunger in her eyes.

She had a Slavic face and her heavy blond hair, tightly braided in one ponytail, fell over her shoulder all the way to her thighs much in the Russian tradition. She wore a thick pink sweater, buttoned down the front like a blouse, and a long grey skirt. The colors clashed and I was sure the bulky clothes hid a good figure. She did seem awfully worn. Her eyes were red and her skin was almost a sickly yellowish color. This was an ugly duckling, if ever I've seen one.

She was staring at her fourth photograph when Constance's chin jerked toward her. I nodded. The girl had eyed me more than my partner. "You are not here to buy the photos," I said, coming beside her. She jumped, having not noticed my drawing closer. I smiled at her, showing just a hint of my fangs. She froze, her eyes going wide.

"Yeah... uh... I mean... I... uh... it said on your website..."

"Yeah," I nodded. She was hugging herself, looking me up and down. "Why don't you come in the back," I said, gently touching her elbow. "There are more pictures there."

The girl flinched at my touch only to bump into Constance, who had moved up to her other side. Constance caught the girl with hands on both her arms. "Easy there," Constance smiled. The two were the same height. Their faces were close. "You're cold. We'll make some hot chocolate." Constance's fangs made a brief appearance for the last two words. They were gone an instant after. To most, it would've been a trick of the light. But this one recognized what she saw. She let out a barely audible gasp. But she was calming too, resigning herself or going into shock.

"Come on," I said, placing my fingers back on her elbow. Constance let her go, taking the lead. We were in control now. Constance and I had her surrounded. It was a dark night and no one knew she was here. Her increased shivers told me the girl understood this as well. We herded her into the back.

We led her to the dining room, named so for the kitchenette in the left corner. Several thickly cushioned black leather chairs and a black leather love seat surrounded an antique coffee table. "Take a seat," I said gently.

She had been hugging herself the whole time, her elbow shriveling away from my fingers, yet now that I had removed them the girl looked after them longingly for a moment. She sat in one of the chairs.

"What's your name?" I asked, seating myself across from her on the loveseat.

"Angela." She was looking down.

"It's a lovely name."

She tugged on her ponytail – I thought, unconsciously – and shifted her shoulders. "It's pretty common."

"Must be because it's so lovely." She couldn't help but look at me then. I smiled. Angela blushed and quickly cast her eyes down. "I'm Sal," I said. "And this is Constance."

"Hi," Constance said, setting down Angela's hot chocolate. She sat beside me on the loveseat.

"Oh, uh, hi," Angela mumbled, blinking at the hot chocolate. Her fingers wrapped around the cup, luxuriating in the heat. After a moment, she cast her gaze up again. Her eyes drifted from me to Constance, somewhat put off, I thought, by our supportive smiles.

"So why are you here, Angela?" I asked.

Hands shaking, Angela brought the cup to her lips. She tasted it, then sucked in a haggard breath. Her gaze zigzagged between me and Constance a few more times. She seemed uncertain whom she wished to address. "Your website, uh, I mean, is it true what you say? Do you really...?" She left the question unfinished. Not that it needed an ending.

First rule of the vampire handbook: never advertize that you are a vampire. Constance and I had had a wonderfully merry week plastering it all over the website. God bless the materialistic skepticism of modern times. Second rule of the 20th Century revised addition of the vampire handbook: if you are going to advertize, don't admit it in public because that's when the SWAT team breaks in and the scientists grab you. We were both still virgins by that one. Leaning back, I spread my hands, inviting Angela to commit herself first. Neither of us had any doubt about her by this point, but standards are made to keep you from being dumb in the future.

Angela got this. Her hands tightened around her cup. She stared down at the dark liquid. Outwardly, she seemed more composed, but I could hear the drum of her heart beat. It pumped her blood with a desperate strength and urgency, screaming denials of what she was planning to say. "I want to die," Angela whispered. Getting it out strengthened her. "I want to die," she said louder, in case we hadn't heard her. "I mean, I wish to commit suicide. But I'm afraid and I want... your website, and I've heard stories, it says you are vampires. It says that you make it... beautiful." She was looking at me now, pleading, and there were tears in her eyes. "I want to feel good." She had to grab a Kleenex then and blow her nose.

"How do you want to die?" Constance asked her.

"What?" Angela frowned. "I... uh, I mean, I really don't know. I just..." She wavered.

"Why are you looking for death, Angela?" I asked, taking her hand. She flinched at the contact, but didn't pull away. Her shaking fingers weakly closed over mine. She leaned toward me.

"Are you really vampires?" Angela breathed. "Is it really real?"

I cupped her cheek with my palm, caressing her. She didn't flinch this time. Angela leaned into my hand. Her eyes closed. She sighed. "Tell us why," I insisted.

Tears ran down her face. She didn't wipe them. I thought she was afraid I'd take my hands off her. "Tom," she started to say. "I..."

"Yes," I encouraged.

Angela whimpered a sob. "I have a mental illness. Since I was sixteen, I had to take drugs. I'm sort of an orphan. I mean, my father was rich. He died when I was ten. I got an inheritance and... I don't know. I just don't... if Tom only wanted the money or if he liked me then. Really, like. I was okay still. I mean, it wasn't so bad with the drugs. And he was older and he seemed so smart and confident. I... I think he tried."

Angela's tears were dripping onto the table. I rubbed her cheek, urging her to keep going. Constance brought another Kleenex to her face. She wiped Angela's cheeks and had her blow her nose before Angela could continue. The tears were still flowing down. "We had Timmy then. My Tim. I was really nasty sometimes during the pregnancy. Maybe that's what pushed him away at first. Well, uum, Timmy was three when Tom wanted to get a divorce. He had a mistress, I think, and I wasn't so well then. He got custody." Angela opened her eyes and there was a strange conviction in her expression. "I got worse then. And the judge took Timmy away from me completely. I don't know where they are now. I haven't seen my son in two years." She bit her lip.

"The drugs, they shut me down now. I feel blank all day and I can't do anything." She gulped. "This is... this is very unusual for me. I'm sorry. My dad's money is going to run out soon. And I... I don't know what I'll do with myself. There's nothing I can do and... Please, I'm just so tired of it all. I don't want to live anymore. Please." Her eyes were asking me, begging me. Oh yeah, we had a client! I caressed her face, not saying anything.

"Oh, um... I read on your website..." Pulling her hand out of my grasp, Angela dug in her purse. She came up with a check. "You charge five thousand dollars for your services. I wrote it for seven, just in case." She was smiling at me then, hopeful and eager to please, like a girl with a crush, and it was an eerie thing. She was tragically beautiful when she smiled.

I let go of her face. She looked saddened by this, but the tone of the conversation had changed. She was still smiling at me. She held out the check and I raised my hand to forestall her.

"Hold on to that for now," Constance said. Angela blinked at her, having perhaps forgotten Constance was there. Constance smiled, and Angela blushed and turned her eyes down, suddenly shy and unsure again. She placed the check on the table. "I'd like to ask you a few more questions," Constance said. Angela nodded. "What do you wish for your body?"

"Uh... what, do you mean like a funeral?"

"If you like. Do you have arrangements?" Constance's voice was neutral. The questions were hard, but they had to be asked. Angela was clearly intimidated by this new line of inquiry. She hugged herself, closing in again.

"No...uh, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. Is it important?"

Constance shrugged. "If it is to you."

"What do you usually do?" Angela asked.

"We are an artistic endeavor, not a corporation," Constance shrugged. There was just hint of gruff sarcasm in her tone. "We don't have strict policies about everything. But if you don't voice a preference, we will probably do away with your body."

"Oh." Angela sniffed.

Constance softened her voice. "Is there something you want?"

Angela's eyes were shut tightly. "No," she breathed. "Do what you want. No, I don't care." Another sniffle escaped her. I wanted to rub her cheek again then. I didn't. This was a personal moment between her and her destiny. It was not my place to intrude.

"What about a will?" Constance asked. "You could leave something to your son. Something to know you by." That startled Angela. She opened her eyes and stared at Constance, surprised. Constance just smiled, ducking her head a little. "I'm a woman as well," she said. Her smile sharpened. "Of a sort."

For a moment, the corners of Angela's mouth tweaked upward. Finally, she shook her head. "No, no, I'm here now. It doesn't matter," she said.

"Do you have a cabinet beside your bed?" I asked. When Angela nodded, Constance pushed the check toward her with one finger. "Leave us your address. Put this in the top drawer of your cabinet along with a paper with anything else you can think of. Go home, eat, get some sleep, frolic in the sunlight. We will discuss the matter, and if we choose to take up your offer, we will come to you."

Angela gulped. "But..." I shook my head. She cowed. "Okay," she said. A moment later, we had her address recorded and were showing her out. She was looking at me, batting her eyes, and I kept smiling.

She was just out the door, when she paused. Angela rubbed her face and frowned. She licked her lips and the muscles in her chest tightened as happens in an internal struggle. "Don't take too long," she said at last. "Please. I can't... I can't take this any more."

"Soon then," I said.

She gave Constance a shy look then, just a quick appraisal. "I'll be there as well," Constance said. Eyes widening, Angela blushed. "Bye for now," Constance added.

"W...wait!" Angela blurted. She looked anxiously between us. "You really are vampires, aren't you?" she begged. Constance and I just smiled. We left the showroom quickly, not looking back.


We came for her on the third night following her visit. Angela slept on her side, her hair sprawling around her. Its golden strands contrasted marvelously with her simple white negligee. In the top drawer of her dresser, we found the check along with a folded piece of graphing paper. It read only:

Please flush my pills down the toilet. Kitchen cabinet, top drawer, first from the left.

Angela dreamt peacefully under my spell as I carried her back to the studio. I held her close, hugging her like a babe to my chest. She cooed in her sleep, smiling, and slobbering over my shirt. The city rushed below us all too quickly and then I was placing her tenderly onto our bed while Constance moved around the room lighting candles and incense. After undressing, we joined her: Constance to her right and I to her left. Lifting my spell, I leaned down and brushed her lips with my own. Constance lowered her mouth over Angela's nipple, sucking it through the negligee. Angela moaned.

Her heartbeat increased. Still sleeping, Angela tried to turn to her side, moaning an aroused complaint. Gently, we held her down. I kissed her cheek, the softness and neat of her face arousing my senses. I moved my lips under her chin, kissing her beautiful neck. Feeling her waking, I lifted my head and turned her face toward me, my hand resting over her body, my fingers just touching her earlobe.

Blue eyes opened calmly. For a long moment, she gazed at me blankly. Then recognition flooded her face. I smiled. Angela's eyes went wide. She opened her mouth. Before she could voice any sound, I gave her a peck on the lips. She gulped down whatever noise had been coming. I kissed her again. Angela blinked. I kissed her several move times quickly. After each, I lifted my head and smiled. She was panting. On the sixth kiss, Angela's eyes closed. Her hand came up to hold the back of my neck. She returned my kiss and, this time, I stayed where I was. My tongue entered her mouth. Her tongue responded, licking mine gladly.

"Come on," I said when we parted. I rose, pulling her after me. On her other side, Constance lifted her head and followed my lead, patiently tugging Angela's other arm.

"What? Uh..." Angela was confused. She didn't get much of a chance to frown though as she had to break form to smile shyly at Constance, who beamed back at her. She nervously allowed us to lead her out of the bedroom, across the studio, and into the bathroom. On a chair by the toilet stood five little cups with her pills.

"You wanted to flush your pills down the toilet," I said as I hugged her back to me.

"Oh," Angela said. She stared at the containers wearily. Her arms crossed over her breasts and she pushed herself into my chest.

"Here," I said. I reached past her and picked up a container. Taking her hand in mine, like with a mannequin, I closed her fingers around it, my own over hers keeping the pressure. I took her other hand and wrapped our fingers over the lid. With a twist, I opened it. Moving her hand over the toilet bowel, I had her upturn the container, shaking its contents into the water. Angela emitted a strangled sound, somewhere between a groan and a giggle.

Constance was beside us and she leaned over and kissed the side of Angela's face, hugging herself to the girl. Angela rolled her head and moaned.

This time, I leaned in with her and had her lifting the can of pills from the chair with me. She was much more relaxed when I wrapped her hand over the lid. Her hand moved with me, twisting away the lid, and we shook the pills into the toilet. Her groan was much happier this time around. As Constance leaned in to kiss her, Angela turned her head and met her mouth. A moment later, she shook against me, really giggling. I kissed her neck.

She was giddy and happy by the time she poured the fifth cup of pills into the toilet. She did it herself, while I wrapped my hands around her stomach and rested my chin on her shoulder. When it was empty, she held her hands to her mouth and stared at the soup in the toilet with almost childlike wonder. Her eyes danced. "Come on." Taking her hand once again, I moved her fingers over the flushing lever. Angela nodded, grinning giddily. We pushed it down. The pills spun around the bowl before being slurped into the pipes. Angela laughed.

"Thank you," she said. She turned and kissed my chest. Before I could pull her mouth to mine, Angela sank to her knees. Taking my cock with both hands she lined it with her mouth. Her nervous breath tickled the head for a moment. Then she leaned forward, kissing the tip. She pulled back and licked me a couple of times before repeating her previous action.

Constance crouched next to her, brushing Angela's hair away from her face and kissing her shoulder. Angela lifted one hand away from my penis and wrapped her fingers in Constance's hair. Constance grinned and started tickling Angela's ear with her tongue. She cupped Angela's breasts from behind, gently pinching her nipples. As she moaned, Angela's lips parted and the head of my cock slipped into her mouth. Her lips curled around it in startled delight and she looked up at me to gouge my reaction. I smiled.

"Take more of him in," Constance whispered into her ear. Angela gladly complied. "Good. Now take more of him in. Lick the bottom of it. Suck him in like a lollipop while you're doing it." Constance whispered more orders into her ear. Angela bobbed her head quickly. Despite clear inexperience, she gave a wonderful blowjob. She kept looking at me every couple of moment, searching my face for enjoyment. She liked my groans. As some point, I put my hands on her cheeks, stopping her head. I took over, humping my hips, sliding my dick in and out. Her blue eyes barely blinked as I made love to her face.

Before long, I was near orgasm. "Do you want to swallow it?" I asked, pulling completely out of the lips.

She nodded weakly. "Uh-huh."

Knowing I was close, she began to lick and suck my cock with more vigor. I pumped faster. A few minutes later, I was staring into her beautiful eyes as my hips jerked and my cum shot into her mouth. Angela readily swallowed and she almost managed not to chock. Only a small ribbon of sperm escaped down her chin. When I was done, Constance turned Angela's face toward her and licked it off. They kissed. I could see their tongues wiggling back and forth from one mouth to another.

While they made out, I turned on the shower. Constance urged Angela to her feet. We had her raise her arms while Constance and I pulled Angela's negligee over her head. Her breasts were blushing from Constance's handling during the blowjob. The pinkish red sheen began at her shoulders and extended in blotches all the way to her navel.

Angela squeaked as we led her under the water. It was hot. We made her stay still, arms at her sides. Constance stood in front of her, locked in an unending kiss. She played with Angela's nipple with one hand while frigging her clit with the other. I was behind her with the soap. I lathered Angela's back and washed her hair. Then I moved my hands to her front. Helpfully, Constance moved her hand away from Angela's breast. Grabbing Angela's butt, Constance jerked her waist forward, pushing her knee between Angela's legs. With her cunt rubbing Constance's thigh, Angela couldn't stay still anymore. Her arms started to rise. Before she could pull Constance to her, my partner caught her wrists and pulled her hands wide.

They broke their kiss then. Angela moaned while Constance's lips bent to her neck. We switched tasks then. Constance took the soap from my hands and continued my slow effort of running it over every millimeter of Angela's front. Meanwhile, I took hold of Angela's wrists, keeping her hands wide apart. Angela rolled her head. Her eyes met mine and I kissed her. My once again hard cock twitched against her ass as she pushed her tongue into my mouth.