Delaware Ch. 01

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Adultery in the past causes adultery in our time.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 09/23/2007
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Many thanks to techsan for editing this story.

Most people in our small Scandinavian town knows me by my nickname, "The Moose" from my rally racing days when I missed a bend and hit a moose. Even my profession as advertising salesman at the local newspaper is well known. Some people even know my real name, Fredrick Ohlson, and that my lovely wife is Emma, nurse at the local hospital. I was 43, Emma was 39 and our son Emil was 12 when this story about Delaware began.

It probably created more gossip in one year than we had during the last 100 years in our small sleepy garrison town. Working at the local newspaper and meeting many important people every day, I found that I got to know so much of the events that I decided to spend some time collecting further information and write this story when things had calmed down.

Important things began to happen when our small Scandinavian town got four new very important residents. Rolf Ericsson had bought the old "Colonel's Manor" just outside the town and intended to settle down there with his wife and two youngest children as soon as the main building was restored.

Rolf Ericsson was a well-known character, 55 years old and recently got lot of space in the tabloid papers after having been fired from a large industry with a huge severance grant, which he could add to all his earlier commissions, bonuses, inside information stock business profits and savings from his fat salaries. He would be the wealthiest man in town.

His reason for the purchase was that the investment company, which owned and misused the property, had been in such desperate need for cash that the price Rolf was offered to buy it was very attractive though it was still sky high. Yet it was a real bargain compared to what he got and purchasing such a property was the best investment he could make to reduce his taxes. One other reason was that it was a great place with a large forest with a good supply of moose and roe deer for hunting, a lake with a good supply of fish and crawfish.

The main building was from 1648, built by a colonel from the local infantry regiment when he came back home as a very wealthy man from the Thirty Year War between Protestants and Catholics on the European continent. It was a large, very beautiful building, but in acute need of a very expensive restoration, so Rolf was the right man in the right place in the opinion of most local politicians. The average man in town meant that only a robber could afford to take over what another robber built several hundred years ago.

Immediately after the purchase, Rolf contacted all kinds of necessary professional people for the restoring and spared neither money nor any efforts to get the building and the garden in perfect shape. Of course, he even succeeded in getting the manor approved as an important historic building and got a lot of the restoration expenses sponsored by the County Administration Board and the EU. But nobody could deny that his money did a very good job.

His wife, Charlotte, a very charming and beautiful 40 years old ex-actor became very popular in the town in no time. She was Rolf's third wife and had ended her own career after giving birth to their two children. It was she who found out that a slope, which remained from an ancient Greek theatre, could be a perfect site for an outdoor play during some warm summer evenings. She was used to getting what she wanted and soon she had found a retired school teacher who was hired to find out if there was something in the history of the "Colonel's Mansion" which could been used as an idea for her outdoor theater play.

Rolf was for it at once. Not for the history but for the expected possibilities of being surrounded by and what he would do with those handsome women involved in that play.

The teacher didn't need to do much before he found out that the "Colonel's Mansion" had been involved in the history of Delaware, today known as the first state to join the U.S. but during the Colonel's days it was our colony in America until the Dutch took it from us and lost it to England, which lost it to the colonists who founded their own state. Many different flags had waived over that piece of land, originally inhabited by the peaceful Lenni Lenape Indians. However, nobody can deny that our Delaware governor, Johan Prinz, had been the biggest governor both in the history of that state and even all other states in the U.S. because who else can beat his weight of almost 400 pounds.

The Colonel's connection to Delaware took place in 1652 when his youngest son was lieutenant of the local infantry regiment. Obviously he was a spoiled brat, who after several minor scandals had been found in a bed together with a newlywed middle-aged major's young beautiful bride. As both of them had been naked, no explanations were accepted.

The Major, a scared veteran from many hard battles during the war, immediately challenged the young lieutenant to a duel with pistols. The old Colonel had no doubts about the only possible result of such a duel and had used all his influence and connections to bribe the Major, who after some hard negotiations had agreed to skip the duel after getting a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, a fair amount of money and the young Lieutenant given a transfer to our garrison in Delaware with the next ship, which was expected to depart within two months.

Delaware was chosen because it was the site of our most distant garrison available. It was, in fact, not much more than a hamlet for the fur trade with a few hundred colonists and a small garrison of only 24 men. Not much for representing a great nation but as the colony caused more expenses than profit, why it wasn't regarded to be in need of any real military protection.

During the time until departure, the Lieutenant was commanded to enlist four men and take them with him as replacements for deceased and deserted men. It was a real "mission impossible" during those days when the male population already had paid a high price during thirty years of war. Though the war on the continent was over, enlistment for duty in the new possessions beyond the Baltic Sea was still feared more than the pest, because bad food, diseases and hard labor building fortifications had an almost equal effect.

The young Lieutenant had his problems about two hundred years before the main emigration to America, because Delaware for most people was an unknown place a long way from home. Notes in the old journals said that only one man in the town had ever been in there, a heavy drinking ex-sailor whose stories from his trips to the far away countries could be heard at his favorite tavern if somebody bought him drinks.

Though his experiences of Delaware were limited to taverns near the harbor, he had good stories about dangerous huge bears, long poisonous rattling snakes and fierce red-skinned native giants. The dangers used to be magnified with each drink. His stories were hardly of any help for the poor Lieutenant. However the teacher found out that the Lieutenant succeeded in getting his four men, went to America, married a rich Dutch man's daughter, left the army and never came back to the old country.

However Charlotte understood that the amorous Lieutenant and his fear for the far away Delaware was a real bingo for an outdoors comedy play. She hired a well-known author who succeeded in writing a sheer farce with a good mix of little facts and much fiction about the Lieutenant, the Major's wife, the drunken sailor, enlisted men and many beautiful women during the Lieutenant's sincere efforts to get a young woman pregnant and marry her, which would allow him to be excused from going to Delaware.

A local Historic Society was founded and to Charlotte and Rolf's great pleasure many nice people, my wife included, were among the charter members and volunteered to take part in their play, which fit their plans for introducing several of them to their kinky personal pleasures in the near future.

In co-operation with the community, benches, stage and parking lot was built at the arena and Rolf sponsored the décor on the stage. An old friend of Charlotte, Eric Anderson, was hired to direct the play and he began the audition with the volunteering actors. No payment was promised, but if the play made enough profit, it would be used for sponsoring a trip to Delaware for the participants. Charlotte wanted to play the major's wife and Rolf played the old colonel. Both were satisfied with Eric's choices for the other parts of the play.

As a nurse Emma was regarded as more useful behind the stage than acting in the play but as a nurse wasn't needed very often, she even had some other duties in the administration.

Charlotte was the real winner among the three of them. The young man, Simon, whom Eric selected to play the poor lieutenant, was a real second Lieutenant in the same regiment as the old Colonel's son had been more than 350 years ago. She got a real kick out of the close connection to the real history and knew it would never happen to her again and therefore must be handled with care.

The play began with Charlotte and Simon lying almost naked in her bed when the major rushed into the bedroom dragging Charlotte out of the bed dressed only in small skin colored panties. The only problem for her was that Simon had been a bit shy during the rehearsals.

As an old actress, she wanted everything to be perfect and persuaded Simon to accept some private training. One day when Rolf was away from home on some errand she took Simon to the master bedroom in the mansion to train him. In the beginning he had been both shy and talking about never cheating on his girlfriend. But Charlotte had gotten him to accept that an actor had to do unusual things to find the soul of the character he would play on stage. She told him average people never would understand the secrets of skilled actors.

Charlotte had undressed herself and talked about the temptations the major's beautiful wife had given the poor Lieutenant. Obviously even an army officer of our days had difficulty in resisting such temptations because he had undressed when she told him to do that. Charlotte had received a pleasant surprise when she noted that his cock was much bigger than average and already stone hard. Within a few seconds she had dragged him to her bed.

She had him fuck her in the missionary position, which didn't last a very long time for him. The next time was a little better, but not good enough for her. The third time she got him to act as the young horny officer ought to have done when he fucked his superior's wife. Simon wanted to play more theater in the future, so she promised to give him useful lessons during the entire summer.

Charlotte had immediately taken care of Simon as her toy-boy but even Rolf and Eric got some of their expected "theater sex". As I came to know, four other married members of the theater gang also became involved in affairs. But it was only the beginning of the beginning for all of them.

Rolf's first choice was Alice, a sexy divorced 43 year old woman working at the same newspaper as me. She agreed to be responsible for the PR for the play and did a good job at that. She wasn't an easy lay but Rolf liked challenges and got her panties off after a wet "PR planning dinner". Somehow he even got her to accept Eric as her second lover.

Eric was a strange fellow. He was complete worthless as a seducer but after Rolf got him to take over Alice, within a short time he got her involved in all kinds of kinky sex that she had refused to even think about before she met Eric.

Nina, who held an important position behind the stage, hooked up with Rolf. She was a very handsome 45 year old married woman who had a top position at the local bank as her daily work and therefore was chosen to take care of economic matters of the theater. During a lunch she had complained to Rolf that her 53 year old husband had lost both his interest and capacity for sex. Rolf had given her a smile and offered to help her. That was his big mistake because the bank woman told the others to keep their hands off Rolf and none of them dared risking problems with the local bank. Rolf's expected sex orgies with the young actresses turned out to be missionary position fucks twice a week with Nina and some kinky sex with Alice now and then.

The play was planned to be held four times in June and four times in August but as all plays in June had been sold out, they had even had one extra play. July is the main holiday month here, so it was regarded as impossible to keep the show running when many of the involved people were out of town on holidays.

After the last play in June there was a barbeque at the Colonel's Manor with spouses of involved people invited. It was a pleasant evening and I must say that I didn't see anything strange that got my attention.

A common joke among the actors was that the few seconds that Charlotte's boobs were visible had sold a lot of tickets. I had watched the first of their shows and could only agree that it was a very sexy and very realistic beginning to the play. The drunken sailor at the tavern caused much laughter with his monologs, especially that about a Spanish captain who missed India by a hell of a distance.

It was Rolf's old friend, Samuel, who had been invited to spend a weekend in July at the mansion who had a great idea after a dinner when he and Rolf were sitting at the fireplace with a glass of malt whisky.

"Why not found a secret society to play historic characters 24 hours a day during weekends and have a little secret pleasure?"

"We already have a Historic Society, which runs the theater."

"Yes, but in the theater you have 500 spectators. In my game we don't have any at all and we are the directors who set the rules to suit our interests."

"You mean that the participants will obey our rules, all our rules?"

"Yes, they will if the reward is big enough."

Rolf immediately understood the great possibilities of Sam's suggestion. One bottle of his best whisky and a few hours later they had founded "1648", numbers that didn't say anything to those who were not involved.

As in many other similar fellowships nobody could apply for membership and the members would be carefully chosen after recommendation of at least two earlier members. Rolf and Sam took full control over the game as "Colonel" and "Vicar". Both invested a real amount in the game for old style clothes, good wine and a golden pin for the members. A close friend of Sam's became involved as author of the secret conditions and the ceremonies during which the members would swear an oath to obey and keep everything secret.

However, Rolf and Sam's plans were still only known to them and would remain so for a while.

The theater gang had planned to make a coach tour during the last weekend in July to see some of the castles the most famous Generals of the Colonel's time had built for the fortunes they found abroad. Emma had told me that they would leave early on Saturday morning, spend the night at a nice old small town hotel somewhere and be back late Sunday evening.

I got the first bad news when I visited an old friend from the racing days, Michael Norrlin, who nowadays was a successful second-hand car dealer and one of my best customers. I used to visit him at least once a week for his weekly advertising and for the latest gossip because Michael knew everything that was worth knowing in our town.

That Friday he really hit me on my nose when he said, "Do you know that Ronny Hedman is a member of that theater gang and he says to been flirting with Emma during the whole springtime. The gossip says that she has shown a slowly increasing interest for him, though nothing serious seems to have happened yet. Ronny got drunk at a party last week and began bragging that next Saturday, which mean tomorrow, he'll get his long expected chance to give Emma a great fucking that she will regret for the rest of her life that she chose you instead of him."

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It's not so

IT'S NOT TRUE that "purchasing such a property was the best investment he could make to reduce his taxes"!That's A NONSENSE because you said earlier in the story that this man WAS RETIRED!So,HE HAD NO EARNINGS ANYMORE that could be taxed!

Also,THERE ARE SOME HISTORICAL MISTAKES in this story!Delaware WAS NOT "the first state to join the United States"(that's A STUPIDITY because THERE WAS NO FIRST STATE TO JOIN THE U.S.,but THE 13 COLONIES which declared independence in 1776 as the United States of America!),but THE FIRST STATE TO RATIFY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,in 1787!

Then,Johan Prinz was in fact called Johan PRINTZ and IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that the Swedish colony that he lead "had a small garrison of only 24 men" and was "not much more than a hamlet for the fur trade"!On the contrary,the Swedish colony of Delaware became prosperous and came to include A NUMBER OF SEVERAL FORTS built over the years,NOT ONLY "A HAMLET FOR THE FUR TRADE"!And,naturally that its garrison WAS MUCH BIGGER than onLY 24 soldiers!STOP WRITING THIS CRAP,since YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW ALMOST ANYTHING ABOUT HISTORY AND HISTORICAL FACTS!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Off we go

Let's see where the WF takes us this time.

fifteen16fifteen16about 8 years ago

Thought I had read all of Winterfrog's submissions but had missed this one, always a good yarn.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Interesting premise

A promise of interesting trouble coming -

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Interesting Start

What kind of games will they play? We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
DWormnut is so stupid

when she heard "drinks are on the house" she went and got a ladder

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

porn and sex rules the libidox. TK U MLJ LV NV

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago

Why ? Cuzz, I love me some " old folks" sex stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Christ,why is this "writer" decided to publish with no knowledge of language?????

Half the time it does not make any sense!!! May-hap he should write in Norwegian!!!!!!!!!! Absolute crap!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good so far

I saw chapter 2 the night I read the first chapter. It was posted on your stories site. I read the last paragraph and went to another story. When I returned to your site the second chapter was removed. Why the delay with the posting since it is already written?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I'm waiting

Kind Sir....Please give us the next chapter....I am waiting with bated breath for chapter 2....come on, I know things are laid back in Sweeden but your fans are

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 16 years ago
Great start of a cheaters fantasy and consequences

I personally found your story easy to read and comprehend. Will our hero be proactive and tell his wife what he knows, which as for now is very little other then the plans of one of the actors, Ronny Hedman towards his wife? I don’t see any problem with the way it is written though we Yanks say Boy-Toy not Toy-Boy<P>I am so looking forward to your next chapter. Thank you for the good entertainment<P>PT

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Is he the husband? Not a UN obsever?

I got a minor head ache after going back and forth checking what exactly you were saying in each sentence, that is once I finishesd each extentended clause and seemingly endless tangents. And this problem has nothing to do with English. It's about planning what you want to say and the order in which you are planning doing it. This one was chaotic.

Once reconstructedand filtered I figure thatthe substance for a comic plot could be there but even on this level I could not understand the POV of the narrator. Is he or isn't he the husband whose wife is supposed to get ready to cheat? You could have fooled me, I would have thought he is a UN observer providing a report about some far away conflict.IT'S HIS WIFE HE IS REPORTING for crying out loud. I like you very much the frog but I am going to take two tylenols after this chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Go back and read the damned story properly and don't skim through the tale this time. That's the reason half you buggers can't figure out what's going on in the tales that you claim to have read. If you do then it might sink into your head, that they are putting on a play about a guy who got caught a couple of hundred years previous in flagrante delicto with his CO's misses and was consequently sent to Delaware as a penance. Sorry if any of the big words that I've used, confuse you.

Jesus, I despair of some folks reading abilities. DC

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Keep Going PLEASE!

Thanks for a great start to another WF treat! I anxiously await more.

I am guessing you are Swedish based on your Delaware lore. Yes I DID visit the Kal-Mar when I lived in Delaware. I like your connection. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

regardless what Harryin says, the story is promising. Just a little short. Hope the rest follows soon and develops in your usual way.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Quite a lot of misunderstandings

by the readers as "Delaware" seems to be the title of the planned theatre play (I'm curious whom they'll send to America after the theatre season to get rid of him...), so everything takes place in Sweden (not Norway which belonged to Denmark during the 17th century - only Sweden was the scandinavian "winner" of the war 1618-48 in Middle Europe).

It's a good start of Winterfrog's story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter(s) - hope they don't take too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Sorry Winterfrog. You are a very good writer but I just don't understand what is happening in this 1st chapter of your current story entitled, "Delaware." You bring in Delaware in America to the story as background and then I get confused as to which text refers to Delaware in USA and what is taking place in Norway. You had the story edited so I just don't know what's with me confusion. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Sorry Winterfrog. You are a very good writer but I just don't understand what is happening in this 1st chapter of your current story entitled, "Delaware." You bring in Delaware in America to the story as background and then I get confused as to which text refers to Delaware in USA and what is taking place in Norway. You had the story edited so I just don't know what's with me confusion. RAG

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
Well Done

I think you could have put this story in the Group sex instead of Loving wifes because everyone in the story was into getting into sex but anyway its a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
why in all the yrs. you want chapters it sucks

what mindfuck ask for this,write your stories at one time and stop hard to follow the start with into english,stop making it hard to understand.just write your stories all at one time.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
absurd ludicrous crap

Let me see if I have this right... The wife EMMA gets involved in a theater group where everyone is fucking everyone else. The Husband knows about this ... and the wife obviously knows a great deal more about this since she works at the theater company.


He says NOTHING... and she says nothing.


According to the time line While the Husband does not Know about this secret sexual society of Rolf & Samuel BOTH frderic and Emma know all about the secret sex stuff going on while they all ahem "practice"


<b> How is this in anyway believeable? What sort of marriage do they have where juicy Gossip stuff like this is never discussed -- not even one time according to the story-- once betweeen them as Husband and wife!?!? </b>


If EMMA cheats -- and she wil of course -- How does Frederic the Husband say anything? He knwos what is going on and he has said nothing all this time.

fregenfregenover 16 years ago
Great Setup

Loved the setup. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Keep it up,Frog

Your writing just keeps getting better. Thanks for

all the pleasure you bring.

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