Denise in Search of Adventure


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"That was just a little loosener, I'm sure you don't mind, the device will have to stay in your ass for another ten minutes while nurse works it into all parts of your rectum."

Denise did not mind at all. The feeling of Lindy's fingers was extremely pleasurable, as she stroked from the top of the bowel right down to Denise's hirsute mound. Almost too soon, the doctor deflated the bulb and was about to remove the nozzle.

"I'm going to take the syringe out now, and I want you to naturally let out anything that wants to escape. Don't worry about the smell or the mess. We're well used to that, aren't we nurse."

Lindy gave an embarrassed laugh and went red in the face, perhaps she'd had the same experience. In fact Denise couldn't have held back if she tried. As soon as the nozzle was withdrawn a veritable fountain of foul brown slurry erupted from her anus, driven by the released gas. It splattered hard against the front of doctor's dress at about waist high, and spread out covering most of the lower part, and ran like a mud-brown river down her skirt and into the recess in which she was standing. Penny acted as though this was the completely routine, despite now dressed in a considerably soiled uniform and standing in a pool of brown slurry - a mix of oil, mucous, liquid crap, and chunks of different sizes. Now it was clear why she and nurse had on the long latex stockings. Most of the liquid had drained off her uniform leaving a thin brown film, and here and there little chunks and nuggets remained. Doctor Penny casually wiped with her glove them as if to remove them but in fact it just turned them into larger smears which stuck. Again nurse held her apron out for the doctor to wipe her latex-clad hands on. By now it completely soiled on both sides and would no longer be any use for such a purpose. Even so she insisted the nurse continue to wear it.

As Denise recovered from the waves that shot through her lower abdomen during that first expulsion, she realised just how much waste was inside her intestines and rectum, horridly putrefying and decomposing. It was still oozing out, like the lower reaches of a very muddy river creeps ever so slowly towards the ocean, and Denise delighted in the feeling of this slow extrusion, and the spectacle she knew she was presenting. Every now and again a small piece escaped and plopped into the liquid mess already underneath her. The stench was, for a while, terrible and Lindy was clearly making an effort to control her expression, even though she seemed otherwise at home in the situation. But to Denise and apparently doctor Penny it was the sweetest aroma. Denise was excited and yearning for more such treatment, the nastier, messier and more invasive the better.

"You OK, Denise?"

"Yes doctor. I'm fine with this. Don't worry about what treatment you might have to do. Whatever goes down."

"Good, I know it's terribly uncomfortable and humiliating for you to let yourself be seen like this, but it has to be done. You'll find it much less unpleasant with this attitude. There will be seepage from your anus continuing for a while, but don't try to hold it in. In fact I'm going to work on your bowels by massaging downwards from the outside. I'd like to examine your stool so rather than let it drop down underneath nurse is going to catch it in her apron. Yes, I know it's already very soiled, but it's only with your own shit. You don't mind calling it shit, do you."

"No doctor, I call it shit as well, and I know my bowels are full of it, full of shit that is, that I need to shit out." Denise could not resist emphasising the word SHIT each time.

"OK, I'm going to help you get rid of that shit, but first the gas and loose stuff that comes with it. It's going to be very messy but that's what nurse is here for, the deal with all the filthy waste, all the shit that is going to come out from your bowels, through your ass-hole. I can work better if I work it from above. I'll have to get up and straddle you so I'll be over your face. You'll be seeing me up the skirt of my uniform, is that fine with you?"

"Yes, doctor, I'm fine with that."

On doctor's instruction, nurse came forward and stood between Denise legs and arranged her apron under her, so it was tucked between her buttocks and the lower end of the table. Doctor Penny then pulled out a little kneeling stools from under the table on either side and knelt on them. In this position she was straddling so that her thighs where on either side of Denise's face. She positioned herself so that she presented a very clear view between her legs. Denise was amazed at this brazen display, the doctor was exhibiting her crotch in its naked entirety - her cleft, her anus, her shaven pudendum, her sex. She was also delighted at this unashamedly lewd exhibition. Lindy's own mother, a lady who not long ago appeared to be so proper and conventional, was exposing... no, flaunting her most private intimacies. What was even more astonishing was that her labia were obscenely puffed out and the pink valley at her entrance was glistening wet, more than just glistening it was actually dripping. Doctor Penny's vaginal secretions were flowing fast and there were little rivulets of juice between her upper thighs. She was clearly in a very excited state and was perfectly happy for Denise to see that excitement.

"Hell," though Denise, "she's even nastier than me."

Penny then knelt lower so that her sex was only a few inches away. It felt she was in a tent, a rubber tent comprising the skirt of doctor's nursing dress. It was no longer so easy to see, but the exotic aroma of doctor Penny's secretions was trapped in that intimate space wee nothing short of intoxicating. Occasionally a drop of that sweet nectar dripped onto her face. Denise was even wishing the doctor would reach an orgasm and squirt her juice all over her face, but she was sure this lady would keep herself in control, allowing only what she chose to allow. In any case Denise was in heaven.

The first massaging stroke from the doctor's hands started just at the diaphragm and pushed deep enough to apply pressure to her large intestine. Following the snaking path of that internal organ she worked down. Keeping pressure with one hand at a spot over her rectum, she repeated with the other hand, and then repeated again, alternating left and right hand. After several strokes there seemed to have been some movement, she even felt a large bolus of something detach and shift. A few seconds later Denise felt a painful stretching of her sphincter and almost immediately an expelling of soft fecal waste was driven out by the pressure of built up gas behind it. It erupted energetically and loudly, filling the room with thick, foul stench.

The nurse must have been taken unawares, the blast must have partially caught her in the face, maybe some of the shit too. Denise was looking forward to seeing the state of Lindy's uniform, and the condition of her face too.

"That was a big one, she really let something out there, didn't she nurse? I hope you've caught a good specimen."

"Er... yes, I was a bit... a bit close, I... I think I need to clean myself up."

"Oh, that can wait. But yes, you do look a sight, but never mind. You don't surely mind a little bit of shit. It's what gastro-intestinal nursing is all about. And have you managed to get a good sample? There must have been plenty there."

"Yes loads... loads of it."

"Wow, that's a nice lot, good thing you kept on your apron to hold it with."

Interestingly, the expulsion heightened the doctor's arousal even more, and for a few moments the vaginal dripping became almost a continuous stream. By the time she got up from her position, Denise's face was covered in a thin film of liquid.

To Denise, "That went very well, I think. The big problem we had to deal with first was the gas and there was so much trapped in there. I'm going to examine your stool now, then we can proceed to the next phase."

For a while Denise's view of nurse Lindy had been blocked by the skirt of doctor's uniform dress. But when she moved away Denise received, for the first time a view that both shocked and thrilled her. Until then Lindy's nurse uniform had remained remarkably unsoiled, save for the extensive brown smears and patches on her originally white cotton apron which had been used to wipe the shit off the latex gloves. Now all that had changed. Her pale blue latex nurse's dress looked like it had been used as target practice for a shit-loaded shotgun. The entire mid part was covered in glutinous, lumpy brown - a hideous mix of solid chunks of fecal waste, pale runny mucous, putrefied liquid crap, and oil. The force has cause the erupted contents of Denise's lower bowel to fan out, so that all around that vile centre there were splotches, splats and spots that were anything from a quarter of an inch to two inches. Her arms and legs weren't spared either, although her latex thigh-length stockings and elbow gloves kept most of it from direct contact. But her neck, upper arms, chin and even a little a bit her face bore some marks, as though from a distance her skin had erupted an unsightly population of moles. And yet it was her apron that took the real brunt. She was holding it out now, and the middle sagged as one would if she'd used it to gather some fruit picked. But this was not natural fruit growing on the bushes, but the fruit of Denise's overloaded digestive system, a semi-liquid sludge of decomposing waste - wobbling, suppurating, oozing and dripping foully through the cotton material into terrible pool of filth in which she was standing. It looked almost alive, as though some horror-film monster was trying to emerge.

"Please doctor," she implored, "I really must clean myself up now."

"Don't be ridiculous nurse, surely a bit of ordinary shit doesn't bother you. Really, you must learn to get used to it. But anyway you can give all that to me, what you've collected in your apron."

To Denise, "I know this is rather unpleasant but it will help me inspect your faeces if I can do it on a more or less horizontal surface. The best is if I use your nice flat midriff as an ersatz table. Would you allow that?"

On the contrary, Denise was delighted to have a good part of her released bowel movement daubed on her belly and examined.

"Well, I guess it IS a nasty, messy, smelly business, doctor. But I don't mind if you need to use my body as an examination table. And don't worry about getting me dirty, it's really quite OK." Denise emphasised those last words in attempt to make sure there could be no doubt she meant what she said.

"Good, you will realise by now that I don't hold much with prissy young ladies whom are frightened of a bit of dirt."

Doctor Penny undid the ties and took Lindy's sagging apron, then unceremoniously dumped the whole lot on Denise's front. She was a slim woman with small breasts and flat belly, and her lack of girth meant that the mass of brown covered her completely from breast to pubis. Some of the runnier slurry slipped off and into the pool below leaving the mostly solid lumps, a couple of logs, little nuggets, marbles and other dendritic shapes.

Doctor picked up one of the bigger turds, a log-shaped chunk, felt it gently as though testing consistency, then and squashed it against her latex dress, leaving a broad, dark brown band across her breasts. Then with another piece, though this time she simply squeezed it in her hand to reduce it to a thick gruel which she allow to drip onto Denise's breasts. Some other pieces she squished onto Denise's body, the shallow valley between her breasts, or worked it deep into her belly-button.

Far from being revolted, Denise was revelling in this incredibly filthy treatment, the messing of her own naked body but this enthusiastic, zealous practitioner. She found it hard not to betray her pleasure, though she was starting to wonder if that was what the doctor already suspected, and had been hoping for.

"Well young lady, I'm glad to see you are not squeamish - of course no reason to be. A bit of your own stool won't do you any harm, maybe even some good. There are a lot of nutrient and friendly bacteria that are a pity to throw away. And I'm pleased to say that the texture and consistency of your stool are perfectly healthy, surprisingly so for something that was so long overdue for excreting. But we have only dealt with the looser more recent matter, what remains inside you will have been there longer, and it is clearly much more densely packed. I'm sure some of it has impacted onto the inner walls of your rectum where it will do a lot of harm if it's not removed. I have to warn you it means a manual extraction, something much more intrusive than what you just had."

"Oh! You mean you're going to put your hand in through my anus... I mean through my SHITHOLE, and right up my SHIT BOX Well, I must admit I've rather enjoyed the treatment so far, even the dirtying. It will be quite an experience to have the... what did you say, manual extraction?"

"Even better that you experience some enjoyment from the treatment. In fact there's a natural enjoyment that we all feel, even if we don't like to admit it. First let me have another feel inside. Nurse, I'd be grateful if you hold her buttocks apart as far as possible."

Nurse Lindy stood at the side and directed a fine water spray to clean Denise's buttock and the rather soiled cleft, than used a soft towel to dry the area completely. She changed her gloves for a fresh pair and leant over so she could take a firm grasp on the inner sides of Denise buttock cleft. Gently she prised the cheeks apart to reveal Denise's slightly gaping anus. It was more reddened around the rim than it would be usually, and Lindy commented on this.

"It's only because there is a lot of blood flow to the area just now, after the attention it had. Nothing to worry about."

The doctor slowly inserted her middle finger into the sphincter and was pleased to note the strong muscle tone. In fact it was always a pleasure to feel a new anal ring grip her digit and she spent some time twisting and probing before penetrating her knuckle right through. Satisfied she worked a second, then a third finger in though Denise's rear hole and carefully felt around.

"As it suspected, a lot of old waste in there, will never come out on its own. Yes, you need the whole hand inside your rectum to get rid of that.

Doctor Penny explained to her nurse that Denise's fecal waste was so compressed and impacted that it would need to be removed by full manual penetration. "My hand is rather large for that, I'm sure it will be more comfortable for her if you do it. Your hand is smaller and softer, more flexible too, not so bony as mine." Doctor went to the drawer and took out and unfolded a long white cotton bib apron and put it on. It came down to almost the hem of her latex tunic. Denise wondered why, at this stage she should decide to wear an apron, Not to keep her dress clean, that was well smeared with smashed chunks of Denise's stool, runny crap, and a brown slurry comprising an appalling mixture of oil, mucous and putrefying waste. Anyway, why would such a garment need to be kept clean?

So now the roles of doctor and nurse were reversed for this intimate phase of the treatment. Penny held Denise's split while Lindy worked her hand inside. Denise was again becoming aroused, partly because of the specially erotic feeling of a young, soft female hand and partly because Lindy was so lovely and shy, as well as being such a hot little innocent. Her hand was obviously inexperienced, but the slightly clumsy and uncertain way she probed made the experience even more exciting. She wanted to masturbate but her hands were restrained, but in the guise of it appearing to be an automatic reaction to the intrusion, she discreetly worked her vaginal muscles, squeezing hard at the phallus buried deep in her cunt, rotating, pushing, shearing... until she felt her fuck juice begin to flow again. As Lindy's fingers entered one by one, middle, index, third, fourth, thumb she gave in to stronger and stronger shudders and finally orgasmed as the thicker girth of her knuckles.

"Ah... Aahhh!... AAAGGGGHHHHH!!... Ooooohhh... Ooohh..."

"Oh Denise, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to hurt."

Denise was panting, as though in pain but actually in ecstasy. "Oh, it's not your fault... it's alright... and now... it's... yes, actually feels nice."

For a minute Lindy's hand explored the interior of Denise's lowermost cavity, gauging the dimensions, feeling the tension in her rectal wall and the consistency of her impacted waste.

"She's still got quite a lot of shit inside, but it mostly stuck on the wall. Shall I try to scoop it out, Doctor?"

"Yes nurse. Take as much in your fingers as you can easily hold, don't try too much at a time. Then take your hand out, twisting and angling your wrist back and forth to work it back out... Yes that's right nurse you're coming out nicely... Now get as much off your glove as possible, you don't want to be putting it all back inside her. You can wipe it on my apron, I put it on specially for that reason. Now don't be shy, nurse, I don't mind getting messed up with a bit of shit. Use my apron and as a rag and wipe as much of her filth off your glove." With her left hand she gathered up the hem and robustly dumped most of it onto the cloth, then wiped off the remaining shit. Since Lindy had extracted a generous handful, Penny's apron was very soon liberally smeared and besmirched.

Surely she could have just dropped most of it and not dirtied the apron quite so much, thought Denise. But far from being upset, Penny looked approvingly at her ruined apron, the pattern of different shades and extent and of contrasting sizes, shapes and thicknesses of the brown daubs and splotches.

"Good, now repeat."

Several more times Lindys hand went in, each time a little more easily but no less enjoyably. After the fourth time Denise made no pretence of her sexual response. She twitched and spasmed, bucked and gyrated in her lust, uttering crude obscenities as her arousal peaked.

"Yes nurse... fuck! Fuck!! Shit! Ass!... Harder, ram it in, Fuck me hard! Fuck, fuck my shitty ass... fuck it!... FUCK IT!!...Oh..."

At first Lindy seemed a bit worried and turned to Penny.

"Don't worry about that, sexual release is quite a normal response to anal penetration, sign of a good healthy libido. She obviously has a strong leaning to anal sex."

Thus encouraged Denise made no attempt to hide her desire to be anally ravaged, brutally and nastily.

"Fuck me nurse, rape my shitty ass!... Do it hard, do it dirty, rake my bowels, hurt me... HURT ME!! Make me scream. yes... YES!!...Fuck Fuck...I'm cumming!... I'M CUMMING!! Aaarrgghhhhh!...

Denise bucked and thrashed so hard it almost seemed she might break the straps restraining her and keeping her on the treatment table. It was several minutes before her breathing had stopped rasping and she'd calmed down.

"Well young lady, you certainly enjoyed that. Now you've settled down there's just one last part of the treatment."

The final part of the treatment was a rinsing enema, well two actually. Three quarts each and the first was administered by the doctor. The enema was relaxing and soothing, the tepid water being light scented and saline to maintain isotonicity. After the discomfort of such extreme over bloated bowels, the liquid was enjoyable and she had no difficult retaining each on for the full 30 minutes. Denise asked if she needed to hold it longer but the doctor told her 30 minutes was enough

"Nurse, you'd better massage her belly while she's being filled, we don't want her getting a bad cramp with so much. You should stroke right up and down... yes, all the way down to her crotch."