Dream Come True

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Taryn meets her future.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/27/2009
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Another little story I had in my head... may continue it. Let me know what you think.

"What about you, what accomplishments have you had in life?" Mr. Tolard asked Taryn.

"In high school I kicked the winning goal for the last soccer game of the season." By 'winning the goal for the last soccer game of the season' She actually meant 'She drunkenly fucked her ex-boyfriend the day before his wedding.' So she lied. Taryn didn't have any real accomplishments. She was never on any teams or in any clubs. She definitely didn't participate in REAL after school activities. Taryn really had nothing to be proud about.

"That's great. And how did it make you feel?" Like shit.

"Like I was on top of the world." This was English class not therapy. Why the hell are we talking about this?

"Ok class I want you to write a paper about you're biggest accomplishment. Due next week." God she hated school. It wasn't always like this she didn't used to hate it. Hell, she loved high school. But not college, well community college at least. Taryn couldn't quite afford to go to a big university. Fucking community college. Yeah, she felt like she was better than this, smarter than this. She slipped out of her seat slowly ready to finally head home.

"I was on the soccer team too in high school!" An eager blonde girl tapped her on the shoulder.

"Cool." Code for: I don't want to talk to you.

"What position did you play? I was goalie." Shit she wants to be friends. Her smile was a bit too big.

"Me too!" Taryn was so going to hell for her lies.

"Oh my god this one time I was blocking a ball..." Taryn had to cut her off. This was not storytime and quite frankly she didn't give a damn about this girls' life.

"I actually have to go. I'm running late for this thing." She turned on her heels and headed for the door. She could hear the blonde shout goodbye from the classroom and gave a wave without looking back. She did the very least in acknowledging the girl.

This school thing wasn't working out. She was miserable and feeling like she wasn't going anywhere because community college felt like high school. Minus all the fun. She had matured quite a bit and all the people she had been hanging out with seemed so immature. She wanted to be a responsible adult. Driving down the street she stopped off at a local diner just to sit and rethink her life. Taryn slid into a booth and laid her head on the table. She felt like she was going through a midlife crisis, except Taryn was only 19. Quarter-life crisis? "It's too soon for me to be worrying about these things." She muttered out loud.

"Can I get you something?" The mans voice caught her off guard. For a minute she actually forgot she was at the diner.

"Milkshake... strawberry." She ordered not even bothering to lift her head from the table. She listened to his footsteps getting further and further away. Finally looking up she ran her fingers through her hair and pulled out her cell phone. 3 missed calls... all from Darren. "I hope you don't think I'm calling you back" When they had met two years ago he was the perfect guy for her. Today he is that same exact man but Taryn was a completely different woman. They just don't fit anymore. She had told him yesterday that it was over and they could still be friends. She wasn't lying about the friends part either, Darren was her best friend and she never wanted to lose that between them. He's been calling her all day trying to convince her that she didn't mean it, that they should still be together. Taryn said she was pretty sure she knew what was best for her but based on his 3 calls it looks as though he disagrees.

"Strawberry milkshake" He gently sat the glass down in front of her. "Can I get you anything else?" She stared at the shake.

"Fries? Can I get some of those?" She hadn't had French fries and a milkshake in forever.

"Yea no problem." Taryn sipped on her shake savoring the creaminess. She wished she could make milkshakes at home. Good ones, not the bootleg kind that ended up being more like floats. Her mind wondered how much a machine would cost. Lately randomness has taken over her thoughts. She figured it for a mild case of ADD or something.

"Fries." Shit that was quick. As soon as he set the fries down he sat across from her in the booth. He was cute. Short dark hair, dark blue eyes, and dimples, cute, sexy dimples. He just sat there staring at her. His nametag said Cydney.

"Uh, I usually leave the tip after I'm done eating." What is he doing?

"What's your name?" He asked casually. His voice was deep and kind of raspy. Sort of like how a person would sound just waking up in the morning.

"Can I help you with something?" She really wasn't in the mood to talk to strangers. A small smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I like to make conversation with the customers, helps me feel connected with the world while I'm stuck in this diner." He shrugged his shoulders and peered out the window. "I've never seen you here before so once again I'll ask, what's your name?"

"Taryn." She said plainly as he eyed her up and down.

"Taryn." He repeated more to himself than to her. "I'm Cydney." He stretched out his hand to shake.

"Yeah yeah, nice to meet you. I actually came here to clear my mind..." She waited for him to take the hint and leave. It's not that Taryn wanted to be a bitch, she just didn't feel like talking to him. Had it been any other day she would have been happy to sit and have a conversation with him. He just sat there still looking at her. "Ok, that was a polite way of saying I don't want to be bothered."

"Well we can't always get what we want now can we?" He took a few fries from her plate, dipped them in her milkshake and ate them. "Mmm, good choice. This hits the spot." He nodded his head agreeing with himself while chewing the fries.

"You're kidding right? This is a joke. You didn't just do that." She was surprised at his boldness.

"Oh but sweetie I did. And I'm doing it again." He announced as he once again reached over ready to dive in the fries. She quickly smacked his hand foiling his attempt to kidnap her food.

"You must be crazy." Who the hell did he think he was? He had a cocky smile on his face. "I want to speak to your manager."

"Really? And what are you going to tell him sweetheart? That I ate your food? I'll have you know I'm a cherished employee and it's your word against mine." She couldn't even believe this was happening. What is with this guy?

"Well I'm the paying customer. And the customer is always right. Now go get your manager."

"Ok... whatever you say." As he stood up from the table he picked up her milkshake and with a big grin, poured it on his shirt as Taryn sat there in confusion. This wasn't cute anymore, now it was just annoying. Within a few minutes a man dressed in black pants, a white button down and a blue tie, presumably the manager, walked over to her.

"Ma'am we do not tolerate patrons abusing our employees. You were being very rude so not only am I going to have to ask you to leave, but I would also like you to apologize to Cydney."

"WHAT?! What the hell are you talking about? All this because I didn't feel like talking to him?"

"Ma'am that language is uncalled for. You dumped a milkshake on your waiter. He deserves an apology." Swear. To. God.

"He did that to himself! I had nothing to do with that!" Taryn peered over at Cydney. "Besides I really wanted to eat that." She added as an afterthought. She actually got a little sad thinking about her poor milkshake.

"Right. He poured it on himself." The sarcasm was so uncalled for. "Please leave." This was more than she wanted to deal with. Fuck it. She stood up and headed for the door. But not without sending a deadly stare Cydney's way. He returned it with a smile of course.

Once outside Taryn immediately felt like something was missing. She had parked her car directly across the street but wasn't seeing it anywhere. Thinking maybe she had 'missparked' her car further down the road she started walking hoping this was all in her head. She paced up and down that street for a good 15 mins before she noticed a sign that said no parking after 7pm.

"If you parked it over there it was probably towed." A familiar voice said from behind. Taryn spun around to find her asshole of a waiter standing looking even sexier under the moonlight. She shook her head reminding herself of that bitch move he pulled in the diner.

"We are not on speaking terms." She started speed walking down the street knowing she wouldn't find her car there, just wanting to get away from him. But no such luck

"I got you a new strawberry milkshake and some fries." He was right on Taryn's heels.

"What do you want... a tip?" She slowed her pace a bit thinking he was going to actually go away.

"I just want to talk to you. That's been the goal all along." He laughed quietly to himself.

"So you got me kicked out of the diner? How was that plan going to work for you? Please share your logic." She stopped in her tracks and leaned up against a brick building waiting to hear how his master plan was supposed to play out.

"You didn't want to talk to me in there, you made that pretty clear."

"So why didn't you take the hint." Not even hiding the aggravation in her voice.

"You should get to know me." Cydney took a deep breath.

"Why?" Taryn rolled her eyes.

"Because we get married and have a family together."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Taryn was getting uncomfortable around this man. He must have meant for it to be some creepy pick up line. She wondered who that line could have possibly worked on.

"This is going to sound crazy but I had a dream a few nights ago. It started out just like this. Like everything that has happened so far happened in my dream."

"Ok... I'm leaving now." She didn't know what exactly he had been smoking but she didn't feel like dealing with it. Turning to walk away from him Cydney stopped her with a very desperate look on his face.

"Just listen." Taryn decided what the hell. She let him speak. "After we met it was like I was watching a video montage or something. It had music and everything!" She could see the excitement in his face as if he was reliving it.

"What song?" She humored him.

"Before the Worst" He smiled. "The Script. It was us together laughing and kissing. I was down on one knee, you were pregnant, we shared a home, a bed, a family. I just got all these flashes of us happy together. It was this timeline of us."

"So it ends badly?"

"I don't know. But I want to find out"

"Maybe it's a warning, so no one gets hurt. As the song says...take it back before it all went wrong."

"We looked way too happy for anything to go wrong." He smiled to himself remembering flashes from his dream.

"How do you know it was me?"

"I've been looking for the beautiful woman that I'm going to marry for a week now. Honestly I thought it would take me longer. But baby you're it. I knew it the second you walked in the diner." She could feel him analyzing her features. "The woman in my dreams was always smiling. She has this amazing smile, so genuine and sincere. That's the only thing you're missing but I want to put that smile on your face. I know it sounds corny but I want to make that dream a reality."

"This is weird. Too weird." What are you supposed to say to that?

"You don't believe me?" His smile was gone. "I don't know why I expected you to. It sounds insane." Taryn was silent. Feeling a bit overwhelmed from such an awkward situation she began walking away.

"We had two little boys, Jacob and Elijah. And a puppy named Gazpacho." He said hoping she would turn around and listen to him. "So what? You're just gonna leave?"

"Yeah I'm calling a cab." She heard him sigh. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel about this. Cydney seemed to really believe it, she didn't know if he was crazy or it was the truth. It was fucking creepy that's for sure. But she was curious. Who wouldn't want to know their future.


Taryn laid in bed thinking about Cydney and his creepy dream. She tried to imagine what their life would be like. Long walks in the park? Vacations on the beach? Two little boys? She wasn't sure about that part. Taryn was never the type to want a kid, and definitely not KIDS plural. The dog she could deal with. She couldn't help but wonder what Cydney was like. How would he treat her? Would he pull her close and kiss her at random times, catching her off guard, making sure she knew she was loved no matter where they were or what they were doing? She pictured him down on one knee with a smile on his face, she heard his deep raspy voice asking her to stop being so stubborn and marry him already. Taryn smiled to herself. She dozed off thinking about him.

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chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
Spur of the moment

I decided to give you a try and I'm really liking this already and the title doesn't hurt either.

mimi186mimi186almost 12 years ago
You had me at Before the Worst

I love the script too much to not continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Cydney is really creepy and the spelling of his name annoys me. (sadface)

mariasmdmariasmdalmost 14 years ago

this is unusually, yet very intriguing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great start

Thanks for a great read.

luv_romanceluv_romanceover 14 years ago

:) can't wait for more.

Cinndney25Cinndney25over 14 years ago

this story i unique i loved it all and cant wait for next next chapter

grunabonagrunabonaover 14 years ago
I like it

A little more editing wouldn't hurt, but I like it.

theonlinestalkertheonlinestalkerover 14 years ago
more please

i want to know what happens next. very unique story. please more!

LunanoireLunanoireover 14 years ago
This is Hilarious

Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
you had me @ The Script

Loved them as MYTOWN, still love them now. I'll definitely keep reading to find out how coo coo psycho Cydney manages to woo Taryn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great Beginning...where's the rest?? More please

Loved this beginning. I would really like to see more!

romanticbunnyromanticbunnyover 14 years ago
Continue it please!!!!!

Wow. This sounds like me. Though I'm sill waiting to meet that dream guy. But I had a dream just like that last year around Christmas.

I'm in the same place Taryn...minus the sleeping with the ex. lol. Long boring story short...I hope you continue this. I'd like to read at least one happy dream come true. =]

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
your story

Pleasee continue this story!!!

IndianChocolateIndianChocolateover 14 years ago
sounds real good

this sound really great so far. keep it going.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyover 14 years ago

yes you have to continue with this story wow loving it

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904over 14 years ago
Please Continue!

Can't wait to see what you have in store for these two.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 14 years ago
LOVED the story

You are FANTASTIC.....wonderful writing.....I am not even bothered by the lack of eroticism you write so cleverly. I totally believe the person. She is real.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 14 years ago
LOVED the story

You are FANTASTIC.....wonderful writing.....I am not even bothered by the lack of eroticism you write so cleverly. I totally believe the person. She is real.

mekakymekakyover 14 years ago

Great start, can't wait to read the next chapter

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