Duplicity Ch. 04


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Lady Ann was in a rage as she paced the floor of her bedchamber. Her night dress bellowing behind her; her long curls hung wildly around her shoulders.

"I was very specific with my instructions!" she hissed violently over the bowed figure of Henry. He sat once more on the chaise, with this elbowed propped on his knees and his hands cupped over his face. Half of his hunched figure was cast in shadows in the dark chambers, but Ann could still see how blood-shot his eyes peeking through his fingers by the pale orange glow the candelabras.

"The man was to attack her once her carriage neared the park, away from people so no one could interfere.! Then YOU were suppose to be there to rescue her!"

"The lout was carried away, he acted too quickly!" Henry mumbled miserably into his palms. "By the time I got there John and Philip Mallory were already on him. Why were they there?! I thought you said Davenport wasn't even in London!"

"My sources had him traveling to his country seat. Oh the stupid lout!" Ann almost shouted. "He has only himself to blame for his sorry fate. Is he quite dead then?"

"Quite. I thought to send his family a pound or two."

"No!" she shouted. "We shan't involve ourselves now or the deed will be traced back to us. Not when it was not our intent for anyone to be hurt. He acted outside my instructions, therefore his unfortunate end is his own doing. You did make clear to him that he to stop the carriage then receive a few blows from you?"

Henry jerked his head in a nod.

"Being struck by that cart was his own fault. He acted of his own accord. We are blameless in his death!"

"If only he had waited--" Henry moaned "It could not be our fault that Davenport attacked the poor sod and forced the knave to run out into the path of a brick cart. It was so terrible to the whole content of the cart topple over and bury him like that. I thought I would be sick!"

"Had he not, Davenport may very well have killed him anyway," Ann reasoned. "Where is Evelyn now? Was she terribly hurt?"

"I entered the fray as a crowd was gathering then slipped away again before I could be detected. I dared not stay longer to discover more."

Ann reasoned to herself as she looked down at her trembling hands. "No one was intended to be hurt. I wanted Henry to rescue her. Ingratiate you to her so that she falls in love with Henry perhaps. It would have bruised John Mallory's ego for his intended bride to love another man. Let him feel the jealousy he evoked in others. That was all! That was all!"

Yet she uttered a silent prayer for God's forgiveness.

"I could not see as it was dark and they bore her away immediately. Should Davenport find out that our hands were behind this?" Henry groaned miserably, almost to himself as his green eyes opened wide with terror. "He might kill me. They say he fought through seven assassins, alone!"

"It was two at the last telling," Lady Ann quipped humorlessly.

The dubious pair fell silent for a time, each lost deep in thought. Ann watched the candle flame dance, casting long dark shadows against the walls, that she imaged may soon turn into demon shapes to drag her down to hell. She shuddered at the thought!

"I shall visit with her!" Ann declared, her voice trembling.

Henry dragged his hands over his miserable, stubble face. "What are you planning?" he asked glumly.

"We leave it all to Fate... for now," she replied as she rang the bell for her maid.

*************** Evelyn slept fitfully. She dreamt she was swimming a sea of murk. She was pushing her arms out but her arms refused to move. She tried to turn her head but her head won't budge. Yet she could hear voices speaking all around her, there voices barely above a whisper and indecipherable.

Through the murk she thought she saw a veiled feminine figure hovering over her, and realized it was a recurring memory from her childhood. Dark blue eyes, so like her own, peered down at her through thick, dark, netting so lovingly.

"Mother!" Evelyn wanted to cry out, but her lips wouldn't move. Instead her heart weep when the figure faded into the murkiness again.

************************************** When Evelyn woke up, the first thing she was a dull, throbbing pain weighing down her skull. She had to catch her breath for a moment to allow the pain to subside. Then she sat up---

--in an enormous, unfamiliar bed! The sheets were made of the softest cotton and dark, rich silk damask hung from the canopied bed. She could see that this deep chamber, with vaulted ceilings was richly, tastefully furnished and smelled faintly of cider. Her clothes had been removed and she now wore a sleeping gown. Before Evelyn could register all of this, she caught sight of a rosy and pleasant faced woman rushing to her bedside.

"There, there!" the strange woman said as she came to prop up the pillows behind Evelyn's back . "Rest dear. There's no need to fret. You're safe here."

"Where is here?" Evelyn asked, mildly curious but unafraid. The other woman, with light brown eyes and brown hair pulled into a chignon, seemed harmless enough. There was something familiar about her handsome nose and strong jaw line. Her clothes were rather plain, her manner unguarded, but she was no servant either. Evelyn thought she rather liked her hostess's strong ruddy face and kind brown eyes.

"I am Mrs. Charlotte Fields, but I insist you call me Charlotte as we are to be family. And you, Lady Evelyn, are among friends," came the reply. "What a fright you must have received last night. I suppose one must always be careful in town, as dangers lurk anywhere. How fortunate that you weren't gravely injured."

Evelyn raised a hand and touched her damp and clammy forehead and gingerly felt a small bump there. Memories of what had happened came back to her and Evelyn swallowed past a lump in her throat. Yes, it was most fortunate that she didn't suffer a greater injury.

"I am grateful for your kindness," she said to Charlotte, still looking worryingly at her. "I must have word sent to my hosts, the Warwicks, lest they should worry--" Just as Evelyn tried to sit up, all her energy sapped from her and she was forced to lie back again.

"You've had quite the shock," Charlotte said kindly as she helped Evelyn settle back into bed again. "You must still be weak from the fever then. Do try to rest some more. I'll have a clear broth sent up."

Before Evelyn could open her lips to speak, a knock on the closed chamber door stopped her short. Charlotte rushed over to admit a tall, slender young gentleman, dressed in a dark brown coat and trousers. Charlotte nodded meaningfully to him and allowed him to enter. It was Philip Mallory and Evelyn realized then why Charlotte looked so familiar!

"Thank God, Lady Evelyn!' Philip said with deep concern and relief. "I'm happy to see you rested and looking better this morning. My sister, Charlotte, is the most diligent nurse."

"Then you are my savior?" Evelyn said. Her eyes clouded with tears of joy and relief as she held out her hand to him. How could she have ever thought this man unremarkable, Evelyn thought with a pang of guilt. "How could I ever thank you--!"

Philip flushed deeply and held up a hand to stop her. "There's no need for thanks as I shall soon call you cousin."

"Then you've heard," Evelyn replied thickly. There were so many thoughts that crossed her mind that Evelyn felt quite tired from it all. She sank back against the plush pillows.

"Quite so! " said Charlotte as she sat down on the bed by Evelyn and looked up at Philip. "We were all so delighted to hear that Cousin John will at last be wed. I do wish we were meeting under better circumstances--"

"And I must disabuse any notion you may have over my heroism," Philip said. "You see it was John who heard your cries and, as Providence would have it, came to your rescue, not I."

"BOTH of you," Charlotte corrected gently as she smiled warmly at her brother. "Thank God, John and Philip were both on hand for the daring rescue. It was fortuitous that they came upon you just as the lout entered your carriage and they were able to fight him off before he could carry out his ill intent!"

"I beg your pardon, Lady Evelyn,' Philip said then when he recognized the look of bewilderment on Evelyn's face. "We don't mean to tire you or distress you."

Evelyn had touched the back of one hand to her flushed cheek wearily. "I am grateful -- I do hope I haven't inconvenienced you," she replied weakly. "It is most unusual to be meeting like this."

"No matter, I'm happy to meet you at last," Charlotte said with such a warm smile, Evelyn could not doubt her sincerity. "You must stay here with us as this is to be your home soon enough. Let me care for you now as a dear sister as I love John no less than my own brother."

Suddenly, realization dawned on Evelyn. "Am I in Lord Davenport's residence then?"

Charlotte looked at her, puzzled. "Good heavens, you must call him John now," she said with a bewildered chuckle. "And yes, we are in his home. John has always been so kind to invite Philip and I and all our families to put up here when we are in town. My husband prefer to keep to our home in the country, but I cannot resist these visit during the Season."

Evelyn attempted a smile at the kind woman but her lips quivered instead and she closed her eyes.

"It's all rather incredible," Charlotte said to her brother when they left Evelyn to rest. "To learn of John's sudden betrothal through strangers. Then to have his bride attacked so. It's all quite extraordinary."

Philip signed, knitted his brows as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I must say that the attack on Lady Evelyn's person was most troubling. More troubling still that the Warwick's would allow her, a young lady, to be out alone on a dark, rainy night."

"I think it quite right that John had her brought here," Charlotte agreed, showing her distress that she had kept hidden from Evelyn. "I cannot think what might have happened had you two not been there. Will further inquires be made of the matter?"

"John and I have sent men out to inquire about that beastly creature. It seems his tragic life had been marred by drink and unsavory company. There's no family to speak of, and we believe he acted alone and on impulse. Of course more would have been made of the matter, had the creature lived or if Evelyn had been--" Philip couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence as his face flushed with emotion.

Charlotte let out a sharp breath and crossed herself. "Thank God she was saved from such a...an... Unspeakable fate. I cannot help but hold Countess Warwick accountable somehow."

"Many do," Philip replied grimly.

"What of John? Where had he been since rushing out after bringing her last night? He ought to be here to sit with her. She's to be his wife after all."

Philip's shoulders sagged under the weight of the thoughts that crossed his mind then. He kept his tone even and light for his sister's benefit when he finally did speak. "He spent the night in his rooms at the club. I doubt he will want Lady Evelyn to return to the Warwick's now. In which case, he would not stay here while they remain unwed."

"Nonsense!" Charlotte exclaimed. "With all of us here, it could not be seen as improper. And now that she is here with us, we must see to the wedding! I've longed for the day to see Cousin John wed, you know! Ever since---"

Philip grimaced and hurried said. "It's best this way really. He'd rather not be here--"

Charlotte stuck her hands on her hips and squared up her shoulders at her larger, taller brother and gave him a stern look that brooked no arguments. "Philip Mallory, I can sense when someone is hiding something from me. What is Cousin John up to? What's happened that you are keeping from me."

"It's all rather difficult to explain--"

"Do try."

Philip was still hesitant. "Well, you know John. He hates to be forced to do anything. It's all--- well, you can image a grown man being told by his own father who he ought to marry and then have her just be shoved before him--"

"Heavens! How could he possibly be oppose? She's an angel! And it's his own fault for waiting as long as he had. He will not back out now? Not when I've already put forth all the planning!"

"Reluctant is not the same as being opposed," Philip assured her. "As it were, he learned of his own engagement at the same time as I did, if you could believe that. Pretty much in the same matter as you had. It all rather seemed like idle gossip at first until a confirmation letter came from his father."

Charlotte shook her head slowly in disbelief. "I had thought it was a love match. To see her beauty and grace, it's hard to think otherwise. Such a regal mien in light of all she had suffered."

"You are right that Evelyn has many fine qualities to be admired," Philip agreed as he looked longingly past his sister towards Evelyn's chamber door. "I dare say had Uncle secured Athena for John as his bride, John wouldn't like her any better," he quipped, though humorlessly

"This war between father and son surely must end!" Charlotte said with a click of her tongue. "John can be so stubborn! After all these years. Clara is long gone--"

At the mention of that forbidden name, Philip grimaced and nervously glanced around him. Charlotte puffed out her cheeks impatiently at him and went on. "Well, surely he could find forgiveness in his heart by now. This is a new day. New beginnings. A man without a wife is but half a man. She will be good for him if he will let her be. You must help him, Philip. Help him find happiness with her. If you give her your friendship and approval, I know whatever reluctance he may have will disappear. There's no one he trusts more than you."

"I will do all that I can, " Philip promised, gravely and sincerely.

************************************** The small bump on Evelyn quickly faded. Even the memory of her attack soon seemed nothing more than a bad dream. At Philip and Charlotte's insistence, Evelyn remained at Lord Davenport's magnificent home. Martha, along with the rest of her things at the Warwick's were sent for.

Lady Warwick came to see her once, and spent an afternoon full of tearful regrets. Soon after Lady Warwick disappeared from London after one too many cold glares and whispers at her expense. Even her more ardent friends, who had overlooked her many faux pas, couldn't help echo the grumblings over her neglectful guardianship. Why had she permitted Evelyn, a young woman, to venture out alone at night attended by only an elderly coachman? Evelyn found herself coming to the Lady Warwick ' defense but the strict rules of society could not be ignored without repercussion.

Life under Lord Davenport's roof was quite pleasant and peaceful. Charlotte was eager to see to Evelyn's every comfort. She took extra care to show Evelyn every part of the house and made it quite clear she already saw Evelyn as it's mistress. Charlotte never failed to open every sentence with "When this is all yours."

Philip was sweet to her, a bit shy and aloof at times. He too was on hand to fulfill any request Evelyn made, which often was simply to tell her more about her future husband.

Lady Ann came to visit often and Evelyn was sorry to detect a distinct chill there. Luckily neither women were openly hostile. Charlotte never spoke out against Lady Ann, and Ann seemed perfectly comfortable to ignore her too. Evelyn put it to their difference to the natural competitiveness of women and thought little of it.

Being in his house, Evelyn's mind was even more occupied by its missing master. How odd to be in his home, admiring his things and eating at his table without a glimpse or a word from him. Philip apologized profusely and assured Evelyn that business and government matters kept him away. He assured her that Lord Davenport, as Evelyn insisted on calling him much to Charlotte's chagrin, asked after her health constantly.

Evelyn allowed Charlotte to take her through each room and recite to her the history of every portrait and painting they passed. The great mansion was solidly built and, tastefully furnished and decorated throughout with generations of Mallory family mementos throughout. As hard as Evelyn tried she could not see Lord Davenport's imprints on any part of the house. She imaged that his own effects lies behind the forebodingly closed doors of his study or behind the firmly shut double door to his bedchamber at the end of the long corridor opposite her own rooms. She couldn't bring herself to breach those barriers to his privacy as great as temptation tugged on her.

Many times Evelyn found herself pausing as she headed to bed, just standing and staring at the dark, heavy doors to his bed chambers. Was he there now? Had he returned without her notice? Was he standing on the other side of those doors? Did he know she was there, and was even now staring at it as she was, like a great beast that sense the presence of his prey? Suddenly the footfall of an approaching chambermaid would startle Evelyn and send her rushing back to her own rooms her heart pounding loudly in her ears.

Sleep was rather difficult for Evelyn, under HIS roof, in his home. She spent many restless nights tossing and turning fitfully. All her senses were alert to every creak, every pop in the dead of night. Evelyn lost track of how many nights she had spent thusly, before exhaustion claimed her.

As she hovered between sleep and consciousness one evening, when she could no longer keep her own weariness at bay, a tall, shadowy, masculine figure quietly slipped into her room. Somehow she knew it was him. She heard him clear his throat and exhale deeply in that velvety baritone voice. His presence loomed large and his clean, earthy, masculine scent permeated the room.

The minutes ticked by.

She could hear an increase in the tempo of his breathing when he finally approached her bed. The bed beside her dipped under his weight.

An eternity passed.

Finally a gentle hand tenderly caressed the curve of her face, before traveling lower to rest on a supple breast. His fingers gripped her. Slowly, so achingly slowly, kneading her flesh.

Was she awake now or was she falling further and further into a murky dream state where she couldn't move a muscle or even utter a word?

She felt the air change when he rose over her. The bed dipped again when he swung his legs over hers to straddle her inert body. He brought up his other hand and pushed through the neckline of her nightgown till his large warm hands cupped her naked breasts. Evelyn's breath caught in her throat and she moaned with the rhythm of his avid ministration. Her skin tingled and screamed in delicious agony, yet she couldn't move at all.

His heavy weight sank down over her when his face lowered to hers and soft lips kissed hers... so tenderly. She heard him sigh again as his stubble covered chin nuzzled against her. The kiss lingered, then trailed down her chin to her neck. He was tracing the lines of her neck with the tip of his tongue. Softly. So achingly softly.

The bed beneath her liquefied and she was sinking into the thick, creamy murkiness as he worked her breasts. His mouth found its way between her orbs and licked her hardened tips. His hands were so firm. So hard. His tongue so achingly soft and gentle. He had ignited a flame within her that sent fire and chills coursing through her veins. She moaned as the indescribably feeling washed over her, urging her onward towards... she knows not what! She didn't want to believe that this was real, and yet she knew she would cry had she open her eyes to find that it was all a dream.

"Oh!" she heard herself moan in a husky, desperate voice, barely above a whisper.