Dusk Before Dawn Ch. 01


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"My names Billy Robinson. I'm the new transfer student."

She smiled at him. "Ah your Helena's grandson correct?"

Billy was surprised, "Yeah, you know gran gran?"

"Very well. She taught me everything I know."

Billy frowned. "I didn't know gran gran was ever an English teacher." He said.

She smiled again. "She wasn't." Mrs. Pickering returned to her notes.

Billy went back to his desk slightly confused and sat down next to a girl who had been in the group he had met. He remembered her name was Frankie. He smiled at her and turned to the board just as Mrs. Pickering stood up.

She revealed to the class that they were going to be studying the Romantic poets of the 19th century. Billy smiled. He loved the Romantics.

"Can anyone give me an example of a romantic?" Mrs. Pickering addressed the class.


Billy tentatively raised his hand.

"The most famous ones are Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Shelley and Byron."

"Correct. Now the first poem we are studying is by Shelley. If you open your text books at page 23 you will see Ozymandias.

And so the lesson continued. After having read it through to the class Mrs Pickering asked, "Can anyone tell me what the central ideas are behind this poem?"

Tumbleweed again

Again Billy raised his hand.

"It's about the decline and fall of empires and their leaders. No matter how great they think they are, in the face of time everyone is equal."

He realized that the class was staring at him. He blushed slightly and looked at Mrs Pickering. She was smiling.

"Correct again."

Billy kept his head down for the rest of the lesson.

When the bell went he packed up his books and left the classroom with Frankie.

"You are going to be my best friend now!" She laughed "most of this stuff goes directly over my head"

Billy smiled. So far things were going ok.

He asked Frankie for directions to the art department and after saying good bye started towards his next lesson.

He thought about what had happened with Mrs. Pickering and wondered what she had meant by what she said. Had gran-gran given her sewing lessons or something. Her choice of words puzzled him.

Deep in thought he rounded the corner of the corridor heading to Art and smacked straight into someone's chest. Someone's sweaty chest cover by a T-shirt that showed every line of muscle he had. Billy's books spilled out of his hands onto the floor. He bent to pick them up and cast his eyes at the crotch of his assailant. They widened taking in the obvious gigantic bulge that was pushing against the short material. Blushing furiously he raised his own eyes to the deep brown ones that he somehow knew would be there.

"Sorry Brick" he muttered bashfully.

Brick didn't say anything. He just stared at Billy who, becoming aware that they were only centimeters apart from each other, took a step back.

"Are you hurt?" Brick finally asked still staring.

"No I'm fine. I wasn't concentrating sorry."

Billy desperately wanted to get away as his jeans were fast becoming uncomfortable.

He quickly sidestepped Brick and ran off along the corridor shouting bye over his shoulder. Brick continued to stare after him.


Arriving late to the art room Billy apologized to to the teacher who he already knew as Mr. Macelvin and was told that today and for the next few weeks they would would be focusing on life drawing and portraiture.

He was thankful when he finally got to his easel and started drawing the model that they had. He had always been good at drawing and couldn't wait until they got onto oils. For now those he did sketches. Outlining shading detailing. The process allowed him to forget what had happened with Brick in the corridor.

The end came to soon and they Mr. Macelvin told them to tack their work on the wall and leave their easels up. Wanting to find his brother Billy quickly tacked his work up and left not noticing that a small crowd was starting to gather around his drawings.


As Billy walked into the cafeteria he was greeted by someone shouting.

"Over here Brit."

It was Nicky.

She was sitting with Justine but that was the only person he recognized. He hadn't met the others yet. They reminded him more of the kind of people he used to hang out with in England.

"This is Billy the Brit."

Nicky made introductions and Billy sat down.

He quickly stuck up a convocation with one of them about the recent success of imagine dragons and whether or not Lana Del Rey was a good musician in her own right.

Nicky cut in to ask how things were going. He gave an overview but didn't mention what had happened with Brick in the corridor. But he did need to find out what Bricks deal was. There was no physically possible way that the monster he'd seen in Bricks shorts had been flaccid. Unless he was hung like a horse. Had he gotten it from bumping into Billy? And what was with the creepy staring. Billy wasn't sure if he liked the attention that Brick was giving him.

"Billy Robinson right?"

He turned around and looked up at the questioner.

He was tall and slim with tanned skin. His hair was curly and a honey brown colour. His eyes were deep blue. In short the questioner was a very good looking guy.

Billy smiled, "Who's asking?"

"I'm Nate. I'm in your Art class. Not that you would have noticed, you were in a world of your own. I just wanted to say that I loved your drawings. Everyone did for that matter."

"Really? I left to quickly to look at the other work."

"You should come back to the Art room after school" Nate smiled, "the models staying behind so a few of us can continue. I'd love to see more of your work."

"Oh...thanks" Billy was a little flustered. This guy was very hot. "But I'm afraid I'm heading home right after school."

"All the same I'd like it if you came along at some point. Promise you will?"

Nate smiled and Billy's heart fluttered slightly.

"Ok I promise."

"Sweet. See you around Billy."

Nate turned on his heel and walked back to his table.

"Oh hell yeah" Nicky aired punched.

"The Brits got an admirer!"

"He's hot Billy you should get on that." Justine agreed.

Billy looked down at his food blushing and smiling to himself. First day and already people had taken an interest. Not bad going.


The rest of the day went quickly and before long Billy found himself again with Nicky walking towards her car. Fred was already standing there with Jenna.

"Everything ok?" Billy asked.

"Yeah it was fine. I've been asked to try out for the junior football team."

Billy was about to express his delight when a wall of noise had them all turning towards the entrance. A swarm of girls was gathered around outside taking loudly to Johnny and giggling.

"Yes ok honey I will ask for you. But first you should get your yeast infection sorted out!"

Laughing he broke from the group waving and blowing kisses.

He strutted up to the car smiling smugly.

"What was all that about?" Asked Billy.

"Oh nothing. They just wanted Fred's phone number." Johnny smirked.

Fred blushed and Jenna looked slightly put out.

"Ok guys lets go." Said Nicky swinging into the car. They all got in.

As Billy opened the door on his side a sudden impulse had him looking back towards the school. There at the entrance stood that weird Brick guy. That weird and fuckin HOT Brick guy that was looking straight at him. Billy shivered slightly and got into the car.


He watched as the car drove away. As the scent became slightly fainter the tension in his body slackened. He walked towards his truck where his friends were waiting. Max and Aaron were play fighting next to the car but immediately stopped and lowered their heads upon seeing him. Wordlessly he got into the drivers seat and they followed suite. They pulled out onto the main road and started driving out of town. He was silent and scowling.

"What's up man?" Max asked, "your all dark and moody"

"It's nothing" he replied. Max snorted.

"The same way I suppose that weird episode with you and the new guy was "nothing". What gives man. Don't you like him?"

He was silent. He stared ahead and tried to get the picture of Billy's ass out if his head. He subconsciously licked his lips.

Max and Aaron exchanged a look. Aaron mouthed "leave it" and they drove in silence.

The collection of houses were tucked away from the main road and looked out onto the forest that surrounded town. A sign saying Raven Hill showed the little turning which passers by would otherwise have missed completely. Pulling into the shared parking lot he got out, shut the door and stalked towards his house.

"Well bye then" Max shouted.

He ignored him.

Upon entering his house he walked thought the main entrance, through the kitchen where his parents were and out the back door.

"How was school honey?" His mother asked.

"Going running" he grunted ignoring her question.

Once out the back he slipped out of his clothes and began running into the woods.

He needed to clear his mind. He needed to focus his mind again. He needed to try and get that boy out of his damn head. He ran and ran crashing through the undergrowth sending the small woodland animals running for cover. He wasn't interested in them thought. He just wanted to outrun his thoughts. After a while he realized this was not going to be possible. He slumped down on the ground in the middle of a clearing.

What was going on? On the eve of his 18th birthday just before the start of school he had vowed to stop being snooty about humans and get as much action as possible from what was available to him. And then in a flash his vow had been squashed by the arrival of some boy. He had been in his head all day distracting and frustrating him. WHY?!?!?

One half of him already knew the answer of course. The half that acted upon instinct and had no understanding of consequence or reasons. But the other half wasn't ready to accept it yet. He needed to let that half figure itself out before he did anything.

He growled angrily. That fucking asshole Nate had been flirting with Billy. Practically asked him on a date. He had heard it all from his table. It had taken all his self restraint not to get up and throw that shit head across the room.

He caught the sent of a doe about a mile off and getting up tore though the woods leaving wisps of fur wear he had lain.


It was dark by the time he arrived back at his house. He picked his clothes up off the floor and headed straight to the shower. Once under the stream of water he began to wash off all the dirt that he had picked up from his run. Even in doing this simple action he was distracted. Billy's hips swayed hypnotically in front of him. He remembered the feel of his body as he had smacked into him on his way to the changeling rooms. He had beat of once already because of that in the changing room showers but despite this his dick started to swell. Closing his hand around it he began slowly pumping himself imagining that it was Billy's hand rather that his own. He wondered if Billy's hands were was soft as he imagined. He imagined Billy naked, smiling sexily at him. His stokes sped up, his release cresting. He imagined Billy kneeling down between his legs.

He groaned loudly as he shot his load against the wall splattering it and his hand with white.

He shuddered for a minute recovering from the ordeal. He had had a lot of sex in his life and been with a lot of partners male and female. So why the did jacking himself off to the mere thought of a human feel better than all those other sexual encounters?

He turned the shower off, dried himself and went to his room. He pulled the cover off the bed and threw himself naked onto it too hot to be bothered. He fell asleep dreaming of Billy's face.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Editor please.

You need an editor to make this a better story. Sorry. The grammar nazi in me was having a field day.

chesthairslavechesthairslaveabout 11 years ago
George Clooney is still fuckable!

There is no further debate about George. Billy & Nicky must accept the final answer. I adore the humor you've added to this new werewolf story. You've set up multiple venues to pursue. The characters are interesting yet not so similar as is often the case after only one chapter. Don't think you need additional clubbing about grammar and spelling. Please keep the witty dialogue. I've laughed for days from Johnny's school exit line, "Yes ok honey I will ask for you. But first you should get your yeast infection sorted out!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
More plz!

A great start so far, I have high expectations when it comes to supernatural/werewolf stories and you met them pretty close. Their are a couple of spelling errors that I saw and some sentences that didn't flow quite right, but in all not a bad start and I can't wait to read more from you. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great Story

Love your story and your characters ,But I think I seems your rushing the story a Tad it almost seemed like I was reading on Fast-Forward lol just slow it down take your time ,I love a good werewolf story :) but anyway AWESOME JOB! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great start

Loving the story and whole concept, idea and plot you have. Can't wait to read more from you.

I do agree with others, it needs some proof reading and editing first. Lots of grammar errors and miss-spelling of words. The one word that annoys me the most is 'your' instead of 'you're'. Think of it as someone saying 'you are'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Intrigued by Brit and the thing with billy's dad. I'd say that Billy has to be fleshed out more as a character. What will he be like other than a quiet, observative young guy? How many of are wolves in the school and who are they, other than Brick, Max and Aaron?

hope for more soon.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Wanna see more

This story has got potential! Can't wait for Chapter 2 :)

(but am I sensing a little Twilight with the tense and staring Brick, getting all possessive when Nate talks to Billy?)

That said, you need to proofreader for misspellings and funky punctuation.

But all in all, a great beginning!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Really fun and curious where your going with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I see this is your first story, so . . . some feedback:

Promising ideas so far - I like the witchcraft aspect, for example, as that's a little unusual. The story badly needs proofreading, though - lots of spelling errors, lots of incorrect use of words, and lots of poor or missing punctuation. I'm getting a sense of some self-conscious crudity – I don't know whether you're trying to make the kids look more "streetwise", but it doesn't quite gel. Just write the characters naturally – people are more likable without sharp edges, and that applies to all ages. They're "well brought up" but they're smoking dope? - this comes across as "trying too hard". (Smart kids don't need to rebel.) Watch the dialogue. Personally, I've never actually heard anyone call someone "girl" (outside of movies and bad TV shows) - it has a broad range of connotations, associated originally with American inner cities. If your character really is someone who calls others "girl", fine, but consider your dialogue carefully - readers will make assumptions about your characters based on how they speak to each other. Try the dialogue out as a little "movie" in your mind, and imagine the lines being spoken by actors. Are your characters coming across as the characters you're trying to write?

Watch out for "passage of time" errors - how long does something take? eg. ". . . switched the shower on, took a piss, and brushed his teeth before hopping into the warm water . . ." - this jars - either he isn't brushing his teeth properly, or he's wasting a helluva lot of water.

That said, keep writing - looking forward to chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
5 stars

Absolutely loved this. Plz make more!

pezal78pezal78about 11 years ago

cant wait for part 2 hope its soon .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Good story...keep going :)

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