Elaine Ch. 04


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I sat there for almost an hour before finally realising I had no choice. Cruel43 had all the cards and, besides, he had been right about everything so far. I pressed the dial button.

"Hello." Terry's came gruff voice.

"Hi Terry, it's Nigel."

"Oh, um, hi Nigel. How are you?" He sounded strangely nervous.

"I'm well thanks. It took me a while to get over the hangover but I feel good now."

"Yeah, you never could hold your booze."

"No, I never could."

"Is everything ok then? I mean, no problems since our visit?" He definitely sounded concerned.

"Nope, everything is fine, thanks."

"And Elaine, is she ok? Did she mention we saw her?"

"Yes, she did. She said you all talked for a bit and that she really enjoyed seeing you."

"Well that's nice of her. She certainly has grown into quite a young lady." He sounded much calmer all of a sudden. "So everything is good then?"

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"Great, well then, it was good seeing you." He obviously wanted to end the call.

"Actually Terry, I was feeling a bit bad about falling asleep on you like that and not hearing about your business idea."

"Oh, it doesn't matter." He said, "I know Sarah has all the money and she'd never agree to giving any of it to me."

"That's true." I tried to sound rueful. "But I do have a bit of my own money saved and I can spend that however I choose."

"Oh yeah." He said, suddenly interested. "How much?"

"Over ten grand." I lied. "Look, why don't you come over on Friday evening? I'll get a load of booze in and buy a take away. We can have a drink and you can tell me all about your idea. You can stay over in the spare room if you like."

"Will Sarah be there?"

"Nope, she's in Westminster and hardly ever comes home. We'll have the place to ourselves. Well, except for Elaine."

"It would be nice to see her again." He said quietly.

"Great, see you around 7pm?"

"Yeah, sounds good. One thing though, Roger will have to come too, he knows all the techie stuff."

I tried to sound calm as I said, "No problem, the more the merrier. I'll see you both on Friday."

"Yeah, see you Friday." He replied and hung up.

I took and few deep breadths – I had done it but a wave of self-disgust threaten to overwhelm me. I felt like I had just sold my daughter; I had played an active part in her defilement. I looked at the clock and realised I only had an hour before Elaine would be ready to come home, however, I couldn't ignore my massive erection. I drove quickly home, masturbated twice and was back in time to pick her up.

That week passed in a blur of erotic excitement, wanking until my cock was sore and terrible feelings of guilt. Each night I would log on to Cruel43's website of Elaine and see more pictures of her from her room. She was masturbating at least as often as I was and had expanded the types of porn website she visited. I watched her beautiful body in awe as she masturbated to pictures of bondage, group sex, cum shots and much more. She always returned to the Young and Old site, though – that seemed to be her favourite.

On Wednesday night I noticed something that excited me even more, if that were possible. Elaine's very sparse pubic hair had disappeared and now her delicate little pussy was completely bald. The porn was having an effect on her and she obviously thought being shaven was normal. A wave of guilt swept over me as I realised how her innocence was being slowly chipped away – and how I was a willing participant in it.

On Thursday Cruel43 instructed me to take the next day off. I did as he said and in the morning another large parcel arrived. Inside were even more cameras of the type I had hidden in Elaine's bedroom. Cruel43 was quick to get in touch again and guide me through their installation. He had me put them in every room, even the bathrooms. When I was finished he showed me the results – there wasn't a square inch of our house not covered by an HD camera and most places were covered by two or more. I marvelled at the quality of the shots – even in dim light the picture was amazingly crisp – it was even more amazing given how ridiculously tiny they were.

There was one other item in the box, a small bottle of little white pills. There wasn't a label.

"The pills are pretty benign." Typed Cruel43. "They are just a mild relaxant, like a mild form of Valium."

"Ok, what are they for?"

"You're going to crush one up and put it in Elaine's food tonight."

"I won't drug her unconscious so Terry can do god knows what."

"Chill, Nigel. That's not what I want. One pill will make her just a touch light-headed, a bit like having a beer or two. She will be relaxed and happy but still in total control. The drug can't make her act against her will. Understand?"

"Yes, ok."

"Good, right. Go prepare her dinner and stick to the plan."

I went downstairs and prepared Elaine a jacket potato and salad. As instructed I crushed one of the pills and put it in the salad dressing. Just after 4pm Elaine arrived home.

"Hi Dad." She said, brightly.

"Hi, good day?"

"Yes, thanks. Lots of school work but it was fun."

"That's great, honey. I've made you a spud and salad."

"Brilliant." She said with enthusiasm. "I'm starving."

Without bothering to go upstairs and change out of her uniform she sat down at the kitchen table and polished off the meal I had prepared. She ate all the dressing.

"That was delicious, Dad. Thanks very much."

"No problem, glad you liked it. Are you out tonight?"

"No, I've way too much school work. Actually I'll probably be at my PC all evening." She said with a slightly strange, almost guilty, tone.

"Well, that works out well then." I said. "Unfortunately, I've had a call about a problem at our Reading office, one of the systems is down and they want me there tonight to fix it."

"Really? Can't one of the other guys go?"

"No, no one's available plus it's an old system and I know most about it."

"Ok, when will you be back?"

"Actually, I'm going to have to stay overnight. I won't be back until at least 5pm tomorrow."

I swear a look of excitement passed over Elaine's face before she managed to replace it with one a little sad.

"So I'm on my own for the evening?"

"Yes." I said. "Will you be ok?"

"Dad, I'm eighteen. I can survive a night on my own."

"Sorry, sorry." I said, holding my hands up. "Forgive me for not treating you like the adult you are."

She just smiled.

Within thirty minutes I was standing at the front door with my overnight back over my shoulder, kissing Elaine on her check.

"Listen, in the fridge are some cans of beer and bottles of wine. Once you've finished your school work feel free to have a glass or two."

She looked at me strangely for a second and then smiled.

"Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate you trusting me like that."

"Well, as you say, you're eighteen and an adult. But no more than two, OK?"

"I promise." She said seriously as she saluted.

"Cheeky so and so." I mock scolded her. "Take care and I'll see you tomorrow."

She waved at me as I pulled out of the drive and I saw her close the door. I took a deep breath and kept driving. It took about an hour and a half to reach Reading, check in and get my laptop on line.

"Good evening, Nigel" It was Cruel43. Once connected to the hotel's wifi he was in total control of my laptop.

"Good evening."

"Nothing to report yet but that's not unexpected. As soon as I see things are starting I'll be in touch."

With that the typing stopped but other windows appeared, each showing a live video of one of the rooms in our house. The last to open was the now familiar wide shot of Elaine's room. She was sat at her desk and I could see she was working hard on a Word document.

The room service I had ordered arrived and, as I ate a nice steak and chips, I sat and watched. After about half an hour I noticed Elaine close Word. She went down to the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine from the fridge. Returning to her room with the bottle she poured herself a large glassful and fired up a browser, soon she was looking at porn.

"She just can't get enough, can she?" Cruel43's typing suddenly appeared.

"She enjoys it, nothing wrong with that."

"I didn't say there was. I know better than most just how horny people can get."

I watched in fascination as my beautiful teenage daughter quickly drank the large glass of wine and poured herself another. It wasn't long before Elaine had undone the button of her skinny jeans and dipped her hand beneath the waist band. She let her legs fall apart and was soon rubbing her pussy.

"Wow, that was fast, even for a little slut like your daughter."

I felt myself bristle with anger but at the same time I felt my cock twitch. I was getting off on this situation, I couldn't deny it.

"Now for the risky bit." Typed Cruel43 but he didn't give me any other information.

On my laptop I saw Elaine's screen go blank and then an error message appear. She pulled her hand out of her knickers and lent forward to read it. She clicked on OK but another error message appeared. Then her screen started to blink.

Elaine looked confused but then reached under her desk and pressed the reset button. A few minutes later her PC had rebooted but when she tried to open the browser she got the same error.

Elaine was Googling the error on her phone when I saw her suddenly look up at the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"Perfect timing." Typed Cruel43.

Elaine looked annoyed and I think she considered ignoring the bell but then it rang again, three times. Reluctantly, she shut her PC down, did up the button of her jeans and went downstairs. The video switched to one of the hallway as Elaine reached the front door and looked through the spyhole.

She gave an uncharacteristic little squeal of excitement as she recognised who it was and yanked the door open.

"Well, hello again." Terry said to her.

"Uncle Terry!" She said as she rushed forward to give him a big hug. She held onto him tightly for quite a while, really pressing herself against him. I could see clearly his expression change to one of lecherousness. It was unlike her to act like that, normally she was quite reserved around people - at least to start with.

"And Roger!" She said, noticing the smaller man standing behind Terry.

"Hi." He said quietly.

Elaine released Terry and gave Roger an equally close hug. His face too showed just what he was thinking as Elaine pressed her firm teenaged breasts against the old man. Now I was certain she wasn't her usual self – she would never have given a gross old man like Roger a hug like that. It must have been the pill, or the pill combined with alcohol at least. At last she released him and urged them into the house.

"We've come over to see your Dad." Said Terry.

"But he's not here." She said. "He got called away for work. I'm really sorry Uncle Terry."

Terry looked annoyed but Elaine's conciliatory tone soon brought him round.

"Well, that's a shame, we were looking forward to having a few beers with him. Plus, it causes us a bit of a problem, you see. He had offered to put us up for the night and now we have nowhere to stay."

Elaine didn't hesitate.

"You can still stay here, that's no problem. We've enough spare rooms after all. Plus I know we have lots of drink in the fridge if you'd like one."

"Really?" Terry asked with fake concern. "I wouldn't want to impose or disturb your school work."

Elaine laughed. "It's no bother at all, Uncle Terry. I've finished all my work for the day, in fact, I was having a glass of wine myself."

Terry and Roger exchanged excited looks.

"We accept." Said Terry, opening his arms and giving her another long and tight hug. Her slim, waif like body was enveloped by his chubby arms.

"Brilliant." She said, when he had finally realised her. "Get yourself settled in the lounge and I'll bring some beers through."

Elaine quickly disappeared from shot as she moved into the kitchen. I saw Terry and Roger look at each other with raised eyebrows and wide smiles on their faces. They put their bags down and wondered into the lounge. A few seconds later Elaine came in from the kitchen carrying two large glasses of beer which they took eagerly from her. She dashed out again but was back a moment later carrying another large glass of wine for herself.

"Well, I've a feeling this evening is going to be an unexpected pleasure. Cheers!" Said Terry.

They all laughed as they clinked glasses.

Both men slumped down into one of our large settees and Elaine sat in an arm chair opposite them.

The next hour passed without much happening. Terry and Roger quizzed Elaine about school and she described her course work and her preparations for her upcoming exams. All three continued to drink and I soon began to notice its effect on Elaine as he words became a little slurred.

After a while Elaine asked Roger about his work and he told her he was in IT.

"Really?" She said, a little excited. "Can you fix PC's?"

"It's not really my area, but I do know them pretty well. What's the problem?"

"It just keeps coming up with some weird error about memory or something. Could you please take a look?"

"Sure, no problem." He said.

"It's up in my bedroom." She said standing up.

Both men also stood up and followed as she led them out of the door. On another screen I saw them reach the bottom of the stairs before she politely stood to one side and let them go first. When Roger reached the top of the stairs he had the good sense to turn and ask her which way to her room. What an utter git I thought – he knows exactly where to go.

The camera switched again and I saw all three enter her room. Terry sat on the edge of her bed still clutching his beer while Emily pulled out her desk chair for Roger. He turned on the PC and read the error message that appeared on her screen. He began clicking around trying to solve it and Elaine took her wine and sat down next to Terry on her bed.

"This is a very nice room, Elaine." He said.

"Thanks." She said a bit drunkenly, "I don't let many men up here so you're privileged."

Terry laughed. "Oh, we know it, don't we Roger?"

Roger turned around. "Absolutely, it's not often I get to visit a pretty girl's bedroom."

Elaine giggled uncharacteristically. She was definitely acting more relaxed than just the alcohol could explain.

Roger turned back to the PC and clicked another error box that appeared. Just then the browser on her PC opened and there, displayed right across her large screen, was the porn site she had been on before the error. Roger gave a genuinely shocked little exclamation and both Elaine and Terry turned to look at the screen. Elaine screamed and jumped up. She ran over to the PC grabbed the mouse from Roger before trying desperately to close the browser down but it remained stubbornly open.

The looks of shock that had been on both Terry and Roger's faces soon turned to ones of cruel delight at Elaine's obvious embarrassment.

"Oh god." She said. "I'm so sorry, that wasn't supposed to still be open."

Still the browser refused to close and the image of a girl on her back with a fat old man standing between her widely spread legs could clearly be seen by all of them.

Elaine finally stopped clicking and let out a sob. Terry managed to tear his eyes from the screen and stood up. He walked over to where Elaine was now slumped over and crying – he put an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, hey." He said soothingly. "There's no need for any of that."

"I'm so sorry Uncle Terry, I didn't mean for you, or anyone, to see that." She was properly crying now and my fatherly love for her was taking over from my horniness. As if reading my mind Cruel43 sent me a message.

"Don't worry, Nigel. This is just temporary. Believe me, I've seen this situation play out before."

Back on the screen Terry was now giving the sobbing Elaine a hug.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of Elaine." He told her. "It's just a few naughty pictures. There's no need to be embarrassed."

Elaine continued to cry in his arms.

"Look, Elaine. " He said a little more firmly as he took her shoulders and pushed her away from him slightly. Her tear streaked face finally looked up at him. "We all look at pictures like that, I certainly do."

"Me too." Said Roger joining in.

Elaine looked over to him.

"You do?" She asked in a slightly mollified voice.

"Pretty much every day!" He said laughing. "Sometimes twice a day!"

I saw Elaine smile through her tears.

"There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, it is perfectly normal." Said Terry. "I know it's not ideal that a couple of old duffers like us saw it too but you mustn't worry, we won't tell anyone and we certainly don't think any less of you."

Elaine had stopped crying now but her face was still red and blotchy from her tears.

"Thank you Uncle Terry. Thank you too Roger." She said in a weak little voice.

"Nothing to thank me for." Said Roger smiling at her.

"Now why don't you go and wash your face while Roger finishes here. Then we'll go downstairs, have another drink and forget any of this ever happened. OK?"

She smiled and nodded at him before slowly walking out of her room. When the bathroom door closed I saw both men quickly turned to each other.

"My god! Did you see that? She's been looking at some pretty racy stuff." Said Roger in an excited whisper.

"I know! I could hardly believe what I was seeing! What a naughty little minx." Said Terry, equally excited.

"Who'd have thought she would have been into this sort of thing." Said Roger, pointing at the screen.

Terry moved over to the screen for a closer look.

"I'd sure like to re-enact that scene with Elaine." He said quietly.

"Tell me about it." Said Roger as he pushed down on his groin. "My cock is like a rod of steel!"

"But how come it didn't shut down when she tried to close it? Was it something to do with that programme you installed?"

"No, it couldn't have been. Like I said before, I've not been able to contact that programme and assumed her anti-virus had cleaned it out. This is something else."

"Well, whatever it is we should be grateful. Can you fix it now?"

"I don't know." Said Roger. "It should just close when you click here."

As he used the mouse to click on the X, exactly as Elaine had just done, the browser closed down as normal.

"Weird." Said Roger. "I didn't do anything differentl."

On my screen at the hotel Cruel43 wrote.

"In case you were wondering, Nigel, that was all me!"

I hadn't wondered – I knew all too well just how completely Cruel43 could control a PC.

Back at the house Terry and Roger were both looking at Elaine's PC with a confused look when the door to the bathroom opened and Elaine walked slowly back into the room.

"Good news, Elaine." Terry said brightly. "Old Roger here has fixed it."

Elaine looked really relieved. "Thanks so much Roger. I'm really grateful." She walked over to him and gave him a tight hug and a kiss on his cheek. She had to bend awkwardly over as he was still sitting in the chair and Terry took the opportunity to lean back and get a good look at her bottom.

"Well, as I said, let's forget all about this and have another beer."

"Definitely." Said Roger, standing up and grabbing his empty glass.

"Me too." Said Emily, much happier now.

I watched the various screens as they made their way back downstairs, refill their glasses and take their seats in the lounge. It completely dark outside now and I saw Elaine turn on a couple of the lamps. For a while Terry and Roger were careful to keep the conversation away from anything to do with sex but after an hour or so Terry could not resist any longer.

"So Elaine, the last time we were here you let slip you were still a virgin. Any progress?"