Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 06


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Candy did a double take when she saw my outfit. She wolf whistled. It was cute. She came out from behind the bar and made me do a full three hundred sixty degree spin.

"Wow Ginger, that is simply perfect for you. Where on earth did you find it?"

"Talbot's at The Greene. Reenie and I did some shopping yesterday and today." Reenie pointed at the shoes.

"Oh they're so cute! I love them. They go very nicely with the dress." Ginger: modeling. Candy kissed me. She kissed Reenie and asked how she felt. Reenie shrugged and said she felt better. We headed to our table. The place wasn't very crowded but a couple of women who were there commented positively on my dress. I smiled and thanked them.

For some odd reason it dawned on me Reenie hadn't taken a pain med all day. She said the pain had eased considerably. I eyed her suspiciously. "Are you telling me the truth?" I got cop eyes. "Okay, okay, I just want to make sure."

I had an idea. When Candy brought our drinks I asked, "Hey girl, when the bartenders eat, do you order out for delivery."

"Yeah we do."

I looked at Reenie. "Do you feel like pizza?"

"Why, do I look like pizza?" I shook my head, sighed, and looked at Candy, who was giggling. "Are there any good pizza joints that deliver and would you happen to have a menu?"

"Yes and yes. I'll be right back." I looked at Reenie.

"You are such a brat."

"Your brat."

I smiled and kissed her. "Yeah, my brat; do you like pepperoni?"


"Okay, I'm going to order enough for us and for Candy. Whatever is left she can offer to whoever is here." When Candy came back that's exactly what I told her. We ordered an extra large, thin crust, pepperoni. She nodded and thanked us.

"That was nice of you to do, Ginger."

"She takes good care of us. She often doesn't charge us for our drinks. I tip her very well but I figure as long as we're here we can enjoy the company, have something to eat, and share with the crowd. Maybe you can call work and see if you're working next Sunday."

"Yeah, let me do that." The music wasn't blasting at its normal level so she called from the table. "Sarge, it's Maureen Henry. I'm much better thank you. Yeah, thanks; hey, I don't remember. Am I working next Sunday? I am; okay Sarge. No, tomorrow is my regular day off so I'll see you Tuesday. Thank you and goodnight. Shit; sorry Ginger."

"Silly bird, there's nothing to be sorry about. I can drive, park in the economy lot, take the shuttle -- it'll be fine. Have I told you recently that I love you?"

"Don't tell me, show me." Hmm, a dare. It wasn't cat quick like hers but I moved and straddled her lap. I kissed her hard and reached into the short sleeves of the tee shirt and undid the clasp on her bra. I felt her tense. That's why they call it 'be careful what you ask for.' After undoing the clasp, I reached into and up each sleeve and slid the straps off her, one at a time, taking the entire bra through the second sleeve. I broke the kiss, went back to my chair, and stuffed the bra in my purse. Reenie was flushed, breathing hard but smiling. She knew she's been had. We heard laughing -- Candy. She gave me two thumbs up. Reenie and I both giggled.

The pizza came. I went to the bar and paid, including a tip. Candy had plates, napkins and spices. She took those and I took the box to the table. The three of us took what we wanted. I suggested to Reenie that we load up with whatever we wanted so Candy could announce to the crowd that they could have at the rest. We did. The pizza was good. Several of the sparse crowd took advantage of the free food. I wanted to use the tomato sauce as finger paint on Reenie's gorgeous figure. That's exactly what I whispered in her ear as I put a dab of it on her nose. I nipped at her ear lobe.

Candy brought another round of drinks, announcing they were on the house. I told her that was all for us tonight. She blinked. Hmm, maybe she's forgotten or maybe we hadn't told her. I pointed to the chair and asked her to sit. "I leave tomorrow for a vacation, Candy, after my divorce is final. I'll be back late Sunday night. So I think my redhead and I might want to spend some quality time together tonight." Reenie and I looked at each other and smiled.

Candy came around, put her arms around my neck and kissed me -- a 'not friends' kiss. "You two are so good together. I'm so happy for you both. Have a wonderful time and be safe." She kissed Reenie and went back to the bar.

"So my ex-lover gives my lover a 'not friends' kiss. Aren't I supposed to be jealous? Doesn't that warrant punishment?"

I held out my wrists. "I'm sure you'll carry out whatever sentence the court deems reasonable Officer Henry."

"And who would the court be prisoner Butler?"

"Umm ... perhaps the 'Judge' could be the barely honorable Candy?" The giggling was getting to be too much. Reenie waved Candy over.

"Your Honor, the prisoner has misbehaved and is deserving of punishment. How does the court rule?" Candy snickered.

"The court finds that the prisoner is delectable and rules that the sentence is to be one hundred lashes with any device that is available. While the use of force is not recommended, Officer Henry may decide on the use of restraints. This court is adjourned." Candy watched way too much Judge Judy. The three of us were giggling madly. It was time for us to go. I stood, Reenie took my cue. Candy hugged and kissed us both. Several of the assembled bade us goodbye. We waved and thanked them all. The only question left -- did Reenie want to come back with me tonight. That was answered with me pressed against the car, her lips and fingers letting me know just how much she did.

Two cars, two women and what was a most unexpected love affair. I thought back to whatever day it was she had pulled me over while I was brain dead and speeding on the way to work. It wasn't even all that long ago and look at how it had progressed. There would be other days like these last two. I just knew it. The entire canvas of this had changed. I grabbed my phone and called Jenny. As I held the phone to my ear, headlights flashed behind me. Shit -- my cop. I put the phone in my lap. When she called back I put the phone on speaker and held it in my hand. I told her what Reenie had done when I called. Jenny laughed hysterically then asked who Reenie was.

"It's my nickname for Mo, my Maureen." Silly sister! "So what's new with you kiddo? How are things?"

"Everything is good Ginger, the kids are fine, David is fine, work is fine." She was stalling, getting away from ears. "I did it Ginger; I met her again." Oh my god. "The second time she didn't ask how you were. She just smiled. I was so nervous again. I gave her my email address and asked her to write if she'd be interested in meeting. She hasn't written but it's only been a couple of days. Did I do okay Ginger?" I was smiling.

"Jenny, if this is what you want and if you want her to be your first, then you did just fine. Not everyone is Julia nor is everyone me. Let it play out and see what happens. At least you took that first step. Umm, does David know?" Silence.

"No, not about this time." Oh! "Things have been good between us; I didn't want to chance wrecking it." Huh?

"Wait, you think doing this will wreck things between the two of you? I don't understand. Is something going on that you haven't told me?"

She was whispering now. She had to be outside on the porch, away from prying ears. "I don't know Ginger. I really don't. Something about you and what you're doing lit something in me. I'm just following it." Oh my god!

"I have to go. We're back at the motel. I leave tomorrow night after the divorce is finalized. We need to talk more honey. I love you. Give my love to David and the girls. Night!" We pulled into the lot, parked, and walked upstairs.

"I was talking to my sister." I shook my head. I opened the door and flicked on the light. Reenie put her purse on the counter. I poured myself half a glass of wine; Reenie shook her head. I smirked as I pulled the bra from my purse and handed it to her. She blushed, smiling. I told my honey about Jenny meeting Janice again and about the email address. "She hasn't told her husband. She said something about not wanting to wreck things but David didn't seem upset when she told him she was thinking about it. Something is going on here and she's not telling me what it is."

"I don't know your sister, only what you've told me. This is just a guess but do you think it's possible this might not be her first time? Maybe somewhere along the way she had an affair or was seduced, and has chosen to keep it hidden, whatever the reason. You coming to her with the story of your life may have lit a spark in her." My god. I hadn't seen Jenny in five years. Sure, we'd spoken but who knows what had gone on in her life. I remembered how Lily had been seduced. Certainly I knew about my seduction. I guess it was possible. I don't know why I thought my sister couldn't do what I'd done. Maybe that was the reason she said what she'd said the way she had.

I finished my wine and thanked Reenie for her thoughts. It would be another interesting puzzle piece to think about out west. Reenie commented on the difference in the noise level here and at the Country Inn. I agreed. We each did our bathroom things and met under the cool sheets. I had turned off the lights, closed the drapes and was waiting for my lover.

She slid on top of me, pressing her warm, fabulous form to mine. I was already on fire with want. The urgency in her mouth and tongue did nothing but up the temperature. Five alarm fire, whatever you want to call it, that was us. Wonderful, desperate, crying, fabulous, gasping, greedy, pleading, lustful, pleasuring, needy, you name it. That was our lovemaking. My heart beat inside her chest. My desire coursed through me, rich and hot. I was leaving tomorrow and would return. She would be waiting and we would be. What? Time would tell. Tonight? It was exquisite, thorough, and to call it satisfying would barely describe how good it was. When we had finally had enough we slept.

Author's Note: As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies. Another author put it so well: "The site is free. The author is 'paid' in comments and votes." I hope you've enjoyed another chapter of a rather long tale!!

This story is dedicated to someone very special -- the 'other' AVL. A little over a year and, remarkably, half a million words later, my life is so much different. Readers from all over the world have found my stories. This is an incredible site with so many gifted writers. Without her prodding, teasing and assistance I wouldn't have found my muse. She saw talent I had no clue I possessed. She saw growth while I struggled to find the right words as I wrote. I'm still in awe and amazed at it all. This story lay unfinished for quite some time. I had to come back to it, finish it, and publish it as a tribute to her.

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DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago
Just Can't Get Enough!

Every time I tell myself that I've got to put this aside and take care of other business for a while I end up clicking on the next chapter!

What a ride! On one hand I anxious to get to the end and see how it all works out, on the other I don't want it to EVER end, so I can continue to have these folks in my life.

adidasgaladidasgalover 10 years ago

Tammy has me blinking in surprise at her metamorphosis & to hear her

regale her sexcapades to Ginger, has me grinning (she rocks), The emergence of Crystal in this chapter, has me deviously jumping to conclusions and my curiosity has me scrolling down pages looking for signs of Gingers lustful thoughts towards this newcomer, wishing i could simply delete or backspace her out again before becoming another target for Gingers insatiable lust and creating another dimension to this story ( SHRUG: my vision for Ginger's future, made no provision for her) LOL Mo/Reenie is a HOTTIE and more than matches Ginger's insatiable lust.Their Sensuality is Unrivaled, Their Desire for each is Unquenchable and their Titillating touches has no boundaries, ** TOGETHER THEY ARE MAGIC ** I AM IN AWE OF THE AUTHOR'S INCREDIBLE TALENT! She creates characters whose persona subsequently endears them to you with compelling force, touches a chord deep within and evoke a connection, that has you feeling or experiencing their every emotion throughout the script, In chapter 06, Reenie is my persona, She radiates an inner strength and courage i believe will help her cope during times of adversity. The different scenarios, topics, behavior and reactions etc of all the characters portrayed in this chapter, magically flows in perfect harmony from Page1 through to Page7 on a journey with the insatiable and alluring Ginger and her entourage creating another brilliant chapter that will mesmerize you, as each scene unfolds from beginning to end

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
Ribboning? Lily?

The way I picture ribboning is sort of a vagina wedgie.

Not sure what's going on with all the Lily references. I was beginning to expect something dramatic there. Since Ginger said she'd talk when she got back from Cali I don't really understand why she's surprised to not hear from Lily.

MzFlyMzFlyover 10 years ago
@dgard0349 re: ribbonning

There is actually a great example and instructions for ribbonning in this very story. In chapter 5, on page 7, Ginger is on the phone with her sis and gives the details. Hope this helps!

dgard0349dgard0349over 10 years ago

What is "ribboning"? I have seen this mentioned in 2 stories but have no clue what it means!

JogrindeJogrindeabout 11 years ago
True to Life writting!!

You said it in page 5, a reader said it in their comments and it’s absolutely true

*This is a story about life, relationships, work, love, and all of the complexities therein.*

It’s fantastic, & I think If Tammy was a real character she would be complaining to you as I think Ginger has her on remote control & She might just burst one day and jump on her too, but she’s so submissive!

A great story AVL it’s been mad like life, trying to read this chapter as people will not leave me alone to read!!

Us time was really good & your story is calling everyone like the blue dress called ginger!! Read ME!!!! ...Like the luck 7 pager....whoo!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Great!!! Keep the story going

idrubloodidrubloodabout 11 years ago
Beautiful brilliance

As ever, another chapter of wonderment. You said it so perfectly on page 5: *This is a story about life, relationships, work, love, and all of the complexities therein.*

You have written this with such heart and emotion, and wrapped it all up in many sexy and erotic moments, not to mention funny as hell quips, comments and jokes. It is perfectly perfection in my book.

I look eagerly to the next chapter to see what happens on this vacation that Ginger is going on. I think she's going to have many insights about everything and can't wait to discover them with her.

As always I give you my sincere thanks and appreciation for sharing your work.


janny54janny54about 11 years ago

you have written another unforgettable chapter in a most wonderful,

complex cast of characters and storyline. every emotion at it's fullest.

what you do with tammy has me hysterical. and the way ginger handles

all that is being thrown at her is amazing.

what will happen next? I look forward to finding out!

thank you for your brilliant creative writing that I cannot get enough of. ja

Parkerslove40Parkerslove40about 11 years ago

To me this is one of the best stories I've read so far it keep you

in suspense great lovin it


leann5redleann5redabout 11 years ago
grat story

love it so much you make cry you leave me spent .. I love all your stories ty love leann

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