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"Oh my God!" She thinks as she observes the needles buried into her skin, "That looks horrible! It's funny; it's really not that bad! The pain is almost gone and it didn't really hurt that much when he did it! It was that I was so scared! He must have known that! I wonder if George did too. He's still testing me! But I did it! Now he can make me his slave and give me a collar and everything! How can I ever thank him? And George too, if he hadn't helped and held me that one time, I would have run away!"

As these thoughts race through her feverish mind, she becomes aware that her genitals have become moist again and she is dripping onto George's scrotum.

With overwhelming emotion, she looks at Tom and says, "I love you Master! Thank you for teaching me that I could do this! I can be your slave now!" She states with conviction.

George can also feel her fluids drenching him and exclaims, "God! That was incredible! Alicia, if you don't get up, I'm going to shoot my wad!"

As she obediently stands at his request, she proudly spreads her legs wide so that Tom and Virginia can also see her moisture and know that she loves her new Master.

As George stands and once again starts to fasten his pants, the lovely new Slave turns and kneels in front of him. Gazing up at him with the needles still penetrating her breasts she says, "George I want to thank you too, for helping.

If you hadn't held me that once, I'm afraid I couldn't have gone through with it. You know Tom originally wanted me to suck you tonight and we were interrupted. Would you let me please my Master by allowing me to do it now?"

George gasps, "Oh God Alicia! You are incredible! I'm so damned horny now, I can't stand it! Virginia, what do you think?"

"You'll probably blow your load anyway if you zip your pants around that thing. So I guess she can blow it for you, but just don't make too common a practice of it. That cock of yours belongs to me." The redhead replies from the couch where she has been watching all evening.

At this affirmation, the beautiful newly initiated Slave grasps the jutting erection in front of her and takes it into her lovely lips. Just as it penetrates and the underside slides over her tongue a hot spray of sperm splashes the top of her mouth and the back of her throat. As her mouth quickly fills, she pulls away and lets the remaining spurts splash onto her face and pierced breasts to proudly show her Master as well as George and her friend Virginia that she is truly Tom's Slave and an open receptacle for whatever use he wishes to put her to.

"Thank you George, for allowing me to please my Master" She whispers softly.

"Oh Alicia! You are wonderful!" Tom' exclaims as he watches her kneeling before their friends with George's semen splattered over her face and running across the needles still puncturing her freely offered breasts.

Kneeling beside her, he turns her mouth to his for a long passionate kiss, tasting George's saltiness which lingers in her mouth even after she has swallowed it.

"Am I your Slave now?" She smiles at him and asks as the kiss finally ends.

"W-well." He stammers, "Not just yet. You know I've told you that being a slave involves ever more difficult tasks and duties. I've got to make sure you know what you're doing before I can ask you something as hard as that."

Alicia's smile fades and fresh tears start to flow over her already tear and sperm smeared cheeks, "I don't understand. I-I thought..."

"It's all right, Darling. It's not your fault. On the contrary, you are absolutely divine. It's just that you don't know all that you asking." He gently tells her and reaches to stroke her throat consolingly.

"No! Don't touch me!" She begs, "Just tell me what I can do to fully belong to you. I love you so much!"

"Ok, Honey. Why don't you go get cleaned up and dressed and we'll talk about it." He says.

"C-can't you tell me like this? I don't want to leave. If I go in the bathroom and get dressed, I'll never be able to do anything like this again. Please?" The weeping, kneeling, nude beauty replies.

"Ok, do you want to sit down?" He asks.

"N-no, I'm all right." As she straightens and spreads her knees exposing herself as he taught her at supper.

Folding her hands behind her back she kneels, gazing at her two friends who are sitting back on the couch. She notices that George has fastened his pants and is fully dressed as Tom drags the other chair to sit beside them. Under their scrutiny, she consciously spreads her kneels a little wider until she feels her labia part and air caress the sensitive pink flesh of her inner vagina. Silently she wonders how any of them can think she isn't ready or worthy to be Tom's slave. Feeling their eyes examining her open nudity, she blushes and knows they can see the moisture still collecting on the inside of her vagina.

Finally, Tom speaks, "Darling, being a Slave means you are completely owned. You'll have to have sex with anyone I choose and in any way. That doesn't just mean George or anyone you know. It will be with strangers you've never met. It also means with women. Maybe Virginia here, if she would be willing, or other women you don't know. It also means any kind of sex. Regular intercourse, oral sex and anally. You will also be required to have sex with several people at once. You will be used with others watching or even publicly. It also means you may be beaten or punished at any time for any reason. It also means that I may even give you away or sell you if I become tired or displeased with you. You will have to consent to things much harder than anything you've endured tonight. In return, I will take care of you and protect you from anything truly dangerous and cherish you with all my heart. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes err No! I know I love you and I want to make you happy. I know I can learn to do all those things if you want me to. It's just that I don't understand how something can be that much harder than what you've said." She sobs.

"Oh, well I'll give an example. You say and you've demonstrated to us tonight that you can do or endure some of the physical tasks. It's the emotional and mental requirements that are much harder. It's not only your physical self that has to be displayed and used. Your emotions and feelings and even thoughts must be surrendered. For example, tell us why you came in here naked this evening without my asking you to." He directs.

"Uh-uh," She stammers, thinking to herself that maybe he's right and that describing how she feels and what she felt is harder than actually enduring it! "I don't know. I was afraid and embarrassed to have them see me. But as I listened, I became even more afraid that you'd decide to not let me do it. I wanted to make you proud of me and to make you happy and I was afraid that I'd lose my nerve if I waited too long. Also, I think I wanted to show off a little bit and to shock George and Virginia. Part of it was that I wanted them to see how much I love you and also to show them that I was telling the truth when I promised I'd do anything for you."

With a pleased look, Tom goes on, "That was pretty good. Now tell us what you felt and were thinking when George and I examined you and he masturbated you to climax."

"A-at first, I was embarrassed and humiliated beyond belief. You're the only one who had seen me naked. It got worse when he looked at m-my vagina and saw I was shaved. It made me feel even more naked and helpless and I could tell he was turned on by it. That scared me even more. It got worse when he started to touch me because I could tell he was both excited and nervous too. You grabbed my bottom and that felt good and helped distract me while he touched my breasts and stroked my neck. I got a little used to it and it started to feel good when he stopped and touched m-my groin. I could tell by the way he rubbed where I'm shaved that it excited him and felt a twinge of satisfaction that I had that effect on him. Then he felt my vagina and discovered I was wet and I nearly fainted from the humiliation. I was ashamed that he had turned me on and afraid that you would be mad that he could do that to me.

The worst part was when you held me across your knee and opened me to show him my bottom. You started saying all those things and it was so dirty, I wished I could die. Then I saw him start to touch me and the sensations were incredible. I'd never dreamed of anything as horrible as being touched on my bottom but when he stroked and rubbed my front, I couldn't help myself. The fear, humiliation, embarrassment and sexual feelings all seemed to come together at once. Then I was even more embarrassed and ashamed because it was him and not you who had caused it and because it was even more intense than any time we've been together." She finishes apologetically.

"You're doing a lot better than I expected, Darling," Tom tells her, "Now what about when you fellated him?"

"Oh that wasn't quite so bad. I was excited and proud that you had pierced me and that I had undergone it. And the relief after I got through being so scared, that the needles didn't really hurt as bad as the clothes pins, made me want to thank you and him both. I was happy it was over and even a little proud that I had stood it. Then I remembered that George held me still and kept me from running away that once and was grateful and wanted to tell him so. Also, I was thinking that he had made me orgasm and you and Virginia both had too. George was the only one of us who hadn't, and h-his penis looked so swollen and red that I kind of felt sorry for him. So I did it. He ejaculated so quickly when I put my mouth around him that I didn't really have time to realize what I was doing. I was also surprised at how salty it was. And it tasted a little like garlic. I wonder if he had spaghetti or pizza for supper. He was bigger than you are and I had to take him out to keep from choking when it got full. When he kept squirting I was glad because it showed you and Virginia that I had really pleased him, but it felt a lot hotter when it sprayed my cheek and breast than it did in my mouth." she relates.

Continuing his questioning, Tom says, "We noticed that you were turned on too. Did sucking him do that?"

Blushing again, she stammers, "I-I don't know. I was aroused from all that time sitting on his penis. His scrotum was half inside me and its hairs were kind of tickling and exiting me. Part of it might have been seeing, touching and sucking him, but what I was really thinking about was how glad I was, having gone through the needles and then getting to make you happy by sucking him."

"Alicia, you are truly wonderful." He declares, "I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world."

At this praise, the kneeling, exposed nude girl exudes a gush of moisture which drips onto the carpet between her open labia. She trembles and blushes and with a visible strain manages to keep her knees spread for the people in front of her who she can tell have seen and noticed this evidence of her arousal.

"Honey, I have just two more questions." Her lover states, "You're obviously turned on right now. Why?"

This question seems more humiliating and degrading than anything the poor girl has ever endured. The question reveals that both her friends and this man she loves so much are all aware of the fluid glistening and dripping from the pink insides of her unprotected and lewdly exhibited labia and vagina. She realizes for the first time what Tom meant about surrendering her feelings and emotions being harder than yielding her body even to sex or torture.

Squirming with embarrassment and shame, she starts to cry, "I-I don't know. Maybe it's from all the sexual things I've done tonight. Maybe it's from being naked so long. Part of it is having you all look at me like this. But mostly it's because I love you, Tom. You don't know how excited you make me. I love you so much. You've teased me several times when we've been on dates because I have to excuse myself. But most of those times haven't been because I had to go. Just being with you and talking over dinner or sitting in the movie with you close, I get so wet I have to go dry my panties or leave wet spots on the chairs. You're being so kind and saying such nice things like how pretty you think I am like this is even more exciting."

A stunned look comes across Tom and George's face at this, while Virginia grins and gives her an enigmatic wink. Confused by their reactions, Alicia suddenly feels stiff from her prolonged kneeling and raises her arms from behind her back to stretch them. Hoping she hasn't upset Tom, instead of dropping her arms back to her sides she clasps her fingers once more behind her head and thrust her breasts forward, still pierced by the needles and covered with her own drying tears and George's slowly crusting sperm.

Soberly, Tom says, "Darling, I have one more question which is the hardest I've ever asked you. Will you answer it affirmatively without knowing what it is? All I can tell you that it will be much harder than anything you've experienced tonight, but I would like you to agree." He pleads.

A shiver of dread courses through the nude girl as she thinks, "He's asking me to do something without knowing what it is! How awful it must be! How can he do this to me? I thought he cared about and for me too much to do something like this. I can't. How can I? But how can I refuse? I love him so. And I did promise to do anything he asked."

Trembling with apprehension, she lowers her face and softly answers, "Darling, I've already promised to do anything for you, y-yes, I will do whatever you want."

As she keeps her head lowered with more tears dropping onto her chest, Tom kneels down beside her, "Oh thank you, Darling! I told you this afternoon that slaves are often marked for identification and to symbolize their status. The question I have is will you accept and agree to wear a symbol of mine forever?"

Thinking, "Oh God! He's going to brand me or tattoo me! Why does he keep torturing me? Why won't he just accept me as his Slave and stop making me make all these decisions?" She finally says, "Yes, Love, I will."

As he laughs out load, he says, "That's close Darling! Later I'll have someone else ask you to respond with 'I do', but for now 'I will' makes me happiest person in the world if you will give me your left hand."

Looking up, the lovely nude girl sees him grinning and holding a small blue box with two golden rings inside. One has a large solitaire diamond while the other is plainer. It takes a few seconds before the confused girl recognizes them as an engagement and wedding ring set.

"My God! He's asking me to marry him!" She thinks, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. Doing so, she jabs one of the needles farther into her breast, drawing blood. She's so happy and excited she doesn't even feel it.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" She cries as she leans back to look at the sparking emblem representing her impending Slavery, "Oh it's huge! And beautiful!"

Tom grasps her cuffed left wrist and lovingly slips the engagement ring onto her ring finger as she pants with amazement. Giving her fiancé a deep kiss, she stands up and steps to the couch to show George and Virginia. Squatting down to let them get a closer look, she feels a stream of fluid squirt out from between her spread labia and sees it splatter on Virginia's open toed sandal.

Reflexively, she starts to blush with embarrassment before thinking, "Why am I embarrassed? They know I love him! They've both seen me leaking all night. I've even got George's sperm all over me. I glad they know I love him and proud to show them the proof of it! Now with this ring, the whole world will know I belong to him."

"Oh Alicia! It's beautiful!" Virginia tells her, "It has to be over a carat! That bitch Anita L______ will be mortified; it's twice as big as hers. I'm so happy for you! What will your mother say? Are you going to elope or have a church wedding?"

"I don't care what she says. It doesn't matter! Tom wants me to marry him! Oh Virginia, I'm so happy!" The excited maiden exclaims, "Now I can be with him a lot more and after the wedding, I'll be with him all the time. Oh did you see these beautiful bracelets he gave me? They're so thick and heavy, if he ties me up with them, I'll never get away." She adds gaily.

Virginia starts in, "You mean you want! Oh Alicia, you're bleeding!" Noticing a small trickle of blood running from one of the needles, "Here, let me take that out!"

Alicia chatters, "No, it's all right! They don't hurt now at all. In a way they're kind of pretty. I wish I could leave them there forever, because he gave them to me. Oh, Virginia I was so scared! But it barely hurt at all! Not even as bad as getting a shot, because they're just under the skin. The bleeding's from when I hugged him just now and poked myself. Let it alone. It's like a badge, a purple heart."

"Oh Alicia! You crazy, silly, little bitch!" Virginia laughs, grabbing her head with both hand and pulling her forward to kiss her. The joyful nude girl is expecting a quick chaste peck on the cheek like they've exchanged a hundred times before but is startled when her school mate presses her lips to hers and probes insistently with her tongue. Repelled by this advance from another girl, the bride-to-be starts to resist but then resignedly opens her mouth for a long, deep probing from her red haired friend. Jolted at this unexpected development, Alicia finds the embrace much different than Tom's or George's kisses. Virginia's lips and tongue seem softer and without the whisker stubble she's become used to. As she is held and explored, she discovers that while different than any boy she's kissed that the sensation isn't unpleasant at all and slowly responds with her own tongue until George interrupts.

"Can't I see your ring too?"

"Oh George! I'm sorry!" She says, jerking away with a start and scooting towards him to straddle his knee and proudly presents the hand with its glittering ring on her fourth finger and the heavy black leather cuff on her wrist for his inspection.

"Isn't it beautiful!" She repeats, "I'm so happy!"

"It's nice, I didn't know they were that shiny out of a Cracker Jack box." He teases.

"That's because you're so cheap you wouldn't spring for a Cracker Jack, you'd just give Virginia a band off one of those smelly old cigars you smoke." She laughs, "Besides I saw the box and it came from Cartier's."

"Oh? Really? He must have transferred it to an empty box then. I wonder where he got it. If I can find one I'll put Virginia's cigar band in it." George retorts as Virginia hits him hard in the arm.

"Oh, you're just being silly!" the ravishing nude girl replies, completely unaware of the intoxicating picture she is presenting with her legs wrapped around his thigh, once more opening her labia and exposing her unimpeded clitoris and vagina with her perky breasts rubbing against his shirt.

"Maybe a little." he chuckles, "But seriously, I'm happy for both of you. Congratulations! Have a wonderful marriage."

"Thank You! You were so kind and gentle, I couldn't have stood it without you and I don't think Tom would have asked me without all your help." Alicia blubbers and wraps her arms around his neck to repeat another passionate kiss.

Over a full minute passes until Tom stands and petulantly says, "Hey, I'm supposed to be the hero here and everyone else gets kissed!"

Somewhat reluctantly his fiancé pulls away from George's embrace and tells him, "You can just wait your turn, Love. I have enough kisses to go around and once we're married, I'll kiss you for the rest of my life, twenty-four hours a day."

It isn't until she stands up and sees the small darkening stain on George's pants leg that she knows she has once more started dripping lubricating fluid.
