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"Oh No! I'm sorry! I'll clean it up. I'm so sorry!" she apologizes.

"It's all right. These pants are wash and wear and won't wrinkle. Although I may never wash them again." He quips and Virginia hits him in the arm again.

Suddenly embarrassed at his reference to the fact that the moisture is her sexual arousal fluid, she turns and runs to Tom, pressing her face into his shoulder as he hugs and pats her back reassuringly.

"George! Look what you did! Now she's leaking from both ends. You go get us all a drink, before she starts suffering from dehydration." Virginia chimes in.

Even through her shame, a laugh escapes the distraught girl at her friend's joke. And George obligingly rises and goes to the kitchen returning with the second bottle of wine that was in the refrigerator; he also has four glasses and the corkscrew on a large platter.

Setting the platter on the coffee table he picks up the bottle and corkscrew when Alicia asks, "Can I do that? Tom made me do the other bottle and I did everything wrong. I even spilt wine all over the table. But then he told me how to do it and I'd like to try again."

"Sure, if you want to." George says, handing her the bottle and corkscrew.

Once more nervous, she starts to slowly cut the foil with the tip of the corkscrew and inserts the screw into the top of cork. As she struggles with and concentrates on the still unfamiliar instrument, her fiancé sidles over to where Virginia is sitting and whispers into her ear. The buxom redhead nods as Tom moves back to his chair without Alicia noticing the exchange.

Getting the foil loose, Alicia contends with the corkscrew and finally manages to slowly start twisting the handle to insert the curved spiral into the soft stopper; "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not very good at screwing." she tells her attentive audience, bringing chortles from all three.

George reaches out and steadies the bottle as the nervous nude sommelier has to use both hands to depress the levers to force the cork from its receptacle. As she succeeds in popping the cork loose, she hesitates and looks at Tom who gently tells her that the wine is George's and he is the host. Having to step in front of Virginia to serve her boyfriend, she starts to pour and then hesitates. Quickly placing the bottle on the platter, she untwists the cork from the screw and hands it deferentially to George, who sniffs it quickly and leans forward to place it on the platter. A smile of relief shows that she is pleased that she remembered to present the cork first.

Leaning over to pour George's tasting sample, she gracefully presents an enticing view of her dangling breasts to her host and an even more tempting vision of her puffy labia to Tom and Virginia. George picks his glass up, swirls it twice, sniffs and then sips, nodding approval before replacing the glass back on the platter.

A second time Alicia leans to fill the glass full and as she pours, Virginia plunges her middle finger between the moist inviting lips of her vagina, burying it to the last knuckle. "IEEE!" Alicia shrieks and jerks the bottle upward, but amazingly doesn't spill a drop. The poor invaded girl tries to stand upright but stops when Virginia's other long sharp fingernails dig into her defenseless, naked labia with a distinct warning. Sobbing and shaking, the penetrated beauty manages to continue filling George's glass without spilling.

As she tries to stand once more, Tom's voice tells her to finish filling the other glasses. Sobbing profusely, Alicia nods her acquiescence and squeezes the bottle tightly with both hands to steady it before slowly tilting it over a second empty glass. As the wine begins to flow, the finger inside her moves and starts to wiggle with a slow masturbation.

"Oh N-NO!" She cries as she meticulously continues to fill the waiting vessels. By the time she completes filling the fourth glass, Tom and Virginia can see the labia pulsing and contracting around Virginia's drenched fingers and hear her rapid panting of arousal.

Another "N-NO!" escapes her lips as Virginia suddenly withdraws her hand to release a stream of liquid which gushes onto the carpet. Her lover and schoolmate watch in fascination as the dripping, puffy folds of flesh in front of them continue to contract and release as if trying to clutch at the air.

As the constrictions slow and then cease, the frustrated girl sobs, "May I stand up now?"

"Yes dear, you were splendid!" Tom says, "Did you come? You were leaking so badly that we couldn't really tell."

"Oh!" She gasps, reminded that having to reveal her feelings is harder than being forced to endure them, "N-No. I-I almost did, but then it stopped. Th-that was almost worse."

Standing and placing his arm around her shoulder, her lover tells her "Honey, I can't express how proud I am of you! You're more wonderful than I can imagine. And you didn't even spill a drop of wine! You were absolutely perfect! You remembered the foil, the cork, the tasting sip and then to ignore the little distraction."

"Ignore? Little Distraction!" shouts Virginia at him, "My God! She's a virgin! I felt her hymen! And you put her through that and call it a 'little distraction'! Let me shove a cattle prod up you ass and see if you call it a 'little distraction'! Although I have to admit she wasn't completely ignoring it! I thought her pussy lips were going to amputate my finger. But admit it! You're the one who's being sadistic now!" she finishes with a stomp.

Subdued by the redhead's outburst, Tom mumbles, "Maybe you're right! I did exaggerate a little. But Alicia, Darling, you were and are wonderful! I apologize! What can I do to make things up?"

Looking up at him lovingly, the braceleted nude girl states "Make me your slave right now! I do so want to learn what it's like!"

"No, I can't do that. That must wait until after the wedding." Looking down at her nude body, he continues, "But maybe we can do something in the way of a little reward and a quick lesson at the same time. Would that be acceptable instead?"

Disappointed, and not knowing what he has in mind, she obediently agrees, "I guess so."

"Good! Do you think you can assume the standing submissive posture I taught you in the bathroom today?" He asks.

"I'll try." She replies as she raises her arms and clasps her fingers behind her neck once more and spreads her legs apart. Again the opening of her vagina tells her she is still wet and dripping and she blushes a tinge of embarrassment. "I'll never get over being ashamed of myself." She thinks.

Her lover reaches between her parted thighs and starts to stroke the dampening shaved labia, then stops and turns to George, "You're our host and we're only guests. Would you like to do the honors?"

George's deep voice replies, "Thanks, but I think I've probably done enough for tonight. But maybe Virginia would like to help."

As the three of them turn their attention to her, it is the pretty redhead's turn to blush, "I-I don't know! I-I not very good at it, but I'll try."

Alicia trembles as she realizes that whatever her fiancé was planning to do; now her girlfriend is going to do it instead.

Tom steps behind her and gently cups her breasts, steadying her in her spread-eagled stance as Virginia steps toward her. Afraid, humiliated and ashamed, she squeezes her eyes shut and presses back against her fiancé's body, trying to draw courage and comfort from him for whatever is about to happen.

Time seems to stop and she hears Virginia skirt rustle and feels a light brushing of the tender inner skin of her labia which just grazes the even more sensitive inner labia. Involuntarily, she tenses for the anticipated intrusion of a finger when she realizes that the wider brushing feeling is her classmates tongue.

"No!" She cries, wrenching back and jabbing her cuffed wrists into Tom's throat.

"Relax. Calm down." He says as the tongue slides lightly over her open vagina and lightly pokes at her clitoris, sending a shiver of sensation through her already aroused body, "This is a reward. Everything's all right. Let your feelings accept it!" Tom continues whispering in her ear.

The held girl gasps as the licking, probing and fluttering continue to excite her until a long slow probing lick starts at the very juncture of her exposed anus and continues all the way up to end with rapid fluttering pokes at her clitoris.

"OH-OH-OH!" Alicia cries and involuntarily thrusts back at the unremitting invader of her most sensitive spot.

The overwhelming orgasms keep her gyrating until they finally diminish and slow. Gasping for breath, the tormented victim's head sags forward to see her friend's sopping wet face smiling up at her. The redhead grins and winks at her and plants still another quick kiss to the center of her open vaginal passage, sending yet another residual shiver of feelings through the helpless and exhausted bride-to-be. The kneeling woman stands and walks towards her boyfriend with her face still dripping with Alicia's juices.

"I thought you said you weren't very good? You looked pretty experienced to me." He tells her with a grin.

In reply, the buxom redhead slaps him hard across the cheek, "That's none of your damned business, George! And never will be! I'm not your slave who has to reveal everything." She snaps and then grabs him roughly and fiercely kisses him, obviously intending to propel Alicia's nectar into his mouth to share her taste with him.

At the same time Tom and Alicia are more gently, if no less passionately, embracing. As the two couples finally run out of breath, Alicia looks at Tom and whispers, "Master, do I have to tell what I felt again?"

"No, Darling. Not unless you want to." He whispers back.

"I-I think I want to. I'm so confused, I think it might help if I try to put it in words." She tells him.

"Ok, Sweetheart. Would you like something to drink first?"

"Yes, that would be nice." she says, stepping to the coffee table and picking up two glasses of the wine she so expertly poured.

Handing one glass to Tom she raises the other to her lips before stopping abruptly. Smiling she kneels beside his chair and with both hands offers the glass up to him.

"Oh Alicia!" He cries as he takes the proffered vessel and sits in the chair as George and Virginia each take their glasses and resume their seats on the couch. Gently, Tom holds his nude fiancé's hair and touches her glass to her lips for her to drink. At first sipping and then swallowing, the beautiful, ravaged, young woman drains the wine in one long drink.

"Would you like some more?" Tom asks considerately.

"No, I'm fine now, thank you Master."

"Well, would you like to tell us about this last experience?" He queries.

"Y-yes, but would it be all right if I shifted position, my knees and legs are getting a little sore?" She asks.

"Of course, darling, why didn't you say so earlier? I'll get you another chair." He declares, starting to rise.

"No, I don't want a chair." She stops him as she sits on the carpet and scoots around to face the three of them once more. Being careful to cross her ankles in front of her with her knees spread wide to allow a clear view of her open genitals, she shifts until she is comfortable and props herself erect with her hands on the floor behind her to help keep her breasts thrust forward.

Taking a deep breath the lovely nude begins, "The wine pouring and its aftermath are so confusing, I don't really know where to start. I was terrified that I would make a mistake serving the wine and be punished again. At the same time I was so excited and happy at Tom's proposal and the ring that I desperately needed to try and do something else to please him, so I asked to pour it.

Opening the bottle was hard and for a while I wasn't sure I was strong enough to and that scared me even more. But when George helped hold the bottle and I got the cork out, I almost forgot to give it to him. Tom 'distracted' me at supper and I half expected him to try to do it again. But when I remembered the cork, I was so relieved that I got over confident.

So when Virginia touched me, I was surprised and nearly dropped the bottle. Then I felt her fingernails and realized it wasn't Tom. I nearly dropped it again. Even as a little girl, I never played with girls that way. We've been friends and classmates ever since kindergarten, and I never dreamed you'd do something like that. I felt violated and angry. I don't think being raped on the street would be much worse.

Then you started moving your hand and I couldn't help myself from getting excited. That made me even angrier and more ashamed at the same time. I could have easily killed you and nearly turned around to hit you with the bottle. All of a sudden I realized that you were only doing it because Tom must have asked you to and it was a test. As I quit being mad, the pleasure crescendoed and replaced the anger and I was almost at orgasm when you stopped. I was so frustrated and ashamed that a woman had aroused me so, that the anger came right back.

Most of it was still directed at you, but some of it was at Tom. I couldn't understand why he didn't let you continue or even do it himself. And having George know you had aroused me so, just added to my humiliation and anger.

Then you all started congratulating me on pouring the wine and not spilling any. I knew it was just a miracle I hadn't spilled any and blamed you all for that too! I thought you were making fun of me because it was really just luck. When Tom said he was going to reward me, I thought he was really going to torture me again.

Then when Virginia said she was going to do it, I was even surer I was being punished. I thought she must be mad at me because Tom made her put her finger in me. Then she kissed me do-down there, and I thought it was her fingers. When I realized it was her tongue, I got even more confused. Only lesbians do that. And I knew Virginia isn't a lesbian. She's told me she's been with George and a couple of other boys.

But her tonguing felt so good, I couldn't help myself. Even when I had that orgasm, she didn't stop and I kept having more and more. I nearly fainted from embarrassment, thinking I must be a lesbian because Virginia did that to me.

Now that I've thought about it, I think I may be bi-sexual. If someone touches me, it doesn't matter whether it's a man or woman, I respond. But I've also learned that it's not just the sex that's important. George's touching me earlier was the most intense orgasm I've had, and Virginia's licking was by far the longest. They were both different and felt good, but not nearly as good as the mildest and shortest one I had with Tom because it's him I truly love and belong to."

"Tom, Love, Master, I am so happy and thank you so much for being so kind and patient and teaching me all these new things. The answer is still yes. Yes, I will marry you. Yes, I will wear your ring, yes; I will be your slave forever, if you will have me."

At this Alicia turns directly to her fiancé and once more kneels with her hands behind her neck, offering him not only her beautiful nude and open body, but her heart, mind and spirit.

Overcome with emotion, Tom starts, "Oh! Alicia!" And then kneels to wrap his arms around his love and kiss her.

After several minutes watching, George says to Virginia, "Do you have a feeling of deja vu?"

Virginia grins back and agrees, "Yes, I think this is where we came in."

At the conversation, Tom leans back and tells Alicia, "They're right! It's almost one o'clock. I need to get you home. Let me take those needles out and you can go shower and dress."

"No, I'll take them out in the bathroom. I want to keep them as a reminder of tonight and of your love for me." She replies and stands up and heads to the hallway door.

At the entrance, she stops and turns to look at him with her hands once more behind her neck and her legs spread to show the pink under flesh of her vagina and the beads of moisture glistening even across the room and her two pierced, semen and tear encrusted breasts thrust proudly forward.

"Master!" She asks coyly, "Don't you want to come with me and wash me? It'll be quicker if you help!"

"NO, slave," He replies crossly, "What would George and Virginia think if I went in there while you were taking a shower, they'd get the wrong idea and spread rumors about us all over town. And you are absolutely wrong about it being quicker if I go in that shower with you, it would probably take three or four times as long. Slaves are required to show initiative, intelligence as well as cheerful obedience at all times. Now Scat!"

Smiling gleefully, Alicia turns and bounces out of sight as George and Virginia burst into loud laughter at Tom's order.

"Rumors? What would we think? Jesus! Tom! You're unbelievable!" George laughs, "This whole thing is the most unbelievable thing that's ever happened. You two are incredible!"

"That's right!" Virginia interjects, "How could you two do it? And Alicia! She's always been the most naive, innocent, even prudish person I've ever known!"

"I-I don't know!" Tom stammers sitting down at the table where the sheet of paper with Alicia's scrawled signature is still resting, "W-we were out last night and I started teasing her about what she'd said and told her George didn't believe her either. We got to necking and she got me turned on. Then she got upset and started demanding that she prove it. She'd gotten me so horny and then wanted to stop and talk. S-she does that lot, you know. I got a little mad and decided to do this letter as a joke on her. I wrote it last night and brought it with me today." He replies as he folds the paper neatly and carefully puts it in his wallet.

I never dreamed she'd take it seriously, but she did and things got out of hand. We were teasing each other and I thought she'd seen through me and was just trying to get back at me. It wasn't until she came in here naked that I realized she was serious about it. I'd just shown you two the letter to embarrass her a little. I think I was more shocked than you were when she stood there undressed.

Then she made that speech about how you were right and I got scared! I didn't know what to do except go on, and then things got way out of hand. I thought she'd get mad and stop and then I could apologize and give her the ring. I-I finally thought I'd figured it out when I tricked her into saying she'd answer yes before I gave it to her. B-but she didn't stop even after that! Lord! What am I going to do now?"

"You're going to get married and take care of her! That's what!" Virginia tells him sharply, "Or is that just a joke too?"

"Oh No! I want to marry her more than anything in the world, if she'll have me. I love her so much I don't think I could live without her. B-but this bondage thing? What about that!" He sobs.

"Well, you said she told you she'd actually fantasized about being a slave. That may be what she really wants. All this may have been her subconscious way of testing you to see if she can really submit to you." The large breasted girl continues.

"T-testing me?"

"Ginny may be right," George says, using his pet name for Virginia, "Alicia loves you and wants to look up to you. But she may be afraid that you don't really love her unless you're willing enough to let her play out this fantasy of hers."

"George's right. I think part of what she was doing was trying to see what your reaction would be when she did all this. She was trying to shock you to see if you could accept her doing all those things and still love her. She loves you but is really afraid too. She wants to let herself go completely with you but scared at the same time. That's why she hasn't slept with you yet." Virginia takes her turn again.
