Eyes That Saw Him


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They lay exhausted.

Her body shone with a film of sweat. He felt as if floating an inch above the bed. They breathed hard, trying to calm their racing hearts.

He turned to her. He slid his hand over her body. His lips found hers and they kissed. He thanked her for the most incredible experience he had had in a very long time. She chuckled.

"It was great, lover. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."

They must have dozed off for a bit.

When he awoke, he felt a hot ring around his swollen cock. He also felt the soft tickle of hair on his crotch and thighs. He looked down his body and saw her red head of curls bob up and down. A hot feeling flushed his belly. He groaned. She looked up, smiling around the head of his cock.

Then she sank down on it again.

She took him effortlessly past the narrow gate of her throat. He had never felt anything like it. Sue had sucked him, although hardly these last years. But even on their honeymoon she would never have taken him this deeply. It felt unbelievably intense. He was amazed she could do it and not gag.

She slipped off his cock. Her face seemed flushed from the effort of sucking. And maybe from holding her breath.

"Did a girl ever deep throat you, honey?" she asked.

When he shook his head she said: "Thought so. Please lie down and let me spoil you forever, darling."

She went back to sucking his cock. She first licked his crown and swirled her tongue up and down and around the shaft. He shook with delight.

Then she took his balls in her mouth, letting them roll on her tongue like cherries. Her hand kept rubbing his cock. He had to hold back hard. He arched until he only rested on his skull and heels.

Then she once more swallowed him.

The head popped into her throat. He groaned long and deep. His hands disappeared into the glorious wilderness of her hair.


He came in her throat.

It gave him a feeling of exhilaration. At the same time it made him love this woman so deep that it hurt. It confused him. Why did he love her? Could he mean anything to her? He grinned. No doubt just as much as the two young guys he had seen her with.

She sucked and swallowed and licked him clean. Then she crawled up against him and kissed him with his taste in her mouth.

He loved her. It confused him no end.

Should he ask her name?

They had fallen asleep again. He had held her tightly as they spooned. His face got lost in her fragrant curls.

When he woke up at last, the woman was on her hands and knees. She straddled him. Her hair was an intimate curtain falling from her face to his. They seemed to be together in a tiny private space. It felt so very close. Looking down he saw her cute round tits dangling like ripe fruit for the picking.

"Honey," she whispered. "Let me give you one more thing before we must part."

She traveled down his body with her tits on his chest. They slid over his belly and his half erect cock. It was very erotic. It made him shiver. Then she took him in her mouth again and patiently sucked until he was hard and ready.

She looked up with a smile.

Then she told him to get behind her. After he did that, she once more rose to her hands and knees. He held her hips, feeling the satiny skin. His cock almost touched the tight plum between her thighs. He pressed the head against it, parting the lips.

She moaned and pushed back to engulf him. She was soaking wet. He started a slow, sweet fucking. But she told him to stop. She turned her face to him and grabbed his hand. She brought it up to her tiny ass hole. He pushed a finger against the sphincter. It made her tremble like a thoroughbred mare.

Her moan became loud and didn't stop.

He took some of her juices and started opening her ass hole. She held her cheeks apart, resting her head and tits on the bed. He pulled his cock out of her cunt. Then he started licking her tightest entrance, while his finger fucked her.

"More!" she breathed. He added a finger and plunged deeper. She screamed and he froze. But she urged him on.

He felt her hand close around his hard, slippery cock. She pulled it closer. He knew what she wanted. It almost took his breath away.

She wanted him to fuck her ass.

He had never done that before. Never ever. Not with Sue. Not with any of the few girls before her. He didn't even know how. He told her. She groaned with a tinge of frustration.

"Do it! Please just do it!" she murmured.

So he placed his cock against her sphincter and carefully pushed, afraid he might hurt her. Or himself. She screamed "Harder!" and humped back against him. It drove the tight round muscle over the ridge of his cock's head. She almost seemed to suck him into the hot velvet glove that waited behind.

He heard her cry out. Was it pain or pleasure?

God, how she strangled him. She was so tight. Would she ever be able to take him? Ah, but she ought to know best. She must have done this often. She just told him to fuck her hard. And before long he was all the way in. His balls slapped against her naked pussy lips. He saw her red nails frantically rub the clit at the top of her cunt.

All she talked was gibberish now. There were obscene words sprinkled through it, but mostly they were oh's and ah's and groans and high-pitched squeals.

He had never been with a more passionate woman. And he could no longer stand it.

"Sue," he said. He felt her stiffen beneath him. She fell silent and stopped moving. Then she groaned. She slammed into him.

"Goddammit, Jack!" she cried. "Fuck me you useless prick! It is your last chance. Fuck my ass and make me cum!!"

He fucked her as hard as he could.

It was the most breathtaking feeling he had ever had. The friction was immense. He felt her come with spasms and contractions. They made her even tighter. His cock jerked. A delicious rush made his toes curl.

He gushed more sperm into her than he had ever thought possible.

She collapsed with a protracted sigh. He sunk on top of her, feeling totally spent. They lay in an awkward hug for a minute. Then he felt her laugh and chuckle against him.

He rolled off of her, breathing hard. She crawled from under him. Then she rolled onto her back, panting. He turned, resting on an elbow.

"Why, Sue?"


She turned her head and looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled. Her lips mocked him.

"You weren't half bad you know, darling." she said. "Considering your lack of practice. Ehm...or should I say, your absence of practice at some of the things I never allowed you?"

She chuckled.

He watched her smeared face, the straggling curls.

"Why, Sue?" he asked again.

"Ah well," she grinned. "I suppose you're just dying to hear, honey. But I'm sure it won't make you happy."

"Try me," he said with a sigh. "Although I guess it is just the old boring bunch of clichés. So you are a slut. You have been fucking around on me for maybe years. You lied and humiliated me. You gave others what you denied me. And now you rubbed it in. I guess that sums it up?"

"Shhh, darling," she said, touching my lips. "I don't think it is boring. Not for me at least. Please listen what happened. And why."

He looked at her.

The rapture had passed. He saw a hard face, void of feelings. He wondered. How could she be the same woman he had loved for years? What had happened to that woman? Where was she? What went wrong?

He sank down on his back. Then he felt her hand on his chest. Her face was right over his.

She smiled.

"You see, Jack. I got tired of you. Tired of waiting for you at every turn of the road. I had to move on, move up, Jack. But you could not keep up with me. My God, why did you have to become such a bore?"

He guessed he didn't have to say anything. Sue used her all-business-voice. He knew there was no reason to interrupt. She wouldn't even hear it.

"I found out about three years ago how bad my choice to marry you had been. There is no life in you, Jack. No ambition, no passion. Nothing."

She allowed some silence. He said nothing.

"After I knew we couldn't have children, I had hoped we could at least have a shared success, Jack. A common goal. My business. Our business. But you preferred your dull, little nine to five bean-counting job. Damn, Jack, you could have been my Chief Financial Officer. I even dreamed of having you at my side while we conquered the country..."

A softer look had replaced her steely gaze. But that was just for a second. She laughed bitterly.

"You turned it down. Just like that."

Jack's eyebrows rose.

"You never asked me, honey," he said. His voice sounded dry. There were no emotions.

Sue sat up with a start. It made her tits bounce.

"Ask? Should I have asked? You saw me struggle that first year when I opened three new branches. You saw the financial problems. Did you ever think of helping me? Ever?"

He also sat up, leaning against the headboard. My God, he thought, she looks so beautiful, even now. He closed his eyes to erase the image. It didn't work.

"Yes, honey," he said, opening his eyes again. "I did. I financed your start. I borrowed money for you, as only my solid job was collateral enough to get it, remember? I risked my job to get you the money you needed to buy the agency."

She winced and made a throwaway gesture.

"Old hat, Jack! Old, old hat. Please, don't always remind me of that. I have paid it all back."

She pulled the sheet around her. He silently thanked her for that.

"But, Jack, before you try to be smart with me, where the fuck were you when I worked my ass off to earn the money to pay that loan back? Did you ever think of assisting me? Even a tiny bit?"

"Oh, but I did, honey," he said. "I helped you plan. I advised you when you wanted to invest. I consulted the best experts for you. I went through all of your books and gave you advice, remember? Oh, I'm sure you remember. I pointed out where you took dangerous risks. I even told you how to reach your goal without taking such risks. It took me weeks to draw up a sound plan. It might have cost you maybe one extra year. But it would ..."

She raised her hands. Her face looked as if a truckload of shit had been dumped into the room.

"You advised? You pointed out? Goddammit, Jack. You only hung on my legs pulling me down. You dragged your feet, whining about the, quote, dangerous investments."

She made the cliché "quote" signs with crooked fingers. He hated that.

"Well, you stupid idiot," she went on. "I didn't want to wait an extra year. I took those risks and now look where I am. Look where you are, you little, mousy man. Dragging yourself to your silly little office each boring day, counting, counting..."

She made funny faces while telling her story. Then she snickered.

"Admit it, Jack. I outgrew you. I made friends in places you could only dream of. People look up to me, Jack. They see me. I arrived at a turn in the road where you can't follow. I made it, Jack! And I made it all on my own."

She sat back on her heels. Her face was flushed from excitement. The sheet had slipped off her perfect tits. He watched them sadly.

"Congratulations, Sue," he said. "Can I go now? You had your fun, I guess."

She chuckled.

"Oh no, honey. The best is yet to come. Remember how you asked if I wanted a divorce?"

The word made him look up. She laughed.

"I must admit you startled me, Jack. Not with the question, to be sure. I actually thought, phew, will he ever ask? But the timing didn't suit me. You see, darling..."

She leant forward. It allowed her tits to dangle freely.

"You see, I really want to divorce you. Jack. There are few things I need more. I ache to finally be free of this dead weight called Jack Mumsford. But it has to be on my terms, honey. Please sit back and listen!"

She pulled up the sheet again.

"Jack...I have a buyer for my travel company. And it is such an awesome amount of money he is prepared to pay, that I can't refuse. We are talking almost a hundred million dollars here, darling."

She shone with pride, daring him to respond.

He just stared.

"Well, anyway," she went on with a tiny hint of disappointment at his lack of response. "You see...if I'd sell while married to you, half of that sweet money might end up being yours. Now why would I share my hard earned money with a loser like you, Jack?"

She grinned.

"No, darling," she continued. "I wanted the divorce very much. But in order to keep my hard earned money, I needed it to be on my conditions. It should be a divorce where I did not have to share at all. So I needed you to cheat on me."

Another silence he did not fill. She went on, smiling.

"But how would such a boringly straight arrow cheat on his loving wife? Even after treating you like I did, you just sat sulking. So that's when I put on my little show. You just weren't curious enough to find out on your own. So I had to drag you into the front seat."

She stretched, pushing her excited nipples into the sheet.

"I knew you would be visiting your client here, Jack. I dropped the little matchbook, remember? I knew that would trigger even your curiosity. And I knew how my little tryst with the guys would hit you. They are just two cocks in an endless row, honey. Many have fucked me. And many more will. I'll be one rich slut, darling. Men will kill for me."

Her eyes shone.

"I knew what seeing me with those guys would do to you. I know you so well, Jack. I knew you'd be back. So here I was, today. Or rather, my slutty red headed sister, waiting for you. Here she is!"

She struck a mockingly sexy pose.

"My fuck buddies filmed all we did, darling. They filmed us at the bar. They caught us on the way up here. And oh yes! In here. Every hump, every groan has been recorded, darling. You were just too besotted to notice! It is all on a pretty little disk. I'll have a copy made for you, if only for old times' sake."

She snickered.

"Jack," she said. "Jack, honey, you are fucked. Royally fucked. I have proof that you cheated on me with a red headed whore in a hotel far away from home. I know she was I. So do you. But that is so very immaterial in court, isn't it?"

She slid from the bed, standing naked. She cupped her breasts and presented them to him. She pouted her mouth in a kiss.

"I have the divorce papers ready for your signature, Jack. You'll be served and you'll get nothing, nothing, nothing!"

Her chuckle had become a cackle. It made her look ugly.

"May I go now?" he said.


After returning home he didn't see Sue for days. What he did see was a man at his doorstep. The man gave him a big envelope. It contained the divorce papers.

He asked the man if he'd like a coffee or a drink, but he declined politely and left. So Jack poured a coffee for himself and opened the envelope. Ah yes, the reason for divorce was not adultery, he saw. Just insurmountable differences. He saw that Sue would allow him the house and one of the beemers. Their meager savings would be split.

There was a separate letter. In it Sue advised him to accept. If he didn't he knew what she would do. And this was a state that was very kind to betrayed women.

Anyone who didn't know about Sue's plans to sell the business would think it most generous. If he would not fight the conditions of the settlement, as she proposed it, he'd forfeit all his rights to any part of the agency. If instead he decided to fight the conditions, she'd make public the disk. She would not only do that in court, but also by sending it to their friends, his family and his boss – and he'd forfeit all rights to the travel agency anyway. Yes, he mused. That must be her train of thought.

He sipped his coffee.

Then he made a phone call. It was a long one. After he hung up, he filled a big thermos with fresh coffee and retired to his little home office.

He stayed there until the thermos was empty.

Two hours passed. He made another phone call. Then he signed the papers, took a shower and left the house. He found her lawyer's office. He dropped off the signed papers. Then he went to eat a bite in a downtown restaurant.

He whistled.


Jack Mumsford and Sue Lyndon were divorced on the twelfth of April. The IRS raided six of Sue's agencies on the thirteenth. A Friday. They found out that Sue hadn't paid most of her taxes over the last three years. They also found quite a bit of evidence concerning fraud.

The little travel empire was never sold.

Sue Lyndon found her destination as a slut, but we may doubt that she had planned it to be under the supervision of two bull dykes in the state penitentiary.

Her financial officer and her lawyer (who showed a remarkable likeness to two gentlemen in a bar at a hotel three towns over) were also convicted for their participation in the fraudulent activities. They would have been in prison, had they not fled the country with most of the agency's reserves.

And Jack?

Well, Jack had resisted telling Sue he had been the one to inform the IRS. He did not tell her he'd been the one who gave them all the evidence and had told them where to look.

He also never told her that he still loved her.

He sold the pompous house and the BMW. He rented a nice apartment close to work. He got promoted twice before finding an average woman with beautiful eyes that saw him. They now live in an average house in an average suburb.

Their two average children are the most extraordinary gift they have ever received.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I’ll give it 4 stars. Better than some of the others but still tainted with the undertones of a delusional feminist psyche. “He also never told her that he still loved her.” Hahahahahaha. There are situations where the love extinguishes immediately. Also, there are plenty of average Joe Blows that would dump a stone cold fox to avoid all the high maintenance drama. After the wife’s smug speech, I doubt there is a heterosexual, non-cuckold loving man alive that would hold any love in his heart for such a traitorous woman.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

If that you photo fantastic women. Harry scary doesn’t notice Bi.

Maybe I read too much into story. He knew what happening along ( jack ).

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9. ( love is ? )

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I some times think that women and kids are a blessing and a curse.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yep let her know he came out on top. She lost. Now Big Bertha will have a new lover rofl.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

i completely disagree @Busman19639, can you imagine our entire life falling apart and ending up in jail and you don't even know why? its like the universe itself dropped trou just to shit on you in particular, its hilarious

Busman19639Busman19639about 1 year ago

Revenge is no good unless the other party is aware of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Agree with others, he should have let her know he was behind her downfall. It could have been a great scene during visiting hours in her orange jumpsuit. But enjoyed it a lot anyways, good steamy sex scenes, despicable antagonist, retribution.... 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"What good was it to screw her over and not let her know somehow?" Good question, Anonymous.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What good was it to screw her over and not let her know somehow?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don't mess with a bean counter. Yes they are boring but boy do they plan well

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 1 year ago

My eyes... My eyes.... Please someone give me Acid for my eyes. I don't wanna keep them anymore after reading this.

Actions of a Stupid man. Nothing more , nothing.

Though at the End Author tried to justify but How much you try to hide a Wolf in a Sheepskin it would a wolf. So a poor attempt in my eyes.

Yes Female protagonist was right in some way.

Being average, Simple or plain Invisible isn't a big thing but sometimes you have to take control of your life from the Front Lines.

But what do i know Humans are a Polarized race. They can't comprehend being right and wrong both at the same time.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I liked it. She was certainly one-dimensional, but sometimes we need someone to hate and she filled the bill.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionabout 2 years ago

I liked it ...BUT... the thing that was a little too far of a stretch to me was the complete flip flop in character. 4 stars.

Helen1899Helen1899about 2 years ago

Enjoyed it loved the end

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